< Genesis 42 >

1 Forsothe Jacob herde that foodis weren seeld in Egipt, and he seide to hise sones, Whi ben ye necgligent?
audiens autem Iacob quod alimenta venderentur in Aegypto dixit filiis suis quare neglegitis
2 Y herde that wheete is seeld in Egipt, go ye doun, and bie ye necessaries to vs, that we moun lyue, and be not wastid bi nedynesse.
audivi quod triticum venundetur in Aegypto descendite et emite nobis necessaria ut possimus vivere et non consumamur inopia
3 Therfor ten britheren of Joseph yeden doun to bie wheete in Egipt,
descendentes igitur fratres Ioseph decem ut emerent frumenta in Aegypto
4 and Beniamyn was withholdun of Jacob at hoome, that seide to hise britheren, Lest perauenture in the weie he suffre ony yuel.
Beniamin domi retento ab Iacob qui dixerat fratribus eius ne forte in itinere quicquam patiatur mali
5 Sotheli thei entriden in to the lond of Egipt, with othere men that yeden to bie; forsothe hungur was in the lond of Canaan.
ingressi sunt terram Aegypti cum aliis qui pergebant ad emendum erat autem fames in terra Chanaan
6 And Joseph was prince of Egipt, and at his wille whetis weren seeld to puplis. And whanne hise britheren hadden worschipid hym,
et Ioseph princeps Aegypti atque ad illius nutum frumenta populis vendebantur cumque adorassent eum fratres sui
7 and he hadde knowe hem, he spak hardere as to aliens, and axide hem, Fro whennus camen ye? Whiche answeriden, Fro the lond of Canaan, that we bie necessaries to lyiflode.
et agnovisset eos quasi ad alienos durius loquebatur interrogans eos unde venistis qui responderunt de terra Chanaan ut emamus victui necessaria
8 And netheles he knewe the britheren, and he was not knowun of hem,
et tamen fratres ipse cognoscens non est agnitus ab eis
9 and he bithouyte on the dremys whiche he seiy sumtyme. And he seide to hem, Ye ben aspieris, ye camen to se the feblere thingis of the lond.
recordatusque somniorum quae aliquando viderat ait exploratores estis ut videatis infirmiora terrae venistis
10 Whiche seiden, Lord, it is not so, but thi seruauntis camen to bie metis;
qui dixerunt non est ita domine sed servi tui venerunt ut emerent cibos
11 alle we ben the sones of o man, we comen pesible, and thi seruauntis ymaginen not ony yuel.
omnes filii unius viri sumus pacifici venimus nec quicquam famuli tui machinantur mali
12 To `whiche he answeride, It is in other maner, ye camen to se the feble thingis of the lond.
quibus ille respondit aliter est inmunita terrae huius considerare venistis
13 And thei seiden, `We twelue britheren, thi seruauntis, ben sones of o man in the lond of Canaan; the leeste is with oure fadir, an other is not `on erthe.
et illi duodecim inquiunt servi tui fratres sumus filii viri unius in terra Chanaan minimus cum patre nostro est alius non est super
14 This it is, he seide, that Y spak to you,
hoc est ait quod locutus sum exploratores estis
15 ye ben aspieris, riyt now Y schal take experience of you, bi the helthe of Farao ye schulen not go fro hennus, til youre leeste brother come; sende ye oon of you,
iam nunc experimentum vestri capiam per salutem Pharaonis non egrediemini hinc donec veniat frater vester minimus
16 that he brynge hym, forsothe ye schulen be in boondis, til tho thingis that ye seiden ben preued, whether tho ben false ether trewe; ellis, bi the helthe of Farao, ye ben aspieris.
mittite e vobis unum et adducat eum vos autem eritis in vinculis donec probentur quae dixistis utrum falsa an vera sint alioquin per salutem Pharaonis exploratores estis
17 Therfor he bitook hem to kepyng thre daies; sotheli in the thridde dai,
tradidit ergo eos custodiae tribus diebus
18 whanne thei weren led out of prisoun, he seide, Do ye that that Y seide, and ye schulen lyue, for Y drede God;
die autem tertio eductis de carcere ait facite quod dixi et vivetis Deum enim timeo
19 if ye ben pesible, o brother of you be boundun in prisoun; forsothe go ye, and bere wheetis, whiche ye bouyten,
si pacifici estis frater vester unus ligetur in carcere vos autem abite et ferte frumenta quae emistis in domos vestras
20 in to youre housis, and brynge ye youre leeste brother to me, that Y may preue youre wordis, and ye die not. Thei diden as he seide,
et fratrem vestrum minimum ad me adducite ut possim vestros probare sermones et non moriamini fecerunt ut dixerat
21 and thei spaken togidere, Skilfuli we suffren these thingis, for we synneden ayens oure brother, and we seiyen the anguysch of his soule, while he preiede vs, and we herden not; herfore this tribulacioun cometh on vs.
