< Exodus 37 >

1 Forsothe Beseleel made also an arke of the trees of Sechym, hauynge twey cubitis and an half in lengthe, and a cubit and an half in breede; forsothe the hiynesse was of o cubit and an half; and he clothide the arke with purest gold, with ynne and without forth.
Bhezareri akaita areka yamatanda omuunga, yakareba makubhiti maviri nehafu, kubhiti rimwe nehafu paupamhi, uye kubhiti rimwe chete nehafu pakukwirira.
2 And he made to it a goldun coroun `bi cumpas,
Akaifukidza negoridhe rakaisvonaka, zvose mukati nokunze, uye akaita hata yegoridhe yakaipoteredza.
3 and yetide foure goldun ryngis, bi foure corneris therof, twey ryngis in o side, and twei ryngis in the tother side.
Akaiumbira mhete dzegoridhe ina akadziisa pamakumbo ayo mana, nemhete mbiri pano rumwe rutivi uye dzimwe mbiri kuno rumwezve rutivi.
4 And he made barris of the trees of Sechym, whiche barris he clothide with gold,
Ipapo akaita mapango omuti womuunga uye akaafukidza negoridhe.
5 and whiche barris he putte into the ryngis that weren in the sidis of the arke, to bere it.
Uye akapinza mapango mukati memhete parutivi rweareka okuitakura nawo.
6 He made also a propiciatorie, that is, Goddis answeryng place, of pureste gold, of twei cubitis and an half in lengthe, and of o cubit and an half in breede.
Akagadzira chifunhiro chokuyananisa chegoridhe rakaisvonaka, makubhiti maviri nehafu pakureba uye kubhiti rimwe chete nehafu paupamhi.
7 Also he made twei cherubyns of gold, betun out with hamer, whiche he settide on euer eithir side of the propiciatorie,
Ipapo akaita makerubhi maviri negoridhe rakapambadzirwa kumacheto echifunhiro.
8 o cherub in the hiynesse of o part, and the tother cherub in the hiynesse of the tothir part; twei cherubyns, oon in ech hiynesse of the propiciatorie, stretchynge out the wengis,
Akaita kerubhi rimwe chete kurutivi rumwe chete rwokumucheto uye kerubhi rechipiri kuno rumwezve rutivi, mativi okumucheto ari maviri akaaita chinhu chimwe chete nechifunhiro.
9 and hilynge the propiciatorie, and biholdynge hem silf togidere and that.
Mapapiro amakerubhi akanga akatambanudzirwa kumusoro, achifukidza chifunhiro nomumvuri wawo. Makerubhi akanga akatarisana, akatarisa kuchifunhiro.
10 He made also a boord of `the trees of Sechym, in the lengthe of twey cubitis, and in the breede of o cubit, whiche boord hadde `a cubit and an half in heiythe.
Vakagadzira tafura namatanda omuunga, yakareba makubhiti maviri, uye kubhiti rimwe chete paupamhi, uye kubhiti rimwe chete nehafu pakukwirira.
11 And he cumpaside the boord with clenneste gold, and made to it a goldun brynke bi cumpas;
Ipapo vakaifukidza negoridhe rakaisvonaka uye vakagadzira hata yegoridhe yakaipoteredza.
12 and he made to that brynke a goldun coroun, rasid bitwixe of foure fyngris; and on the same coroun he made anothir goldun coroun.
Vakaiitirawo mukombero wakaipoteredza une upamhi hwakaita sechanza choruoko ndokuisa hata yegoridhe pamukombero.
13 Also he yetide foure goldun serclis whiche he settide in foure corneris,
Vakaumba mhete ina dzegoridhe dzetafura uye vakadzisungirira pamakona mana, paya pakanga pana makumbo.
14 bi alle the feet of the boord ayens the coroun, and he puttide barris in to the serclis, that the `boord may be borun.
Mhete dzakaiswa pedyo nomukombero kuti dzibate mapango aishandiswa pakutakura tafura.
15 And he made tho barris of the trees of Sechym, and cumpasside tho with gold.
Mapango okutakura tafura akagadzirwa namatanda omuunga uye akanga akafukidzwa negoridhe.
16 And he made vesselis to dyuerse vsis of the boord, vessels of vynegre, violis, and litle cuppis, and censeris of pure gold, in whiche the fletynge sacrifices schulen be offrid.
