< Esther 2 >

1 Therfor whanne these thingis weren doon, aftir that the indignacioun of kyng Assuerus was coold, he bithouyte of Vasthi, and what thingis sche hadde do, ethir what thingis sche suffride.
Baada ya mambo haya na baada ya hasira ya mfalme Ahusiero kutulia, alifikiri kuhusu Malkia Vashiti na alichokuwa amekifanya na tangazo alilokuwa ameamuru litolewe ya Vashiti kupoteza sifa za kuwa malkia.
2 And the children and the mynystris of the kyng seiden to `the kyng, Damyselis, virgyns `and faire, be souyt to the kyng; and `men ben sent,
Kisha vijana waliomtumikia mfalme wakasema, mfalme atafutiwemabikira warembo.
3 that schulen biholde bi alle prouinces damesels faire and virgyns; and brynge thei hem to the citee Susa, and bitake thei in to the hows of wymmen, vndur the hond of Egei, the onest seruaunt and chast, which is the souereyn and kepere of the kyngis wymmen; and take the damesels ournement of wymmen, and other thingis nedeful to vsis.
Mfalme na achague wasimamizi katika majimbo yote ya ufalme wake, ili wawakusanye mabikira warembo wote harem katika ikulu ya Susa. Mabikira hawa wawe chini ya usimamizi wa Hegai, msimamizi, ambaye ni mkuu wa wanawake, na wapewe vipodozi vyao vyote.
4 And which euer damesele among alle plesith the iyen of the kyng, regne sche for Vasti. The word pleside the kyng; and he comaundide to be don so, as thei counceliden.
Na binti yule atakaye mfurahisha mfalme ndiye atakaye kuwa Malkia badala ya Vashiti.” Mfalme alupenda ushauri na akafanya kama alivoshauriwa,
5 Forsothe a man, a Jew, was in the citee Susa, Mardoche bi name, the sone of Jair, sone of Semei, sone of Cys, of the generacioun of Gemyny;
Katika mji wa Shushani alikuwepo Myahudi aliyeitwa Modekai mwana wa Jaira mwana wa Shimei mwana wa Kishi, aliye kuwa wa kabila la Benjamini.
6 that was translatid fro Jerusalem in that tyme, wherynne Nabugodonosor, kyng of Babiloyne, hadde translatid Jechonye, kyng of Juda;
Yeye ni miongoni mwa Wayahudi waliochukuliwa pamoja na Yekonia, mfalme wa Yuda kutoka Yerusalemu na kupelekwa uhamishoni na mfalme Nebukadreza.
7 which Mardoche was the nurschere of Edissa, the douyter of his brothir, which douytir was clepid Hester bi anothir name, and sche hadde lost bothe fadir and modir; sche was ful fair, and semeli of face; and whanne hir fadir and modir weren deed, Mardoche `purchaside hir in to a douytir to hymsilf.
Modekai alikuwa akimlea, Hadasa, yaani Esta, binti wa mjomba wake kwa sababu hakuwa na wazaai wake wote wawili. Modekai alimchukuwa kama binti yake. Esta alikuwa na umbo zuri na uso wa kupendeza.
8 And whanne the comaundement of the kyng was ofte pupplischid, and bi his comaundement many faire virgyns weren brouyt to Susa, and weren bitakun to Egey, the onest seruaunt and chast, also Hester among othere damesels was bytakun to hym, that sche schulde be kept in the noumbre of wymmen.
Wasichana wengi waliletwa ikulu Shushani, baada ya tangazo na amri ya mfalme kutolewa. Waliwekwa chini ya usimamizi wa Hegai. Esta naye alikuwa ni miongoni mwa wasichana walioletwa na kuwekwa chini ya usimamizi wa Hegai, mwangalizi wa wanawake.
9 And sche pleside hym, and foond grace in his siyt, that he hastide the ournement of wymmen, and bitook to hir her partis, and seuene the faireste damesels of the kyngis hows; and he ournede and araiede bothe hir and damesels suynge hir feet.
Esta alimfurahisha, na akapata kibali mbele ya Hegai. Akampa vipodozi na sehemu ya chakula. Akampa wahudumu wa kike saba kutoka katika ikulu ya mfalme, na akampeleka na wahudumu wa kike katika sehemu bora katika nyumba ya wanawake.
10 And `sche nolde schewe to hym hir puple and hir cuntrei; for Mardoche hadde comaundid to hir, that in al maner sche schulde be stille of this thing.
Esta hakuwa amemweleza mtu yeyote kuhusu jamaa zake kwa sababu Modekai alikuwa amemzuia.
11 And he walkide ech dai bifor the porche of the dore, in which the chosun virgyns weren kept, and he dide the cure of the helthe of Hester, and wolde wite, what bifelde to hyr.
kila siku Modekai alienda na kurudi mbele nje ya ua wa nyumba ya wanawake, ili kwamba asikie kuhusu mambo ya Esta na atakachofanyiwa.
12 And whanne the tyme of alle damesels bi ordre was comun, that thei schulden entre to the kyng, whanne alle thingis weren fillid that perteyneden to wymmens atire, the tweluethe monethe was turned; so oneli that thei weren anoyntid with oile of `myrte tre bi sixe monethis, and bi othere sixe monethis `thei vsiden summe pymentis and swete-smellynge oynementis.
