< Genesis 30 >

1 Forsothe Rachel seiy, that sche was vnfruytful, and hadde enuye to the sister, and seide to hir hosebonde, Yyue thou fre children to me, ellis Y schal die.
Rechel hụrụ na ya amụghị nwa ọbụla nye Jekọb, o kworo ekworo megide nwanne ya nwanyị. Ya mere, ọ sịrị Jekọb, “Nye m ụmụ. Ọ bụrụ na i meghị otu a, aga m anwụ.”
2 To whom Jacob was wrooth, and answerde, Wher Y am for God, which haue priued thee fro the fruyt of thi wombe?
Jekọb were iwe megide Rechel, sị ya, “Abụ m Chineke onye gbochiri gị mkpụrụ nke afọ?”
3 And sche seide, Y haue `a seruauntesse Bala, entre thou to hir that she childe on my knees, and that Y haue sones of hir.
Mgbe ahụ Rechel gwara Jekọb sị ya, “Lee odibo m nwanyị Bilha, bakwuru ya ka ọ mụọ nwa nʼikpere m abụọ, ka mụ onwe m site na ya bụrụkwa onye mụtara ụmụ.”
4 And sche yaf to hym Bala in to matrimony;
Rechel nyere Jekọb Bilha, odibo nwanyị ya, Jekọb bakwuuru ya.
5 and whanne the hosebonde hadde entrid to hir, sche conseyuede, and childide a sone.
Bilha tụụrụ ime mụọra Jekọb nwa nwoke.
6 And Rachel seide, the Lord demede to me, and herde my preier, and yaf a sone to me; and therfor sche clepide his name Dan.
Nke a mere ka Rechel kwuo sị, “Chineke ekpepụtala m. Ọ nụla arịrịọ m nye m nwa nwoke.” Nʼihi nke a, Rechel gụrụ nwa ahụ Dan.
7 And eft Bala conseyuede, and childide anothir sone,
Bilha, odibo nwanyị Rechel, tụụrụ ime ọzọ mụtara Jekọb nwa nwoke nke abụọ.
8 for whom Rachel seide, The Lord hath maad me lijk to my sistir, and Y wexide strong; and sche clepide hym Neptalym.
Rechel kwuru sị, “Mgba dị ukwuu ka mụ na nwanne m nwanyị gbara, m merie.” Ọ kpọọ ya Naftalị.
9 Lya feelide that sche ceesside to bere child, and sche yaf Selfa, hir handmayde, to the hosebonde.
Lịa hụrụ na ya akwụsịla ịmụ nwa, ọ kpọọrọ Zilpa, odibo ya nwanyị kpọnye Jekọb ka ọ bụrụ nwunye ya.
10 And whanne Selfa aftir conseyuyng childide a sone, Lya seide, Blessidly;
Zilpa, odibo nwanyị Lịa, mụtara Jekọb nwa nwoke.
11 and therfor sche clepide his name Gad.
Mgbe nke a mere, Lịa kwuru sị, “Nke a bụ ihuọma.” Ọ kpọrọ nwa ahụ Gad.
12 Also Selfa childide anothir sone,
Zilpa, odibo nwanyị Lịa mụtaara Jekọb nwa nwoke nke abụọ.
13 and Lia seide, This is for my blis, for alle wymmen schulen seie me blessid; therfor sche clepide hym Aser.
Mgbe ahụ Lịa kwuru sị, “Ọṅụ ejula m obi, nʼihi na ụmụ nwanyị ibe m ga-akpọ m onye ihe na-agara nke ọma.” Lịa kpọrọ nwantakịrị nwoke ahụ Asha.
14 Forsothe Ruben yede out in to the feeld in the tyme of wheete heruest, and foond mandragis, whiche he brouyte to Lya, his modir. And Rachel seide, Yyue thou to me a part of the mandragis of thi sone.
Otu ụbọchị, nʼoge a na-aghọ ọka wiiti, Ruben nwa Lịa, gara nʼọhịa hụ ahịhịa a na-akpọ mandreki. Ọ kụtaara nne ya ụfọdụ nʼime ahịhịa a. Mgbe Rechel hụrụ ahịhịa a, ọ rịọrọ Lịa sị ya, “Biko nyetụ m ụfọdụ nʼime mandreki ndị a nwa gị nwoke kụtara.”
