< Exodus 39 >

1 Forsothe of iacynt, and purpur, vermyloun, and bijs, he made clothis, in whiche Aaron was clothid, whanne he mynystride in hooli thingis, as the Lord comaundide to Moises.
De hyacintho vero et purpura, vermiculo ac bysso, fecit vestes, quibus indueretur Aaron quando ministrabat in sanctis, sicut præcepit Dominus Moysi.
2 Therfor he made the `cloth on the schuldris of gold, iacynt, and purpur, and of reed selk twies died,
Fecit igitur superhumerale de auro, hyacintho, et purpura, coccoque bis tincto, et bysso retorta,
3 and of bijs foldid ayen, bi werk of broiderie; also he kittide thinne goldun platis, and made thinne in to threedis, that tho moun be foldid ayen, with the warp of the formere colouris;
opere polymitario: inciditque bracteas aureas, et extenuavit in fila, ut possent torqueri cum priorum colorum subtegmine,
4 and he made tweyne hemmes couplid to hem silf to gidere, in euer either side of the endis; and `he made a girdil of the same colouris,
duasque oras sibi invicem copulatas in utroque latere summitatum,
5 as the Lord comaundide to Moises.
et balteum ex eisdem coloribus, sicut præceperat Dominus Moysi.
6 And he made redi twei `stonys of onychyn, boundun and closid in gold, and grauun bi the craft of worchere in iemmys, with the names of the sones of Israel; sixe names in o stoon, and sixe in the tother stoon, bi the ordre of her birthe.
Paravit et duos lapides onychinos, astrictos et inclusos auro, et sculptos arte gemmaria nominibus filiorum Israël:
7 And he settide tho stoonus in the sidis of the `clooth on the schuldris, in to a memorial of the sones of Israel, as the Lord comaundide to Moises.
posuitque eos in lateribus superhumeralis in monimentum filiorum Israël, sicut præceperat Dominus Moysi.
8 He made also the racional, `by werk of broiderie, bi the werk of the `cloth on the schuldris, of gold, iacynt, purpur, and reed selk twies died, and of biis foldid ayen; he made the racional foure cornerid,
Fecit et rationale opere polymito juxta opus superhumeralis, ex auro, hyacintho, purpura, coccoque bis tincto, et bysso retorta:
9 double, of the mesure of foure fyngris.
quadrangulum, duplex, mensuræ palmi.
10 And settide thereynne foure ordris of iemmes; in the firste ordre was sardius, topazius, smaragdus; in the secounde was carbuncle,
Et posuit in eo gemmarum ordines quatuor. In primo versu erat sardius, topazius, smaragdus.
11 safir, iaspis;
In secundo, carbunculus, sapphirus, et jaspis.
12 in the thridde ordre was ligurie, achates, ametiste;
In tertio, ligurius, achates, et amethystus.
13 in the fourthe ordre was crisolite, onochyn, and berille, cumpassid and enclosid with gold, bi her ordris.
In quarto, chrysolithus, onychinus, et beryllus, circumdati et inclusi auro per ordines suos.
14 And tho twelue stonys weren grauyn with twelue names, of the lynage of Israel, alle stonys bi hem silf, bi the names of alle lynagis bi hem silf.
Ipsique lapides duodecim sculpti erant nominibus duodecim tribuum Israël, singuli per nomina singulorum.
15 Thei maden also in the racional litle chaynes, cleuynge to hem silf togidre,
Fecerunt in rationali et catenulas sibi invicem cohærentes, de auro purissimo:
16 of pureste gold, and tweyne hokys, and so many ryngis of gold. Forsothe thei settiden the ryngis on euer either side of the racional,
et duos uncinos, totidemque annulos aureos. Porro annulos posuerunt in utroque latere rationalis,
17 of whiche ryngis twei goldun chaynes hangiden, whiche thei settiden in the hokis, that stonden forth in the corneris of the `cloth on the schuldris.
e quibus penderent duæ catenæ aureæ, quas inseruerunt uncinis, qui in superhumeralis angulis eminebant.
18 These acordiden so to hem silf, bothe bifore and bihynde, that the `cloth on the schuldris, and the racional,
Hæc et ante et retro ita conveniebant sibi, ut superhumerale et rationale mutuo necterentur,
19 weren knyt togidere, fastned to the girdil, and couplid ful strongli with ryngis, whiche ryngis a lace of iacynt ioynede togidere, lest tho weren loose, and `fletiden doun, and weren moued ech from other, as the Lord comaundide to Moises.
stricta ad balteum et annulis fortius copulata, quos jungebat vitta hyacinthina, ne laxa fluerent, et a se invicem moverentur, sicut præcepit Dominus Moysi.
