< Genesis 25 >
1 Forsothe Abraham weddide another wijf, Ceture bi name,
Abraham vero aliam duxit uxorem nomine Ceturam:
2 which childide to him Samram, and Jexan, and Madan, and Madian, and Jesboth, and Sue.
quæ peperit ei Zamran et Jecsan, et Madan, et Madian, et Jesboc, et Sue.
3 Also Jexan gendride Saba and Dadan. Forsothe the sones of Dadan weren Asurym, and Lathusym, and Laomym.
Jecsan quoque genuit Saba et Dadan. Filii Dadan fuerunt Assurim, et Latusim, et Loomin.
4 And sotheli of Madian was borun Efa, and Ofer, and Enoth, and Abida, and Heldaa; alle these weren the sones of Cethure.
At vero ex Madian ortus est Epha, et Opher, et Henoch, et Abida, et Eldaa: omnes hi filii Ceturæ.
5 And Abraham yaf alle thingis whiche he hadde in possessioun to Isaac;
Deditque Abraham cuncta quæ possederat, Isaac:
6 sotheli he yaf yiftis to the sones of concubyns; and Abraham, while he lyuede yit, departide hem fro Ysaac, his sone, to the eest coost.
filiis autem concubinarum largitus est munera, et separavit eos ab Isaac filio suo, dum adhuc ipse viveret, ad plagam orientalem.
7 Forsothe the daies of lijf of Abraham weren an hundrid and `fyue and seuenti yeer;
Fuerunt autem dies vitæ Abrahæ, centum septuaginta quinque anni.
8 and he failide, and diede in good eelde, and of greet age, and ful of daies, and he was gaderid to his puple.
Et deficiens mortuus est in senectute bona, provectæque ætatis et plenus dierum: congregatusque est ad populum suum.
9 And Ysaac and Ismael, his sones, birieden him in the double denne, which is set in the feeld of Efron, sone of Seor Ethei,
Et sepelierunt eum Isaac et Ismaël filii sui in spelunca duplici, quæ sita est in agro Ephron filii Seor Hethæi, e regione Mambre,
10 euene ayens Mambre, which denne he bouyte of the sones of Heth; and he was biried there, and Sare his wijf.
quem emerat a filiis Heth: ibi sepultus est ipse, et Sara uxor ejus.
11 And aftir the deeth of Abraham God blesside Isaac his sone, which dwellide bisidis the pit bi name of hym that lyueth and seeth.
Et post obitum illius benedixit Deus Isaac filio ejus, qui habitabat juxta puteum nomine Viventis et videntis.
12 These ben the generaciouns of Ismael, sone of Abraham, whom Agar Egipcian, seruauntesse of Sare, childide to Abraham;
Hæ sunt generationes Ismaël filii Abrahæ, quem peperit ei Agar Ægyptia, famula Saræ: et
13 and these ben the names of the sones of Ismael, in her names and generaciouns. The firste gendride of Ismael was Nabaioth, aftirward Cedar, and Abdeel, and Mabsan,
hæc nomina filiorum ejus in vocabulis et generationibus suis. Primogenitus Ismaëlis Nabaioth, deinde Cedar, et Adbeel, et Mabsam,
14 and Masma, and Duma, and Massa,
Masma quoque, et Duma, et Massa,
15 and Adad, and Thema, and Ithur, and Nafir, and Cedma.
Hadar, et Thema, et Jethur, et Naphis, et Cedma.
16 These weren the sones of Ismael, and these weren names by castels and townes of hem, twelue princes of her lynagis.
Isti sunt filii Ismaëlis: et hæc nomina per castella et oppida eorum, duodecim principes tribuum suarum.
17 And the yeeris of lijf of Ismael weren maad an hundrid and seuene and thretti, and he failide, and diede, and was put to his puple.
Et facti sunt anni vitæ Ismaëlis centum triginta septem, deficiensque mortuus est, et appositus ad populum suum.
18 Forsothe he enhabitide fro Euila til to Sur, that biholdith Egipt, as me entrith in to Assiriens; he diede bifore alle his britheren.
