< Exodus 40 >

1 And the Lord spak to Moises, `and seide,
Ipapo Jehovha akati kuna Mozisi,
2 In the firste monethe, in the firste dai of the monethe, thou schalt reise the tabernacle of witnessyng.
“Dzika tabhenakeri, Tende Rokusangana, pazuva rokutanga romwedzi wokutanga.
3 And thou schalt sette the arke therynne, and thou schalt leeue a veil bifore it.
Uise areka yeChipupuriro mairi uye ugofukidza areka nechidzitiro.
4 And whanne the bord is borun yn, thou schalt sette ther onne tho thingis, that ben comaundid iustli. The candilstike schal stonde with hise lanternes,
Upinze tafura ugoisa zvinhu zvayo pairi. Ipapo ugopinza chigadziko chomwenje ugomisa mwenje yacho.
5 and the goldun auter, where ynne encense is brent bifor the arke of witnessyng. Thou schalt sette a tente in the entryng of the tabernacle;
Uise aritari yezvinonhuhwira yegoridhe pamberi peareka yechipupuriro uye ugoisa chidzitiro pamukova wokupinda mutabhenakeri.
6 and bifor it the auter of brent sacrifice,
“Uise aritari yezvipiriso zvinopiswa pamberi pomukova wokupinda kutabhenakeri, Tende Rokusangana;
7 the `waischyng vessel bitwixe the auter and the tabernacle, which `waischyng vessel thou schalt fille with water.
uise dhishi pakati peTende Rokusangana nearitari ugoisa mvura mariri.
8 And thou schalt cumpas the greet street, and the entryng ther of with tentis.
Ugadzire ruvazhe rwakaipoteredza uye ugoisa chidzitiro pamukova woruvazhe.
9 And whanne thou hast take oyle of anoyntyng, thou schalt anoynte the tabernacle, with hise vessels, that tho be halewid;
“Utore mafuta okuzodza ugozodza tabhenakeri nezvinhu zvose zvirimo; uinatse nemidziyo yayo yose, uye ichava tsvene.
10 the auter of brent sacrifice, and alle vessels ther of; the `waischyng vessel,
Ipapo ugozodza aritari yezvipiriso zvinopiswa nemidziyo yayo yose; unatse aritari, uye ichava tsvene-tsvene.
11 with his foundement. Thou schalt anoynte alle thingis with the oile of anoyntyng, that tho be hooli of hooli thingis.
Uzodze dhishi nechigadziko charo ugozvinatsa.
12 And thou schalt present Aaron and hise sones to the dore of the tabernacle of witnessyng;
“Uuye naAroni navanakomana vake kumukova weTende Rokusangana ugovashambidza nemvura.
Ipapo ugopfekedza Aroni nguo tsvene, umuzodze uye ugomunatsa kuti agondishumira somuprista.
Uuyise vanakomana vake ugovapfekedza majasi.
15 and, whanne thei ben `waischid in water, thou schalt clothe hem with hooli clothis, that thei mynystre to me, and that the anoyntyng of hem profite in to euerlastynge preesthod.
Uvazodze sokuzodza kwawaita baba vavo, kuti vagondishumira savaprista. Kuzodzwa kwavo kuchava kwouprista hucharamba huripo kuzvizvarwa zvinotevera.”
16 And Moises dide alle thingis whiche the Lord comaundide.
Mozisi akaita zvose sezvaakarayirwa naJehovha.
17 Therfor in the firste monethe of the secunde yeer, in the firste dai of the monethe, the tabernacle was set.
Saka tabhenakeri yakamiswa pazuva rokutanga romwedzi wokutanga mugore rechipiri.
18 And Moises reiside it, and settide the tablis, and foundementis, and barris, and he ordeynede pilers;
Mozisi akati amisa tabhenakeri, akaisa zvigadziko panzvimbo yazvo, akadzika mapuranga, akapinza mbariro uye akamisa matanda.
19 and `spredde abrood the roof on the tabernacle, and puttide an hilyng aboue, as the Lord comaundide.
Ipapo akatambanudza tende akariisa pamusoro petabhenakeri ndokuisa chifukidzo pamusoro petende, sokurayirwa kwaakaitwa naJehovha.
20 He puttide also the witnessyng in the arke, and he settide barris with ynne, and Goddis answeryng place aboue.
Akatora Chipupuriro akachiisa muareka, akabatanidza mapango paareka uye akaisa chifunhiro chokuyananisa pamusoro payo.
