< Isaiah 28 >

1 Wo to the coroun of pride, to the drunkun men of Effraym, and to the flour fallynge doun of the glorie of the ful out ioiyng therof, that weren in the cop of the fatteste valei, and erriden of wyn.
Væ coronæ superbiæ, ebriis Ephraim, et flori decidenti, gloriæ exsultationis ejus, qui erant in vertice vallis pinguissimæ, errantes a vino.
2 Lo! the myyti and strong Lord, as the feersnesse of hail, a whirlwynd brekynge togidere, as the fersnesse of many watris flowynge, and sent out on a large lond.
Ecce validus et fortis Dominus sicut impetus grandinis; turbo confringens, sicut impetus aquarum multarum inundantium et emissarum super terram spatiosam.
3 The coroun of pride of the drunken men of Effraym schal be defoulid with feet,
Pedibus conculcabitur corona superbiæ ebriorum Ephraim.
4 and the flour of glorie of the ful out ioiyng of hym, that is on the cop of valei of fat thingis, schal be fallyng doun, as a tymeli thing bifore the ripenesse of heruest; which whanne a man seynge biholdith, anoon as he takith with hond, he schal deuoure it.
Et erit flos decidens gloriæ exsultationis ejus, qui est super verticem vallis pinguium, quasi temporaneum ante maturitatem autumni, quod, cum aspexerit videns, statim ut manu tenuerit, devorabit illud.
5 In that dai the Lord of oostis schal be a coroun of glorie, and a garlond of ful out ioiyng, to the residue of his puple;
In die illa erit Dominus exercituum corona gloriæ, et sertum exsultationis residuo populi sui;
6 and a spirit of doom to hym that sittith on the trone, and strengthe to hem that turnen ayen fro batel to the yate.
et spiritus judicii sedenti super judicium, et fortitudo revertentibus de bello ad portam.
7 But also thei knewen not for wyn, and erriden for drunkenesse; the preest and profete knewen not for drunkenesse; thei weren sopun up of wyn, thei erriden in drunkenesse; thei knewen not a profete, thei knewen not doom.
Verum hi quoque præ vino nescierunt, et præ ebrietate erraverunt; sacerdos et propheta nescierunt præ ebrietate; absorpti sunt a vino, erraverunt in ebrietate, nescierunt videntem, ignoraverunt judicium.
8 For whi alle bordis weren fillid with spuyng and filthis, so that ther was no more place.
Omnes enim mensæ repletæ sunt vomitu sordiumque, ita ut non esset ultra locus.
9 Whom schal he teche kunnyng, and whom schal he make to vndurstonde heryng? Men wenyd fro mylk, men drawun awei fro tetis.
Quem docebit scientiam? et quem intelligere faciet auditum? Ablactatos a lacte, avulsos ab uberibus.
10 For whi comaunde thou, comaunde thou ayen; comaunde thou, comaunde thou ayen; abide thou, abide thou ayen; abide thou, abide thou ayen; a litil there, a litil there.
Quia manda, remanda; manda, remanda; exspecta, reexspecta; exspecta, reexspecta; modicum ibi, modicum ibi.
11 For whi in speche of lippe, and in other langage he schal speke to this puple,
In loquela enim labii, et lingua altera loquetur ad populum istum.
12 to which he seide, This is my reste; refreische ye a weri man, and this is my refreischyng; and thei nolden here.
Cui dixit: Hæc est requies mea, reficite lassum; et hoc est meum refrigerium: et noluerunt audire.
13 And the word of the Lord schal be to hem, Sende thou, sende thou ayen; send thou, sende thou ayen; abide thou, abide thou ayen; abide thou, abide thou ayen; a litil there, a litil there; that thei go, and falle backward, and be al to-brokun, and be snarid, and be takun.
Et erit eis verbum Domini: Manda, remanda; manda, remanda; exspecta, reexspecta; exspecta, reexspecta; modicum ibi, modicum ibi; ut vadant, et cadant retrorsum, et conterantur, et illaqueentur, et capiantur.
14 For this thing, ye men scorneris, that ben lordis ouer my puple which is in Jerusalem, here the word of the Lord.
Propter hoc audite verbum Domini, viri illusores, qui dominamini super populum meum, qui est in Jerusalem.
