< Genesis 30 >

1 Forsothe Rachel seiy, that sche was vnfruytful, and hadde enuye to the sister, and seide to hir hosebonde, Yyue thou fre children to me, ellis Y schal die.
Cernens autem Rachel quod infecunda esset, invidit sorori suæ, et ait marito suo: Da mihi liberos, alioquin moriar.
2 To whom Jacob was wrooth, and answerde, Wher Y am for God, which haue priued thee fro the fruyt of thi wombe?
Cui iratus respondit Iacob: Num pro Deo ego sum, qui privavit te fructu ventris tui?
3 And sche seide, Y haue `a seruauntesse Bala, entre thou to hir that she childe on my knees, and that Y haue sones of hir.
At illa: Habeo, inquit, famulam Balam: ingredere ad illam, ut pariat super genua mea, et habeam ex illa filios.
4 And sche yaf to hym Bala in to matrimony;
Deditque illi Balam in coniugium:
5 and whanne the hosebonde hadde entrid to hir, sche conseyuede, and childide a sone.
quæ, ingresso ad se viro, concepit, et peperit filium.
6 And Rachel seide, the Lord demede to me, and herde my preier, and yaf a sone to me; and therfor sche clepide his name Dan.
Dixitque Rachel: Iudicavit mihi Dominus, et exaudivit vocem meam, dans mihi filium. Et idcirco appellavit nomen eius, Dan.
7 And eft Bala conseyuede, and childide anothir sone,
Rursumque Bala concipiens, peperit alterum,
8 for whom Rachel seide, The Lord hath maad me lijk to my sistir, and Y wexide strong; and sche clepide hym Neptalym.
pro quo ait Rachel: Comparavit me Deus cum sorore mea, et invalui: vocavitque eum, Nephthali.
9 Lya feelide that sche ceesside to bere child, and sche yaf Selfa, hir handmayde, to the hosebonde.
Sentiens Lia quod parere desiisset, Zelpham ancillam suam marito tradidit.
10 And whanne Selfa aftir conseyuyng childide a sone, Lya seide, Blessidly;
Qua post conceptum edente filium,
11 and therfor sche clepide his name Gad.
dixit: Feliciter. Et idcirco vocavit nomen eius, Gad.
12 Also Selfa childide anothir sone,
Peperit quoque Zelpha alterum.
13 and Lia seide, This is for my blis, for alle wymmen schulen seie me blessid; therfor sche clepide hym Aser.
Dixitque Lia: Hoc pro beatitudine mea: Beatam quippe me dicent mulieres. Propterea appellavit eum, Aser.
14 Forsothe Ruben yede out in to the feeld in the tyme of wheete heruest, and foond mandragis, whiche he brouyte to Lya, his modir. And Rachel seide, Yyue thou to me a part of the mandragis of thi sone.
Egressus autem Ruben tempore messis triticeæ in agrum, reperit mandragoras: quas matri Liæ detulit. Dixitque Rachel: Da mihi partem de mandragoris filii tui.
15 Lya answeride, Whether it semeth litil to thee, that thou hast rauyschid the hosebonde fro me, no but thou take also the mandragis of my sone? Rachel seide, The hosebonde sleepe with thee in this nyyt for the mandragis of thi sone.
Illa respondit: Parumne tibi videtur quod præripueris maritum mihi, nisi etiam mandragoras filii mei tuleris? Ait Rachel: Dormiat tecum hac nocte pro mandragoris filii tui.
16 And whanne Jacob cam ayen fro the feeld at euentid, Lya yede out in to his comyng, and seide, Thou shalt entre to me, for Y haue hired thee with hire for the mandragis of my sone. He slepte with hir in that nyyt;
Redeuntique ad vesperam Iacob de agro, egressa est in occursum eius Lia, et ad me, inquit, intrabis: quia mercede conduxi te pro mandragoris filii mei. Dormivitque cum ea nocte illa.
