< Exodus 8 >

1 Also the Lord seide to Moises, Entre thou to Farao, and thou schalt seie to hym, The Lord seith these thingis, Delyuere thou my puple, that it make sacrifice to me; sotheli if thou nylt delyuere, lo!
Dixit quoque Dominus ad Moysen: Ingredere ad Pharaonem, et dices ad eum: Hæc dicit Dominus: Dimitte populum meum, ut sacrificet mihi:
2 Y schal smyte alle thi termys with paddoks;
sin autem nolueris dimittere, ecce ego percutiam omnes terminos tuos ranis.
3 and the flood schal buyle out paddokis, that schulen stie, and schulen entre in to thin hows, and in to the closet of thi bed, and on thi bed, and in to `the hous of thi seruauntis, and in to thi puple, and in to thin ouenes, and in to the relyues of thi metis;
Et ebulliet fluvius ranis: quæ ascendent, et ingredientur domum tuam, et cubiculum lectuli tui, et super stratum tuum, et in domos servorum tuorum, et in populum tuum, et in furnos tuos, et in reliquias ciborum tuorum:
4 and the paddoks schulen entre to thee, and to thi puple, and to alle thi seruauntis.
et ad te, et ad populum tuum, et ad omnes servos tuos intrabunt ranæ.
5 And the Lord seide to Moises, Seie thou to Aaron, Hold forth thin hond on the floodis, and on the streemes, and mareis; and bryng out paddoks on the lond of Egipt.
Dixitque Dominus ad Moysen: Dic ad Aaron: Extende manum tuam super fluvios ac super rivos et paludes, et educ ranas super Terram Ægypti.
6 And Aaron helde forth the hond on the watris of Egipt; and paddoks stieden, and hileden the lond of Egipt.
Et extendit Aaron manum super aquas Ægypti, et ascenderunt ranæ, operueruntque Terram Ægypti.
7 Forsothe and the witchis diden in lijk maner bi her enchauntementis; and thei brouyten forth paddoks on the lond of Egipt.
Fecerunt autem et malefici per incantationes suas similiter, eduxeruntque ranas super Terram Ægypti.
8 Forsothe Farao clepide Moises and Aaron, and seide to hem, Preie ye the Lord, that he do a wei the paddoks fro me, and fro my puple; and Y schal delyuere the puple, that it make sacrifice to the Lord.
Vocavit autem Pharao Moysen et Aaron, et dixit eis: Orate Dominum ut auferat ranas a me et a populo meo: et dimittam populum ut sacrificet Domino.
9 And Moises seide to Farao, Ordeyne thou a tyme to me, whanne Y schal preie for thee, and for thi seruauntis, and for thi puple, that the paddokis be dryuun awei fro thee, and fro thin hows, and fro thi seruauntis, and fro thi puple; and dwelle oneli in the flood.
Dixitque Moyses ad Pharaonem: Constitue mihi quando deprecer pro te, et pro servis tuis, et pro populo tuo, ut abigantur ranæ a te et a domo tua et a servis tuis et a populo tuo: et tantum in flumine remaneant.
10 And he answeride, To morewe. And Moises seide, Y schal do bi thi word, that thou wite, that noon is as oure Lord God; and the paddoks schulen go awei fro thee,
Qui respondit: Cras. At ille: Iuxta, inquit, verbum tuum faciam: ut scias quoniam non est sicut Dominus Deus noster.
11 and fro thin hous, and fro thi children, and fro thi seruauntis, and fro thi puple; and tho schulen dwelle oneli in the flood.
Et recedent ranæ a te, et a domo tua, et a servis tuis, et a populo tuo: et tantum in flumine remanebunt.
12 And Moises and Aaron yeden out fro Farao. And Moises criede to the Lord, for the biheest of paddoks, which he hadde seid to Farao.
Egressique sunt Moyses et Aaron a Pharaone: et clamavit Moyses ad Dominum pro sponsione ranarum quam condixerat Pharaoni.
13 And the Lord dide bi the word of Moises; and the paddoks weren deed fro housis, and fro townes, and fro feeldis;
Fecitque Dominus iuxta verbum Moysi: et mortuæ sunt ranæ de domibus, et de villis, et de agris.
14 and thei gaderiden tho in to grete heepis, and the lond was rotun.
Congregaveruntque eas in immensos aggeres, et computruit terra.
15 Sotheli Farao seiy that reste was youun, and he made greuous his herte, and herde not hem, as the Lord comaundide.
Videns autem Pharao quod data esset requies, ingravavit cor suum, et non audivit eos, sicut præceperat Dominus.
16 And the Lord seide to Moises, Spek thou to Aaron, Holde forth thi yerde, and smyte the dust of erthe, and litle flies, ether gnattis, be in al the lond of Egipt.
Dixitque Dominus ad Moysen: Loquere ad Aaron: Extende virgam tuam, et percute pulverem terræ: et sint sciniphes in universa Terra Ægypti.
17 And thei diden so; and Aaron helde forth the hond, and helde the yerde, and smoot the duste of erthe; and gnattis weren maad in men, and in werk beestis; al the dust of erthe was turned in to gnattis bi al the lond of Egipt.