15 For ye seiden, We han smyte a boond of pees with deth, and we han maad couenaunt with helle; a scourge flowynge whanne it schal passe, schal not come on vs, for we han set a leesyng oure hope, and we ben kyuered with a leesyng. (Sheol h7585)
Dixistis enim: Percussimus fœdus cum morte, et cum inferno fecimus pactum: flagellum inundans cum transierit, non veniet super nos quia posuimus mendacium spem nostram, et mendacio protecti sumus. (Sheol h7585)
16 Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal sende in the foundementis of Sion a corner stoon preciouse, preuyd, foundid in the foundement; he that bileueth, schal not haaste.
Idcirco hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego mittam in fundamentis Sion lapidem, lapidem probatum, angularem, pretiosum, in fundamento fundatum; qui crediderit, non festinet.
17 And Y schal sette doom in weiyte, and riytfulnesse in mesure; and hail schal distrie the hope of leesyng, and watris schulen flowe on proteccioun. And youre boond of pees with deth schal be don awei,
Et ponam in pondere judicium, et justitiam in mensura; et subvertet grando spem mendacii, et protectionem aquæ inundabunt.
18 and youre couenaunt with helle schal not stonde; whanne the scourge flowynge schal passe, ye schulen be to it in to defoulyng. (Sheol h7585)
Et delebitur fœdus vestrum cum morte, et pactum vestrum cum inferno non stabit: flagellum inundans cum transierit, eritis ei in conculcationem. (Sheol h7585)
19 Whanne euer it schal passe, it schal take awei yow; for whi erli in the grey morewtid it schal passe, in dai and niyt; and oonli trauel aloone schal yyue vndurstondyng to heryng.
Quandocumque pertransierit, tollet vos, quoniam in mane diluculo pertransibit in die et in nocte; et tantummodo sola vexatio intellectum dabit auditui.
20 Forsothe the bed is streit, so that the tother falle doun; and a schort mentil schal not hile euer either.
Coangustatum est enim stratum, ita ut alter decidat; et pallium breve utrumque operire non potest.
21 For as in the hil of departyngis the Lord schal stonde, as in the valei, which is in Gabaon, he schal be wroth, that he do his werk; his werk alien, that he worche his werk; his werk is straunge fro hym.
Sicut enim in monte divisionum stabit Dominus; sicut in valle quæ est in Gabaon irascetur, ut faciat opus suum, alienum opus ejus: ut operetur opus suum, peregrinum est opus ejus ab eo.
22 And now nyle ye scorne, lest perauenture youre boondis be maad streit togidere; for Y herde of the Lord God of oostis, endyng and abreggyng on al erthe.
Et nunc nolite illudere, ne forte constringantur vincula vestra; consummationem enim et abbreviationem audivi a Domino Deo exercituum, super universam terram.
23 Perseyue ye with eeris, and here ye my vois; perseyue ye, and here ye my speche.
Auribus percipite, et audite vocem meam: attendite, et audite eloquium meum.
24 Whether he that erith, schal ere al dai, for to sowe, and schal be kerue, and purge his londe?
Numquid tota die arabit arans ut serat? proscindet et sarriet humum suam?
25 Whether whanne he hath maad euene the face therof, schal he not sowe gith, and sprenge abrood comyn? and he schal not sette wheete bi ordre, and barli, and mylium, and fetchis in his coostis?
Nonne cum adæquaverit faciem ejus, seret gith et cyminum sparget? et ponet triticum per ordinem, et hordeum, et milium, et viciam in finibus suis?
26 And his God schal teche hym, in doom he schal teche hym.
Et erudiet illum in judicio; Deus suus docebit illum.
27 Forsothe gith schal not be threischid in sawis, and a wheel of a wayn schal not cumpasse on comyn; but gith schal be betun out with a yerd, and comyn with a staf.
Non enim in serris triturabitur gith, nec rota plaustri super cyminum circuibit; sed in virga excutietur gith, et cyminum in baculo.
28 Sotheli breed schal be maad lesse, but he that threischith schal not threische it with outen ende, nether schal trauele it with a wheel of a wayn, nether schal make it lesse with hise clees.
Panis autem comminuetur; verum non in perpetuum triturans triturabit illum, neque vexabit eum rota plaustri, neque ungulis suis comminuet eum.
29 And this thing yede out of the Lord God of oostis, that he schulde make wondirful councel, and magnefie riytfulnesse.
Et hoc a Domino Deo exercituum exivit, ut mirabile faceret consilium, et magnificaret justitiam.

< Isaiah 28 >