< Deuteronomy 8 >

1 Be thou war diligentli, that thou do ech comaundement which Y comaunde to thee to dai, that ye moun lyue, and be multiplied, and that ye entre, and welde the lond, for which the Lord swoor to youre fadris.
Muchenjerere kutevera murayiro mumwe nomumwe, wandinokupai nhasi, kuitira kuti mugorarama, mugowanda, mugopinda mugotora nyika iyo Jehovha akavimbisa madzitateguru enyu nemhiko.
2 And thou schalt haue mynde of al the weie, bi which thi Lord God ledde thee by fourti yeer, bi deseert, that he schulde turmente, and schulde tempte thee; and that tho thingis that weren tretid in `thi soule schulden be knowun, whether thou woldist kepe hise comaundementis, ethir nay.
Rangarirai matungamirirwo amakaitwa naJehovha Mwari wenyu munzira yose yomurenje makore ose aya makumi mana, achikuninipisai uye achikuedzai kuti azive zvaiva mumwoyo menyu, kana makanga muchida kuchengeta mirayiro yake kana kuti kwete.
3 And he turmentide thee with nedynesse, and he yaf to thee meete, manna which thou knewist not, and thi fadris `knewen not, that he schulde schewe to thee, that a man lyueth not in breed aloone, but in ech word that cometh `out of the Lordis mouth, `that is, bi manna, that cam down `at the heest of the Lord.
Akakuninipisai, akakuitai kuti muziye nenzara akakugutsai nemana, iyo yakanga isingazivikanwi nemi kunyange namadzibaba enyu, kuti akudzidzisei kuti munhu haararame nechingwa chete asi neshoko rimwe nerimwe rinobva mumuromo maJehovha.
4 Thi cloth, bi which thou were hilid, failide not for eldnesse, and thi foot was not brokun undernethe, lo!
Nguo dzenyu hadzina kusakara uye tsoka dzenyu hadzina kuzvimba pamakore aya makumi mana.
5 the fourtith yeer is; that thou thenke in thin herte, for as a man techith his sone,
Naizvozvo zvizive mumwoyo wako kuti Jehovha Mwari wako anokuranga, somunhu anoranga mwanakomana wake.
6 so thi Lord God tauyte thee, that thou kepe the comaundementis of thi Lord God, and go in hise weies, and drede hym.
Chengeta mirayiro yaJehovha Mwari wako, ufambe munzira dzake uye umukudze.
7 For thi Lord God schal lede thee in to a good lond, in to the lond of ryueris, and of `stondynge watris, and of wellis, in whos feeldis and mounteyns the depthis of floodis breken out;
Nokuti Jehovha Mwari wako ari kukuuyisa kunyika yakanaka, nyika ine hova dzemvura namatsime, nezvitubu zvinoerera mumupata nomumakomo;
8 in to the lond of wheete, of barli, and of vyneris, in which lond fige trees, and pumgranadis, and `olyue trees comen forth; in to the lond of oile, and of hony;
nyika ine zviyo nebhari, mizambiringa nemiti yemionde, neyemitamba, namafuta emiorivhi nouchi;
9 where thow schalt ete thi breed with out nedynesse, and schalt vse the aboundaunce of alle thingis; of which lond the stonys ben yrun, and metals of tyn ben diggid of the hillis therof;
nyika isingashayikwi chingwa uye hamuchazoshayiwi chinhu; nyika ine mabwe endarira uye uchachera mhangura mumakomo ayo.
10 that whanne thou hast ete, and art fillid, thou blesse thi Lord God for the beste lond which he yaf to thee.
Kana uchinge wadya waguta rumbidza Jehovha Mwari wako nokuda kwenyika yakanaka yaakakupa,
11 Therfor kepe thou, and be war, lest ony tyme thou foryete thi Lord God, and dispise hise comaundementis, and domes, and cerymonyes, whiche Y comaunde to thee to dai;
chenjera kuti urege kukanganwa Jehovha Mwari wako uchirega kuchengeta zvaakarayira, mirayiro yake nemitemo yake yandinokupai nhasi.
12 lest aftir that thou hast ete, and art fillid, hast bildid faire housis, and hast dwellid in tho,
Nokuti zvichida kana wadya ukaguta, kana ukavaka dzimba dzakanaka uye wagadzikana,
13 and hast droues of oxun, and flockis of scheep, and plente of siluer, and of gold, and of alle thingis, thine herte be reisid,
uye kana mombe dzako namapoka amakwai ako zvawanda, nesirivha negoridhe rako zvawanda uye zvose zvaunazvo zvikawanda,
14 and thenke not on thi Lord God, that ledde thee out of the lond of Egipt, and fro the hous of seruage,
ipapo mwoyo wako uchazvikudza zvino uchakanganwa Jehovha Mwari wako, akakubudisa kubva kuIjipiti, kubva kunyika youranda.
15 and was thi ledere in the greet wildirnesse and ferdful, in which was a serpent brenninge with blast, and scorpioun, and dipsas, and outirli no `watris; which Lord ledde out stremes of the hardeste stoon,
Akakutungamirirai murenje guru rinotyisa, munyika iyo yakaoma isina mvura, nenyoka dzayo nezvinyavada zvine uturu. Akakubudisirai mvura kubva padombo rakaoma.
16 and fedde thee with manna in the wildirnesse, which manna thi fadris knewen not. And after that the Lord turmentid thee, and preuede, at the last he hadd mersi on thee,
Akakupai mana kuti mudye murenje, chinhu chakanga chisingambozivikanwi namadzibaba enyu, kuti akuninipisei nokukuedzai kuitira kuti zvikuitirei zvakanaka pakupedzisira.
17 lest thou woldist seie in thin herte, My strengthe, and the myyt of myn hond yaf alle these thingis to me.
Ungati mumwoyo mako, “Simba rangu nesimba ramaoko angu ndizvo zvakandiitira upfumi uhu.”
18 But thenke thou on thi Lord God, that he yaf strengthis to thee, that he schulde fille his couenaunt, of whiche he swoor to thi fadris, as present dai schewith.
Asi urangarire Jehovha Mwari wako, nokuti ndiye anokupa simba rokuita upfumi, naizvozvo achisimbisa sungano yake, yaakapikira madzitateguru enyu, sezvazviri nhasi.
19 Forsothe if thou foryetist thi Lord God, and suest aliene goddis, and worschipist hem `in herte, and onourist `with outforth, lo! now Y biforseie to thee, that thou schalt perische outerli;
Kana mukangokanganwa Jehovha Mwari wenyu muchitevera vamwe vamwari nokuvanamata uye nokuvapfugamira, ndinokupupurirai nhasi kuti zvirokwazvo muchaparadzwa.
20 as hethen men perischiden, whiche the Lord dide awei in thin entryng, so and ye schulen perische, if ye schulen be vnobedient to the vois of youre Lord God.
Imi muchaparadzwa sendudzi dzakaparadzwa naJehovha pamberi penyu, kana mukaramba kuteerera Jehovha Mwari wenyu.

< Deuteronomy 8 >