< Isaiah 32 >

1 Lo! the kyng schal regne in riytfulnesse, and princes schulen be souereyns in doom.
看哪,必有一王凭公义行政; 必有首领借公平掌权。
2 And a man schal be, as he that is hid fro wynd, and hidith hym silf fro tempest; as stremes of watris in thirst, and the schadewe of a stoon stondynge fer out in a desert lond.
必有一人像避风所和避暴雨的隐密处, 又像河流在干旱之地, 像大磐石的影子在疲乏之地。
3 The iyen of profetis schulen not dasewe, and the eeris of heereris schulen herke diligentli;
那能看的人,眼不再昏迷; 能听的人,耳必得听闻。
4 and the herte of foolis schal vndurstonde kunnyng, and the tunge of stuttynge men schal speke swiftli, and pleynli.
冒失人的心必明白知识; 结巴人的舌必说话通快。
5 He that is vnwijs, schal no more be clepid prince, and a gileful man schal not be clepid the grettere.
愚顽人不再称为高明; 吝啬人不再称为大方。
6 Forsothe a fool shal speke foli thingis, and his herte schal do wickidnesse, that he performe feynyng, and speke to the Lord gilefuli; and he schal make voide the soule of an hungry man, and schal take awei drynke fro a thirsti man.
因为愚顽人必说愚顽话, 心里想作罪孽, 惯行亵渎的事, 说错谬的话攻击耶和华, 使饥饿的人无食可吃, 使口渴的人无水可喝。
7 The vessels of a gileful man ben worste; for he schal make redi thouytis to leese mylde men in the word of a leesyng, whanne a pore man spak doom.
吝啬人所用的法子是恶的; 他图谋恶计, 用谎言毁灭谦卑人; 穷乏人讲公理的时候, 他也是这样行。
8 Forsothe a prince schal thenke tho thingis that ben worthi to a prince, and he schal stonde ouer duykis.
高明人却谋高明事, 在高明事上也必永存。
9 Riche wymmen, rise ye, and here my vois; douytris tristynge, perseyue ye with eeris my speche.
安逸的妇女啊,起来听我的声音! 无虑的女子啊,侧耳听我的言语!
10 For whi aftir daies and a yeer, and ye that tristen schulen be disturblid; for whi vyndage is endid, gaderyng schal no more come.
无虑的女子啊,再过一年多,必受骚扰; 因为无葡萄可摘, 无果子可收。
11 Ye riche wymmen, be astonyed; ye that tristen, be disturblid; vnclothe ye you, and be ye aschamed;
安逸的妇女啊,要战兢; 无虑的女子啊,要受骚扰。 脱去衣服,赤着身体, 腰束麻布。
12 girde youre leendis; weile ye on brestis, on desirable cuntrei, on the plenteuouse vyner.
她们必为美好的田地 和多结果的葡萄树,捶胸哀哭。
13 Thornes and breris schulen stie on the erthe of my puple; hou myche more on alle the housis of ioie of the citee makynge ful out ioie?
荆棘蒺藜必长在我百姓的地上, 又长在欢乐的城中和一切快乐的房屋上。
14 For whi the hous is left, the multitude of the citee is forsakun; derknessis and gropyng ben maad on dennes, `til in to with outen ende. The ioie of wield assis is the lesewe of flockis;
因为宫殿必被撇下, 多民的城必被离弃; 山冈望楼永为洞穴, 作野驴所喜乐的, 为羊群的草场。
15 til the spirit be sched out on us fro an hiy, and the desert schal be in to Chermel, and Chermel schal be arettid in to a forest.
等到圣灵从上浇灌我们, 旷野就变为肥田, 肥田看如树林。
16 And doom schal dwelle in wildirnesse, and riytfulnesse schal sitte in Chermel;
那时,公平要居在旷野; 公义要居在肥田。
17 and the werk of riytfulnesse schal be pees, and the tilthe of riytfulnesse schal be stilnesse and sikirnesse, `til in to with outen ende.
公义的果效必是平安; 公义的效验必是平稳,直到永远。
18 And my puple schal sitte in the fairnesse of pees, and in the tabernaclis of trist, and in riche reste.
我的百姓必住在平安的居所, 安稳的住处,平静的安歇所。
19 But hail schal be in the coming doun of the foreste, and bi lownesse the citee schal be maad low.
(但要降冰雹打倒树林; 城必全然拆平。)
20 Blessid ben ye, that sowen on alle watris, and putten yn the foot of an oxe and of an asse.
你们在各水边撒种、 牧放牛驴的有福了!

< Isaiah 32 >