< Hebrews 11 >

1 But feith is the substaunce of thingis that ben to be hopid, and an argument of thingis not apperynge.
Vera pa je trdno pričakovanje tistega, kar se upa, dokaz stvarî, katere se ne vidijo.
2 And in this feith elde men han gete witnessyng.
V tej namreč so starejši pričanje prejeli.
3 Bi feith we vndurstonden that the worldis weren maad bi Goddis word, that visible thingis weren maad of vnuysible thingis. (aiōn g165)
Po veri umemo, da so svetovi osnovani bili po besedi Božji, tako da ni iz prikazujočega se postalo, kar je vidno. (aiōn g165)
4 Bi feith Abel offride a myche more sacrifice than Caym to God, bi which he gat witnessyng to be iust, for God bar witnessyng to hise yiftis; and bi that feith he deed spekith yit.
Po veri je daroval Abelj Bogu boljšo žrtev mimo Kajna, po kateri je bil izpričan za pravičnega, ker je Bog sam pričal po darovih, in po njej se še o mrtvem govori.
5 Bi feith Ennok was translatid, that he schulde not se deth; and he was not foundun, for the Lord translatide him. For bifore translacioun he hadde witnessing that he pleside God.
Po veri je bil Enoh umaknen, da ni videl smrti "in ni ga bilo najti, ker ga je bil Bog umaknil." Kajti pred umaknenjem svojim dobil je pričanje, "da je Bogu po volji."
6 And it is impossible to plese God without feith. For it bihoueth that a man comynge to God, bileue that he is, and that he is rewardere to men that seken hym.
Brez vere pa je nemogoče biti po volji; kajti verovati je treba njemu, kateri se bliža Bogu, da je in da postane plačevalec njim, ki ga iščejo.
7 Bi feith Noe dredde, thorouy answere takun of these thingis that yit weren not seyn, and schapide a schip in to the helthe of his hous; bi which he dampnede the world, and is ordeyned eir of riytwisnesse, which is bi feith.
Po veri je napravil Noe, na povelje, za to, kar se ni še videlo, v strahu Božjem skrinjo v rešenje hiše svoje; po njej je obsodil svet, in je postal dedič pravice po veri.
8 By feith he that is clepid Abraham, obeiede to go out in to a place, whiche he schulde take in to eritage; and he wente out, not witinge whidur he schulde go.
Po veri je slušal Abraham poklican, naj izide v kraj, katerega je imel dobiti v dedščino, in izšel je ne vedoč, kam ide.
9 Bi feith he dwelte in the loond of biheest, as in an alien loond, dwellynge in litle housis with Ysaac and Jacob, euene heiris of the same biheest.
Po veri je bival v deželi obljube kakor tuji, stanujoč v šatorih z Izakom in Jakobom sodedičema iste obljube.
10 For he abood a citee hauynge foundementis, whos crafti man and maker is God.
Kajti čakal je mesta imajočega podstave, katerega zidar in stvarnik je Bog.
11 Bi feith also the ilke Sara bareyn, took vertu in consceyuyng of seed, yhe, ayen the tyme of age; for sche bileuede hym trewe, that hadde bihiyte.
Po veri je tudi sama Sara zadobila moč ustanoviti seme in rodila je, zunaj pravega časa starosti, ker je za zvestega imela njega, ki je bil obljubil.
12 For which thing of oon, and yit nyy deed, ther ben borun as sterris of heuene in multitude, and as grauel that is at the see side out of noumbre.
Zato jih je tudi od enega, in to umrlega, rodilo se kakor zvezd na nebu po številu, in kakor peska ob bregu morja bez števila.
13 Bi feith alle these ben deed, whanne the biheestis weren not takun, but thei bihelden hem afer, and gretynge hem wel, and knoulechide that thei weren pilgryms, and herboryd men on the erthe.
Poleg vere so umrli ti vsi, ko niso prejeli obljub; temuč videli so jih od daleč, in prepričani bili in pozdravili jih in spoznali, da so tujci in priseljenci na zemlji.
14 And thei that sayn these thingis, signifien that thei sechen a cuntre.
Kateri namreč tako govoré, naznanjajo, da iščejo domovine.
15 `If thei hadden hadde mynde of the ilke, of which thei wenten out, thei hadden tyme of turnyng ayen;
In ko bi se bili spominjali one, iz katere so bili izšli, imeli bi bili čas obrniti se;
16 but now thei desiren a betere, that is to seie, heuenli. Therfor God is not confoundid to be clepid the God of hem; for he made redi to hem a citee.
Sedaj pa hrepené po boljši, to je, nebeški; zato se jih Bog ne sramuje imenovati se njih Boga; pripravil jim je namreč mesto.
17 Bi feith Abraham offride Ysaac, whanne he was temptid; and he offride the oon bigetun, whych had takun the biheestis;
Po veri je daroval Abraham Izaka izkušan, in edinorojenca je daroval on, ki je bil prejel obljube, kateremu se je govorilo:
18 to whom it was seid, For in Ysaac the seed schal be clepid to thee.
"V Izaku se ti bode imenovalo seme;"
19 For he demyde, that God is myyti to reise hym, yhe, fro deth; wherfor he took hym also in to a parable.
Ker je pomislil, da more Bog tudi od mrtvih zbujati, od koder ga je tudi po priliki odnesel.