15 Lya answeride, Whether it semeth litil to thee, that thou hast rauyschid the hosebonde fro me, no but thou take also the mandragis of my sone? Rachel seide, The hosebonde sleepe with thee in this nyyt for the mandragis of thi sone.
Ma Lịa zara sị ya, “O zubeere gị na ị napụrụ m di m? Ị chọkwara ịnapụ m mandreki ndị a nwa m nwoke wetaara m?” Rechel zara Lịa sị, “Ọ dị mma, ka gị na ya dinaa nʼabalị a ka ọ bụrụ ihe mgbanwo maka mandreki nwa gị nwoke.”
16 And whanne Jacob cam ayen fro the feeld at euentid, Lya yede out in to his comyng, and seide, Thou shalt entre to me, for Y haue hired thee with hire for the mandragis of my sone. He slepte with hir in that nyyt;
Ya mere, mgbe Jekọb si nʼọhịa na-alọbata nʼuhuruchi ụbọchị ahụ, Lịa pụrụ izute ya, sị ya, “Ị ga-abakwute m nʼihi na m ejirila m ahịhịa mandreki nwa m nwoke m zụta gị.” Ha dinara nʼabalị ahụ.
17 and God herde hir preiers, and sche conseyuede, and childide the fyuethe sone;
Chineke nụrụ olu Lịa, ọ tụụrụ ime mụtara Jekọb nwa nwoke nke ise.
18 and seide, God yaf meede to me, for Y yaf myn handmayde to myn hosebond; and sche clepide his name Isacar.
Lịa sịrị, “Chineke akwụọla m ụgwọ maka odibo m nwanyị m nyere di m.” Ya mere ọ kpọrọ aha ya Isaka.
19 Eft Lia conseyuede, and childide the sixte sone,
Lịa tụkwaara ime ọzọ mụtara Jekọb nwa nwoke nke isii.
20 and seide, The Lord hath maad me riche with a good dower, also in this tyme myn hosebonde schal be with me, for Y childide sixe sones to hym; and therfore sche clepide his name Sabulon.
Ugbu a Lịa kwuru sị, “Chineke enyela m ezi onyinye dị oke ọnụ. Ugbu a, di m ga-eji nkwanye ugwu leta m nʼihi na amụọrala m ya ụmụ ndị ikom isii.” Ọ kpọrọ aha ya Zebụlọn.
21 Aftir whom sche childide a douyter, Dyna bi name.
Emesịa, Lịa mụrụ nwa nwanyị, kpọọ ya Daịna.
22 Also the Lord hadde mynde on Rachel, and herde hir, and openyde hir wombe.
Chineke chetara Rechel. Ọ nụrụ olu ya, meghee akpanwa ya.
23 And sche conseyuede, and childide a sone, and seide, God hath take a wey my schenschipe; and sche clepid his name Joseph,
Nʼihi ya, Rechel tụụrụ ime mụta nwa nwoke. Ọ sịrị, “Chineke ewepụla nkọcha dịịrị m.”
24 and seide, The Lord yyue to me another sone.
Rechel kpọrọ aha ya Josef, dị ka ọ sịrị, “Ka Onyenwe anyị nyekwa m nwa nwoke ọzọ.”
25 Sotheli whanne Joseph was borun, Jacob seide to his wyues fadir, Delyuere thou me, that Y turne ayen in to my cuntrey and to my lond.
Mgbe Rechel mụsịrị Josef, Jekọb jekwuru Leban sị ya, “Zilaga m ka m laghachi nʼebe m na ala nke m.
26 Yyue thou to me my wyues and fre children for whiche Y seruede thee, that Y go; forsothe thou knowist the seruyce bi which Y seruede thee.
Kpọnye m ndị nwunye m, ndị m ji nʼihi ha gbara gị odibo, ha na ụmụ m, ka m lakwaa. Ị maara otu m siri gbaara gị odibo. Kpọnye m ha ka m duru ha laghachi ebe m si bịa.”
