< Ezekiel 1 >

1 And it was don, in the thrittithe yeer, in the fourthe monethe, in the fyuethe dai of the moneth, whanne Y was in the myddis of caitifs, bisidis the flood Chobar, heuenes weren openyd, and Y siy the reuelaciouns of God.
A shekara ta talatin, a wata na huɗu a rana biyar, yayinda nake cikin’yan zaman bauta kusa da Kogin Kebar, sai sammai suka buɗe na kuwa ga wahayoyin Allah.
2 In the fyueth dai of the monethe; thilke is the fyuethe yeer of passing ouer of Joachym, kyng of Juda;
A rana biyar ga wata, a shekara ta biyar ne ta zaman bautan Sarki Yehohiyacin,
3 the word of the Lord was maad to Ezechiel, preest, the sone of Busi, in the lond of Caldeis, bisidis the flood Chobar; and the hond of the Lord was maad there on hym.
maganar Ubangiji ta zo wa Ezekiyel firist, ɗan Buzi, kusa da Kogin Kebar a ƙasar Babiloniyawa. A can hannun Ubangiji yana a kansa.
4 And Y siy, and lo! a whirlewynd cam fro the north, and a greet cloude, and fier wlappynge in, and briytnesse in the cumpas therof; and as the licnesse of electre fro the myddis therof, that is, fro the myddis of the fier.
Na duba, sai na ga guguwa ta taso daga arewa babban hadari cike da walƙiya kewaye da haske mai haske sosai. Tsakiyar wutar ta yi kamar ƙarfe mai cin wuta balbal,
5 And of myddis therof was a licnesse of foure beestis. And this was the biholdyng of tho, the licnesse of a man in tho.
a cikin wutar kuwa akwai abin da ya yi kamar halittu guda huɗu. A bayyane kamanninsu ya yi kamar siffar mutum,
6 And foure faces weren to oon, and foure wyngis weren to oon.
amma kowannensu yana da fuskoki huɗu da fikafikai guda huɗu.
7 And the feet of tho weren streiyt feet, and the soole of the foote of tho was as the soole of a foot of a calf, and sparclis, as the biholdynge of buylynge bras.
Ƙafafunsu miƙaƙƙu ne; kuma ƙafafunsu sun yi kamar na maraƙi suna kuma walƙiya kamar tagullar da aka goge.
8 And the hondis of a man weren vndur the wyngis of tho, in foure partis. And tho hadden faces and wyngis bi foure partis;
A ƙarƙashin fikafikansu huɗu suna da hannuwan mutum a kowane gefe. Dukansu huɗu suna da fuskoki da fikafikai,
9 and the wyngis of tho weren ioyned togidir of oon to another. Tho turneden not ayen, whanne tho yeden, but eche yede bifore his face.
kuma fikafikansu suna taɓan juna. Kowanne ya miƙe gaba; ba sa juyawa sa’ad da suke tafiya.
10 Forsothe the licnesse `of the face of tho was the face of a man and the face of a lioun at the riythalf of tho foure. Forsothe the face of an oxe was at the left half of tho foure; and the face of an egle was aboue tho foure.
Fuskokinsu sun yi kamar haka. Kowanne a cikin huɗun yana da fuskar mutum, kuma a gefen dama kowanne yana da fuskar zaki, a hagu kuma fuskar maraƙi; kowanne yana kuma da fuskar gaggafa.
11 And the faces of tho and the wengis of tho weren stretchid forth aboue. Twei wyngis of eche weren ioyned togidere, and tweyne hiliden the bodies of tho.
Haka fuskokinsu suka kasance. Fikafikansu sun buɗu sama; kowanne yana da fikafikai biyu, ɗaya yana taɓa fikafikan ɗayan halittar a ɗayan gefe, fikafikai biyu kuma suna rufe jikinsa.
12 And ech of tho yede bifore his face. Where the fersnesse of the wynd was, thidur tho yeden, and turneden not ayen, whanne tho yeden.
Kowanne ya miƙe gaba sosai. Duk inda ruhu zai tafi, can za su, ba tare da juyawa ba yayinda suke tafiya.
13 And the licnesse of the beestis, and the biholdyng of tho, was as of brennynge coolis of fier, and as the biholdyng of laumpis. This was the siyt rennynge aboute in the myddis of beestis, the schynyng of fier, and leit goynge out of the fier.
Kamannin halittun ya yi kamar garwashi mai cin wuta ko kuwa kamar fitilu. Wuta tana kai da kawowa a cikin halittun; ta yi haske ƙwarai, walƙiya kuma tana wulgawa daga cikinta.
14 And the beestis yeden, and turneden ayen at the licnesse of leit schynynge.
Halittun suna gaggauta kai da kawowa kamar walƙiya.
15 And whanne Y bihelde the beestis, o wheel, hauuynge foure faces, apperide on the erthe, bisidis the beestis.
Yayinda nake kallon rayayyun halittun nan, sai na ga da’ira a ƙasa kusa da kowace halitta da fuskokinsa huɗu.
16 And the biholdyng of the wheelis and the werk of tho was as the siyt of the see; and o licnesse was of tho foure; and the biholdyng and the werkis of tho, as if a wheel be in the myddis of a wheel.
