< Exodus 38 >

1 He made also the auter of brent sacrifice of the trees of Sechym, of fyue cubitis bi square, and of thre cubitis in heiythe;
Fecit et altare holocausti de lignis setim, quinque cubitorum per quadrum, et trium in altitudine:
2 whose hornes camen forth of the corneris, and he hilide it with platis of bras.
cuius cornua de angulis procedebant, operuitque illum laminis æneis.
3 And in to vsis therof he made redi of bras dyuerse vessels, caudruns, tongis, fleischhokis, hokis, and `resseittis of firis.
Et in usus eius paravit ex ære vasa diversa, lebetes, forcipes, fuscinulas, uncinos, et ignium receptacula.
4 He made also the brasun gridile therof, `bi the maner of a net, and a `panne for colis vndur it, in the myddis of the auter.
Craticulamque eius in modum retis fecit æneam, et subter eam in altaris medio arulam,
5 And he yetide foure ryngis, by so many endis of the gridile, to putte in the barris to bere;
fusis quattuor annulis per totidem retiaculi summitates, ad immittendos vectes ad portandum:
6 and he made tho same barris of the trees of Sechym, and hilide with platis of bras.
quos et ipsos fecit de lignis setim, et operuit laminis æneis:
7 And ledde in to the serclis that stonden forth in the sidis of the auter. Forsothe thilke auter was not sad, but holowe of the bildyngis of tablis, and voide with ynne.
induxitque in circulos, qui in lateribus altaris eminebant. Ipsum autem altare non erat solidum, sed cavum ex tabulis, et intus vacuum.
8 He made also a `greet waischyng vessel of bras, with his foundement, of the myrours of wymmen that wakiden in the `greet street of the tabernacle.
Fecit et labrum æneum cum basi sua de speculis mulierum, quæ excubabant in ostio tabernaculi.
9 And he made the greet street, in whose south coost weren tentis of bijs foldid ayen, of an hundrid cubitis, twenti brasun pilers with her foundementis,
Fecit et atrium, in cuius australi plaga erant tentoria de bysso retorta, cubitorum centum,
10 the heedis of pilers, and al the grauyng of the werk, weren of siluer;
columnæ æneæ viginti cum basibus suis, capita columnarum, et tota operis cælatura, argentea.
11 euenli at the north coost the tentis, pilers, and foundementis and heedis of pilers, weren of the same mesure, and werk, and metal.
Æque ad septentrionalem plagam tentoria, columnæ, basesque et capita columarum eiusdem mensuræ, et operis ac metalli, erant.
12 Forsothe in that coost that biholdith the west weren tentis of fyfty cubitis, ten brasun pilers with her foundementis, and the `heedis of pilers, and al the grauyng of werk, weren of siluer.
In ea vero plaga, quæ ad Occidentem respicit, fuerunt tentoria cubitorum quinquaginta, columnæ decem cum basibus suis æneæ, et capita columnarum, et tota operis cælatura, argentea.
13 Sotheli ayens the eest he made redi tentis of fifti cubitis,
Porro contra orientem quinquaginta cubitorum paravit tentoria:
14 of whiche tentis o side helde fiftene cubitis of thre pilers with her foundementis; and in the tother side,
e quibus, quindecim cubitos columnarum trium, cum basibus suis unum tenebat latus:
15 for he made the entryng of the tabernacle bitwixe euer either, weren tentis euenli of fiftene cubitis, thre pilers, and so many foundementis.
et in parte altera (quia inter utraque introitum tabernaculi fecit) quindecim æque cubitorum erant tentoria, columnæque tres, et bases totidem.
16 Bijs foldid ayen hilide alle the tentis of the greet street.
Cuncta atrii tentoria byssus retorta texuerat.
17 The foundementis of pilers weren of bras; forsothe the heedis of tho pilers, with alle her grauyngis, weren of siluer; but also he clothide with siluer tho pilers of the greet street.
Bases columnarum fuere æneæ, capita autem earum cum cunctis cælaturis suis argentea: sed et ipsas columnas atrii vestivit argento.
18 And in the entryng therof he made a tente, bi `werk of broiderie, of iacynt, purpur, vermyloun, and of bijs foldid ayen, which tente hadde twenti cubitis in lengthe, and the heiythe was of fyue cubitis, bi the mesure which alle the tentis of the greet street hadden.
