< Ezra 6 >

1 Thanne kyng Darius comaundide, and thei rekenyden in the biblet of bokis, that weren kept in Babiloyne.
Ipapo Mambo Dhariasi akatema chirevo, uye vakatsvakisisa mumabhuku enhoroondo dzakare aiva mudura repfuma muBhabhironi.
2 And o book was foundun in Egbatanys, which is a castel in the prouynce of Medena, and sich a sentence of the kyng was writun therynne.
Rugwaro rwakapetwa rwakawanikwa mumuzinda weEkibhatana mudunhu reMedhia, uye izvi ndizvo zvakanga zvakanyorwa parwuri: Chiziviso:
3 In the first yeer of kyng Cirus, Cirus the kyng demyde, that, `Goddis hows, which is in Jerusalem, schulde be bildid in the place where thei offren sacrifices, and that thei sette foundementis supportynge the heiythe of sixti cubitis, and the lengthe of sixti cubitis, thre ordris of stonys vnpolischid,
Mugore rokutanga raMambo Sirasi, mambo akapa chirevo pamusoro pezvetemberi yaMwari muJerusarema achiti: Temberi ngaivakwezve ive nzvimbo yokubayira zvibayiro, uye nheyo dzayo ngadziteyiwe. Inofanira kuva namakubhiti makumi matanhatu paurefu namakubhiti makumi matanhatu paupamhi,
4 and so ordris of newe trees. Sotheli costis schulen be youun of the kyngis hows.
ive nemitsara mitatu yamabwe makuru uye nomutsara mumwe chete wamatanda. Mari yokuvaka ngaitorwe kubva papfuma yamambo.
5 But also the goldun and siluerne vessels of Goddis temple, whiche Nabugodonosor took fro the temple of Jerusalem, and brouyte tho in to Babiloyne, be yoldun, and borun ayen in to the temple of Jerusalem, and in to her place, whiche also be set in the temple of God.
Uyezve midziyo yegoridhe neyesirivha yeimba yaMwari yakatorwa naNebhukadhinezari kubva mutemberi muJerusarema akauya nayo kuBhabhironi, inofanira kudzoserwa panzvimbo yayo mutemberi muJerusarema; inofanira kuiswa muimba yaMwari.
6 Now therfor Tathannai, duyk of the cuntrei which is biyende the flood, and Starbusannai, and youre counseleris, Arphasacei, that ben byyende the flood, departe ye fer fro hem;
Zvino naizvozvo, Tatenai, mubati wenyika iri mhiri kwaYufuratesi, Sheshitari-Bhozenai, iwe namachinda avo omudunhu iro, musapindira pazvinhu izvi.
7 and suffre ye, that thilke temple of God be maad of the duyk of Jewis, and of the eldre men of hem; and that thei bilde that hows of God in his place.
Musakanganisa basa retemberi iyi yaMwari. Regai mubati wavaJudha navakuru vavaJudha vavake imba iyi yaMwari panzvimbo yayo.
8 But also it is comaundid of me, that that bihoueth to be maad of tho preestis of Jewys, that the hows of God be bildid, that is, that costis be youun bisili to tho men of the arke of the kyng, that is, of tributis, that ben youun of the contrei biyende the flood, lest the werk be lettid.
Pamusoro pezvo, ndinorayira zvino zvamunofanira kuitira vakuru ava vavaJudha, pakuvakwa kweimba iyi yaMwari: Mari yose inodiwa kuripira varume ava ichabva papfuma yamambo ichibva pamitero inoripwa kubva mhiri kwaYufuratesi, kuitira kuti basa rirege kumira.
9 That if it be nede, yyue thei bothe calues, and lambren, and kidis in to brent sacrifice to God of heuene; wheete, salt, and wyn, and oile, bi the custom of preestis that ben in Jerusalem, be youun to hem bi ech dai, that no pleynt be in ony thing.
Zvose zvinodiwa, dzingava hando duku, makondobwe, namakwayana makono, zvokuita nazvo zvipiriso zvinopiswa kuna Mwari wokudenga, uye gorosi, munyu, waini namafuta, zvinenge zvakumbirwa navaprista muJerusarema, zvinofanira kupiwa kwavari zuva rimwe nerimwe musingadariki,
10 And offre thei offryngis to God of heuene; and preye thei for the lijf of the kyng and of hise sones.
kuti vagone kupa zvibayiro zvinofadza kuna Mwari wokudenga uye kuti vagone kunyengetererawo upenyu hwamambo nohwavanakomana vake.
11 Therfor the sentence is set of me, that if ony man chaungith this comaundement, a tre be takun of his hows, and be reisid, and be he hangid therynne; sotheli his hows be forfetid.
Pamusoro pezvo, ndinotemawo chirevo, kuti ani naani anoshandura shoko iri, bango rinofanira kubviswa paimba yake, uye anofanira kuturikwa agorovererwa pariri. Uye nokuda kwemhaka iyi, imba yake inofanira kuitwa murwi wamarara.
