< Hosea 14 >

1 Israel, be thou conuertid to thi Lord God, for thou fellist doun in thi wickidnesse.
Kilekitin O Israel, na Pakai na Pathen hengah. Ajeh chu nathemmona jeh'a lhu nahitai.
2 Take ye wordis with you, and be ye conuertid to the Lord; and seie ye to hym, Do thou awei al wickidnesse, and take thou good; and we schulen yelde the caluys of oure lippis.
Nasuhkhel ho chu ponlang Pakai henga kilekittan. Akoma seiyin “Kachonsetna jouse neingaidamin, hepitah in nei lalut in. Chutengleh keihon, nangma kachoisang dingu ahi.
3 Assur schal not saue vs, we schulen not stie on hors; and we schulen no more seie, Oure goddis ben the werkis of oure hondis; for thou schalt haue merci on that modirles child, which is in thee.
Assyria in eihuh jou pouve. Keiho jong sakolte chunga toupovinge, Tukalla lhah keihon jong kakhutsoh-u milim doi jah ah ‘ka Pathen’ katikit louhel dingu ahi. Nachunga hin nulou palouten hepina akimujin ahiye” tiuvin.
4 Y schal make hool the sorewis of hem; Y schal loue hem wilfuli, for my strong veniaunce is turned awei fro hem.
Pakaiyin aseiye, “Tahsan um nahijeha kadamsah ding nahiye, Kangailutnan gamgi aneipoi, Kalunghan najouse aimatihchana dingin mangtahen.
5 Y schal be as a dew, and Israel schal buriowne as a lilie. And the root therof schal breke out as of the Liban;
Keima Israel a ding hitange, Vanna kon-a hunglha daitwi chimset tobang hinge. Israel chu Lily pah tobang hiding ahi, ajung jong leipha laiya thuh taha keh hihen, Lebonan lhanga Cedar tobang hin.
6 the braunchis therof schulen go. And the glorye therof schal be as an olyue tree, and the odour therof schal be as of the Liban.
Abah lha jong olive thing bangin, namtwi sellin Lebonan-a Cedar phung tobang hihen.
7 Thei schulen be conuertid, and sitte in the schadewe of hym; thei schulen lyue bi wheete, and schulen buriowne as a vyne. The memorial therof schal be as the wyne of Liban.
Kamite kalim noiya umkit ding ahi.
8 Effraym, what schulen idols do more to me? Y schal here him, and Y schal dresse him as a greene fir tree. Thi fruit is foundun of me.
O Israel, milim doi a konin gamlauvin! Keima nataonau donbutpa chu kahi chule navengtup pao chu kahi. Keima thingphung dumjing jeng chu kahi. Nathingga jouse chu keija kon ahiye.”
9 Who is wijs, and schal vndurstonde these thingis? who is vndurstondyng, and schal kunne these thingis? For the weies of the Lord ben riytful, and iust men schulen go in tho; but trespassours schulen falle in tho.
Jite jousen hitihohi hethemuhen, Thil hetkhenna nei jousen phatechan ngaijuvin. Pakai lampi chu adihin chule ajange, Chule midih ho jouse amatoh umkhom ding ahiuve. Ahilah Michonse ho kiseplhuva kijam dan ding ahiuve.

< Hosea 14 >