< Ecclesiastes 7 >

1 A good name is betere than preciouse oynementis; and the dai of deth is betere than the dai of birthe.
Zita rakanaka rinopfuura mafuta anonhuhwira zvakanaka kwazvo, uye zuva rokufa rinopfuura zuva rokuzvarwa.
2 It is betere to go to the hous of morenyng, than to the hous of a feeste; for in that hous `of morenyng the ende of alle men is monestid, and a man lyuynge thenkith, what is to comynge.
Zviri nani kuenda kuimba yokuchema pano kuenda kuimba yamabiko, nokuti rufu ndiwo mugumo womunhu wose; vapenyu ngavazviise izvi pamwoyo.
3 Yre is betere than leiyyng; for the soule of a trespassour is amendid bi the heuynesse of cheer.
Kusuwa kunopfuura kuseka, nokuti chiso chinopunyaira chakanakira mwoyo.
4 The herte of wise men is where sorewe is; and the herte of foolis is where gladnesse is.
Mwoyo womuchenjeri uri mumba yokuchema, asi mwoyo yamapenzi iri kuimba yamafaro.
5 It is betere to be repreued of a wijs man, than to be disseyued bi the flateryng of foolis;
Zviri nani kuteerera kutsiura kwomunhu akachenjera, pano kuteerera rwiyo rwamapenzi.
6 for as the sown of thornes brennynge vndur a pot, so is the leiyyng of a fool. But also this is vanyte.
Sokuputika kweminzwa pasi pehari, ndizvo zvakaita kuseka kwamapenzi. Naizvozviwo hazvina maturo.
7 Fals chalenge disturblith a wijs man, and it schal leese the strengthe of his herte.
Udzvinyiriri hunoshandura muchenjeri achiva benzi, uye fufuro inosvibisa mwoyo.
8 Forsothe the ende of preyer is betere than the bigynnyng. A pacient man is betere than a proud man.
Magumo echinhu anopfuura mavambo acho, uye mwoyo murefu unopfuura kuzvikudza.
9 Be thou not swift to be wrooth; for ire restith in the bosum of a fool.
Usakurumidza kutsamwa pamweya wako nokuti kutsamwa kunogara muchipfuva chamapenzi.
10 Seie thou not, What gessist thou is of cause, that the formere tymes weren betere than ben now? for whi siche axyng is fonned.
Usati, “Sei mazuva akare ari nani kupfuura azvino?” Nokuti hazvina kuchenjera kubvunza mibvunzo yakadaro.
11 Forsothe wisdom with richessis is more profitable, and profitith more to men seynge the sunne.
Uchenjeri chinhu chakanaka senhaka, uye hunobatsira avo vanoona zuva.
12 For as wisdom defendith, so money defendith; but lernyng and wisdom hath this more, that tho yyuen lijf to `her weldere.
Uchenjeri hunodzivirira sokudzivirira kunoita mari, asi kunakisa kworuzivo ndokuku: kuti uchenjeri hunochengetedza upenyu hwomunhu anahwo.
13 Biholde thou the werkis of God, that no man may amende hym, whom God hath dispisid.
Cherechedza zvakaitwa naMwari: Ndiani angatwasanudza zvaakagonyanisa?
14 In a good day vse thou goodis, and bifore eschewe thou an yuel day; for God made so this dai as that dai, that a man fynde not iust playnyngis ayens hym.
Kana zvinhu zvakanaka, fara; asi kana nguva dzakaipa, rangarira kuti: Mwari ndiye akaita izvozvo zvose zviri zviviri. Naizvozvo, munhu haagoni kuziva chinhu pamusoro peramangwana rake.
15 Also Y siy these thingis in the daies of my natyuyte; a iust man perischith in his riytfulnesse, and a wickid man lyueth myche tyme in his malice.
Muupenyu hwangu husina maturo ndakaona zvose izvi: akarurama achiparara mukururama kwake, nowakaipa achirarama nguva refu mukuipa kwake.
