< Isaiah 2 >

1 The word which Ysaie, the sone of Amos, siy on Juda and Jerusalem.
Vitu ambavyo Isaya mtoto Amozi alivijua katika maono, kuhusu Yuda na Yerusalemu.
2 And in the laste daies the hil of the hous of the Lord schal be maad redi in the cop of hillis, and schal be reisid aboue litle hillis. And alle hethene men schulen flowe to hym;
Na itakuwa katika siku za mwisho, ule mlima wa nyumba ya Yahwe itaanzishwa kama mlima mrefu zaidi, na utanyanyuliwa juu ya vilima, na mataifa yote yatakusanyika pale.
3 and many puplis schulen go, and schulen seie, Come ye, stie we to the hil of the Lord, and to the hous of God of Jacob; and he schal teche vs hise weies, and we schulen go in the pathis of hym. For whi the lawe schal go out of Syon, and the word of the Lord fro Jerusalem.
Watu wengi watakuja na kusema, ''Njooni, twendeni juu ya mlima wa Yahwe, kwenye nyumba ya Mungu wa Yakobo, kwa hiyo anaweza kutufundisha baadhi ya njia zake na tunaweza kutembea katika njia zake.'' Nje ya Sayuni itaenda sheria na neno la Yahwe litatoka Yerualemu.
4 And he schal deme hethene men, and he schal repreue many puplis; and thei schulen welle togidere her swerdes in to scharris, and her speris in to sikelis, ether sithes; folk schal no more reise swerd ayens folk, and thei schulen no more be exercisid to batel.
Atahukumu kati ya mataifa na atatoa maamuzi kwa watu wote; watayapiga nyungo mapanga yao kuwa majembe, na mikiku yao kama ya kukatia ndoano; taifa halitanyanyua upanga juu ya taifa lingine, na wala hawata jiandaa kwa vita tena.
5 Come ye, the hous of Jacob, and go we in the liyt of the Lord.
Nyumba ya Yakobo, njooni, na tutembee katika mwanga wa Yahwe.
6 Forsothe thou hast cast awei thi puple, the hous of Jacob, for thei ben fillid as sum tyme bifore; and thei hadden false dyuynouris bi the chiteryng of briddis, as Filisteis, and thei cleuyden to alien children.
Kwa maana mmewatekeleza watu wenu, nyumba ya Yakobo, wamejazwa na desturi kutoka mashariki na dalili kutokea kama mfilisti, na watasalimiana kwa mikono na wana wa wageni.
7 The lond is fillid with siluer and gold, and noon ende is of the tresouris therof; and the lond therof is fillid with horsis, and the foure horsid cartis therof ben vnnoumbrable.
Nchi yao imejaa fedha na dhahabu, na hakuna mipaka katika utajiri wao; nchi yao pia imejaa farasi, wala hakuna mipika ya magari.
8 And the lond therof is fillid with ydols, and thei worschipiden the werk of her hondis, which her fyngris maden;
Nchi yao pia imejaa sanamu; wanaabu utengenezaji wa mikono yao wenyewe, vitu aambavyo vidole vyao vimetengeneza.
9 and a man bowide hymsilf, and a man of ful age was maad low. Therfor foryyue thou not to hem.
Watu watainama chini, na kila mmoja atanguka chini; hivyo basi msiwanyanyue juu.
10 Entre thou, puple of Juda, in to a stoon, be thou hid in a diche in erthe, fro the face of the drede of the Lord, and fro the glorie of his mageste.
Nendeni maeneo yenye miamba na mjifiche kwenye aridhi kwa hofu ya Yahwe na kwa utukufu wa enzi yake.
11 The iyen of an hiy man ben maad low, and the hiynesse of men schal be bowid doun; forsothe the Lord aloone schal be enhaunsid in that dai.
Mtu anaye tazama kwa kujivuna atashushw chini, na kiburi cha watu kitashushwa chini, na Yahwe mwenyewe atainuliwa siku hiyo.
12 For the dai of the Lord of oostis schal be on ech proud man and hiy, and on ech boostere, and he schal be maad low;
Maana kutakuwa na siku ya Yahwe wa majeshi juu ya yeyote anayejigamba na kujiinua juu, na dhidi ya yeyote mwenye kiburi na atashushwa chini-
13 and on alle the cedres of the Liban hiye and reisid, and on alle the ookis of Baisan,
na dhidi ya mierezi ya Lebanoni iliyo juu na kupandishwa juu, na dhidi ya mialoni ya Bashani.
14 and on alle hiy munteyns, and on alle litle hillis, `that ben reisid;
Siku hiyo ya Yahwe wa majeshi itakuwa dhidi ya milima yote mirefu, na dhidi ya vilima vyote vilivyonyanyuliwa juu,
15 and on ech hiy tour, and on ech strong wal;
na dhidi ya minara mirefu, na dhidi ya kila ukutaunaojitokeza,
16 and on alle schippis of Tharsis, and on al thing which is fair in siyt.
na dhidi ya merikebu zote za Tarshishi, na dhidi ya vyombo vizuri vya meli.
17 And al the hiynesse of men schal be bowid doun, and the hiynesse of men schal be maad low; and the Lord aloone schal be reisid in that dai,
Kiburi cha mwanaume kitashushwa chini, na kiburi cha wanaume kitaanguka; Yahwe mwenyewe atainuliwa siku hiyo.
18 and idols schulen be brokun togidere outirli.
Sanamu zote zitaondolewa.
19 And thei schulen entre in to dennes of stoonys, and in to the swolewis of erthe, fro the face of the inward drede of the Lord, and fro the glorie of his maieste, whanne he schal ryse to smyte the lond.
Wanaume wataingia kwenye mapango ya miamba na mashimo ya aridhi, kwa hofu ya Yahwe, na kwa utukufu wa enzi yake, atakapo nyanyuka na kuitisha nchi.
20 In that dai a man schal caste awei the idols of his siluer, and the symylacris of his gold, whiche he hadde maad to hym silf, for to worschipe moldewarpis and backis, `ether rere myis.
Siku hiyo watu watatupa sanamu zao za fedha na dhahabu ambazo wametengeneza wenyewe kwa ajili ya kuabudia - watazitupa mbali kwa fuko na popo.
21 And he schal entre in to chynnis, ethir crasyngis, of stoonys, and in to the caues of hard roochis, fro the face of the inward drede of the Lord, and fro the glorie of his mageste, whanne he schal ryse to smyte the lond.
Watu wataingia kwenye miamba kupitia mwanya itakuwa miamba chakavu, kwa hofu ya Yahwe na utukufu wa enzi yake,
22 Therfor ceesse ye fro a man, whos spirit is in hise nose thirlis, for he is arettid hiy.
usimwaminia mtu, ambae pumzi yake inatokea katika pua yake, ni kwa kiasi gan?

< Isaiah 2 >