et locuti sunt invicem merito haec patimur quia peccavimus in fratrem nostrum videntes angustiam animae illius cum deprecaretur nos et non audivimus idcirco venit super nos ista tribulatio
22 Of which oon, Ruben, seide, Whether Y seide not to yow, Nyle ye do synne ayens the child, and ye herden not me? lo! his blood is souyt.
e quibus unus Ruben ait numquid non dixi vobis nolite peccare in puerum et non audistis me en sanguis eius exquiritur
23 Sotheli thei wisten not that Joseph vndirstood, for he spak to hem by interpretour.
nesciebant autem quod intellegeret Ioseph eo quod per interpretem loquebatur ad eos
24 And he turnede awei hym silf a litil and wepte; and he turnede ayen, and spak to hem.
avertitque se parumper et flevit et reversus locutus est ad eos
25 And he took Symeon, and boond hym, while thei weren present; and he comaundide the mynystris, that thei schulden fille her sackis with wheete, and that thei schulden putte the money `of alle in her baggis, and ouer this yyue metis in the weie; whiche diden so.
tollens Symeon et ligans illis praesentibus iussitque ministris ut implerent saccos eorum tritico et reponerent pecunias singulorum in sacculis suis datis supra cibariis in via qui fecerunt ita
26 And thei `baren wetis on her assis, and yeden forth,
at illi portantes frumenta in asinis profecti sunt
27 and whanne the sak of oon was opened that he schulde yyue meete to the werk beeste in the yn, he bihelde the money in the mouth of the bagge,
apertoque unus sacco ut daret iumento pabulum in diversorio contemplatus pecuniam in ore sacculi
28 and seide to his britheren, My monei is yoldun to me, lo! it is had in the bagge; and thei weren astonyed, and troblid, and seiden togidere, What thing is this that God hath doon to us.
dixit fratribus suis reddita est mihi pecunia en habetur in sacco et obstupefacti turbatique dixerunt mutuo quidnam est hoc quod fecit nobis Deus
29 And thei camen to Jacob, her fadir, in the loond of Canaan, and telden to hym alle thingis that bifelden to hem, and seiden,
veneruntque ad Iacob patrem suum in terra Chanaan et narraverunt ei omnia quae accidissent sibi dicentes
30 The lord of the lond spak harde to vs, and gesside that we weren aspieris of the prouynce;
locutus est nobis dominus terrae dure et putavit nos exploratores provinciae
31 to whom we answeriden, We ben pesible, nether we purposen ony tresouns;
cui respondimus pacifici sumus nec ullas molimur insidias
32 we ben twelue britheren, gendrid of o fadir, oon is not `on erthe, the leeste dwellith with the fadir in the lond of Canaan.
duodecim fratres uno patre geniti sumus unus non est super minimus cum patre versatur in terra Chanaan
33 And he seide to vs, Thus Y schal preue that ye ben pesible; leeffe ye o brother of you with me, and take ye metis nedeful to youre housis, and go ye, and brynge ye to me youre leeste brother,
qui ait nobis sic probabo quod pacifici sitis fratrem vestrum unum dimittite apud me et cibaria domibus vestris necessaria sumite et abite
34 that Y wite that ye ben not aspieris, and that ye moun resseyue this brother which is holdun in boondis, and that fro thennus forth ye haue licence to bie what thingis ye wolen.
fratremque vestrum minimum adducite ad me ut sciam quod non sitis exploratores et istum qui tenetur in vinculis recipere possitis ac deinceps emendi quae vultis habeatis licentiam
35 While these thingis weren seide, whanne alle schedden out wheetis, thei founden money boundun in `the mouth of sackis. And whanne alle togidere weren aferd,
his dictis cum frumenta effunderent singuli reppererunt in ore saccorum ligatas pecunias exterritisque simul omnibus
36 the fadir Jacob seide, Ye han maad me to be with out children; Joseph is not alyue, Symeon is holdun in bondis, ye schulen take a wey fro me Beniamyn; alle these yuels felden in me.
dixit pater Iacob absque liberis me esse fecistis Ioseph non est super Symeon tenetur in vinculis Beniamin auferetis in me haec mala omnia reciderunt
37 To whom Ruben answeride, Sle thou my twei sones, if Y shal not brynge hym ayen to thee; take thou hym in myn hond, and Y schal restore hym to thee.
cui respondit Ruben duos filios meos interfice si non reduxero illum tibi trade in manu mea et ego eum restituam
38 And Jacob seide, My sone schal not go doun with you; his brother is deed, he aloone is left; if ony aduersite schal bifalle `to hym in the lond to which ye schulen go, ye schulen lede forth myn hoore heeris with sorewe to hellis. (Sheol h7585)
at ille non descendet inquit filius meus vobiscum frater eius mortuus est ipse solus remansit si quid ei adversi acciderit in terra ad quam pergitis deducetis canos meos cum dolore ad inferos (Sheol h7585)

< Genesis 42 >