16 Nyle thou be iust myche, nether vndurstonde thou more than is nedeful; lest thou be astonyed.
Usava munhu akanyanyisa kururama, kana munhu akanyanyisa kuchenjera, uchazviparadzireiko?
17 Do thou not wickidli myche, and nyle thou be a fool; lest thou die in a tyme not thin.
Usava munhu akanyanyisa kuipa, uye usava benzi. Ungada kufa nguva yako isati yakwana?
18 It is good, that thou susteyne a iust man; but also withdrawe thou not thin hond from hym; for he that dredith God, is not necligent of ony thing.
Zvakanaka kubatisisa chimwe chinhu, uye usingaregedzi chimwe chacho chichienda. Munhu anotya Mwari acharega kuita zvinopfurikidza mwero.
19 Wisdom hath coumfortid a wise man, ouer ten pryncis of a citee.
Uchenjeri hunoita kuti mumwe munhu akachenjera ave nesimba guru kupfuura vatariri gumi vari muguta.
20 Forsothe no iust man is in erthe, that doith good, and synneth not.
Hapana munhu akarurama panyika, anoita zvakanaka uye asingatadzi.
21 But also yyue thou not thin herte to alle wordis, that ben seid; lest perauenture thou here thi seruaunt cursynge thee;
Usava nehanya namashoko ose anotaurwa navanhu, zvichida ungangonzwa muranda wako achikutuka,
22 for thi conscience woot, that also thou hast cursid ofte othere men.
nokuti unoziva mumwoyo mako kuti nguva zhinji iwe pachako wakambotuka vamwe.
23 I asayede alle thingis in wisdom; Y seide, I schal be maad wijs, and it yede awei ferthere fro me, myche more than it was;
Zvose izvi ndakazviedza nouchenjeri ndikati, “Ndakazvipira kuva munhu akachenjera,” asi izvi zvaiva kure neni.
24 and the depthe is hiy, who schal fynde it?
Chii zvacho chingava uchenjeri, chiri kure kwazvo uye chakadzama, ndiani angachiwana?
25 I cumpasside alle thingis in my soule, to kunne, and biholde, and seke wisdom and resoun, and to knowe the wickidnesse of a fool, and the errour of vnprudent men.
Saka ndakashandura pfungwa dzangu ndikatanga kutsvaka kunzwisisa, kuti ndiongorore uye nditsvakisise uchenjeri nourongwa hwezvinhu, uye kuti ndinzwisise upenzi hwokuipa nomupengo hwoupenzi.
26 And Y foond a womman bitterere than deth, which is the snare of hunteris, and hir herte is a net, and hir hondis ben boondis; he that plesith God schal ascape hir, but he that is a synnere, schal be takun of hir.
Ndakawana chinhu chinovava kupfuura rufu, mukadzi anova musungo, mwoyo wake uri hunza uye maoko ake ari ngetani. Munhu anofadza Mwari achapunyuka kwaari, asi mutadzi achabatwa naye.
27 Lo! Y foond this, seide Ecclesiastes, oon and other, that Y schulde fynde resoun, which my soule sekith yit;
Muparidzi anoti, “Tarira, izvi ndizvo zvandakawana: “Ndichisanganisa chimwe nechimwe kuti ndiwane marongerwo ezvinhu,
28 and Y foond not. I foond o man of a thousynde; Y foond not a womman of alle.
pandakanga ndichiri kutsvaka asi ndisina chandinowana, ndakawana murume mumwe chete akarurama pakati pechiuru, asi handina kuwana mukadzi mumwe chete akarurama pakati pavo vose.
29 I foond this oonli, that God made a man riytful; and he medlide hym silf with questiouns with out noumbre. Who is siche as a wijs man? and who knowith the expownyng of a word?
Chinhu ichi chete ndicho chandakawana chokuti: Mwari akaita vanhu vakarurama, asi vanhu vakaenda kundotsvaka mano mazhinji.”

< Ecclesiastes 7 >