< Isaiah 33 >

1 Wo to thee, that robbest; whether and thou schalt not be robbid? and that dispisist, whether and thou schalt not be dispisid? Whanne thou hast endid robbyng, thou schalt be robbid; and whanne thou maad weri ceessist to dispise, thou schalt be dispisid.
Woe to you who destroy, but you weren’t destroyed, and who betray, but nobody betrayed you! When you have finished destroying, you will be destroyed; and when you have finished betrayal, you will be betrayed.
2 Lord, haue thou merci on vs, for we abiden thee; be thou oure arm in the morewtid, and oure helthe in the tyme of tribulacioun.
Yahweh, be gracious to us. We have waited for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation also in the time of trouble.
3 Puplis fledden fro the vois of the aungel; hethene men ben scaterid of thin enhaunsyng.
At the noise of the thunder, the peoples have fled. When you lift yourself up, the nations are scattered.
4 And youre spuylis schulen be gaderid togidere, as a bruke is gaderid togidere, as whanne dichis ben ful therof.
Your plunder will be gathered as the caterpillar gathers. Men will leap on it as locusts leap.
5 The Lord is magnefied, for he dwellide an hiy, he fillid Sion with doom and riytfulnesse.
Yahweh is exalted, for he dwells on high. He has filled Zion with justice and righteousness.
6 And feith schal be in thi tymes; the ritchessis of helthe is wisdom and kunnynge; the drede of the Lord, thilke is the tresour of hym.
There will be stability in your times, abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge. The fear of Yahweh is your treasure.
7 Lo! seeris withoutenforth schulen crye, aungels of pees schulen wepe bittirli.
Behold, their valiant ones cry outside; the ambassadors of peace weep bitterly.
8 Weies ben distried, a goere bi the path ceesside; the couenaunt is maad voide, he castide doun citees, he arettide not men.
The highways are desolate. The traveling man ceases. The covenant is broken. He has despised the cities. He doesn’t respect man.
9 The lond morenyde, and was sijk; the Liban was schent, and was foul; and Saron is maad as desert, and Basan is schakun, and Carmele.
The land mourns and languishes. Lebanon is confounded and withers away. Sharon is like a desert, and Bashan and Carmel are stripped bare.
10 Now Y schal ryse, seith the Lord, now I schal be enhaunsid, and now I schal be reisid vp.
“Now I will arise,” says Yahweh. “Now I will lift myself up. Now I will be exalted.
11 Ye schulen conseyue heete, ye schulen brynge forth stobil; youre spirit as fier schal deuoure you.
You will conceive chaff. You will give birth to stubble. Your breath is a fire that will devour you.
12 And puplis schulen be as aischis of the brennyng; thornes gaderid togidere schulen be brent in fier.
The peoples will be like the burning of lime, like thorns that are cut down and burned in the fire.
13 Ye that ben fer, here what thingis Y haue do; and, ye neiyboris, knowe my strengthe.
Hear, you who are far off, what I have done; and, you who are near, acknowledge my might.”
14 Synneris ben al to-brokun in Syon, tremblyng weldide ipocritis; who of you mai dwelle with fier deuowringe? who of you schal dwelle with euerlastinge brennyngis?
The sinners in Zion are afraid. Trembling has seized the godless ones. Who among us can live with the devouring fire? Who among us can live with everlasting burning?
15 He that goith in riytfulnessis, and spekith treuthe; he that castith awei aueryce of fals calenge, and schakith awei his hondis fro al yifte; he that stoppith his eeris, that he heere not blood, and closith his iyen, that he se not yuel.
He who walks righteously and speaks blamelessly, he who despises the gain of oppressions, who gestures with his hands, refusing to take a bribe, who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed, and shuts his eyes from looking at evil—
16 This man schal dwelle in hiy thingis, the strengthis of stoonys ben the hiynesse of hym; breed is youun to hym, hise watris ben feithful.
he will dwell on high. His place of defense will be the fortress of rocks. His bread will be supplied. His waters will be sure.
17 Thei schulen se the kyng in his fairnesse; the iyen of hym schulen biholde the londe fro fer.
Your eyes will see the king in his beauty. They will see a distant land.
18 Eliachym, thin herte schal bithenke drede; where is the lettrid man? Where is he that weieth the wordis of the lawe? where is the techere of litle children?
Your heart will meditate on the terror. Where is he who counted? Where is he who weighed? Where is he who counted the towers?
19 Thou schalt not se a puple vnwijs, a puple of hiy word, so that thou maist not vndurstonde the fair speking of his tunge, in which puple is no wisdom.
You will no longer see the fierce people, a people of a deep speech that you can’t comprehend, with a strange language that you can’t understand.
20 Biholde thou Sion, the citee of youre solempnyte; thin iyen schulen se Jerusalem, a riche citee, a tabernacle that mai not be borun ouer, nether the nailis therof schulen be takun awei withouten ende; and alle the cordis therof schulen not be brokun.
Look at Zion, the city of our appointed festivals. Your eyes will see Jerusalem, a quiet habitation, a tent that won’t be removed. Its stakes will never be plucked up, nor will any of its cords be broken.
21 For oneli the worschipful doere oure Lord God is there; the place of floodis is strondis ful large and opyn; the schip of roweris schal not entre bi it, nethir a greet schip schal passe ouer it.
But there Yahweh will be with us in majesty, a place of wide rivers and streams, in which no galley with oars will go, neither will any gallant ship pass by there.
22 For whi the Lord is oure iuge, the Lord is oure lawe yyuere, the Lord is oure kyng; he schal saue vs.
For Yahweh is our judge. Yahweh is our lawgiver. Yahweh is our king. He will save us.
23 Thi roopis ben slakid, but tho schulen not auaile; thi mast schal be so, that thou mow not alarge a signe. Thanne the spuylis of many preyes schulen be departid, crokid men schulen rauysche raueyn.
Your rigging is untied. They couldn’t strengthen the foot of their mast. They couldn’t spread the sail. Then the prey of a great plunder was divided. The lame took the prey.
24 And a neiybore schal seie, Y was not sijk; the puple that dwellith in that Jerusalem, wickidnesse schal be takun awei fro it.
The inhabitant won’t say, “I am sick.” The people who dwell therein will be forgiven their iniquity.

< Isaiah 33 >