Uye vakaita nhumbi dzetafura negoridhe rakaisvonaka, ndiro dzayo, madhishi nemikombe uye nezvirongo zvayo zvokudururira zvipiriso zvinonwiwa.
17 And he made a candilstike, betun out with hamer, of clenneste gold, of whos barre yerdis, cuppis, and litle rundelis and lilies camen forth;
Vakagadzira chigadziko chomwenje chegoridhe rakaisvonaka uye vakaripambadzira, chigadziko nerwiriko; mikombe inenge maruva, mabukira namaruva zvaiva chinhu chimwe chete nacho.
18 sixe in euer eithir side, thre yerdis on o side, and thre on the tother side; thre cuppis in the maner of a note bi ech yerde, and litle rundels to gidere, and lilies;
Mapazi matanhatu akaiswa kubva kumativi echigadziko chomwenje, matatu kurutivi rumwe chete uye mamwe matatu kuno rumwe rutivi.
19 and thre cuppis at the licnesse of a note in the tother yerde, and litle rundels to gidere, and lilies; forsothe the werk of sixe schaftis, that camen forth of the `stok of the candilstike, was euene.
Mikombe mitatu yakanga yakaumbwa seruva remuarimondi namabukira namaruva makuru zvakanga zviri pane rimwe davi, matatu padavi raitevera uye zvakanga zvakaita saizvozvo pamatavi ose ari matanhatu aibva pachigadziko chomwenje.
20 Sotheli in that barre weren foure cuppis, in the maner of a note, and litle rundels and lilies weren bi alle cuppis;
Uye pamusoro pechigadziko chomwenje paiva nemikombe mina yakanga yakaumbwa seruva romuarimondi namabukira uye namaruva makuru.
21 and litle rundels vndur twei schaftis, bi thre placis, whiche to gidre be maad sixe schaftis comynge forth of o barre;
Bukira rimwe chete rakanga riri pasi pamatavi maviri okutanga aibva pachigadziko chomwenje, bukira rechipiri rakanga riri pasi pamatavi maviri aitevera, uye bukira rechitatu rakanga riri pasi pamatavi mamwezve maviri, ose ari matanhatu pamwe chete.
22 therfor and the litle rundels, and schaftis therof, weren alle betun out with hamer, of pureste gold.
Mabukira namatavi zvaiva chinhu chimwe chete nechigadziko chomwenje, chegoridhe rakaisvonaka rakapambadzirwa.
23 He made also seuene lanternes, with her `snytyng tongis, and the vessels where `tho thingis, that ben snytid out, ben quenchid, of clennest gold.
Vakaita mwenje yacho minomwe, pamwe chete nembato dzacho uye nendiro dzacho, dzegoridhe rakaisvonaka.
24 The candilstike with alle his vessels weiyede a talent of gold.
Vakaita chigadziko chomwenje nenhumbi dzacho dzose kubva patarenda rimwe chete regoridhe rakaisvonaka.
25 He made also the auter of encense, of trees of Sechym, hauynge a cubit bi square, and twei cubitis in heiythe, of whos corneris camen forth hornes.
Vakaita aritari yezvinonhuhwira namatanda omuunga. Yakanga yakaenzana mativi ose ari mana, yakareba kubhiti rimwe chete uye kubhiti rimwe chete paupamhi, uye makubhiti maviri pakukwirira kwayo, nyanga dzayo dziri chinhu chimwe chete nayo.
26 And he clothide it with clenneste gold, and the gridele, and wallis, and hornes;
Vakafukidza pamusoro payo nokumativi ose uye nenyanga, negoridhe rakaisvonaka, uye vakagadzira hata yakaipoteredza.
27 and he made to it a litil goldun coroun bi cumpas, and twei goldun ryngis vndur the coroun, bi ech syde, that barris be put in to tho, and the auter mow be borun.
Vakaita mhete dzegoridhe mbiri pasi pehata, mbiri kuno rumwe rutivi, kuti dzibate mapango aishandiswa pakuitakura.
28 Forsothe he made tho barris of the trees of Sechym, and hilide with goldun platis.
Vakagadzira mapango omuti womuunga uye vakaafukidza negoridhe.
29 He made also oile to the oynement of halewyng, and encense of swete smellynge spiceries, moost clene, bi the werk of `a makere of oynement.
Vakagadzirawo mafuta matsvene okuzodza uye nezvinonhuhwira kwazvo zvakaisvonaka, basa romuvhenganisi wezvinonhuhwira.

< Exodus 37 >