17 and God herde hir preiers, and sche conseyuede, and childide the fyuethe sone;
Et exaudivit Deus preces eius: concepitque et peperit filium quintum,
18 and seide, God yaf meede to me, for Y yaf myn handmayde to myn hosebond; and sche clepide his name Isacar.
et ait: Dedit Deus mercedem mihi, quia dedi ancillam meam viro meo. Appellavitque nomen eius, Issachar.
19 Eft Lia conseyuede, and childide the sixte sone,
Rursum Lia concipiens, peperit sextum filium,
20 and seide, The Lord hath maad me riche with a good dower, also in this tyme myn hosebonde schal be with me, for Y childide sixe sones to hym; and therfore sche clepide his name Sabulon.
et ait: Dotavit me Deus dote bona: etiam hac vice mecum erit maritus meus, eo quod genuerim ei sex filios: et idcirco appellavit nomen eius, Zabulon.
21 Aftir whom sche childide a douyter, Dyna bi name.
Post quem peperit filiam, nomine Dinam.
22 Also the Lord hadde mynde on Rachel, and herde hir, and openyde hir wombe.
Recordatus quoque Dominus Rachelis, exaudivit eam, et aperuit vulvam eius.
23 And sche conseyuede, and childide a sone, and seide, God hath take a wey my schenschipe; and sche clepid his name Joseph,
Quæ concepit, et peperit filium, dicens: Abstulit Deus opprobrium meum.
24 and seide, The Lord yyue to me another sone.
Et vocavit nomen eius, Ioseph, dicens: Addat mihi Dominus filium alterum.
25 Sotheli whanne Joseph was borun, Jacob seide to his wyues fadir, Delyuere thou me, that Y turne ayen in to my cuntrey and to my lond.
Nato autem Ioseph, dixit Iacob socero suo: Dimitte me ut revertar in patriam, et ad terram meam.
26 Yyue thou to me my wyues and fre children for whiche Y seruede thee, that Y go; forsothe thou knowist the seruyce bi which Y seruede thee.
Da mihi uxores, et liberos meos, pro quibus servivi tibi, ut abeam: tu nosti servitutem qua servivi tibi.
27 Laban seide to hym, Fynde Y grace in thi siyt, Y haue lerned bi experience that God blesside me for thee;
Ait illi Laban: Inveniam gratiam in conspectu tuo: experimento didici, quia benedixerit mihi Deus propter te:
28 ordeyne thou the meede which Y schal yyue to thee.
constitue mercedem tuam quam dem tibi.
29 And he answeride, Thou woost hou Y seruede thee, and hou greet thi possessioun was in myn hondis;
At ille respondit: Tu nosti quomodo servierim tibi, et quanta in manibus meis fuerit possessio tua.
30 thou haddist litil bifore that Y cam to thee, and now thou art maad riche, and the Lord blesside thee at myn entryng; therfor it is iust that Y purueye sum tyme also to myn hows.
Modicum habuisti antequam venirem ad te, et nunc dives effectus es: benedixitque tibi Dominus ad introitum meum. Iustum est igitur ut aliquando provideam etiam domui meæ.
31 And Laban seide, What schal Y yyue to thee? And Jacob seide, Y wole no thing but if thou doist that that Y axe, eft Y schal fede and kepe thi scheep.
Dixitque Laban: Quid tibi dabo? At ille ait: Nihil volo: sed si feceris quod postulo, iterum pascam, et custodiam pecora tua.
32 Cumpasse thou alle thi flockis, and departe thou alle diuerse scheep and of spottid flees, and what euer thing schal be dun, and spottid, and dyuerse, as wel in scheep as in geet, it schal be my mede.
Gyra omnes greges tuos, et separa cunctas oves varias, et sparso vellere; quodcumque furvum, et maculosum, variumque fuerit, tam in ovibus quam in capris, erit merces mea.
