< Exodus 40 >

1 And the Lord spak to Moises, `and seide,
Kisha Bwana akamwambia Mose:
2 In the firste monethe, in the firste dai of the monethe, thou schalt reise the tabernacle of witnessyng.
“Simika Maskani ya Mungu, yaani Hema la Kukutania, katika siku ya kwanza ya mwezi wa kwanza.
3 And thou schalt sette the arke therynne, and thou schalt leeue a veil bifore it.
Weka Sanduku la Ushuhuda ndani yake na ulifunike kwa pazia. Ingiza meza na kupanga vitu vyake juu yake.
4 And whanne the bord is borun yn, thou schalt sette ther onne tho thingis, that ben comaundid iustli. The candilstike schal stonde with hise lanternes,
Kisha ingiza kinara cha taa na uweke taa zake juu yake.
5 and the goldun auter, where ynne encense is brent bifor the arke of witnessyng. Thou schalt sette a tente in the entryng of the tabernacle;
Weka madhabahu ya dhahabu ya kufukizia uvumba mbele ya Sanduku la Ushuhuda kisha uweke pazia kwenye lango la Maskani ya Mungu.
6 and bifor it the auter of brent sacrifice,
“Weka madhabahu ya sadaka za kuteketezwa mbele ya lango la Maskani ya Mungu, yaani Hema la Kukutania;
7 the `waischyng vessel bitwixe the auter and the tabernacle, which `waischyng vessel thou schalt fille with water.
weka sinia kati ya Hema la Kukutania na madhabahu, na uweke maji ndani yake.
8 And thou schalt cumpas the greet street, and the entryng ther of with tentis.
Fanyiza ua kuzunguka maskani na uweke pazia penye ingilio la ua.
9 And whanne thou hast take oyle of anoyntyng, thou schalt anoynte the tabernacle, with hise vessels, that tho be halewid;
“Chukua mafuta ya upako, ipake Maskani ya Mungu pamoja na kila kitu kilichomo ndani yake; iweke wakfu pamoja na vitu vyote vilivyomo ndani mwake, nayo itakuwa takatifu.
10 the auter of brent sacrifice, and alle vessels ther of; the `waischyng vessel,
Kisha yapake mafuta hayo madhabahu ya kuteketezea sadaka pamoja na vifaa vyake vyote; weka wakfu madhabahu nayo yatakuwa takatifu sana.
11 with his foundement. Thou schalt anoynte alle thingis with the oile of anoyntyng, that tho be hooli of hooli thingis.
Paka sinia mafuta pamoja na kishikilio chake na uviweke wakfu.
12 And thou schalt present Aaron and hise sones to the dore of the tabernacle of witnessyng;
“Mlete Aroni na wanawe kwenye ingilio la Hema la Kukutania na uwaoshe kwa maji.
Kisha mvike Aroni yale mavazi matakatifu, umtie mafuta na kumweka wakfu ili apate kunitumikia katikati ya ukuhani.
Walete wanawe na uwavike makoti.
15 and, whanne thei ben `waischid in water, thou schalt clothe hem with hooli clothis, that thei mynystre to me, and that the anoyntyng of hem profite in to euerlastynge preesthod.
Kisha watie mafuta kama ulivyomtia baba yao, ili nao pia wanitumikie katika kazi ya ukuhani. Kutiwa mafuta kwao kutakuwa kwa ajili ya ukuhani utakaoendelea kwa vizazi vyote vijavyo.”
16 And Moises dide alle thingis whiche the Lord comaundide.
Mose akafanya kila kitu sawa kama vile Bwana alivyomwagiza.
17 Therfor in the firste monethe of the secunde yeer, in the firste dai of the monethe, the tabernacle was set.
Kwa hiyo Maskani ya Mungu ilisimikwa katika siku ya kwanza ya mwezi wa kwanza, katika mwaka wa pili.
18 And Moises reiside it, and settide the tablis, and foundementis, and barris, and he ordeynede pilers;
Mose alipoweka wakfu Maskani ya Mungu, aliweka vitako mahali pake, akasimamisha mihimili, akatia mataruma na kusimamisha nguzo.
19 and `spredde abrood the roof on the tabernacle, and puttide an hilyng aboue, as the Lord comaundide.
Kisha akalitandaza hema juu ya Maskani ya Mungu na kuifunika hema, kama Bwana alivyomwagiza.
20 He puttide also the witnessyng in the arke, and he settide barris with ynne, and Goddis answeryng place aboue.
Akachukua ule Ushuhuda na kuuweka ndani ya Sanduku la Agano, akaweka ile mipiko ya kubebea hilo Sanduku na kuweka kiti cha rehema juu yake.
