< Ezekiel 21 >

1 And the word of the Lord was maad to me,
et factus est sermo Domini ad me dicens
2 and he seide, Thou, sone of man, sette thi face to Jerusalem, and droppe thou to the seyntuaries, and profesie thou ayens the erthe of Israel.
fili hominis pone faciem tuam ad Hierusalem et stilla ad sanctuaria et propheta contra humum Israhel
3 And thou schalt seie to the lond of Israel, The Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y to thee, and Y schal caste my swerd out of his schethe, and Y schal sle in thee a iust man and a wickid man.
et dices terrae Israhel haec dicit Dominus Deus ecce ego ad te et eiciam gladium meum de vagina sua et occidam in te iustum et impium
4 Forsothe for that that Y haue slayn in thee a iust man and a wickid man, therfor my swerd schal go out of his schethe to ech man, fro the south til to the north;
pro eo autem quod occidi in te iustum et impium idcirco egredietur gladius meus de vagina sua ad omnem carnem ab austro ad aquilonem
5 that ech man wite, that Y the Lord haue drawe out my swerd fro his schethe, that schal not be clepid ayen.
ut sciat omnis caro quia ego Dominus eduxi gladium meum de vagina sua inrevocabilem
6 And thou, sone of man, weile in sorewe of leendis, and in bitternessis thou schalt weile bifore hem.
et tu fili hominis ingemesce in contritione lumborum et in amaritudinibus ingemesce coram eis
7 And whanne thei schulen seie to thee, Whi weilist thou? thou schalt seie, For hering, for it cometh; and ech herte shal faile, and alle hondis schulen be aclumsid, and ech spirit schal be sike, and watris schulen flete doun bi alle knees; lo! it cometh, and it shal be don, seith the Lord God.
cumque dixerint ad te quare tu gemis dices pro auditu quia venit et tabescet omne cor et dissolventur universae manus et infirmabitur omnis spiritus et per cuncta genua fluent aquae ecce venit et fiet ait Dominus Deus
8 And the word of the Lord was maad to me,
et factus est sermo Domini ad me dicens
9 and he seide, Sone of man, profesie thou; and thou schalt seie, The Lord God seith these thingis, Speke thou, The swerd, the swerd is maad scharp, and is maad briyt;
fili hominis propheta et dices haec dicit Dominus Deus loquere gladius gladius exacutus est et limatus
10 it is maad scharp to sle sacrifices; it is maad briyt, that it schyne. Thou that mouest the ceptre of my sone, hast kit doun ech tree.
ut caedat victimas exacutus est ut splendeat limatus est qui moves sceptrum filii mei succidisti omne lignum
11 And Y yaf it to be forbischid, that it be holdun with hond; this swerd is maad scharp, and this is maad briyt, that it be in the hond of the sleere.
et dedi eum ad levigandum ut teneatur manu iste exacutus est gladius et iste limatus ut sit in manu interficientis
12 Sone of man, crie thou, and yelle, for this swerd is maad in my puple, this in alle the duykis of Israel; thei that fledden ben youun to swerd with my puple. Therfor smite thou on thin hipe, for it is preuyd;
clama et ulula fili hominis quia hic factus est in populo meo hic in cunctis ducibus Israhel qui fugerant gladio traditi sunt cum populo meo idcirco plaude super femur
13 and this whanne it hath distried the ceptre, and it schal not be, seith the Lord God.
quia probatus est et hoc cum sceptrum subverterit et non erit dicit Dominus Deus
14 Therfor, sone of man, profesie thou, and smyte thou hond to hond, and the swerd be doublid, and the swerd of sleeris be treblid; this is the swerd of greet sleyng, that schal make hem astonyed,
tu ergo fili hominis propheta et percute manu ad manum et duplicetur gladius ac triplicetur gladius interfectorum hic est gladius occisionis magnae qui obstupescere eos facit
15 and to faile in herte, and multiplieth fallingis. In alle the yatis of hem Y yaf disturbling of a swerd, scharp and maad briyt to schyne, gird to sleynge.
et corde tabescere et multiplicat ruinas in omnibus portis eorum dedi conturbationem gladii acuti et limati ad fulgendum amicti ad caedem
16 Be thou maad scharp, go thou to the riyt side, ether to the left side, whidur euer the desir of thi face is.
exacuere vade ad dextram sive ad sinistram quocumque faciei tuae est appetitus
17 Certis and Y schal smyte with hond to hond, and Y schal fille myn indignacioun; Y the Lord spak.
quin et ego plaudam manu ad manum et implebo indignationem meam ego Dominus locutus sum
18 And the word of the Lord was maad to me,
et factus est sermo Domini ad me dicens
19 and he seide, And thou, sone of man, sette to thee twei weies, that the swerd of the king of Babiloyne come; bothe schulen go out of o lond, and bi the hond he schal take coniecting; he schal coniecte in the heed of the weie of the citee,
et tu fili hominis pone tibi duas vias ut veniat gladius regis Babylonis de terra una egredientur ambo et manu capiet coniecturam in capite viae civitatis coniciet
20 settinge a weye, that the swerd come to Rabath of the sones of Amon, and to Juda in to Jerusalem moost strong.