20 Bi feith also of thingis to comynge, Ysaac blesside Jacob and Esau.
Po veri o prihodnjosti je Izak blagoslovil Jakoba in Ezava.
21 Bi feith Jacob diynge blesside alle the sones of Joseph, and onouride the hiynesse of his yerde.
Po veri je Jakob umirajoč blagoslovil slehernega izmed sinov Jožefovih in: "molil je na konci palice njegove."
22 Bi feith Joseph dyynge hadde mynde of the passyng forth of the children of Israel, and comaundide of hise boonys.
Po veri je Jožef umirajoč spominjal se izhoda sinov Izraelovih in naročal za kosti svoje.
23 Bi feith Moyses borun, was hid thre monethis of his fadir and modir, for that thei seiyen the yonge child fair; and thei dredden not the maundement of the king.
Po veri so Mojzesa rojenega roditelji skrivali tri mesece, ker so videli, da je dete zalo; in niso se bali ukaza kraljevega.
24 Bi feith Moises was maad greet, and denyede that he was the sone of Faraos douytir,
Po veri je Mojzes, ko je bil velik postal, branil se imenovan biti sin hčere Faraonove,
25 and chees more to be turmentid with the puple of God, than to haue myrthe of temporal synne;
Ker je raji hotel zlo trpeti z ljudstvom Božjim, nego imeti začasen užitek od greha;
26 demynge the repreef of Crist more richessis than the tresours of Egipcians; for he bihelde in to the rewarding.
Ker je imel sramoto Kristusovo za večje bogastvo nad zaklade v Egiptu; kajti oziral se je v povračilo.
27 Bi feith he forsook Egipt, and dredde not the hardynesse of the king; for he abood, as seinge hym that was vnuysible.
Po veri je zapustil Egipt, ne boječ se jeze kraljeve; stanoviten namreč je bil, kakor da bi videl nevidnega.
28 Bi feith he halewide pask, and the scheding out of blood, that he that distriede the firste thingis of Egipcians, schulde not touche hem.
Po veri je napravil pasho in polivanje s krvjo, da bi moritelj ne dotaknil se njih prvorojencev.
29 Bi feith thei passiden the reed see, as bi drye lond, which thing Egipcians asaiynge weren deuourid.
Po veri so pregazili rudeče morje kakor po suhem; Egipčani pa poskusivši to bili so pogoltneni.
30 Bi feith the wallis of Jerico felden doun, bi cumpassyng of seuene daies.
Po veri je palo zidovje Jerihovo, okroženo sedem dnî.
31 Bi feith Raab hoor resseyuede the aspieris with pees, and perischide not with vnbileueful men.
Po veri Rahab kurba ni poginila z nevernimi, sprejemši oglednike v miru.
32 And what yit schal Y seie? For tyme schal faile to me tellynge of Gedeon, Barak, Sampson, Jepte, Dauid, and Samuel, and of othere prophetis;
In kaj še govorim? Časa namreč mi bode primanjkovalo, ko bi pripovedoval o Gedeonu, Baraku in Samsonu in Jeftaji, Davidu in Samuelu in prerokih;
33 whiche bi feith ouercamen rewmes, wrouyten riytwisnesse, gaten repromyssiouns; thei stoppiden the mouthis of liouns,
Kateri so po veri zmagovali kraljestva, delali pravico, dobivali obljube, levom žrela našili;
34 thei quenchiden the feersnesse of fier, thei dryueden awei the egge of swerd, thei coueriden of sijknesse, thei weren maad strong in batel, thei turneden the oostis of aliens.
Ognja moč gasili, meča osti ubežavali, od bolezni ozdravevali, junaki v vojski postajali, napade odbijali tujcev.
35 Wymmen resseyueden her deed children fro deth to lijf; but othere weren holdun forth, not takinge redempcioun, that thei schulden fynde a betere ayenrising.
Žene so dobivale po vstajenji mrtve svoje; drugi pa so bili mučeni, in niso sprejemali oproščenja, da zadobé boljše vstajenje;
36 And othere asaieden scornyngis and betingis, more ouer and boondis and prisouns.
Drugi pa so poskusili zasramovanje in bičanje, in pa vezî in ječe;
37 Thei weren stoned, thei weren sawid, thei weren temptid, thei weren deed in sleyng of swerd. Thei wenten aboute in broc skynnes, and in skynnes of geet, nedi, angwischid, turmentid;
Bili so kamenjani, razrezani, izkušani, umrli so v smrti z mečem; hodili so v ovčjih, v kozjih kožah, v potrebi, v stiskah in težavah;
38 to whiche the world was not worthi. Thei erriden in wildernessis, in mounteynes and dennes, and caues of the erthe.
(Njih ni bil vreden svet), po puščavah tavajoč in gorah in brlogih in podzemeljskih jamah.
39 And alle these, preued bi witnessing of feith, token not repromyssioun;
In vsi ti, pričanje prejemši po veri, niso dobili obljube,
40 for God purueiede sum betere thing for vs, that thei schulden not be maad perfit with outen vs.
Ker je bil Bog nekaj boljšega pred videl za nas, da bi se ne popolnili brez nas.

< Hebrews 11 >