21 And whanne he hadde brouyt the arke in to the tabernacle, he hangide a veil bifor it, that he schulde fille the comaundement of the Lord.
Kisha Mose akalileta Sanduku ndani ya Maskani ya Mungu, akatundika pazia ili kulifunika Sanduku la Ushuhuda, kama Bwana alivyomwagiza.
22 He settide also the boord in the tabernacle of witnessyng, at the north coost, without the veil,
Mose akaweka meza ndani ya Hema la Kukutania, upande wa kaskazini ya Maskani ya Mungu nje ya pazia
23 and he ordeynede the looues of settyng forth bifore, as the Lord comaundide to Moises.
na kupanga mikate juu yake mbele za Bwana, kama Bwana alivyomwagiza.
24 He settide also the candilstike in the tabernacle of witnessyng, euene ayens the boord,
Akaweka kinara cha taa ndani ya Hema la Kukutania mkabala na meza upande wa kusini mwa Maskani ya Mungu
25 in the south side, and settide lanternes bi ordre, bi the comaundement of the Lord.
na kuziweka taa mbele za Bwana, kama Bwana alivyomwagiza.
26 He puttide also the goldun auter vndur the roof of witnessyng,
Mose akaweka madhabahu ya dhahabu ndani ya Hema la Kukutania mbele ya pazia
27 ayens the veil, and he brente theronne encense of swete smellynge spiceries, as the Lord comaundide to Moises.
na kufukiza uvumba wenye harufu nzuri, kama Bwana alivyomwagiza.
28 He settide also a tente in the entryng of the tabernacle,
Kisha akaweka pazia kwenye ingilio la Maskani ya Mungu.
29 and the auter of brent sacrifice in the porche of the witnessyng, and he offride therynne brent sacrifice, and sacrifices, as the Lord comaundide.
Mose akaweka madhabahu ya sadaka za kuteketezwa karibu na ingilio la Maskani ya Mungu, yaani Hema la Kukutania, na kutoa juu yake sadaka za kuteketezwa na sadaka za nafaka kama Bwana alivyomwagiza.
30 Also he ordeynede the `waischyng vessel, bitwixe the tabernacle of witnessyng and the auter, and fillide it with watir.
Akaweka sinia kati ya Hema la Kukutania na madhabahu, akaweka maji ndani yake kwa ajili ya kunawia,
31 And Moises, and Aaron, and his sones, waischiden her hondis and feet,
Naye Mose, Aroni na wanawe wakayatumia kwa kunawia mikono na miguu yao.
32 whanne thei entriden into the roof of boond of pees, and neiyeden to the auter, as the Lord comaundide to Moises.
Wakanawa kila walipoingia katika Hema la Kukutania au walipoikaribia madhabahu kama Bwana alivyomwagiza Mose.
33 He reiside also the greet street, bi the cumpas of the tabernacle and of the auter, and settyde a tente in the entryng therof. Aftir that alle thingis weren perfitli maad,
Kisha Mose akafanya ua kuizunguka Maskani ya Mungu na madhabahu, pia akaweka pazia kwenye ingilio la huo ua. Hivyo Mose akaikamilisha kazi.
34 a cloude hilide the tabernacle of witnessyng, and the glorie of the Lord fillide it;
Ndipo wingu likafunika Hema la Kukutania, na utukufu wa Bwana ukaijaza Maskani ya Mungu.
35 nether Moyses myyte entre in to the tabernacle of the boond of pees, while the cloude hilide alle thingis, and the maieste of the Lord schynede, for the cloude hilide alle thingis.
Mose hakuweza kuingia ndani ya Hema la Kukutania kwa sababu wingu lilikuwa limetua juu ya Hema, nao utukufu wa Bwana ukaijaza Maskani ya Mungu.
36 If ony tyme the cloude lefte the tabernacle, the sones of Israel yeden forth bi her cumpanyes;
Katika safari yote ya Waisraeli, kila wakati wingu lilipoinuka kutoka juu ya Maskani ya Mungu, wangeondoka;
37 if the cloude hangide aboue, thei dwelliden in the same place;
lakini kama wingu halikuinuka, hawakuondoka, mpaka siku lilipoinuka.
38 for the cloude of the Lord restide on the tabernacle bi dai, and fier in the nyyt, in the siyt of the puplis of Israel, bi alle her dwellyngis.
Kwa hiyo wingu la Bwana lilikuwa juu ya maskani mchana, na moto ulikuwa katika hilo wingu wakati wa usiku, machoni pa nyumba yote ya Israeli siku zote za safari zao.

< Exodus 40 >