< Isaiah 13 >

1 The birthun of Babiloyne, which birthun Ysaie, the sone of Amos, siy.
Onus Babylonis, quod vidit Isaias filius Amos.
2 Reise ye a signe on a myisti hil, and enhaunse ye vois; reise ye the hond, and duykis entre bi the yatis.
Super montem caliginosum levate signum, exaltate vocem, levate manum, et ingrediantur portas duces.
3 Y haue comaundid to myn halewid men, and Y clepid my stronge men in my wraththe, that maken ful out ioie in my glorie.
Ego mandavi sanctificatis meis, et vocavi fortes meos in ira mea, exultantes in gloria mea.
4 The vois of multitude in hillis, as of many puplis; the vois of sown of kyngis, of hethene men gaderit togidere. The Lord of oostis comaundide to the chyualry of batel,
Vox multitudinis in montibus, quasi populorum frequentium: vox sonitus regum, et gentium congregatarum: Dominus exercituum praecepit militiae belli,
5 to men comynge fro a fer lond. The Lord cometh fro the hiynesse of heuene, and the vessels of his strong veniaunce, that he distrie al the lond.
venientibus de terra procul, a summitate caeli: Dominus, et vasa furoris eius, ut disperdat omnem terram.
6 Yelle ye, for the dai of the Lord is niy; as wastyng it schal come of the Lord.
Ululate, quia prope est dies Domini: quasi vastitas a Domino veniet.
7 For this thing alle hondis schulen be vnmyyti, and eche herte of man schal faile,
Propter hoc, omnes manus dissolventur, et omne cor hominis contabescet,
8 and schal be al to-brokun. Gnawyngis and sorewis schulen holde Babiloyns; thei schulen haue sorewe, as they that trauelen of child. Ech man schal wondre at his neiybore; her cheris schulen be brent faces.
et conteretur. Torsiones et dolores tenebunt, quasi parturiens, dolebunt: unusquisque ad proximum suum stupebit, facies combustae vultus eorum.
9 Lo! the dai of the Lord schal come, cruel, and ful of indignacioun, and of wraththe, and of woodnesse; to sette the lond into wildirnesse, and to al to-breke the synneris therof fro that lond.
Ecce dies Domini veniet, crudelis, et indignationis plenus, et irae, furorisque ad ponendam terram in solitudinem, et peccatores eius conterendos de ea.
10 For whi the sterris of heuene and the schynyng of tho schulen not sprede abrood her liyt; the sunne is maade derk in his risyng, and the moone schal not schine in hir liyt.
Quoniam stellae caeli, et splendor earum non expandent lumen suum: obtenebratus est sol in ortu suo, et luna non splendebit in lumine suo.
11 And Y schal visite on the yuels of the world, and Y schal visite ayens wickid men the wickidnesse of hem; and Y schal make the pride of vnfeithful men for to reste, and Y schal make low the boost of stronge men.
Et visitabo super orbis mala, et contra impios iniquitatem eorum, et quiescere faciam superbiam infidelium, et arrogantiam fortium humiliabo.
12 A man of ful age schal be preciousere than gold, and a man schal be preciousere than pure gold and schynyng.
Pretiosior erit vir auro, et homo mundo obrizo.
13 On this thing I schal disturble heuene, and the erthe schal be moued fro his place; for the indignacioun of the Lord of oostis, and for the dai of wraththe of his strong veniaunce.
Super hoc caelum turbabo: et movebitur terra de loco suo propter indignationem Domini exercituum, et propter diem irae furoris eius.
14 And it schal be as a doo fleynge, and as a scheep, and noon schal be that schal gadere togidere; ech man schal turne to his puple, and alle bi hem silf schulen fle to her lond.
Et erit quasi damula fugiens, et quasi ovis: et non erit qui congreget: unusquisque ad populum suum convertetur, et singuli ad terram suam fugient.
15 Ech man that is foundun, schal be slayn; and ech man that cometh aboue, schal falle doun bi swerd.
Omnis, qui inventus fuerit, occidetur: et omnis, qui supervenerit, cadet in gladio.
16 The yonge children of them schulen be hurtlid doun bifore the iyen of them; her housis schulen be rauischid, and her wyues schulen be defoulid.
Infantes eorum allidentur in oculis eorum: diripientur domus eorum, et uxores eorum violabuntur.
17 Lo! Y schal reise on them Medeis, that seken not siluer, nethir wolen gold;
Ecce ego suscitabo super eos Medos, qui argentum non quaerant, nec aurum velint:
18 but thei shulen sle litle children bi arowis, and thei schulen not haue merci on wombis yyuynge mylk, and the iye of them schal not spare on sones.
sed sagittis parvulos interficient, et lactantibus uteris non miserebuntur, et super filios non parcet oculus eorum.
19 And Babiloyne, thilke gloriouse citee in rewmes, noble in the pride of Caldeis, schal be destried, as God destried Sodom and Gomore.
Et erit Babylon illa gloriosa in regnis, inclyta superbia Chaldaeorum: sicut subvertit Dominus Sodomam et Gomorrham.
20 It shall not be enhabitid til in to the ende, and it schal not be foundid til to generacioun and generacioun; a man of Arabie schal not sette tentis there, and scheepherdis schulen not reste there.
Non habitabitur usque in finem, et non fundabitur usque ad generationem et generationem: nec ponet ibi tentoria Arabs, nec pastores requiescent ibi.
21 But wielde beestis schulen reste there, and the housis of hem schulen be fillid with dragouns; and ostrichis schulen dwelle there, and heeri beestis schulen skippe there.
Sed requiescent ibi bestiae, et replebuntur domus eorum draconibus: et habitabunt ibi struthiones, et pilosi saltabunt ibi:
22 And bitouris schulen answere there in the housis therof, and fliynge serpentis in the templis of lust.
et respondebunt ibi ululae in aedibus eius, et sirenes in delubris voluptatis.

< Isaiah 13 >