Habitavit autem ab Hevila usque Sur, quæ respicit Ægyptum introëuntibus Assyrios; coram cunctis fratribus suis obiit.
19 Also these ben the generaciouns of Ysaac sone of Abraham. Abraham gendride Isaac,
Hæ quoque sunt generationes Isaac filii Abraham: Abraham genuit Isaac:
20 and whanne Isaac was of fourti yeer, he weddide a wijf, Rebecca, douyter of Batuel, of Sirie of Mesopotanye, the sistir of Laban.
qui cum quadraginta esset annorum, duxit uxorem Rebeccam filiam Bathuelis Syri de Mesopotamia, sororem Laban.
21 And Isaac bisouyte the Lord for his wijf, for sche was bareyn; and the Lord herde him, and yaf conseiuyng to Rebecca.
Deprecatusque est Isaac Dominum pro uxore sua, eo quod esset sterilis: qui exaudivit eum, et dedit conceptum Rebeccæ.
22 But the litle children weren hurtlid togidre in hir wombe; and sche seide, If it was so to comynge to me, what nede was it to conseyue? And sche yede and axide counsel of the Lord,
Sed collidebantur in utero ejus parvuli; quæ ait: Si sic mihi futurum erat, quid necesse fuit concipere? perrexitque ut consuleret Dominum.
23 which answerde, and seide, Twei folkis ben in thi wombe, and twei puplis schulen be departid fro thi wombe, and a puple schal ouercome a puple, and the more schal serue the lesse.
Qui respondens ait: [Duæ gentes sunt in utero tuo, et duo populi ex ventre tuo dividentur, populusque populum superabit, et major serviet minori.]
24 Thanne the tyme of childberyng cam, and lo! twei children weren foundun in hir wombe.
Jam tempus pariendi advenerat, et ecce gemini in utero ejus reperti sunt.
25 He that yede out first was reed, and al rouy in the manere of a skyn; and his name was clepid Esau.
Qui prior egressus est, rufus erat, et totus in morem pellis hispidus: vocatumque est nomen ejus Esau. Protinus alter egrediens, plantam fratris tenebat manu: et idcirco appellavit eum Jacob.
26 Anoon the tothir yede out, and helde with the hond the heele of the brother; and therfore he clepide him Jacob. Isaac was sixti yeer eeld, whanne the litle children weren borun.
Sexagenarius erat Isaac quando nati sunt ei parvuli.
27 And whanne thei weren woxun, Esau was maad a man kunnynge of huntyng, and a man erthe tilier; forsothe Jacob was a symple man, and dwellide in tabernaclis.
Quibus adultis, factus est Esau vir gnarus venandi, et homo agricola: Jacob autem vir simplex habitabat in tabernaculis.
28 Isaac louyde Esau, for he eet of the huntyng of Esau; and Rebecca louyde Jacob.
Isaac amabat Esau, eo quod de venationibus illius vesceretur: et Rebecca diligebat Jacob.
29 Sotheli Jacob sethide potage; and whanne Esau cam weri fro the feld,
Coxit autem Jacob pulmentum: ad quem cum venisset Esau de agro lassus,
30 he seide to Jacob, Yyue thou to me of this reed sething, for Y am ful weri; for which cause his name was clepid Edom.
ait: Da mihi de coctione hac rufa, quia oppido lassus sum. Quam ob causam vocatum est nomen ejus Edom.
31 And Jacob seide to him, Sille to me the riyt of the first gendrid childe.
Cui dixit Jacob: Vende mihi primogenita tua.
32 He answerde, Lo! Y die, what schulen the firste gendrid thingis profite to me?
Ille respondit: En morior, quid mihi proderunt primogenita?
33 Jacob seide, therfor swere thou to me. Therfor Esau swoor, and selde the firste gendrid thingis.
Ait Jacob: Jura ergo mihi. Juravit ei Esau et vendidit primogenita.
34 And so whanne he hadde take breed and potage, Esau eet and drank, and yede forth, and chargide litil that he hadde seld the riyt of the firste gendrid child.
Et sic, accepto pane et lentis edulio, comedit et bibit, et abiit, parvipendens quod primogenita vendidisset.