27 Laban seide to hym, Fynde Y grace in thi siyt, Y haue lerned bi experience that God blesside me for thee;
Leban sịrị Jekọb, “Ọ bụrụ na m achọtala amara nʼihu gị biko nọdụ, nʼihi na esi m nʼịgba afa chọpụta na Onyenwe anyị agọziela m nʼihi gị.”
28 ordeyne thou the meede which Y schal yyue to thee.
Leban sịrị, “Kwuo ego ole ị chọrọ ka m kwụọ gị, aga m akwụ ya.”
29 And he answeride, Thou woost hou Y seruede thee, and hou greet thi possessioun was in myn hondis;
Jekọb zara sị Leban, “Gị onwe gị maara otu m si gbara gị odibo na ihe mere igwe anụ ụlọ gị ndị m lekọtara.
30 thou haddist litil bifore that Y cam to thee, and now thou art maad riche, and the Lord blesside thee at myn entryng; therfor it is iust that Y purueye sum tyme also to myn hows.
Nʼihi na ole na ole ka i nwere mgbe m bịara, ma ugbu a, ha abaala ụba nke ukwuu. Onyenwe anyị esitela nʼụkwụ m gọzie gị. Ugbu a, kedụ mgbe m ga-arụkwanụ ọrụ nke mụ onwe m maka ezinaụlọ m?”
31 And Laban seide, What schal Y yyue to thee? And Jacob seide, Y wole no thing but if thou doist that that Y axe, eft Y schal fede and kepe thi scheep.
Leban jụrụ Jekọb sị, “Kedụ ihe m ga-enye gị?” Jekọb gwara ya sị, “Enyela m ihe ọbụla, kama o nwere otu ihe m chọrọ ka i mee. Ọ bụrụ na i mee ya, aga m alaghachi ilekọta igwe anụ ụlọ gị.
32 Cumpasse thou alle thi flockis, and departe thou alle diuerse scheep and of spottid flees, and what euer thing schal be dun, and spottid, and dyuerse, as wel in scheep as in geet, it schal be my mede.
Kwere ka m jegharịa nʼetiti igwe anụ ụlọ gị, ka m họpụta site nʼetiti igwe atụrụ gị ndị niile tụrụ agwa agwa, na ụmụ atụrụ niile dị oji, na ewu niile tụrụ agwa agwa. Atụrụ na ewu ndị a niile m ga-ahọpụta ga-abụ ụgwọ ọrụ m.
33 And my riytfulnesse schal answere to me to morewe, whanne the tyme of couenaunt schal come bifor thee; and alle that ben not dyuerse and spottid and dunne, as well in sheep as in geet, schulen repreue me of thefte.
Ezi omume m ga-azara nʼọdịnihu, mgbe ọbụla ị bịara nyochaa ụgwọ ọrụ ị kwụrụ m. Ewu ọbụla na-atụghị agwa agwa, maọbụ atụrụ ọbụla na-ejighị oji ị chọpụtara nʼetiti igwe ewu na atụrụ nke m ka a ga-agụ dị ka ihe e zuru nʼohi.”
34 And Laban seide, Y haue acceptable that that thou axist.
Leban zara sị ya, “Ọ dị mma. Ya dịrị dịka i kwuru.”
35 And he departide in that dai the geet, and scheep, geet buckis, and rammes, dyuerse and spottid. Sothely he bitook al the flok of o coloure, that is, of white and of blak flees in the hond of hise sones;
Nʼotu ụbọchị ahụ, ọ họpụtachara mkpi niile tụrụ agwa maọbụ ntụpọ na nne ewu niile ndị nwere tụrụ agwa maọbụ ntụpọ na nke ọbụla nwere ajị ọcha nʼahụ ya. Ọ họpụtakwara atụrụ ojii niile, nyefee ha nʼaka ụmụ ya ka ha lekọtaa ha.
36 and he settide the space of weie of thre daies bitwixe hise sones and the hosebonde of hise douytris, that fedde othere flockis` of hym.
Leban jere ije abalị atọ nke kewapụrụ ha site nʼebe Jekọb nọ. Ma Jekọb nọgidere na-elekọta igwe anụ ụlọ Leban ndị ọzọ.
