< Ezekiel 44 >

1 And he turnede me to the weie of the yate of the outermore seyntuarie, which yate byhelde to the eest, and was closid.
Et convertit me ad viam portæ sanctuarii exterioris, quæ respiciebat ad Orientem: et erat clausa.
2 And the Lord seide to me, This yate schal be closid, and schal not be opened, and a man schal not passe thorou it; for the Lord God of Israel entride bi it, and it schal be closid to the prince.
Et dixit Dominus ad me: Porta hæc clausa erit: non aperietur, et vir non transibit per eam: quoniam Dominus Deus Israel ingressus est per eam, eritque clausa
3 The prince hym silf schal sitte ther ynne, that he ete breed bifor the Lord; he schal go yn bi the weie of the yate of the porche, and he schal go out bi the weie therof.
principi. Princeps ipse sedebit in ea, ut comedat panem coram Domino: per viam portæ vestibuli ingredietur, et per viam eius egredietur.
4 And he ledde me bi the weie of the north yate, in the siyt of the hous; and Y siy, and lo! the glorie of the Lord fillide the hous of the Lord; and Y felle doun on my face.
Et adduxit me per viam portæ Aquilonis in conspectu domus: et vidi, et ecce implevit gloria Domini domum Domini: et cecidi in faciem meam.
5 And the Lord seide to me, Thou, sone of man, sette thin herte, and se with thin iyen, and here with thin eeris alle thingis whiche Y speke to thee, of al the ceremonyes of the hous of the Lord, and of alle the lawis therof; and thou schalt sette thin herte in the weies of the temple, bi alle the goyngis out of the seyntuarie.
Et dixit ad me Dominus: Fili hominis pone cor tuum, et vide oculis tuis, et auribus tuis audi omnia, quæ ego loquor ad te de universis ceremoniis domus Domini, et de cunctis legibus eius: et pones cor tuum in viis templi per omnes exitus sanctuarii.
6 And thou schalt seie to the hous of Israel terrynge me to wraththe, The Lord God seith these thingis, Ye hous of Israel, alle youre grete trespassis suffice to you,
Et dices ad exasperantem me domum Israel: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Sufficiant vobis omnia scelera vestra domus Israel:
7 for ye bryngen in alien sones, vncircumcidid in herte, and vncircumcidid in fleisch, that thei be in my seyntuarie, and defoule myn hous. And ye offren my looues, ynnere fatnesse, and blood, and breken my couenaunt in alle youre grete trespassis.
eo quod inducitis filios alienos incircumcisos corde, et incircumcisos carne, ut sint in sanctuario meo, et polluant domum meam: et offertis panes meos, adipem, et sanguinem: et dissolvitis pactum meum in omnibus sceleribus vestris.
8 And ye kepten not the comaundementis of my seyntuarie, and ye settiden keperis of my kepyngis in my seyntuarye to you silf.
Et non servastis præcepta sanctuarii mei: et posuistis custodes observationum mearum in sanctuario meo vobismetipsis.
9 The Lord God seith these thingis, Ech alien `that is vncircumcidid in herte, and vncircumcidid in fleisch, schal not entre in to my seyntuarie; ech alien sone, which is in the myddis of the sones of Israel.
Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Omnis alienigena incircumcisus corde, et incircumcisus carne, non ingredietur sanctuarium meum, omnis filius alienus qui est in medio filiorum Israel.
10 But also Leuytis, `ether men of the lynage of Leuy, that yeden fer a wei fro me in the errour of the sones of Israel, and erriden fro me aftir her idols, and baren her wickidnesse,
Sed et Levitæ, qui longe recesserunt a me in errore filiorum Israel, et erraverunt a me post idola sua, et portaverunt iniquitatem suam:
11 thei schulen be kepers of housis in my seyntuarye, and porteris of yatis of the hous, and mynystris of the hous; thei schulen sle brent sacrifices, and sacrifices for victorie of the puple; and thei schulen stonde in the siyt of the prestis, for to mynystre to hem.
erunt in sanctuario meo æditui, et ianitores portarum domus, et ministri domus: ipsi mactabunt holocausta, et victimas populi: et ipsi stabunt in conspectu eorum, ut ministrent eis.
12 For that that thei mynystriden to tho in the siyt of her idols, and weren maad to the hous of Israel in to offendyng of wickidnesse; therfor Y reiside myn hond on them, seith the Lord God, and thei baren her wickidnesse.
Pro eo quod ministraverunt illis in conspectu idolorum suorum, et facti sunt domui Israel in offendiculum iniquitatis: idcirco levavi manum meam super eos, ait Dominus Deus, et portabunt iniquitatem suam:
13 And thei schulen not neiye to me, that thei vse preesthod to me, nether thei schulen neiye to al my seyntuarie bisidis hooly of hooli thingis, but thei schulen bere her schenschipe, and her grete trespassis whiche thei diden.
et non appropinquabunt ad me ut sacerdotio fungantur mihi, neque accedent ad omne sanctuarium meum iuxta sancta sanctorum: sed portabunt confusionem suam, et scelera sua quæ fecerunt.
14 And Y schal make hem porteris of the hous, in al the seruyce therof, and in alle thingis that ben don ther ynne.
Et dabo eos ianitores domus in omni ministerio eius, et in universis, quæ fient in ea.
15 Forsothe preestis and dekenes, the sones of Sadoch, that kepten the cerymonyes of my seyntuarie, whanne the sones of Israel erriden fro me, thei schulen neiye to me, for to mynystre to me; and thei schulen stonde in my siyt, that thei offre to me ynnere fatnesse and blood, seith the Lord God.
