< Ecclesiastes 5 >

1 Thou that entrist in to the hous of God, kepe thi foot, and neiye thou for to here; for whi myche betere is obedience than the sacrifices of foolis, that witen not what yuel thei don.
Chenjerera rutsoka rwako kana uchienda kuimba yaMwari. Enda pedyo undonzwa pano kuti upe chibayiro chamapenzi, vasingazivi kuti vanoita zvakaipa.
2 Speke thou not ony thing folily, nether thin herte be swift to brynge forth a word bifore God; for God is in heuene, and thou art on erthe, therfor thi wordis be fewe.
Usakurumidza nomuromo wako, usakurumidza mumwoyo mako kutaura chipi zvacho chinhu pamberi paMwari. Mwari ari kudenga uye iwe uri pasi, saka mashoko ako ngaave mashoma.
3 Dremes suen many bisynessis, and foli schal be foundun in many wordis.
Sokuuya kwechiroto kana pane matambudziko akawanda ndizvowo zvinoita kutaura kwebenzi kana pane mashoko mazhinji.
4 If thou hast avowid ony thing to God, tarie thou not to yelde; for an vnfeithful and fonned biheest displesith hym; but `yelde thou what euer thing thou hast avowid;
Kana waita mhiko kuna Mwari, usanonoka kuizadzisa. Iye haafariri mapenzi; zadzisa mhiko yako.
5 and it is myche betere to make not a vowe, than aftir a vowe to yelde not biheestis.
Zviri nani kurega kupika pano kuita mhiko wozorega kuizadzisa.
6 Yyue thou not thi mouth, that thou make thi fleisch to do synne; nether seie thou bifor an aungel, No puruyaunce is; lest perauenture the Lord be wrooth on thi wordis, and distruye alle the werkis of thin hondis.
Usaregera muromo wako uchikutungamirira mukutadza. Uye usapikisa mutumwa wetemberi uchiti, “Ndakakanganisa pakupika.” Mwari achatsamwireiko pamusoro pezvaunotaura, uye agoparadza basa ramaoko ako?
7 Where ben many dremes, ben ful many vanytees, and wordis with out noumbre; but drede thou God.
Kurota kuzhinji namashoko mazhinji hazvina maturo. Naizvozvo mira utye Mwari.
8 If thou seest false chalengis of nedi men, and violent domes, and that riytfulnesse is distried in the prouynce, wondre thou not on this doyng; for another is hiyere than an hiy man, and also othere men ben more hiye aboue these men;
Kana ukaona murombo achidzvinyirirwa mudunhu uye achinyimwa kururamisirwa nekodzero, usashamiswa nezvinhu zvakadai; nokuti mumwe mukuru anotarirwa nomumwe ari pamusoro pake, uye pamusoro pavo vose pane vamwe vakavakurirawo.
9 and ferthermore the kyng of al erthe comaundith to the seruaunt.
Zvinowanikwa kubva panyika zvinotorwa navose; iye mambo ane zvaanowana kubva kuminda.
10 An auerouse man schal not be fillid of monei; and he that loueth richessis schal not take fruytis of tho; and therfor this is vanyte.
Uyo zvake anoda mari haazombowani mari yakakwana; ani zvake anoda pfuma haazombogutswi nezvaanowana. Naizvozviwo hazvina maturo.
11 Where ben many richessis, also many men ben, that eten tho; and what profitith it to the haldere, no but that he seeth richessis with hise iyen?
Nokuwanda kunoita pfuma, ndiko kuwanda kunoitawo vanoidya. Uye zvinobatsireiko kumuridzi wayo kunze kwokungogutsa meso ake nayo?
12 Slepe is swete to hym that worchith, whether he etith litil ether myche; but the fulnesse of a ryche man suffrith not hym to slepe.
Hope dzomushandi dzakanaka, hazvinei kuti adya zvishoma kana zvizhinji, asi kuwanda kwezvinhu zvomupfumi hakumuwanisi hope.
13 Also anothir sijknesse is ful yuel, which Y siy vndur the sunne; richessis ben kept in to the yuel of her lord.
Ndakaona chinhu chakaipisisa pasi pezuva: pfuma inounganidzwa nomwene wayo, ichimuonesa nhamo,
14 For thei perischen in the worste turment; he gendride a sone, that schal be in souereyn nedynesse.
kana pfuma inorasika nokuda kwechinhu chakaipa chinomuwira, kuti kana abereka mwana mukomana anoshaya chaanomusiyira.
15 As he yede nakid out of his modris wombe, so he schal turne ayen; and he schal take awei with hym no thing of his trauel.
Munhu sezvaanobuda mudumbu ramai vake, uye sokuuya kwake, saizvozvowo anoenda. Haana chaanotakura chinobva pabasa rake, chaangaenda nacho muruoko rwake.
16 Outirli it is a wretchid sijknesse; as he cam, so he schal turne ayen. What therfor profitith it to hym, that he trauelide in to the wynde?
Ichi zvakare chinhu chakaipa kwazvo: Sokuuya kunoita munhu saizvozvowo anoenda, uye chii chaangawana, iye achishandira mhepo?
17 In alle the daies of his lijf he eet in derknessis, and in many bisinessis, and in nedynesse, and sorewe.
Pamazuva ake ose anodyira murima, nokudzungaira kukuru, kutambudzika uye nehasha.
18 Therfor this semyde good to me, that a man ete, and drynke, and vse gladnesse of his trauel, in which he trauelide vndir the sunne, in the noumbre of daies of his lijf, which God yaf to hym; and this is his part.
Ipapo ndakaziva kuti zvakanaka uye zvakafanira kuti munhu adye uye anwe, uye kuti azviwanire kugutsikana mukushanda kwake kwaakabata pasi pezuva pamazuva ake mashoma oupenyu aakapiwa naMwari, nokuti uyu ndiwo mugove wake.
19 And to ech man, to whom God yaf richessis, and catel, and yaf power to hym to ete of tho, and to vse his part, and to be glad of his trauel; this is the yifte of God.
Pamusoro pezvo, Mwari paanopa munhu upi zvake mari nezvinhu, uye achiita kuti akwanise kuti afadzwe nazvo kuti agamuchire mugove wake uye kuti afadzwe nebasa rake, ichi chipo chinobva kuna Mwari.
20 For he schal not bithenke miche on the daies of his lijf, for God ocupieth his herte with delicis.
Haawanzofunga pamusoro poupenyu hwake, nokuti Mwari anopindura zvinofadza mwoyo wake.

< Ecclesiastes 5 >