37 Therfor Jacob took greene yerdis of popeleris, and of almoundis, and of planes, and in parti dide awei the rynde of tho, and whanne the ryndis weren `drawun a wei, whitnesse apperide in these that weren maad bare; sothely tho that weren hoole dwelliden grene, and bi this maner the coloure was maad dyuerse.
Mgbe ahụ Jekọb gara gbute ngalaba osisi pọpla, na osisi alụmọnd, na osisi plenụ, kpechapụ ahụ agbụgbọ osisi ndị a, si otu a mee ka ime ime ngalaba osisi ndị a dị ọcha pụta ìhè.
38 And Jacob puttide tho yerdis in the trowis, where the watir was held out, that whanne the flockis schulden come to drynke, thei schulden haue the yerdis bifor the iyen, and schulden conseyue in the siyt of the yerdis.
Ọ tọgbọrọ osisi ndị a o kpechapụtara nʼebe ewu na atụrụ ndị a na-aṅụ mmiri, ka ha cherịta ịhụ ebe igwe anụ ụlọ ndị a nọ mgbe ọbụla ha na-aṅụ mmiri. Nke a mere mgbe igwe anụ ụlọ ndị a na-enwe ekpomọkụ nke ịgba ibe ha, nʼoge ha bịara ịṅụ mmiri,
39 And it was doon that in thilke heete of riding the sheep schulde biholde the yerdis, and that thei schulden brynge forth spotti beestis, and dyuerse, and bispreynt with dyuerse colour.
ọ bụ nʼihu ngalaba osisi ndị a ka ha na-anọ na-agba onwe ha. Mgbe anụ ụlọ ndị a mụrụ ụmụ, ahụ ụmụ ha na-atụ agwa agwa maọbụ nwe ntụpọ.
40 And Jacob departide the floc, and puttide the yerdis in the trowis bifor the iyen of the rammys. Sotheli alle the white and blake weren Labans; sotheli the othere weren Jacobis; for the flockis weren departid bytwixe hem silf.
Jekọb na-edo ụmụ igwe ewu na atụrụ ndị a nʼotu akụkụ, ma ọ na-eme ka anụ ụlọ ndị ọzọ chee ihu ha nʼanụ ụlọ Leban ndị tụrụ agwa agwa, maọbụ na-eji oji. Nʼụzọ dị otu a, ọ kewapụtaara onwe ya anụ ụlọ nke ya. O tinyekọtaghị ha nʼanụ ụlọ Leban.
41 Therfor whanne the scheep weren ridun in the firste tyme, Jacob puttide the yerdis in the `trouyis of watir bifor the iyen of rammys and of scheep, that thei schulden conseyue in the siyt of tho yerdis.
Mgbe ọbụla nne anụ ụlọ ndị ahụ siri ike nọ nʼọnọdụ ịtụrụ ime, Jekọb na-edobe ngalaba osisi ndị ahụ nʼakụkụ ebe ha na-aṅụ mmiri nʼihu ha, ka ha nọrọ nʼebe ahụ gbaa onwe ha.
42 Forsothe whanne the late medlyng and the laste conseyuyng weren, Jacob puttide not tho yerdis; and tho that weren late, weren maad Labans, and tho that weren of the firste tyme weren Jacobis.
Ma ọ bụrụ na anụ ụlọ ndị ahụ adịghị ike, Jekọb anaghị edebe osisi ndị a nʼihu ha. Ya mere, igwe ewu na atụrụ ndị na-esighị ike gaara Leban. Ma ndị siri ike gaara Jekọb.
43 And he was maad ful riche, and hadde many flockis, handmaydis, and seruauntis, camels, and assis.
Site nʼụzọ dị otu a, Jekọb ghọrọ onye nwere akụ hie nne. O nwekwara ọtụtụ igwe anụ ụlọ na ọtụtụ ndị na-ejere ya ozi nwoke na nwanyị, na ọtụtụ ịnyịnya kamel, na ọtụtụ ịnyịnya ibu ndị ọzọ.

< Genesis 30 >