12 Forsothe God, that makith his name to dwelle there, distrie alle rewmes and puple, that holdith forth her hond to impugne and destrie thilke hows of God, which is in Jerusalem. I Darius haue demyd the sentence, which Y wole be fillid diligentli.
Mwari, akagarisa Zita rake ipapo, ngaaparadze mambo upi noupi kana vanhu vangatambanudza maoko avo kuti vashandure chirevo ichi kana kuparadza temberi iyi muJerusarema. Ini Dhariasi ndini ndatema chirevo ichi. Ngachizadziswe nenzira yakanyanyisa kunaka.
13 Therfor Tathannai, duyk of the `cuntrei biyende the flood, and Starbusannai, and hise counseleris, diden execucioun, `ether filliden, so diligentli, bi that that kyng Darius hadde comaundid.
Ipapo, nokuda kwechirevo chakanga chatumirwa naMambo Dhariasi, Tatenai mubati wemhiri kwaYufuratesi, naShetari-Bhozenai neshamwari dzavo vakaita izvi nenzira yakanakisisa.
14 Sotheli the eldre men of Jewis bildiden, and hadden prosperite, bi the profesie of Aggey, the profete, and of Zacarie, the sone of Ado; and thei bildiden, and maden, for God of Israel comaundide, and for Cirus, and Darius, and Artaxerses, kyngis of Persis, comaundiden;
Nokudaro vakuru vavaJudha vakaenderera mberi nokuvaka uye vakabudirira vachiparidzirwa naHagai muprofita naZekaria mwanakomana waIdho. Vakavaka temberi vakaipedza sokurayirwa kwavakanga vaitwa naMwari weIsraeri nechirevo chaSirasi, Dhariasi naAtazekisesi madzimambo ePezhia.
15 and thei performyden this hows of God `til to the thridde dai of the monethe Adar, which is the sixte yeer of the rewme of king Darius.
Temberi yakapera kuvakwa pazuva rechitatu romwedzi waAdhari, mugore rechitanhatu rokutonga kwamambo Dhariasi.
16 Forsothe the sones of Israel, the preestis and dekenes, and the othere of the sones of transmygracioun, `that is, that camen fro transmigracioun, `ether caitifte, maden the halewyng of Goddis hows in ioie;
Ipapo vanhu veIsraeri, vaprista, vaRevhi uye navamwe vose vakanga vakatapwa, vakapemberera kukumikidzwa kweimba yaMwari nomufaro.
17 and offriden, `in the halewyng of Goddis hows, an hundrid caluys, twei hundryd wetheris, foure hundrid lambren, twelue buckis of geet for the synne of al Israel, bi the noumbre of lynagis of Israel.
Pakukumikidzwa kweimba iyi yaMwari vakabayira hando zana, makondobwe mazana maviri, namakwayana makono mazana mana uye sechipiriso chechivi chavaIsraeri vose, vakabayira nhongo dzembudzi gumi nembiri, imwe ichimirira rudzi rumwe norumwe rwaIsraeri.
18 And thei ordeyneden preestis in her ordris, and dekenes in her whilis, on the werkis of God in Jerusalem, as it is writun in the book of Moises.
Vakagadza vaprista mumapoka avo uye navaRevhi muzvikwata zvawo kuti vaite basa raMwari paJerusarema, sezvazvakanyorwa muBhuku raMozisi.
19 Forsothe the sones of transmygracioun maden pask, in the fourtenthe dai of the firste monethe.
Pazuva regumi namana romwedzi wokutanga, vatapwa vakapemberera Pasika.
20 For the preestis and dekenes as o man weren clensid, alle weren clene for to offre pask to alle the sones of transmygracioun, and to her britheren preestis, and to hem silf.
Vaprista navaRevhi vakanga vazvinatsa uye vose vakanga vanatswa. VaRevhi vakabayira vatapwa vose gwayana rePasika, vakabayirawo hama dzavo vaprista naivo vamene.
21 And the sones of Israel eeten, that turneden ayen fro transmygracioun, and ech man eet, that hadde departid hym silf fro al the defoulyng of hethene men of the lond, for to seke the Lord God of Israel.
Nokudaro vaIsraeri vakanga vadzoka kubva kuutapwa vakaidya, pamwe chete navose vakanga vazvitsaura kubva pazviito zvisina kururama zvaiitwa navavakidzani vavo vokune dzimwe ndudzi, kuti vatsvake Jehovha, Mwari waIsraeri.
22 And thei maden solempnyte of therf looues seuene daies in gladnesse; for the Lord hadde maad hem glad, and hadde turned the herte of the kyng of Assur to hem, that he wolde helpe `her hondis in the werk of the hows of the Lord God of Israel.
Kwamazuva manomwe vakapemberera nomufaro Mutambo weZvingwa Zvisina Mbiriso, nokuti Jehovha akanga avapa mufaro nokushandura mwoyo wamambo weAsiria, kuti avabatsire pakuitwa kwebasa reimba yaMwari, iye Mwari weIsraeri.

< Ezra 6 >