Sacerdotes autem et Levitæ filii Sadoc, qui custodierunt ceremonias sanctuarii mei, cum errarent filii Israel a me, ipsi accedent ad me ut ministrent mihi: et stabunt in conspectu meo ut offerant mihi adipem, et sanguinem, ait Dominus Deus.
16 Thei schulen entre in to my seyntuarie, and thei schulen neiye to my boord, that thei mynystre to me, and kepe my ceremonyes.
Ipsi ingredientur sanctuarium meum, et ipsi accedent ad mensam meam ut ministrent mihi, et custodiant ceremonias meas.
17 And whanne thei schulen entre in to the yatis of the ynnere halle,
Cumque ingredientur portas atrii interioris, vestibus lineis induentur: nec ascendet super eos quidquam laneum, quando ministrant in portis atrii interioris et intrinsecus.
18 thei schulen be clothid with lynnun clothis, nether ony wollun thing schal `be do on hem, whanne thei mynystren in the yatis of the ynnere halle, and with ynne; lynnun cappis, ether mytris, schulen be in the heedis of hem, and lynnun brechis schulen be in the leendis of hem, and thei schulen not be gird in swoot.
Vittæ lineæ erunt in capitibus eorum, et feminalia linea erunt in lumbis eorum, et non accingentur in sudore.
19 And whanne thei schulen go out at the outermere halle to the puple, thei schulen dispuyle hem of her clothis, in whiche thei mynystriden, and thei schulen leie tho vp in the treserie of seyntuarie; and thei schulen clothe hem silf in othere clothis, and thei schulen not halewe my puple in her clothis.
Cumque egredientur atrium exterius ad populum, exuent se vestimentis suis, in quibus ministraverant, et reponent ea in gazophylacio sanctuarii, et vestient se vestimentis aliis: et non sanctificabunt populum in vestibus suis.
20 Forsothe thei schulen not schaue her heed, nether thei schulen nursche long heere, but thei clippynge schulen clippe her heedis.
Caput autem suum non radent, neque comam nutrient: sed tondentes attondent capita sua.
21 And ech preest schal not drynke wyn, whanne he schal entre in to the ynnere halle.
Et vinum non bibet omnis sacerdos quando ingressurus est atrium interius.
22 And preestis schulen not take wyues a widewe, and a forsakun womman, but virgyns of the seed of the hous of Israel; but also thei schulen take a widewe, which is the widewe of a preest.
Et viduam, et repudiatam non accipient uxores, sed virgines de semine domus Israel: sed et viduam, quæ fuerit vidua a sacerdote, accipient.
23 And thei schulen teche my puple, what is bitwixe hooli thing and defoulid; and thei schulen schewe to hem, what is bitwixe cleene thing and vncleene.
Et populum meum docebunt quid sit inter sanctum et pollutum, et inter mundum et immundum ostendent eis.
24 And whanne debate is, thei schulen stonde in my domes, and schulen deme my lawis; and thei schulen kepe my comaundementis in alle my solempnytees, and thei schulen halewe my sabatis.
Et cum fuerit controversia, stabunt in iudiciis meis, et iudicabunt: leges meas, et præcepta mea in omnibus sollemnitatibus meis custodient, et Sabbata mea sanctificabunt.
25 And thei schulen not entre to a deed man, lest thei be defoulid, no but to fadir, and modir, and to sone, and douyter, and to brother, and sister that hadde not an hosebonde, in whiche thei schulen be defoulid.
Et ad mortuum hominem non ingredientur, ne polluantur, nisi ad patrem et matrem, et filium et filiam, et fratrem et sororem, quæ alterum virum non habuerit: in quibus contaminabuntur.
26 And after that he is clensid, seuene daies schulen be noumbrid to hym.
Et postquam fuerit emundatus, septem dies numerabuntur ei.
27 And in the dai of his entryng in to the seyntuarie, to the ynnere halle, that he mynystre to me in the seyntuarie, he schal offre for his synne, seith the Lord God.
Et in die introitus sui in sanctuarium ad atrium interius ut ministret mihi in sanctuario, offeret pro peccato suo, ait Dominus Deus.
28 Forsothe noon eritage schal be to hem, Y am the eritage of hem; and ye schulen not yyue to hem possessioun in Israel, for Y am the possessioun of hem.
Non erit autem eis hereditas, ego hereditas eorum: et possessionem non dabitis eis in Israel, ego enim possessio eorum.
29 Thei schulen ete sacrifice, bothe for synne and for trespasse, and ech avow of Israel schal be hern.
Victimam et pro peccato et pro delicto ipsi comedent: et omne votum in Israel ipsorum erit.
30 And the firste thingis of alle firste gendrid thingis, and alle moiste sacrifices, of alle thingis that ben offrid, schulen be the prestis part; and ye schulen yyue the firste thingis of youre metis to the prest, that he leie vp blessyng to his hous.
Et primitiva omnium primogenitorum, et omnia libamenta ex omnibus, quæ offeruntur, sacerdotum erunt: et primitiva ciborum vestrorum dabitis sacerdoti, ut reponat benedictionem domui tuæ.
31 Preestis schulen not ete ony thing deed bi it silf, and takun of a beeste, of foulis, and of scheep.
Omne morticinum, et captum a bestia de avibus et de pecoribus non comedent Sacerdotes.

< Ezekiel 44 >