Et in introitu eius opere plumario fecit tentorium ex hyacintho, purpura, vermiculo, ac bysso retorta, quod habebat viginti cubitos in longitudine, altitudo vero quinque cubitorum erat iuxta mensuram, quam cuncta atrii tentoria habebant.
19 Forsothe the pylers in the entryng weren foure, with brasun foundementis, and the heedis of tho pilers and grauyngis weren of siluer;
Columnæ autem in ingressu fuere quattuor cum basibus æneis, capitaque earum et cælaturæ argenteæ.
20 and he made brasun stakis of the tabernacle, and of the greet street, bi cumpas.
Paxillos quoque tabernaculi et atrii per gyrum fecit æneos.
21 These ben the instrumentis of the tabernacle of witnessyng, that ben noumbrid, bi the comaundement of Moises, in the cerymonyes of Leuytis, bi the hond of Ithamar, sone of Aaron, preest.
Hæc sunt instrumena tabernaculi testimonii, quæ enumerata sunt iuxta præceptum Moysi in cæremoniis Levitarum per manum Ithamar filii Aaron sacerdotis:
22 Whiche instrumentis Beseleel, sone of Huri, sone of Hur, of the lynage of Juda, fillide; for the Lord comaundide bi Moises,
quæ Beseleel filius Uri filii Hur de tribu Iuda, Domino per Moysen iubente, compleverat,
23 while Ooliab, sone of Achysameth, of the lynage of Dan, was ioyned felowe to hym, and he hym silf was a noble crafti man of trees, and a tapesere and a broderere of iacynt, purpur, vermyloun and bijs.
iuncto sibi socio Ooliab filio Achisamech de tribu Dan: qui et ipse artifex lignorum egregius fuit, et polymitarius atque plumarius ex hyacintho, purpura, vermiculo, et bysso.
24 Al the gold that was spendid in the werk of seyntuarie, and that was offrid in yiftis, was of `nyne and twenti talentis, and of seuene hundrid and thretti siclis, at the mesure of seyntuarie.
Omne aurum quod expensum est in opere Sanctuarii, et quod oblatum est in donariis, viginti novem talentorum fuit, et septingentorum triginta siclorum ad mensuram Sanctuarii.
25 Forsothe it was offrid of hem that passiden to noumbre fro twenti yeer and aboue, of sixe hundrid and thre thousand, and fyue hundrid and fifty of armed men.
Oblatum est autem ab his qui transierunt ad numerum a viginti annis et supra, de sexcentis tribus millibus, et quingentis quinquaginta, armatorum.
26 Ferthermore, an hundrid talentis of siluer weren, of whiche the foundementis of the seyntuarie weren yotun togidere, and of the entryng, where the veil hangith;
Fuerunt præterea centum talenta argenti, e quibus conflatæ sunt bases Sanctuarii, et introitus ubi velum pendet.
27 an hundrid foundementis weren maad of an hundrid talentis, and for ech foundement was ordeyned o talent.
Centum bases factæ sunt de talentis centum, singulis talentis per bases singulas supputatis.
28 Forsothe of a thousynde seuene hundrid and `thre scoor and fiftene siclis he made the heedis of pilers, and he `clothide tho same pilers with siluer.
De mille autem septingentis, et septuaginta quinque fecit capita columnarum, quas et ipsas vestivit argento.
29 Also of bras weren offrid `thre scoor and twelue thousynde talentis, and foure hundrid siclis ouer.
Æris quoque oblata sunt talenta septuaginta duo millia, et quadringenti supra sicli,
30 Of whiche the foundementis in the entryng of the tabernacle of witnessyng weren yotun, and the brasun auter, with his gridele, and al the vessels that perteynen to the vss therof,
ex quibus fusæ sunt bases in introitu tabernaculi testimonii, et altare æneum cum craticula sua, omniaque vasa, quæ ad usum eius pertinent,
31 and the foundementis of the greet street, as wel in the cumpas, as in the entryng therof, and the stakis of the tabernacle, and of the greet street bi cumpas.
et bases atrii tam in circuitu quam in ingressu eius, et paxilli tabernaculi atque atrii, per gyrum.

< Exodus 38 >