20 Thei maden also `a coote on the schuldris, al of iacynt;
Feceruntque quoque tunicam superhumeralis totam hyacinthinam,
21 and the hood in the hiyere part, aboute the myddis, and a wouun hemme, bi the cumpas of the hood;
et capitium in superiori parte contra medium, oramque per gyrum capitii textilem:
22 forsothe bynethe at the feet piyn applis of iacynt, and purpur, and vermyloun, and biys foldid ayen;
deorsum autem ad pedes mala punica ex hyacintho, purpura, vermiculo, ac bysso retorta:
23 and litle bellis of pureste gold, whiche thei settiden bitwixe pum garnadis, in the `lowest part of the coote, bi cumpas;
et tintinnabula de auro purissimo, quæ posuerunt inter malogranata, in extrema parte tunicæ per gyrum:
24 a goldun litle belle, and a piyn apple; with whiche the bischop yede ourned, whanne he `was set in seruyce, as the Lord comaundide to Moises.
tintinnabulum autem aureum, et malum punicum, quibus ornatus incedebat pontifex quando ministerio fungebatur, sicut præceperat Dominus Moysi.
25 Thei maden also cootis of bijs, bi wouun werk, to Aaron and to hise sones,
Fecerunt et tunicas byssinas opere textili Aaron et filiis ejus:
26 and mytres with smale corouns of biys,
et mitras cum coronulis suis ex bysso:
27 and lynnun clothis of bijs;
feminalia quoque linea, byssina:
28 forsothe a girdil of bijs foldid ayen, of iacynt, purpur, and vermyloun, departid bi craft of broyderie, as the Lord comaundide to Moises.
cingulum vero de bysso retorta, hyacintho, purpura, ac vermiculo bis tincto, arte plumaria, sicut præceperat Dominus Moysi.
29 Thei maden also a plate of hooli worschipyng, of pureste gold, and thei writeden therynne bi werk of a worchere in iemmes, The hooli of the Lord.
Fecerunt et laminam sacræ venerationis de auro purissimo, scripseruntque in ea opere gemmario, Sanctum Domini:
30 And thei bounden it with the mytre bi a lace of iacynt, as the Lord comaundide to Moises.
et strinxerunt eam cum mitra vitta hyacinthina, sicut præceperat Dominus Moysi.
31 Therfor al the werk of the tabernacle, and the hilyng of the witnessyng, was parformed; and the sones of Israel diden alle thingis whiche the Lord comaundide to Moises.
Perfectum est igitur omne opus tabernaculi et tecti testimonii: feceruntque filii Israël cuncta quæ præceperat Dominus Moysi.
32 And thei offeriden the tabernacle, and the roof, and al the purtenaunce, ryngis, tablis, barris, pileris, and foundementis;
Et obtulerunt tabernaculum et tectum et universam supellectilem, annulos, tabulas, vectes, columnas ac bases,
33 the hilyng of `skynnes of rammes, maad reed, and another hilyng of skynnys of iacynt;
opertorium de pellibus arietum rubricatis, et aliud operimentum de janthinis pellibus,
34 the veil, the arke, barris, propiciatorie;
velum; arcam, vectes, propitiatorium,
35 the boord with vessels, and with the looues of settyng forth;
mensam cum vasis suis et propositionis panibus;
36 the candilstike, lanternes, and the purtenauncis of tho, with oile;
candelabrum, lucernas, et utensilia earum cum oleo;
37 the goldun auter, and oynement, and encense of swete smellynge spiceries;
altare aureum, et unguentum, et thymiama ex aromatibus,
38 and the tente in the entryng of the tabernacle;
et tentorium in introitu tabernaculi;
39 the brasun auter, gridile, barris, and alle vessels therof; the `greet waischyng vessel, with his foundement; the tentis of the greet street, and the pilers with her foundementis;
altare æneum, retiaculum, vectes, et vasa ejus omnia; labrum cum basi sua; tentoria atrii, et columnas cum basibus suis;
40 the tente in the entring of the greet street, and the coordis, and stakis therof. No thing of the vessels failide, that weren comaundid to be maad in to the seruyce of the tabernacle, and in to the roof of the boond of pees.
tentorium in introitu atrii, funiculosque illius et paxillos. Nihil ex vasis defuit, quæ in ministerium tabernaculi, et in tectum fœderis jussa sunt fieri.
41 Also the sones of Israel offriden the clothis whiche the prestis, that is, Aaron and hise sones, vsen in the seyntuarie,
Vestes quoque, quibus sacerdotes utuntur in sanctuario, Aaron scilicet et filii ejus,
42 as the Lord comaundide.
obtulerunt filii Israël, sicut præceperat Dominus.
43 And aftir that Moises siy alle tho thingis fillid, he blesside hem.
Quæ postquam Moyses cuncta vidit completa, benedixit eis.

< Exodus 39 >