Zamu ilipofika ya kila msichana kwenda kwa mfalme Ahusero kwa kufuata maelekezo kwa wanawake, kila msichana alitakiwa kumaliza miezi kumi na miwili ya urembo, miezi sita ya mafuta ya manemane na miezi sita ya vipodozi.
13 And thei entriden to the kyng, and what euer thing perteynynge to ournement thei axiden, thei token; and thei weren araied as it pleside hem, and passiden fro the chaumbre of wymmen to the kyngis bed.
wakati msichana alipoenda kwa mfalme, alipewa chochote alichotamani kutoka katika nyumba ya wanawake ili aende nacho katika nyuma ya mfalme.
14 And sche that hadde entrid in the euentid, yede out in the morwetid; and fro thennus thei weren led forth in to the secounde housis, that weren vndur the hond of Sagazi, onest seruaunt and chast, that was gouernour of the kyngis concubyns; and sche hadde not power to go ayen more to the kyng, no but the kyng wolde, `and had comaundid hir to come bi name.
Msichana alipaswa kwenda wakati wa usiku na kurudi katika nyumba ya wanawake, na kwa msimamizi Shaashigazi, msimamizi wa mfalme, ambaye alikuwa mwenye kuwalinda masulia. Msichana hakuruhusiwa kwenda tena kwa mfalme isipokuwa amemfurahiha mfalme na mfalme akaamuru arudi tena.
15 Sotheli whanne the tyme was turned aboute bi ordre, the dai neiyede, wherynne Hester, the douyter of Abiahel, brother of Mardoche, `whom he hadde purchasid in to a douyter to hym silf, ouyte entre to the kyng; and sche axide not wymmenus ournement, but what euer thingis Egei, the onest seruaunt and chast, kepere of virgyns, wolde, he yaf these thingis to hir to ournement; for sche was ful schapli, and of fairnesse that may not liytli be bileuyd, and sche semyde graciouse and amyable to the iyen of alle men.
Zamu ya Esta ilipotimia( mwana wa Abihaili, mjomba wa Modekai alikuw amemchukua kama kama binti yake) kwenda mbele ya mfalme, hakutaka kitu chochote isipokuwa vile ambavyo Hegai, msimamizi wa wanawake alimtaka avichukue.
16 Therfor sche was lad to the bed of kyng Assuerus, in the tenthe monethe, which is clepid Cebeth, in the seuenthe yeer of his rewme.
Esta akapata kibali mbele ya kila aliyemwona. Esta akapelekwa kwa Mfalme Ahusiero katika makazi ya kifalme mwezi wa kumi, ambao ni mwezi wa Tabeti, katika mwaka wa saba wa utawala wake.
17 And the kyng feruentli louyde hir more than alle wymmen, and sche hadde grace and mercy bifor hym ouer alle wymmen; and he settide the diademe of rewme `on hir heed, and he made hir to regne in the stide of Vasthi.
Mfalme alimpenda Esta zaidi kuliko wanawake wengine, na alipata kibali kuliko na wema mbele zake zaidi kuliko mabikira wengine na hivyo mfalme akamvika taji ya kimalkia badala ya Vashiti.
18 And he comaundide a ful worschipful feeste to be maad redi to alle hise princes and seruauntis, for the ioynyng togidere and the weddyngis of Hester; and he yaf rest to alle prouynces, and yaf yiftis aftir the worschipful doyng of a prynce.
mfalme akawafanyia karamu kubwa wasimamizi na wahudumu wake wote, karamu ya Esta na akawapa unafuu wa kodi katika majimbo. Pia akawapa zawadi kwa ukarimu.
19 And whanne virgyns weren souyt also the secounde tyme, and weren gaderid togidere, Mardochee dwellide at the yate of the kyng.
Modekai alikuwa ameketi katika lango la mfalme wakati mabikira walipokuwa wamekusanyika kwa mara ya pili.
20 Hester hadde not yit schewid hir cuntrei and puple, bi comaundement of hym; for whi what euer thing he comaundide, Hester kepte, and sche dide so alle thingis, as sche was wont in that tyme, in which he nurschide hir a litil child.
Esta alifuata ushauri Modekai ya kutomwambia mtu yeyote kuhusu jamaa zake. aliendelea kufuata ushauri wa Modekai kama alivyofanya alipokuwa mdogo.
21 Therfor in that tyme, wherynne Mardochee dwellide at the `yate of the king, Bagathan and Thares, twei seruauntis of the kyng, weren wrothe, `that weren porteris, and saten in the first threisfold of the paleis; and thei wolden rise ayens the kyng, and sle hym.
katika siku hizo ambazo Modekai alikuwa ameketi getini kwa mfalme, Bighani na Tereshi, wasimamizi wa mfalme walio linda lando, walikasirika na wakatafuta kumuua mfalme Ahusiero.
22 Which thing was not hid fro Mardochee, and anoon he telde to the queen Hester, and sche to the kyng, bi the name of Mardochee, that hadde teld the thing to hir.
Jambo lilipowekwa wazi kwa Modekai, alimtaarifu Malkia Esta na Esta akamweleza kile achoelezwa na Modekai.
23 It was souyt, and it was foundun, and ech of hem was hangid in a iebat; and `it was sent to storyes, and was bitakun to bookis of yeeris, `bifor the kyng.
Habari hii ilipepelelezwa na kuonekana kuwa kweli na wanaume wawili walinyongwa juu ya mti. Na habari hii ikaandikwa katika kitabu cha taarifa mbele ya mfalme.

< Esther 2 >