< Deuteronomy 33 >

1 This is the blessing, bi which Moises, the man of God, blesside the sones of Israel bifor his deeth;
Nke a bụ ngọzị Mosis, onye nke Chineke, jiri gọzie ụmụ Izrel, tupu ọ nwụọ.
2 and seide, The Lord cam fro Syna, and he roos to us fro Seir; he apperide fro the hil of Pharan, and thousandis of seyntis with hym; a lawe of fier in his riythond.
Ọ sịrị, “Onyenwe anyị si nʼugwu Saịnaị bịa, ọ waliteere ha site nʼugwu Sia, o nwupụtara site nʼugwu Paran Ya na igwe ndị nsọ so bịa site nʼakụkụ ndịda, site nʼala ala ugwu ahụ.
3 He louede puplis; alle seyntis ben in his hond, and thei that neiyen to hise feet schulen take of his doctryn.
Nʼezie, ọ bụ gị na-ahụ ndị mmadụ ahụ nʼanya, ndị nsọ ahụ niile dị gị nʼaka. Nʼụkwụ gị ka ha na-ada kpọọ isiala, gị na-akụziri ha ihe,
4 Moisis comaundide lawe `to vs, eritage of the multitude of Jacob.
iwu ahụ Mosis nyere anyị, ihe onwunwe nke ọgbakọ Jekọb.
5 And the king schal be at the moost riytful, whanne princes of the puple schulen be gaderid togidere with the lynagis of Israel.
Ọ bụ ya bụ eze na Jeshurun, mgbe ndị ndu ndị mmadụ zukọrọ ha na ebo niile nke Izrel.
6 Ruben lyue, and die not, and be he litil in noumbre.
“Ka ebo Ruben dịrị ndụ ghara ịnwụ, ma ka ọnụọgụgụ ndị ikom ya dịrị ole na ole.”
7 This is the blessyng of Juda; Lord, here thou the vois of Juda, and brynge in hym to his puple; hise hondis schulen fiyte for hym, and the helpere of hym schal be ayens hise aduersaries.
Ihe a ka o kwuru banyere Juda, “Nụrụ, Onyenwe anyị, akwa Juda, kpọlata ya nʼebe ndị ya nọ. Aka ya ka o ji alụrụ onwe ya ọgụ ichebe ihe o bu nʼuche. Bụụrụ ya onye inyeaka megide ndị iro ya.”
8 Also he seide to Leuy, Thi perfeccioun and thi techyng is of an hooly man, whom thou preuedist in temptacioun, and demedist at the Watris of Ayenseiynge;
Banyere Livayị o kwuru sị, “Urim na Tumim gị dịịrị ohu gị ahụ kwesiri ntụkwasị obi. Ị nwara ya ọnwụnwa na Masa, gị na ya sekwara okwu na mmiri Meriba.
9 which Leuy seide to his fadir and to his modir, Y knowe not you, and to hise britheren, Y knowe not hem; and knewen not her sones. These kepten thi speche, and these kepten thi couenaunt; A!
Onye ahụ lere nne na nna ya anya sị, ‘Ejighị m ha kpọrọ ihe.’ Ọ gụnyeghịkwa ụmụnne ya dịka ndị ọ maara, ọ nabatakwaghị ụmụ nke aka ya. Ma o debere okwu gị, cheziekwa ọgbụgba ndụ gị.
10 Jacob, thei kepten thi domes, and `thou, Israel, thei kepten thi lawe; thei schulen putte encense in thi strong veniaunce, and brent sacrifice on thin auter.
Ọ na-akụziri Jekọb ikpe gị, na-akụzikwara Izrel iwu gị. Ọ na-achụkwa aja ụda na-esi isi ụtọ nʼihu gị, na-achụkwa aja nsure ọkụ nʼebe ịchụ aja gị.
11 Lord, blesse thou the strengthe of hym, and resseyue thou the werkis of his hondis; smyte thou the backis of hise enemyes, and thei that haten hym, rise not.
Gọzie akụnụba ya Onyenwe anyị, ka ọrụ aka ya bụrụkwa ihe na-atọ gị ụtọ. Tijie ụkwụ ndị niile na-ebili imegide ya, tigbuo ndị iro ya ka ha ghara inwe ike ibili ọzọ.”
12 And he seide to Benjamyn, The moost loued of the Lord schal dwelle tristili in hym, `that is, in the Lord; he schal dwelle al day as in a chaumbur, and he schal reste bitwixe the schuldris of hym.
Mosis kwuru banyere ebo Benjamin sị, “Ka onye ahụ Onyenwe anyị hụrụ nʼanya zuru ike na-atụghị ụjọ nʼime ya. Nʼihi na ọ ga-ekpuchi ya ogologo ụbọchị niile. Ọ bụkwa nʼetiti ubu ya abụọ ka onye Onyenwe anyị hụrụ nʼanya na-anọ.”
