< Genesis 23 >

1 Forsothe Sare lyuede an hundrid and seuene and twenti yeer,
2 and diede in the citee of Arbee, which is Ebron, in the lond of Chanaan; and Abraham cam to biweyle and biwepe hir.
撒拉死在迦南地的基列·亚巴,就是希伯 。亚伯拉罕为她哀恸哭号。
3 And whanne he hadde rise fro the office of the deed bodi, he spak to the sones of Heth, and seide,
4 Y am a comelyng and a pilgrym anentis you; yyue ye to me riyt of sepulcre with you, that Y birie my deed body.
5 And the sones of Heth answeriden, and seiden, Lord, here thou vs;
6 thou art the prince of God anentis vs; birie thou thi deed bodi in oure chosun sepulcris, and no man schal mow forbede thee, that ne thou birie thi deed bodi in the sepulcre of him.
7 And Abraham roos, and worschipide the puple of the lond, that is, the sones of Heth.
8 And he seide to hem, If it plesith youre soule that Y birie my deed bodi, here ye me, and preie ye for me to Efron, the sone of Seor,
对他们说:“你们若有意叫我埋葬我的死人,使她不在我眼前,就请听我的话,为我求琐辖的儿子以弗 ;
9 that he yyue to me the double caue, whiche he hath in the vttirmoste part of his feeld; for sufficiaunt money yyue he it to me bifore you into possessioun of sepulcre.
10 Forsothe Efron dwellide in the myddis of the sones of Heth. And Efron answerde to Abraham, while alle men herden that entriden bi the yate of that citee,
当时以弗 正坐在赫人中间。于是,赫人以弗 在城门出入的赫人面前对亚伯拉罕说:
11 and seide, My lord, it schal not be doon so, but more herkne thou that that Y seie; Y yyue to thee the feeld, and the denne which is therine, while the sones of my puple ben present; birie thou thi deed bodi.
12 Abraham worschipide bifor the Lord, and bifor the puple of the lond,
13 and he spak to Efron, while his puple stood aboute, Y biseche, that thou here me; Y schal yyue money for the feeld, resseyue thou it, and so Y schal birie my deed bodi in the feeld.
在他们面前对以弗 说:“你若应允,请听我的话。我要把田价给你,求你收下,我就在那里埋葬我的死人。”
14 And Efron answerde, My lord,
以弗 回答亚伯拉罕说:
15 here thou me, the lond which thou axist is worth foure hundrid siclis of siluer, that is the prijs bitwixe me and thee, but hou myche is this? birie thou thi deed bodi.
16 And whanne Abraham hadde herd this, he noumbride the monei which Efron axide, while the sones of Heth herden, foure hundrid siclis of siluer, and of preuyd comyn monei.
亚伯拉罕听从了以弗 ,照着他在赫人面前所说的话,把买卖通用的银子平了四百舍客勒给以弗 。
17 And the feeld that was sumtyme of Efron, in which feeld was a double denne, biholdinge to Mambre, as wel thilke feeld as the denne and alle the trees therof, in alle termes therof bi cumpas, was confermed to Abraham in to possessioun,
于是,麦比拉、幔利前、以弗 的那块田和其中的洞,并田间四围的树木,
18 while the sones of Heth seiyen and alle men that entriden bi the yate of that citee.
19 And so Abraham biriede Sare, his wijf, in the double denne of the feeld, that bihelde to Mambre; this is Ebron in the lond of Chanaan.
此后,亚伯拉罕把他妻子撒拉埋葬在迦南地幔利前的麦比拉田间的洞里。(幔利就是希伯 )。
20 And the feeld, and the denne that was therynne, was confermyd of the sones of Heth to Abraham, in to possessioun of sepulcre.

< Genesis 23 >