Feceruntque ita. Et extendit Aaron manum, virgam tenens: percussitque pulverem terræ, et facti sunt sciniphes in hominibus, et in iumentis: omnis pulvis terræ versus est in sciniphes per totam Terram Ægypti.
18 And witchis diden in lijk maner bi her enchauntementis, that thei schulden brynge forth gnattis, and thei miyten not; and gnattis weren as wel in men as in werk beestis.
Feceruntque similiter malefici incantationibus suis, ut educerent sciniphes, et non potuerunt: erantque sciniphes tam in hominibus quam in iumentis.
19 And the witchis seiden to Farao, This is the fyngur of God. And the herte of Farao was maad hard, and he herde not hem, as the Lord comaundide.
Et dixerunt malefici ad Pharaonem: Digitus Dei est hic. induratumque est cor Pharaonis, et non audivit eos sicut præceperat Dominus.
20 And the Lord seide to Moises, Rise thou eerli, and stonde bifore Farao, for he schal go out to the watris; and thou schalt seie to hym, The Lord seith these thingis, Delyuere thou my puple, that it make sacrifice to me;
Dixit quoque Dominus ad Moysen: Consurge diluculo, et sta coram Pharaone: egredietur enim ad aquas: et dices ad eum: Hæc dicit Dominus: Dimitte populum meum ut sacrificet mihi.
21 that if thou schalt not delyuere the puple, lo! Y schal sende in to thee, and in to thi seruauntis, and in to thi puple, and in to thin housis, al the kynde of flies; and the housis of Egipcians schulen be fillid with flies of dyuerse kyndis, and al the lond in which thei schulen be.
Quod si non dimiseris eum, ecce ego immittam in te, et in servos tuos, et in populum tuum, et in domos tuas omne genus muscarum: et implebuntur domus Ægyptiorum muscis diversi generis, et universa terra in qua fuerint.
22 And in that dai Y schal make wondurful the lond of Gessen, in which my puple is, that flies be not there; and that thou wite that Y am the Lord in the myddis of erthe;
Faciamque mirabilem in die illa Terram Gessen, in qua populus meus est, ut non sint ibi muscæ: et scias quoniam ego Dominus in medio terræ.
23 and Y schal sette departyng bitwixe my puple and thi puple; this signe schal be to morewe.
Ponamque divisionem inter populum meum, et populum tuum: cras erit signum istud.
24 And the Lord dide so. And a moost greuouse flie cam in to the hows of Farao, and of hise seruauntis, and in to al the lond of Egipt; and the lond was corrupt of siche flies.
Fecitque Dominus ita. Et venit musca gravissima in domos Pharaonis et servorum eius, et in omnem Terram Ægypti: corruptaque est terra ab huiuscemodi muscis.
25 And Farao clepide Moises and Aaron, and seide to hem, Go ye, make ye sacrifice to `youre Lord God in this lond.
Vocavitque Pharao Moysen et Aaron, et ait eis: Ite et sacrificate Deo vestro in terra hac.
26 And Moises seide, It may not be so, for `we schulen offre to oure God the abhomynaciouns of Egipcians; that if we schulen sle bifore Egipcians tho thingis whiche thei worschipen, thei schulen `ouerleie vs with stoonus.
Et ait Moyses: Non potest ita fieri: abominationes enim Ægyptiorum immolabimus Domino Deo nostro: quod si mactaverimus ea quæ colunt Ægyptii coram eis, lapidibus nos obruent.
27 We schulen go the weie of thre daies in to wildirnesse, and we schulen make sacrifice to oure Lord God, as he comaundide vs.
Viam trium dierum pergemus in solitudinem: et sacrificabimus Domino Deo nostro, sicut præcepit nobis.
28 And Farao seide, Y schal delyuere you, that ye make sacrifice to `youre Lord God in deseert; netheles go ye not ferthere; preie ye for me.
Dixitque Pharao: Ego dimittam vos ut sacrificetis Domino Deo vestro in deserto: verumtamen longius ne abeatis, rogate pro me.
29 And Moises seide, Y schal go out fro thee, and Y schal preie the Lord; and the fli schal go awei fro Farao, and fro hise seruauntis, and puple to morewe; netheles nyle thou more disseyue me, that thou delyuere not the puple to make sacrifice to the Lord.
At ait Moyses: Egressus a te, orabo Dominum: et recedet musca a Pharaone, et a servis suis, et a populo eius cras: verumtamen noli ultra fallere, ut non dimittas populum sacrificare Domino.
30 And Moises yede out fro Farao, and preiede the Lord, whiche dide bi the word of Moyses,
Egressusque Moyses a Pharaone, oravit Dominum.
31 and took awei flies fro Farao, and fro hise seruauntis, and puple; noon lefte, `sotheli nether oon.
Qui fecit iuxta verbum illius: et abstulit muscas a Pharaone, et a servis suis, et a populo eius: non superfuit ne una quidem.
32 And the herte of Farao was maad hard, so that he delyueride not the puple, sothli nethir in this tyme.
Et ingravatum est cor Pharaonis, ita ut nec hac quidem vice dimitteret populum.

< Exodus 8 >