< Ecclesiastes 9 >

1 I tretide alle these thingis in myn herte, to vndirstonde diligentli. Iust men, and wise men ben, and her werkis ben in the hond of God; and netheles a man noot, whether he is worthi of loue or of hatrede.
Nokudaro ndakafunga pamusoro pezvose izvi uye ndikapedzisira nokuti vakarurama navakachenjera, nezvavanoita zviri mumaoko aMwari, asi hakuna munhu anoziva kuti rudo here kana ruvengo zvakamumirira.
2 But alle thingis ben kept vncerteyn in to tyme to comynge; for alle thingis bifallen euenli to a iust man and to a wickid man, to a good man and to an yuel man, to a cleene man and to an vnclene man, to a man offrynge offryngis and sacrifices, and to a man dispisynge sacrifices; as a good man, so and a synnere; as a forsworun man, so and he that greetli swerith treuthe.
Vose vane mugumo wakafanana, akarurama neakaipa, akanaka nomutadzi, akachena neakasviba, avo vanobayira zvibayiro neavo vasingabayiri. Sezvazvakaita nomunhu akanaka, ndizvozvowo nomutadzi; sezvazvakaita neavo vanoita mhiko, ndizvozvowo neavo vanotya kuita mhiko.
3 This thing is the worste among alle thingis, that ben don vndur the sunne, that the same thingis bifallen to alle men; wherfor and the hertis of the sones of men ben fillid with malice and dispisyng in her lijf; and aftir these thingis thei schulen be led doun to hellis.
Ichi ndicho chinhu chakaipa pane zvose zvinoitika pasi pezuva: Vose vane mugumo mumwe chete. Pamusoro pezvo, mwoyo yavanhu izere nezvakaipa uye mumwoyo yavo mune upenzi panguva yokurarama kwavo, uye shure kwaizvozvo vanobatana navakafa.
4 No man is, that lyueth euere, and that hath trist of this thing; betere is a quik dogge than a deed lioun.
Ani naani ari pakati pavapenyu ane tariro; kunyange imbwa mhenyu iri nani kupfuura shumba yakafa!
5 For thei that lyuen witen that thei schulen die; but deed men knowen no thing more, nether han meede ferthere; for her mynde is youun to foryetyng.
Nokuti vapenyu vanoziva kuti vachafa, asi vakafa havana chavanoziva; havachinazve mumwe mubayiro, uye nokurangarirwa kwavo kwakanganikwa.
6 Also the loue, and hatrede, and enuye perischiden togidere; and thei han no part in this world, and in the werk that is don vndur the sunne.
Rudo rwavo, ruvengo rwavo negodo zvakanguri zvapera kare; havachazovizve nechikamu, pane zvose zvinoitika pasi pezuva.
7 Therfor go thou, iust man, and ete thi breed in gladnesse, and drynke thi wiyn with ioie; for thi werkis plesen God.
Enda, undodya zvokudya zvako nomufaro, unwe waini nomwoyo wakafara, nokuti iye zvino Mwari ndipo paari kufadzwa namabasa ako.
8 In ech tyme thi clothis be white, and oile faile not fro thin heed.
Nguva dzose upfeke nguo chena, uye ugare wakazodza musoro wako namafuta.
9 Vse thou lijf with the wijf which thou louest, in alle the daies of lijf of thin vnstablenesse, that ben youun to thee vndur sunne, in al the tyme of thi vanyte; for this is thi part in thi lijf and trauel, bi which thou trauelist vndur the sunne.
Fadzwa noupenyu hwako nomukadzi wako waunoda, mazuva ose oupenyu huno husina maturo Mwari hwaakakupa pasi pezuva, mazuva ose asina maturo. Nokuti uyu ndiwo mugove wako muupenyu uye mukushanda kwako nesimba pasi pezuva.
10 Worche thou bisili, what euer thing thin hond mai do; for nether werk, nether resoun, nethir kunnyng, nether wisdom schulen be at hellis, whidir thou haastist. (Sheol h7585)
Zvose zvinowanikwa noruoko rwako kuti ruzviite, zviite nesimba rako rose, nokuti muguva, mauri kuenda, hamuna kushanda kana kuronga, kana ruzivo kana uchenjeri. (Sheol h7585)
11 I turnede me to another thing, and Y siy vndur sunne, that rennyng is not of swift men, nethir batel is of stronge men, nether breed is of wise men, nether richessis ben of techeris, ne grace is of crafti men; but tyme and hap is in alle thingis.
Ndakaona chimwe chinhuzve pasi pezuva: Anomhanyisa haasi iye anokunda uye ane simba haasi iye anokunda pakurwa, uye akachenjera haasi iye ane zvokudya, uye vane njere havasi ivo vane pfuma, uye vakadzidza havasi ivo vanodiwa navanhu; asi vose vanowirwa nenguva nezvinoitika.
12 A man knowith not his ende; but as fischis ben takun with an hook, and as briddis ben takun with a snare, so men ben takun in yuel tyme, whanne it cometh sudeynli on hem.
Pamusoro pezvo hakuna munhu anoziva nguva yake painosvika: Sehove dzinobatwa murutava rwakaipa, kana shiri dzinobatwa murugombe, saizvozvowo vanhu vanobatwa nenguva dzakaipa dzinovawira vasingatarisire.
13 Also Y siy this wisdom vndur the sunne, and Y preuede it the mooste.
Ndakaonazve pasi pezuva muenzaniso uyu wouchenjeri wakandifadza zvikuru:
14 A litil citee, and a fewe men ther ynne; a greet kyng cam ayens it, and cumpasside it with palis, and he bildide strengthis bi cumpas; and bisegyng was maad perfit.
Kwakanga kune guta duku, raiva navanhu vashoma mariri. Mumwe mambo ane simba akarimukira, akarikomba, akarivakira masvingo makuru okurirwisa.
15 And a pore man and a wijs was foundun ther ynne; and he delyuerede the citee bi his wisdom, and no man bithouyte aftirward on that pore man.
Zvino muguta umu maigara mumwe murume akanga ari murombo asi akachenjera, uye akaponesa guta iri nouchenjeri hwake. Asi hakuna munhu akarangarira murombo uya.
16 And Y seide, that wisdom is betere than strengthe; hou therfor is the wisdom of a pore man dispisid, and hise wordis ben not herd?
Saka ndakati, “Uchenjeri hunopfuura simba.” Asi uchenjeri hwomurombo hunoshorwa uye mashoko ake haangateererwi.
17 The wordis of wise men ben herd in silence, more than the cry of a prince among foolis.
Mashoko manyoro omuchenjeri anoteererwa kupfuura kudanidzira kwomunhu anobata ushe pakati pamapenzi.
18 Betere is wisdom than armuris of batel; and he that synneth in o thing, schal leese many goodis.
Uchenjeri hunopfuura zvombo zvehondo, asi mutadzi mumwe anoparadza zvakanaka zvizhinji.

< Ecclesiastes 9 >