< Ezekiel 27 >

1 And the word of the Lord was maad to me,
et factum est verbum Domini ad me dicens
2 and he seide, Therfor thou, sone of man, take weilyng on Tire.
tu ergo fili hominis adsume super Tyrum lamentum
3 And thou schalt seie to Tire, that dwellith in the entryng of the see, to the marchaundie of puplis to many ilis, The Lord God seith these thingis, O! Tire, thou seidist, Y am of perfit fairnesse,
et dices Tyro quae habitat in introitu maris negotiationi populorum ad insulas multas haec dicit Dominus Deus o Tyre tu dixisti perfecti decoris ego sum
4 and Y am set in the herte of the see. Thei that ben in thi coostis that bildiden thee, filliden thi fairnesse;
et in corde maris sita finitimi tui qui te aedificaverunt impleverunt decorem tuum
5 thei bildiden thee with fir trees of Sanyr, with alle werkis of boordis of the see; thei token a cedre of the Liban, to make a mast to thee.
abietibus de Sanir extruxerunt te cum omnibus tabulatis maris cedrum de Libano tulerunt ut facerent tibi malum
6 Thei hewiden ookis of Bala in to thin ooris, thei maden to thee thi seetis of roweris of yuer of Ynde, and cabans of the ilis of Italie.
quercus de Basan dolaverunt in remos tuos transtra tua fecerunt tibi ex ebore indico et praetoriola de insulis Italiae
7 Dyuerse biys, `ether whijt silk, of Egipt, was wouun to thee in to a veil, that it schulde be set in the mast; iacynct and purpur of the ilis of Elisa weren maad thin hiling.
byssus varia de Aegypto texta est tibi in velum ut poneretur in malo hyacinthus et purpura de insulis Elisa facta sunt operimentum tuum
8 The dwelleris of Sidon and Aradians weren thi roweris; Tire, thi wise men weren maad thi gouernouris.
habitatores Sidonis et Aradii fuerunt remiges tui sapientes tui Tyre facti sunt gubernatores tui
9 The elde men of Biblos, and the prudent men therof, hadden schipmen to the seruyse of thi dyuerse araye of houshold; alle the schippis of the see, and the schip men of tho, weren in the puple of thi marchaundie.
senes Bibli et prudentes eius habuerunt nautas ad ministerium variae supellectilis tuae omnes naves maris et nautae earum fuerunt in populo negotiationis tuae
10 Perseis, and Lidians, and Libians weren in thin oost; thi men werriours hangiden in thee a scheeld and helm, for thin ournyng.
Persae et Lydi et Lybies erant in exercitu tuo viri bellatores tui clypeum et galeam suspenderunt in te pro ornatu tuo
11 Sones Aradians with thin oost weren on thi wallis in thi cumpas; but also Pigmeis, that weren in thi touris, hangiden her arowe casis in thi wallis bi cumpas; thei filliden thi fairnesse.
filii Aradii cum exercitu tuo erant super muros tuos in circuitu sed et Pigmei qui erant in turribus tuis faretras suas suspenderunt in muris tuis per gyrum ipsi conpleverunt pulchritudinem tuam
12 Cartagynensis, thi marchauntis, of the multitude of alle richessis filliden thi feiris, with siluer, and irun, with tyn, and leed.
Carthaginienses negotiatores tui a multitudine cunctarum divitiarum argento ferro stagno plumboque repleverunt nundinas tuas
13 Greece, and Tubal, and Mosoch, thei weren thi marchauntis, and brouyten boonde men and brasun vessels to thi puple.
Graecia Thubal et Mosoch ipsi institores tui mancipia et vasa aerea adduxerunt populo tuo
14 Fro the hous of Thogorma thei brouyten horsis, and horse men, and mulis, to thi chepyng.
de domo Thogorma equos et equites et mulos adduxerunt ad forum tuum
15 The sones of Dedan weren thi marchauntis; many ilis the marchaundie of thin hond, chaungiden teeth of yuer, and of hebennus, in thi prijs.
filii Dadan negotiatores tui insulae multae negotiatio manus tuae dentes eburneos et hebeninos commutaverunt in pretio tuo
16 Sirie was thi marchaunt, for the multitude of thi werkis thei settiden forth in thi marcat gemme, and purpur, and clothis wouun dyuersli at the maner of scheeldis, and bijs, and seelk, and cochod, ether auer de peis.
Syrus negotiator tuus propter multitudinem operum tuorum gemmam purpuram et scutulata et byssum et sericum et chodchod proposuerunt in mercatu tuo
17 Juda and the lond of Israel weren thi marchauntis in the beste wheete, and settiden forth in thi feiris bawme, and hony, and oile, and resyn.
Iuda et terra Israhel ipsi institores tui in frumento primo balsamum et mel et oleum et resinam proposuerunt in nundinis tuis
18 Damassen was thi marchaunt, in the multitude of thi werkis, in the multitude of dyuerse richessis, in fat wyn, in wollis of best colour.