21 And whanne he hadde brouyt the arke in to the tabernacle, he hangide a veil bifor it, that he schulde fille the comaundement of the Lord.
Ipapo akauyisa areka mutabhenakeri ndokuturika chidzitiro chokufukidzira akafukidza areka yeChipupuriro, sokurayira kwakaita Jehovha.
22 He settide also the boord in the tabernacle of witnessyng, at the north coost, without the veil,
Mozisi akaisa tafura muTende Rokusangana nechokurutivi rwokumusoro kwetabhenakeri kunze kwechidzitiro
23 and he ordeynede the looues of settyng forth bifore, as the Lord comaundide to Moises.
uye akaisa chingwa pamusoro payo pamberi paJehovha, sokurayirwa kwaakaitwa naJehovha.
24 He settide also the candilstike in the tabernacle of witnessyng, euene ayens the boord,
Akaisa chigadziko chomwenje muTende Rokusangana chakatarisana netafura nechokurutivi rwezasi rwetabhenakeri
25 in the south side, and settide lanternes bi ordre, bi the comaundement of the Lord.
uye akamisa mwenje pamberi paJehovha, sokurayirwa kwaakaitwa naJehovha.
26 He puttide also the goldun auter vndur the roof of witnessyng,
Mozisi akaisa aritari yegoridhe muTende Rokusangana pamberi pechidzitiro,
27 ayens the veil, and he brente theronne encense of swete smellynge spiceries, as the Lord comaundide to Moises.
uye akapisa zvinonhuhwira pairi, sokurayirwa kwaakaitwa naJehovha.
28 He settide also a tente in the entryng of the tabernacle,
Ipapo akaisa chidzitiro pamukova wetabhenakeri.
29 and the auter of brent sacrifice in the porche of the witnessyng, and he offride therynne brent sacrifice, and sacrifices, as the Lord comaundide.
Akamisa aritari yezvipiriso zvinopiswa pedyo nomukova wetabhenakeri, Tende Rokusangana, akapa pairi zvipiriso zvinopiswa nezvipiriso zvezviyo, sokurayirwa kwaakaitwa naJehovha.
30 Also he ordeynede the `waischyng vessel, bitwixe the tabernacle of witnessyng and the auter, and fillide it with watir.
Akaisa dhishi pakati peTende Rokusangana nearitari uye akaisa mvura yokushamba mariri,
31 And Moises, and Aaron, and his sones, waischiden her hondis and feet,
uye Mozisi naAroni navanakomana vake vakaishandisa kushamba maoko avo netsoka dzavo.
32 whanne thei entriden into the roof of boond of pees, and neiyeden to the auter, as the Lord comaundide to Moises.
Vaishamba pose pavaipinda muTende Rokusangana kana kuswedera paaritari, sokurayirwa kwakaitwa Mozisi naJehovha.
33 He reiside also the greet street, bi the cumpas of the tabernacle and of the auter, and settyde a tente in the entryng therof. Aftir that alle thingis weren perfitli maad,
Ipapo Mozisi akaita ruvazhe rwakapoteredza tabhenakeri nearitari uye akaturika chidzitiro pamukova wokupinda muruvazhe. Nokudaro Mozisi akapedza basa.
34 a cloude hilide the tabernacle of witnessyng, and the glorie of the Lord fillide it;
Ipapo gore rakafukidza Tende Rokusangana, uye kubwinya kwaJehovha kwakazadza tabhenakeri.
35 nether Moyses myyte entre in to the tabernacle of the boond of pees, while the cloude hilide alle thingis, and the maieste of the Lord schynede, for the cloude hilide alle thingis.
Mozisi haana kugona kupinda muTende Rokusangana nokuti gore rakanga ragara pariri, uye kubwinya kwaJehovha kwakazadza tabhenakeri.
36 If ony tyme the cloude lefte the tabernacle, the sones of Israel yeden forth bi her cumpanyes;
Mukufamba kwose kwavaIsraeri, pose paisimuka gore kubva pamusoro petabhenakeri, ivo vaisimuka vachienda;
37 if the cloude hangide aboue, thei dwelliden in the same place;
asi kana gore risina kubva, vakanga vasingafambi, kusvikira pazuva rarinosimuka.
38 for the cloude of the Lord restide on the tabernacle bi dai, and fier in the nyyt, in the siyt of the puplis of Israel, bi alle her dwellyngis.
Saka gore raJehovha raiva pamusoro petabhenakeri masikati; uye moto wakanga uri mugore usiku, pamberi peimba yose yaIsraeri panguva yokufamba kwavo kwose.

< Exodus 40 >