viam pones ut veniat gladius ad Rabbath filiorum Ammon et ad Iudam in Hierusalem munitissimam
21 For the king of Babiloyne stood in the meeting of twey weies, in the heed of twei weies, and souyte dyuynyng, and medlide arowis; he axide idols, and took councel at entrails.
stetit enim rex Babylonis in bivio in capite duarum viarum divinationem quaerens commiscens sagittas interrogavit idola exta consuluit
22 Dyuynyng was maad to his riyt side on Jerusalem, that he sette engyns, that he opene mouth in sleyng, that he reise vois in yelling, that he sette engyns ayens the yatis, that he bere togidere erthe, that he bilde strengthinges.
ad dextram eius facta est divinatio super Hierusalem ut ponat arietes ut aperiat os in caede ut elevet vocem in ululatu ut ponat arietes contra portas ut conportet aggerem ut aedificet munitiones
23 And he shal be as counceling in veyn goddis answer bifor the iyen of hem, and seruynge the reste of sabatis; but he schal haue mynde on wickidnesse, to take.
eritque quasi consulens frustra oraculum in oculis eorum et sabbatorum otium imitans ipse autem recordabitur iniquitatis ad capiendum
24 Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, For that that ye hadden mynde on youre wickidnesse, and schewiden youre trespassyngis, and youre synnes apperiden in alle youre thouytis, forsothe for that that ye hadden mynde, ye schulen be takun bi hond.
idcirco haec dicit Dominus Deus pro eo quod recordati estis iniquitatis vestrae et revelastis praevaricationes vestras et apparuerunt peccata vestra in omnibus cogitationibus vestris pro eo inquam quod recordati estis manu capiemini
25 But thou, cursid wickid duyk of Israel, whos dai bifor determyned is comun in the tyme of wickidnesse,
tu autem profane impie dux Israhel cuius venit dies in tempore iniquitatis praefinita
26 the Lord God seith these thingis, Do awei the mitre, take awei the coroun; whether it is not this that reiside the meke man, and made low the hiy man?
haec dicit Dominus Deus aufer cidarim tolle coronam nonne haec est quae humilem sublevavit et sublimem humiliavit
27 Wickidnesse, wickidnesse, wickidnesse Y schal putte it; and this schal not be doon til he come, whos the doom is, and Y schal bitake to hym.
iniquitatem iniquitatem iniquitatem ponam eam et hoc nunc factum est donec veniret cuius est iudicium et tradam ei
28 And thou, sone of man, profesie, and seie, The Lord God seith these thingis to the sones of Amon, and to the schenschipe of hem; and thou schalt seie, A! thou swerd, A! thou swerd, drawun out to sle, maad briyte, that thou sle and schyne,
et tu fili hominis propheta et dic haec dicit Dominus Deus ad filios Ammon et ad obprobrium eorum et dices mucro mucro evaginate ad occidendum limate ut interficias et fulgeas
29 whanne veyn thingis weren seien to thee, and leesingis weren dyuynyd, that thou schuldist be youun on the neckis of wickid men woundid, the dai of whiche bifore determyned schal come in the tyme of wickidnesse, turne thou ayen in to thi schethe,
cum tibi viderentur vana et divinarentur mendacia ut dareris super colla vulneratorum impiorum quorum venit dies in tempore iniquitatis praefinita
30 in to the place in which thou were maad. Y schal deme thee in the lond of thi birthe,
revertere ad vaginam tuam in loco in quo creatus es in terra nativitatis tuae iudicabo te
31 and Y schal schede out myn indignacioun on thee; in the fier of my strong veniaunce Y schal blowe in thee, and Y schal yyue thee in to the hondis of vnwise men, and makinge deth.
et effundam super te indignationem meam in igne furoris mei sufflabo in te daboque te in manus hominum insipientium et fabricantium interitum
32 Thou schalt be mete to fier, thi blood schal be in the middis of erthe; thou schalt be youun to foryetyng, for Y the Lord spak.
igni eris cibus sanguis tuus erit in medio terrae oblivioni traderis quia ego Dominus locutus sum

< Ezekiel 21 >