< Genesis 15 >

1 And so whanne these thingis weren don, the word of the Lord was maad to Abram bi a visioun, and seide, Abram, nyle thou drede, Y am thi defender, and thi meede is ful greet.
his itaque transactis factus est sermo Domini ad Abram per visionem dicens noli timere Abram ego protector tuus sum et merces tua magna nimis
2 And Abram seide, Lord God, what schalt thou yyue to me? Y schal go with oute fre children, and this Damask, sone of Elieser, the procuratour of myn hous, schal be myn eir.
dixitque Abram Domine Deus quid dabis mihi ego vadam absque liberis et filius procuratoris domus meae iste Damascus Eliezer
3 And Abram addide, Sotheli thou hast not youe seed to me, and, lo! my borun seruaunt schal be myn eir.
addiditque Abram mihi autem non dedisti semen et ecce vernaculus meus heres meus erit
4 And anoon the word of the Lord was maad to hym, and seide, This schal not be thin eir, but thou schalt haue hym eir, that schal go out of thi wombe.
statimque sermo Domini factus est ad eum dicens non erit hic heres tuus sed qui egredietur de utero tuo ipsum habebis heredem
5 And the Lord ledde out Abram, and seide to hym, Biholde thou heuene, and noumbre thou sterris, if thou maist. And the Lord seide to Abram, So thi seed schal be.
eduxitque eum foras et ait illi suspice caelum et numera stellas si potes et dixit ei sic erit semen tuum
6 Abram bileuede to God, and it was arettid to hym to riytfulnesse.
credidit Domino et reputatum est ei ad iustitiam
7 And God seide to hym, Y am the Lord, that ladde thee out of Vr of Caldeis, that Y schulde yyue this lond to thee, and thou schuldist haue it in possessioun.
dixitque ad eum ego Dominus qui eduxi te de Ur Chaldeorum ut darem tibi terram istam et possideres eam
8 And Abram seide, Lord God, wherbi may I wite that Y schal welde it?
at ille ait Domine Deus unde scire possum quod possessurus sim eam
9 And the Lord answerde, and seide, Take thou to me a cow of thre yeer, and a geet of thre yeer, and a ram of thre yeer, a turtle also, and a culuer.
respondens Dominus sume inquit mihi vaccam triennem et capram trimam et arietem annorum trium turturem quoque et columbam
10 Which took alle these thingis, and departide tho bi the myddis, and settide euer eithir partis ech ayens other; but he departide not the briddis.
qui tollens universa haec divisit per medium et utrasque partes contra se altrinsecus posuit aves autem non divisit
11 And foulis camen doun on the careyns, and Abram drof hem awey.
descenderuntque volucres super cadavera et abigebat eas Abram
12 And whanne the sunne was gon doun, drede felde on Abram, and a greet hidousenesse and derk asaylide him.
cumque sol occumberet sopor inruit super Abram et horror magnus et tenebrosus invasit eum
13 And it was seid to hym, Wite thou bifore knowinge, that thi seed schal be pilgrim foure hundrid yeer in a lond not his owne, and thei schulen make hem suget to seruage, and thei schulen turment hem;
dictumque est ad eum scito praenoscens quod peregrinum futurum sit semen tuum in terra non sua et subicient eos servituti et adfligent quadringentis annis
14 netheles Y schal deme the folk to whom thei schulen serue; and aftir these thingis thei schulen go out with greet catel.
verumtamen gentem cui servituri sunt ego iudicabo et post haec egredientur cum magna substantia
15 Forsothe thou schalt go to thi fadris in pees, and schalt be biried in good age.
tu autem ibis ad patres tuos in pace sepultus in senectute bona
16 Sotheli in the fourthe generacioun thei schulen turne ayen hidir, for the wickidnesses of Amoreis ben not yit fillid, `til to present tyme.
generatione autem quarta revertentur huc necdum enim conpletae sunt iniquitates Amorreorum usque ad praesens tempus
17 Therfor whanne the sunne was gon doun, a derk myst was maad, and a furneis smokynge apperide, and a laumpe of fier, and passide thorou tho departingis.
cum ergo occubuisset sol facta est caligo tenebrosa et apparuit clibanus fumans et lampas ignis transiens inter divisiones illas
18 In that dai the Lord made a couenaunt of pees with Abram, and seide, Y schal yyue to thi seed this lond, fro the ryuer of Egipt til to the greet ryuer Eufrates; Cyneis,
in die illo pepigit Dominus cum Abram foedus dicens semini tuo dabo terram hanc a fluvio Aegypti usque ad fluvium magnum flumen Eufraten
19 and Cyneseis, and Cethmoneis, and Etheis,
Cineos et Cenezeos et Cedmoneos
20 and Fereseis, and Raphaym, and Amorreis,
et Hettheos et Ferezeos Rafaim quoque
21 and Cananeis, and Gergeseis, and Jebuseis.
et Amorreos et Chananeos et Gergeseos et Iebuseos

< Genesis 15 >