< Ezekiel 24 >

1 And the word of the Lord was maad to me, in the nynthe yeer, and in the tenthe monethe, in the tenthe dai of the monethe,
Et factum est verbum Domini ad me in anno nono, in mense decimo, decima die mensis, dicens:
2 and he seide, Thou, sone of man, write to thee the name of this dai, in which the king of Babiloyne is confermed ayens Jerusalem to dai.
Fili hominis scribe tibi nomen diei huius, in qua confirmatus est rex Babylonis adversum Ierusalem hodie.
3 And thou schalt seie bi a prouerbe a parable to the hous, terrere to wraththe, and thou schalt speke to hem, The Lord God seith these thingis, Sette thou a brasun pot, sette thou sotheli, and putte thou watir in to it. Take thou a beeste ful fat;
Et dices per proverbium ad domum irritatricem parabolam, et loqueris ad eos: Haec dicit Dominus Deus: Pone ollam; pone, inquam, et mitte in eam aquam.
4 gadere thou togidere the gobetis therof in it, ech good part, and the hipe, and the schuldre, chosun thingis and ful of boonys.
Congere frusta eius in eam, omnem partem bonam, femur et armum, electa et ossibus plena.
5 Also dresse thou heepis of boonys vndur it; and the sething therof buylide out, and the boonys therof weren sodun in the myddis therof.
Pinguissimum pecus assume, compone quoque strues ossium sub ea: efferbuit coctio eius, et discocta sunt ossa illius in medio eius.
6 Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, Wo to the citee of bloodis, to the pot whos rust is ther ynne, and the rust therof yede not out of it; caste thou out it bi partis, and bi hise partis; lot felle not on it.
Propterea haec dicit Dominus Deus: Vae civitati sanguinum, ollae, cuius rubigo in ea est, et rubigo eius non exivit de ea: per partes et per partes suas eiice eam, non cecidit super eam sors.
7 For whi the blood therof is in the myddis therof; he schede it out on a ful cleer stoon, he schedde not it out on erthe,
Sanguis enim eius in medio eius est, super limpidissimam petram effudit illum: non effudit illum super terram ut possit operiri pulvere.
8 that it mai be hilid with dust, that Y schulde bringe in myn indignacioun, and `a venge bi veniaunce; Y yaf the blood therof on a ful cleer stoon, that it schulde not be hilid.
Ut superinducerem indignationem meam, et vindicta ulciscerer: dedi sanguinem eius super petram limpidissimam ne operiretur.
9 Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, Wo to the citee of bloodis, whos brennyng Y schal make greet;
Propterea haec dicit Dominus Deus: Vae civitati sanguinum, cuius ego grandem faciam pyram.
10 gadere thou togidire boonys, whiche Y schal kyndle with fier; fleischis schulen be wastid, and al the settyng togidere schal be sodun, and boonys schulen faile.
Congere ossa, quae igne succendam: consumentur carnes, et coquetur universa compositio, et ossa tabescent.
11 Also sette thou it voide on coolis, that the metal therof wexe hoot, and be meltid, and that the filthe therof be wellid togidere in the myddis therof, and the rust therof be wastid.
Pone quoque eam super prunas vacuam, ut incalescat, et liquefiat aes eius: et confletur in medio eius inquinamentum eius, et consumatur rubigo eius:
12 It was swat bi myche trauel, and the ouer greet rust therof yede not out therof, nether bi fier.
multo labore sudatum est, et non exivit de ea nimia rubigo eius, neque per ignem.
13 Thin vnclennesse is abhomynable, for Y wolde clense thee, and thou art not clensid fro thi filthis; but nether thou schalt be clensid bifore, til Y make myn indignacioun to reste in thee.
Immunditia tua execrabilis: quia mundare te volui, et non es mundata a sordibus tuis: sed nec mundaberis prius, donec quiescere faciam indignationem meam in te.
14 Y the Lord spak; it schal come, and Y schal make, Y schal not passe, nethir Y schal spare, nether Y schal be plesid; bi thi weies and bi thi fyndyngis Y schal deme thee, seith the Lord.