Damascenus negotiator tuus in multitudine operum tuorum in multitudine diversarum opum in vino pingui in lanis coloris optimi
19 Dan, and Greece, and Mosel, settiden forth in thi fairis irun maad suteli, gumme of myrre, and calamus, that is, a spice swete smellynge, in thi marchaundie.
Dan et Graecia et Mozel in nundinis tuis proposuerunt ferrum fabrefactum stacte et calamus in negotiatione tua
20 Dedan weren thi marchauntis, in tapitis to sitte.
Dadan institores tui in tapetibus ad sedendum
21 Arabie and alle the princes of Cedar, thei weren the marchauntis of thin hond; with lambren, and wetheris, and kidis thi marchauntis camen to thee.
Arabia et universi principes Cedar ipsi negotiatores manus tuae cum agnis et arietibus et hedis venerunt ad te negotiatores tui
22 The silleris of Saba and of Rema, thei weren thi marchauntis, with alle the beste swete smellynge spices, and preciouse stoon, and gold, which thei settiden forth in thi marcat.
venditores Saba et Reema ipsi negotiatores tui cum universis primis aromatibus et lapide pretioso et auro quod proposuerunt in mercatu tuo
23 Aran, and Chenne, and Eden, weren thi marchauntis; Sabba, and Assur, and Chelmath, weren thi silleris.
Aran et Chenne et Eden negotiatores Saba Assur Chelmad venditores tui
24 Thei weren thi marchaundis in many maneres, in fardels of iacinct and of clothis of many colours, and of preciouse richessis, that weren wlappid and boundun with coordis.
ipsi negotiatores tui multifariam involucris hyacinthi et polymitorum gazarumque pretiosarum quae obvolutae et adstrictae erant funibus cedros quoque habebant in negotiationibus tuis
25 Also schippis of the see hadden cedris in her marchaundies; thi princes weren in thi marchaundie; and thou were fillid, and were glorified greetli in the herte of the see.
naves maris principes tuae in negotiatione tua et repleta es et glorificata nimis in corde maris
26 Thi rowers brouyten thee in many watris, the south wynd al to-brak thee; in the herte of the see weren thi richessis,
in aquis multis adduxerunt te remiges tui ventus auster contrivit te in corde maris
27 and thi tresours, and thi many fold instrument. Thi schip men, and thi gouernouris that helden thi purtenaunce of houshold, and weren souereyns of thi puple, and thi men werriours that weren in thee, with al thi multitude which is in the myddis of thee, schulen falle doun in the herte of the see, in the dai of thi fallyng.
divitiae tuae et thesauri tui et multiplex instrumentum tuum nautae tui et gubernatores tui qui tenebant supellectilem tuam et populo tuo praeerant viri quoque bellatores tui qui erant in te cum universa multitudine tua quae est in medio tui cadent in corde maris in die ruinae tuae
28 Schippis schulen be disturblid of the sown of the cry of thi gouernours;
a sonitu clamoris gubernatorum tuorum conturbabuntur classes
29 and alle men that helden oore, schulen go doun of her shippis. Shipmen and alle gouernouris of the see shulen stonde in the lond;
et descendent de navibus suis omnes qui tenebant remum nautae et universi gubernatores maris in terra stabunt
30 and schulen yelle on thee with greet vois. And thei shulen cry bitterli, and thei schulen caste poudur on her heedis, and schulen be spreynt with aische.
et heiulabunt super te voce magna et clamabunt amare et superiacient pulverem capitibus suis et cinere conspergentur
31 And thei schulen shaue ballidnesse on thee, and schulen be gird with hairis, and thei schulen biwepe thee in bitternesse of soule, with most bittir wepyng.
et radent super te calvitium et accingentur ciliciis et plorabunt te in amaritudine animae ploratu amarissimo
32 And thei schulen take on thee a song of mourenyng, and thei schulen biweile thee, Who is as Tire, that was doumb in the myddis of the see?
et adsument super te carmen lugubre et plangent te quae est ut Tyrus quae obmutuit in medio maris
33 And thou, Tire, fillidist many puplis in the goyng out of thi marchaundies of the see; in the multitude of thi richessis, and of thi puplis, thou madist riche the kingis of erthe.
quae in exitu negotiationum tuarum de mari implesti populos multos in multitudine divitiarum tuarum et populorum tuorum ditasti reges terrae
34 Now thou art al to-brokun of the see, in the depthis of watris. Thi richessis and al thi multitude that was in the myddis of thee fellen doun;
nunc contrita es a mari in profundis aquarum opes tuae et omnis multitudo tua quae erat in medio tui ceciderunt
35 alle the dwelleris of ilis and the kyngis of tho weren astonyed on thee. Alle thei weren smytun with tempest, and chaungiden cheris;
universi habitatores insularum obstipuerunt super te et reges earum omnes tempestate perculsi mutaverunt vultus
36 the marchauntis of puplis hissiden on thee. Thou art brouyt to nouyt, and thou schalt not be til `in to with outen ende.
negotiatores populorum sibilaverunt super te ad nihilum deducta es et non eris usque in perpetuum

< Ezekiel 27 >