33 And my riytfulnesse schal answere to me to morewe, whanne the tyme of couenaunt schal come bifor thee; and alle that ben not dyuerse and spottid and dunne, as well in sheep as in geet, schulen repreue me of thefte.
Respondebitque mihi cras iustitia mea, quando placiti tempus advenerit coram te: et omnia quæ non fuerint varia, et maculosa, et furva, tam in ovibus quam in capris, furti me arguent.
34 And Laban seide, Y haue acceptable that that thou axist.
Dixitque Laban: Gratum habeo quod petis.
35 And he departide in that dai the geet, and scheep, geet buckis, and rammes, dyuerse and spottid. Sothely he bitook al the flok of o coloure, that is, of white and of blak flees in the hond of hise sones;
Et separavit in die illa capras, et oves, et hircos, et arietes varios, atque maculosos: cunctum autem gregem unicolorem, id est albi, et nigri velleris, tradidit in manu filiorum suorum.
36 and he settide the space of weie of thre daies bitwixe hise sones and the hosebonde of hise douytris, that fedde othere flockis` of hym.
Et posuit spatium itineris trium dierum inter se et generum, qui pascebat reliquos greges eius.
37 Therfor Jacob took greene yerdis of popeleris, and of almoundis, and of planes, and in parti dide awei the rynde of tho, and whanne the ryndis weren `drawun a wei, whitnesse apperide in these that weren maad bare; sothely tho that weren hoole dwelliden grene, and bi this maner the coloure was maad dyuerse.
Tollens ergo Iacob virgas populeas virides, et amygdalinas, et ex platanis, ex parte decorticavit eas: detractisque corticibus, in his, quæ spoliata fuerant, candor apparuit: illa vero quæ integra fuerant, viridia permanserunt: atque in hunc modum color effectus est varius.
38 And Jacob puttide tho yerdis in the trowis, where the watir was held out, that whanne the flockis schulden come to drynke, thei schulden haue the yerdis bifor the iyen, and schulden conseyue in the siyt of the yerdis.
Posuitque eas in canalibus, ubi effundebatur aqua: ut cum venissent greges ad bibendum, ante oculos haberent virgas, et in aspectu earum conciperent.
39 And it was doon that in thilke heete of riding the sheep schulde biholde the yerdis, and that thei schulden brynge forth spotti beestis, and dyuerse, and bispreynt with dyuerse colour.
Factumque est ut in ipso calore coitus, oves intuerentur virgas, et parerent maculosa, et varia, et diverso colore respersa.
40 And Jacob departide the floc, and puttide the yerdis in the trowis bifor the iyen of the rammys. Sotheli alle the white and blake weren Labans; sotheli the othere weren Jacobis; for the flockis weren departid bytwixe hem silf.
Divisitque gregem Iacob, et posuit virgas in canalibus ante oculos arietum: erant autem alba et nigra quæque, Laban: cetera vero, Iacob, separatis inter se gregibus.
41 Therfor whanne the scheep weren ridun in the firste tyme, Jacob puttide the yerdis in the `trouyis of watir bifor the iyen of rammys and of scheep, that thei schulden conseyue in the siyt of tho yerdis.
Igitur quando primo tempore ascendebantur oves, ponebat Iacob virgas in canalibus aquarum ante oculos arietum et ovium, ut in earum contemplatione conciperent:
42 Forsothe whanne the late medlyng and the laste conseyuyng weren, Jacob puttide not tho yerdis; and tho that weren late, weren maad Labans, and tho that weren of the firste tyme weren Jacobis.
quando vero serotina admissura erat, et conceptus extremus, non ponebat eas. Factaque sunt ea quæ erant serotina, Laban: et quæ primi temporis, Iacob.
43 And he was maad ful riche, and hadde many flockis, handmaydis, and seruauntis, camels, and assis.
Ditatusque est homo ultra modum, et habuit greges multos, ancillas et servos, camelos et asinos.

< Genesis 30 >