< Esther 3 >

1 Aftir these thingis kyng Assuerus enhaunside Aaman, the sone of Amadathi, that was of the kynrede of Agag, and settide his trone aboue alle the princes whiche he hadde.
Po teh stvareh je Kralj Ahasvér povišal Hamána, Hamedátovega sina, Agágovca in ga napredoval in njegov sedež postavil nad vse prince, ki so bili z njim.
2 And alle the seruauntis of the kyng, that lyuyden in the yatis of the paleis, kneliden, and worschipiden Aaman; for the emperour hadde comaundid so to hem; Mardochee aloone bowide not the knees, nethir worschipide hym.
Vsi kraljevi služabniki, ki so bili pri kraljevih velikih vratih, so se priklonili in častili Hamána, kajti kralj je glede njega tako zapovedal. Mordohaj pa se ni priklonil niti ga ni častil.
3 `To whom the children of the kyng seiden, that saten bifore at the yatis of the paleis, Whi kepist `thou not the comaundementis of the kyng, othere wise than othere men?
Potem so kraljevi služabniki, ki so bili pri kraljevih velikih vratih, Mordohaju rekli: »Zakaj prestopaš kraljevo zapoved?«
4 And whanne thei seiden ful ofte these thingis, and he nolde here, thei tolden to Aaman, `and wolden wite, whether he contynuede in sentence; for he hadde seid to hem, that he was a Jew.
Pripetilo se je torej, ko so mu dnevno govorili in jim ni prisluhnil, da so povedali Hamánu, da vidijo, ali bodo Mordohajeve zadeve obstale, kajti povedal jim je, da je bil Jud.
5 And whanne Aaman hadde herd this thing, and hadde preued `bi experience, that Mardochee bowide not the kne to hym, nethir worschipide hym, he was ful wrooth,
Ko je Hamán videl, da se Mordohaj ni priklonil niti ga ni častil, potem je bil Hamán poln besa.
6 and he ledde for nouyt to sette hise hondis on Mardochee aloone; for he hadde herd, that Mardochee was of the folc of Jewis, and more he wolde leese al the nacioun of Jewis, that weren in the rewme of Assuerus.
Zdelo se mu je v posmeh, da položi roke samo na Mordohaja, kajti pokazali so mu Mordohajevo ljudstvo. Zato je Hamán iskal, da uniči vse Jude, ki so bili po celotnem Ahasvérjevem kraljestvu, torej Mordohajevo ljudstvo.
7 In the firste monethe, whos nam is Nysan, in the tweluethe yeer of the rewme of Assuerus, lot was sent in to a vessel, which lot is seid in Ebrew phur, `bifor Aaman, in what dai and in what monethe the folk of Jewis ouyte to be slayn; and the tweluethe monethe yede out, which is clepid Adar.
V prvem mesecu, ki je mesec nisán, v dvanajstem letu kralja Ahasvérja, so metali pur, kar je žreb, pred Hamánom iz dneva v dan in iz meseca v mesec, do dvanajstega meseca, ki je mesec adár.
8 And Aaman seide to the king Assuerus, A puple is scaterid bi alle the prouynces of thi rewme, and is departid fro it silf togidere, and vsith newe lawis and cerymonyes, and ferthermore it dispisith also the comaundementis of the kyng; and thou knowest best, that it spedith not to thi rewme, `that it encreesse in malice bi licence.
Hamán je rekel Kralju Ahasvérju: »Tam je neko ljudstvo, razkropljeno naokoli in razpršeno med ljudstvom po vseh provincah tvojega kraljestva. Njihove postave so različne od vsega ljudstva niti se ne držijo kraljevih postav. Zatorej to ni za kraljevo korist, da jih trpi.
9 If it plesith thee, `deme thou that it perisch, and Y schal paie ten thousynde of talentis to the keperis of thi tresour.
Če to ugaja kralju, naj bo to zapisano, da bodo lahko uničeni, jaz pa bom plačal deset tisoč talentov srebra rokam tistih, ki so zadolženi za to delo, da to prinesejo v kraljeve zakladnice.«
10 Therfor the kyng took `fro his hond the ryng which he vside, and yaf it to Aaman, the sone of Amadathi, of the kynrede of Agag, to the enemy of Jewis.
Kralj je iz svoje roke snel svoj prstan ter ga dal Hamedátovemu sinu Hamánu, Agágovcu, sovražniku Judov.
11 And the kyng seide to hym, The siluer, which thou bihiytist, be thin; do thou of the puple that, that plesith thee.
Kralj je rekel Hamánu: »Srebro ti je dano, tudi ljudstvo, da storiš z njimi, kakor se ti zdi dobro.«
12 And the scryuens of the kyng weren clepid in the firste monethe Nysan, in the threttenthe dai of the same monethe; and it was writun, as Aaman hadde comaundid, to alle prynces of the kyng, and to domesmen of prouynces and of dyuerse folkis, that ech folk myyte rede and here, `for dyuersite of langagis, bi the name of kyng Assuerus. And lettris aseelid with
Potem so bili na trinajsti dan prvega meseca poklicani kraljevi pisarji in bilo je napisano glede na vse, kar je Hamán ukazal kraljevim poročnikom in voditeljem, ki so bili nad vsako provinco in vladarjem vsakega ljudstva vsake province, glede na njihovo pisavo in vsakemu ljudstvu glede na njihov jezik. V imenu kralja Ahasvérja je bilo napisano in zapečateno s kraljevim prstanom.
13 the ring of the kyng weren sent bi the corouris of the kyng to alle hise prouynces, that thei schulden sle, and `do awei alle Jewis, fro a child to an eld man, litle children and wymmen, in o dai, that is, in the thrittenthe dai of the tweluethe monethe, which is clepid Adar; and that thei schulden take awei the goodis of Jewis.
Pisma so bila po slih poslana v vse kraljeve province, da uničijo, ubijejo in pogubijo vse Jude, tako mlade kakor stare, majhne otroke in ženske, na en dan, torej na trinajsti dan dvanajstega meseca, ki je mesec adár in da si njihov dobiček vzamejo za plen.
14 Forsothe the sentence `in schort of the pistlis was this, that alle prouyncis schulden wite, and make hem redi to the forseid dai.
Prepis pisanja za zapoved, ki naj bo predana v vsako provinco, je bilo razglašeno vsem ljudstvom, da bodo pripravljeni za ta dan.
15 And the coroures, that weren sent, hastiden to fille the comaundement of the kyng; and anoon the comaundement hangide in Susa, `while the kyng and Aaman maden feeste, and `the while that alle Jewis wepten, that weren in the citee.
Sli so odšli ven, podvizani s kraljevo zapovedjo in odlok je bil izdan v palači Suze. Kralj in Hamán pa sta se usedla, da pijeta, mesto Suze pa je bilo zbegano.

< Esther 3 >