< Isaiah 23 >

1 The birthun of Tire. Ye schippis of the see, yelle, for the hous is distried, fro whennus coumfort was wont to come; fro the lond of Cethym, and was schewid to hem.
ツロに係るおもにの預言 いはく/タルシシのもろもろの舟よなきさけべ ツロは荒廢れて屋なく入べきところなければなり かれら此事をキツテムの地にて告しらせらる
2 Be ye stille, that dwellen in the ile, the marchaundie of Sidon; men passynge the see filliden thee in many watris;
うみべの民よもだせ 曩には海をゆきかふシドンの商賣くさぐさの物をかしこに充せたり
3 the seed of Nylus is heruest, the flood is the corn therof, and it is maad the marchaundie of hethene men.
ツロは大なる水をわたりくるシホルの種物とナイルがはの穀物とによりて収納をえたり ツロはもろもろの國のつどふ市なりき
4 Thou, Sidon, be aschamed, seide the see, the strengthe of the see, and seide, Y trauelide not of child, and Y childide not, and Y nurschide not yonge men, and Y brouyte not fulli virgyns to encreessyng.
シドンよはづべし そは海すなはち海城かくいへり曰く われ苦しまずうまず壯男をやしなはず處女をそだてざりきと
5 Whanne it schal be herd in Egipt, thei schulen make sorewe, whanne thei heren of Tire.
6 Passe ye the sees; yelle ye, that dwellen in the ile.
なんぢらタルシシにわたれ 海邊のたみよ汝等なきさけぶべし
7 Whether this citee is not youre, that hadde glorie fro elde daies in his eldnesse? the feet therof schulen lede it fer, to go in pilgrymage.
8 Who thouyte this thing on Tire sum tyme crownede, whos marchauntis weren princes, the selleris of marchaundie therof weren noble men of erthe?
斯のごとくツロに對ひてはかりしは誰なるか ツロは冕をさづけし邑 その中のあきうどは君 その中の貿易するものは地のたふとき者なりき
9 The Lord of oostis thouyte this thing, that he schulde drawe doun the pride of al glorie, and that he schulde bringe to schenschipe alle the noble men of erthe.
これ萬軍のヱホバの定め給ふところにして すべて華美にかざれる驕奢をけがし地のもろもろの貴者をひくくしたまはんが爲なり
10 Thou douyter of the see, passe thi lond as a flood; a girdil is no more to thee.
タルシシの女よナイルのごとく己が地にあふれよ なんぢを結びかたむる帶ふたたびなかるべし
11 It stretchide forth his hond aboue the see, and disturblide rewmes. The Lord sente ayenes Canaan, for to al to-breke the stronge men therof;
ヱホバその手を海の上にのべて國々をふるひうごかし給へり ヱホバ、カナンにつきて詔命をいだしその保砦をこぼたしめたまふ
12 and he seide, Thou maide, the douyter of Sidon, that suffrist caleng, schalt no more adde, that thou haue glorie. Rise thou, and passe ouer the see in to Sechym; there also no reste schal be to thee.
彼いひたまはく虐げられたる處女シドンのむすめよ 汝ふたたびよろこぶことなかるべし 起てキツテムにわたれ彼處にてなんぢまた安息をえじ
13 Lo! the lond of Caldeis, sich a puple was not; Assur foundide that Tyre; thei ledden ouer in to caitifte the strong men therof; thei myneden the housis therof, thei settiden it in to fallyng.
カルデヤ人のくにを視よ この民はふたたびあることなし アツスリヤ人この國を野のけものの居所にさだめたり かれら櫓をたてもろもろの殿をこぼちて荒墟となせり
14 Yelle, ye schippis of the see, for youre strengthe is distried.
タルシシのもろもろの舟よなきさけべ なんぢの保砦はくだかれたり
15 And it schal be, in that dai, thou Tire, schalt be in foryetyng bi seuenti yeer, as the daies of o king; but aftir seuenti yeer, as the song of an hoore schal be to Tyre.
その日ツロは七十年のあひだ忘れらるべし ひとりの王のながらふる日のかずなり七十年終りてのちツロは妓女のうたの如くならん
16 Thou hoore, youun to foryetyng, take an harpe, cumpasse the citee; synge thou wel, vse thou ofte a song, that mynde be of thee.
さきに忘れられたるうかれめよ琴をとりて城市をへめぐり 巧に弾じておほくの歌をうたひ人にふたたび記念らるべし
17 And it schal be, aftir seuenti yeer, the Lord schal visite Tire, and schal brynge it ayen to hise hiris; and eft it schal be, whanne it schal do fornycacioun with alle rewmes of erthe, on the face of erthe.
七十年をはりてヱホバまたツロを顧みたまはん ツロはふたたびその利潤をえて地のおもてにあるもろもろの國と淫をおこなふべし
18 And the marchaundies therof and the meedis therof schulen be halewid to the Lord; tho schulen not be hid, nethir schulen be leid vp; for whi the marchaundie therof schal be to hem that dwellen bifore the Lord, that thei ete to fulnesse, and be clothid `til to eldnesse.
その貿易とその獲たる利潤とはきよめてヱホバに獻ぐべければ之をたくはへず積ことをせざるなり その貿易はヱホバの前にをるものの用となり飽くらふ料となり華美なるころもの料とならん

< Isaiah 23 >