Ga kamanni da fasalin da’irorin. Suna ƙyalƙyali kamar kirisolit, kuma dukan huɗun sun yi kama da juna. Kowacce ta yi kamar da’ira a cikin da’ira.
17 Tho goynge yeden bi foure partis of tho, and turneden not ayen, whanne tho yeden.
Yayinda suke tafiya, sukan nufi duk wani gefe guda cikin gefe huɗun da halittun suka nufa; da’irorin ba za su juya ba sa’ad da halittun suke tafiya.
18 Also stature, and hiynesse, and orible biholdyng was to the wheelis; and al the bodi was ful of iyen in the cumpas of tho foure.
Ƙarafansu da suka yi kamar zobe sun yi tsayi suna kuma da bantsoro, dukan ƙarafan nan huɗu kuwa da suka yi kamar zobe suna cike da idanu a kewaye.
19 And whanne the beestis yeden, the wheelis also yeden togidere bisidis tho. And whanne the beestis weren reisid fro the erthe, the wheelis also weren reisid togidere.
Sa’ad da rayayyun halittun suke tafiya, da’irorin da suke kusa da su kan motsa; kuma sa’ad da rayayyun halittun sun tashi sama, da’irorin su ma sukan tashi sama.
20 Whidur euere the spirit yede, whanne the spirit yede thedur, also the wheelis suynge it weren reisid togidere; for whi the spirit of lijf was in the wheelis.
Duk inda ruhu za shi, su ma can za su, kuma da’irorin za su tashi tare da su, domin ruhun rayayyun halittun nan yana a cikin da’irorin.
21 Tho yeden with the beestis goynge, and tho stoden with the beestis stondynge. And with the beestis reisid fro erthe, also the wheelis suynge tho beestis weren reisid togidere; for the spirit of lijf was in the wheelis.
Sa’ad da halittun sun motsa, sai su ma su motsa; sa’ad da halittun sun tsaya cik, su ma sai su tsaya cik, sa’ad da kuma halittun sukan tashi sama, da’irorin suka tashi tare da su, domin ruhun rayayyun halittun nan yana a cikin da’irorin.
22 And the licnesse of the firmament was aboue the heed of the beestis, and as the biholdyng of orible cristal, and stretchid abrood on the heed of tho beestis aboue.
A bisa kawunan rayayyun halittun nan akwai abin da ya yi kamar ƙanƙara, mai bantsoro.
23 Forsothe vndur the firmament the wyngis of tho beestis weren streiyt, of oon to anothir; ech beeste hilide his bodi with twei wyngis, and an other was hilid in lijk maner.
A ƙarƙashin al’arshin fikafikansu sun miƙe kyam ɗaura da juna, kuma kowanne yana da fikafikai biyu da suka rufe jikinsa.
24 And Y herde the sown of wyngis, as the sown of many watris, as the sown of hiy God. Whanne tho yeden, ther was as a sown of multitude, as the sown of oostis of batel; and whanne tho stoden, the wyngis of tho weren late doun.
Sa’ad da halittun suke tafiya, sai na ji ƙarar fikafikansu, kamar rurin ruwaye masu gudu, kamar muryar Maɗaukaki, kamar hayaniyar rundunar mayaƙa. In sun tsaya cik, sukan sauko da fikafikansu.
25 For whi whanne a vois was maad on the firmament, that was on the heed of tho, tho stoden, and leten doun her wyngis.
Sai aka ji murya daga al’arshi a kan kawunansu yayinda suke tsaye da fikafikansu a sauke.
26 And on the firmament, that was aboue the heed of tho, was as the biholdyng of a saphire stoon, the licnesse of a trone; and on the licnesse of the trone was a licnesse, as the biholdyng of a man aboue.
A bisa al’arshin a kan kawunansu akwai abin da ya yi kamar saffaya, kuma a can bisa a kan kursiyin akwai siffa kamar na mutum.
27 And Y siy as a licnesse of electre, as the biholding of fier with ynne, bi the cumpas therof; fro the lendis of hym and aboue, and fro the lendis of him til to bynethe, Y siy as the licnesse of fier schynynge in cumpas,
Na ga daga abin da ya yi kamar kwankwasonsa zuwa bisa ya yi kamar ƙarfe mai walƙiya, sai ka ce wuta, kuma daga kwankwasonsa zuwa ƙasa ya yi kamar wuta; haske kuma mai walƙiya sosai kewaye da shi.
28 as the biholdynge of the reynbowe, whanne it is in the cloude in the dai of reyn. This was the biholdyng of schynyng bi cumpas. This was a siyt of the licnesse of the glorie of the Lord. And Y siy, and felle doun on my face; and Y herde the vois of a spekere.
Kamar kamannin bakan gizo a cikin gizagizai a ranar da aka yi ruwan sama, haka hasken da ya kewaye shi. Wannan shi ne kwatancin kamannin ɗaukakar Ubangiji. Sa’ad da na gani, sai na fāɗi rubda ciki, na kuma ji muryar wani tana magana.

< Ezekiel 1 >