Ego Dominus locutus sum: Veniet, et faciam: non transeam, nec parcam, nec placabor: iuxta vias tuas, et iuxta adinventiones tuas iudicabo te, dicit Dominus.
15 And the word of the Lord was maad to me,
Et factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
16 and he seide, Thou, sone of man, lo! Y take awei fro thee the desirable thing of thin iyen in veniaunce, and thou schalt not weile, nether wepe, nether thi teeris schulen flete doun.
Fili hominis, ecce ego tollo a te desiderabile oculorum tuorum in plaga: et non planges, neque plorabis, neque fluent lacrymae tuae.
17 Weile thou beynge stille, thou schalt not make mourenyng of deed men; thi coroun be boundun aboute thin heed, and thi schoon schulen be in the feet, nether thou schalt hile the mouth with a cloth, nether thou schalt ete the metis of mourneris.
Ingemisce tacens, mortuorum luctum non facies: corona tua circumligata sit tibi, et calceamenta tua erunt in pedibus tuis, nec amictu ora velabis, nec cibos lugentium comedes.
18 Therfor Y spak to the puple in the morewtid, and my wijf was deed in the euentid; and Y dide in the morewtid, as he hadde comaundid to me.
Locutus sum ergo ad populum mane, et mortua est uxor mea vespere: fecique mane sicut praeceperat mihi.
19 And the puple seide to me, Whi schewist thou not to vs what these thingis signefien, whiche thou doist?
Et dixit ad me populus: Quare non indicas nobis quid ista significent, quae tu facis?
20 And Y seide to hem, The word of the Lord was maad to me,
Et dixi ad eos: Sermo Domini factus est ad me, dicens:
21 and he seide, Speke thou to the hous of Israel, The Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal defoule my seyntuarie, the pride of youre empire, and the desirable thing of youre iyen, and on which youre soule dredith; and youre sones and youre douytris, whiche ye leften, schulen falle bi swerd.
Loquere domui Israel: Haec dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego polluam sanctuarium meum, superbiam imperii vestri, et desiderabile oculorum vestrorum, et super quo pavet anima vestra: et filii vestri, filiae vestrae, quas reliquistis, gladio cadent.
22 And ye schulen do, as Y dide; ye schulen not hile mouthis with cloth, and ye schulen not ete the mete of weileris.
Et facietis sicut feci: Ora amictu non velabitis, et cibos lugentium non comedetis.
23 Ye schulen haue corouns in youre heedis, and schoon in the feet; ye schulen not weile, nether ye schulen wepe, but ye schulen faile in wretchidnesse, for youre wickidnessis; and ech man schal weile to his brother.
Coronas habebitis in capitibus vestris, et calceamenta in pedibus: non plangetis neque flebitis, sed tabescetis in iniquitatibus vestris, et unusquisque gemet ad fratrem suum.
24 And Ezechiel schal be to you in to a signe of thing to comynge; bi alle thingis whiche he dide, ye schulen do, whanne this thing schal come; and ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord God.
Eritque Ezechiel vobis in portentum: iuxta omnia, quae fecit, facietis cum venerit istud: et scietis quia ego Dominus Deus.
25 And thou, sone of man, lo! in the dai in which Y schal take awei fro hem the strengthe of hem, and the ioie of dignyte, and the desire of her iyen, on whiche the soulis of hem resten, caste awei the sones and douytris of hem;
Et tu fili hominis ecce in die, qua tollam ab eis fortitudinem eorum, et gaudium dignitatis, et desiderium oculorum eorum, super quo requiescunt animae eorum, filios, et filias eorum:
26 in that dai whanne a man fleynge schal come to thee, to telle to thee;
In die illa cum venerit fugiens ad te, ut annunciet tibi:
27 in that dai sotheli thou schalt opene thi mouth with hym that fledde; and thou schalt speke, and schalt no more be stille; and thou schalt be to hem in to a signe of thing to comynge, and ye schulen witen, that Y am the Lord.
In die, inquam, illa aperietur os tuum cum eo, qui fugit: et loqueris, et non silebis ultra: erisque eis in portentum, et scietis quia ego Dominus.

< Ezekiel 24 >