13 Also he seide to Joseph, `His lond is of the Lordis blessyng; of the applis of heuene, and of the dewe, and of watir liggynge bynethe;
Banyere Josef o kwuru sị, “Ka Onyenwe anyị gọzie ala ya, ya jiri igirigi dị oke ọnụahịa nke eluigwe dị nʼelu, na ogbu mmiri dị nʼokpuru ala,
14 of the applis of fruytis of the sunne and moone; of the coppe of elde munteyns,
na ihe ọma niile anyanwụ na-eweta, na ihe ọma niile ọnwa na-ewepụta,
15 and of the applis of euerlastynge litle hillis;
na onyinye ọma niile si nʼugwu ukwu ochie, na ịba ụba ugwu ebighị ebi ndị ahụ,
16 and of the fruytis of the lond, and of the fulnesse therof. The blessyng of hym that apperide in the busch come on the heed of Joseph, and on the cop of Nazarey, `that is, hooli, among hise britheren.
na onyinye ọma niile si nʼala na uju ya niile, na ihuọma onye ahụ na-ebi nʼọhịa nta ahụ na-enwu ọkụ. Ka ihe ndị a niile dịrị nʼisi Josef, nʼiku anya onye bụ nwa eze, nʼetiti ụmụnna ya.
17 As the first gendrid of a bole is the feirnesse of hym; the hornes of an vnicorn ben the hornes of hym; in tho he schal wyndewe folkis, `til to the termes of erthe. These ben the multitudis of Effraym, and these ben the thousyndis of Manasses.
Nʼịma mma, ọ dị ka nwa oke ehi e bụ ụzọ mụọ, mpi ya dị ka mpi ehi ọhịa. Ya ka ọ ga-eji sọda mba niile ọ bụladị mba ndị ahụ dị na nsọtụ ụwa. Otu a ka iri puku kwụrụ puku ndị Ifrem dị otu a ka imerime puku ndị Manase dị.”
18 And he seide to Zabulon, Zabulon, be thou glad in thi goyng out, and, Ysacar, in thi tabernaclis.
Banyere Zebụlọn, o kwuru sị, “Ṅụrịa, gị Zebụlọn, nʼọpụpụ gị, ma gị Isaka, ṅụrịa nʼebe obibi gị.
19 Thei schulen clepe puplis to the hil, there thei schulen offre sacrifices of riytfulnesse; whiche schulen souke the flowing of the see as mylk, and hid tresours of grauel.
Ha ga-akpọ ndị mmadụ oku nʼelu ugwu ukwuu, nọ nʼebe ahụ chụọ aja ezi omume, ha ga-eri site nʼịba ụba nke ihe dị nʼosimiri, site nʼakụ nzuzo dị nʼaja.”
20 And he seide to Gad, Gad is blessid in broodnesse; he restide as a lioun, and he took the arm and the nol.
Banyere Gad, o kwuru sị, “Ngọzị na-adịrị onye ahụ na-eme ka ebe obibi Gad saa mbara. Gad na-ebi dịka ọdụm, na-adọkapụ aka maọbụ isi.
21 And he siy his prinshed, that `the techere was kept in his part; which Gad was with the princes of the puple, and dide the riytfulnesses of the Lord, and his doom with Israel.
Ọ họọrọ ala nke kachasị mma nye onwe ya; oke ruuru onyendu ka e wepụrụ dobere ya. Mgbe ndị ndu ndị mmadụ zukọrọ, o mezuru ezi ihe dị Onyenwe anyị nʼobi, na ikpe ya niile banyere Izrel.”
22 Also he seide to Dan, Dan, a whelp of a lioun, schal flowe largeli fro Basan.
Banyere Dan, o kwuru sị, “Dan bụ nwa ọdụm, onye na-esi na Bashan mapụta.”
23 And he seide to Neptalym, Neptalym schal vse abundaunce, and he schal be ful with blessyngis of the Lord; and he schal welde the see and the south.
Banyere Naftalị, o kwuru sị, “Naftalị bụ onye njupụta nke ihuọma Onyenwe anyị dịrị, o jupụtakwara na ngọzị ya, ọ ga-eketa akụkụ ndịda nke iyi ukwu.”
24 Also he seide to Aser, Aser, be blessid in sones, and plese he hise britheren; dippe he his foot in oile.
Banyere Asha, o kwuru sị, “Onye a gọziri karịchasịa nʼụmụ ndị ikom ka Asha bụ, ka ihe banyere ya tọọ ụmụnna ya ụtọ, ka o jirikwa mmanụ saa ụkwụ ya.
25 Yrun and bras the scho of hym; as the dai of thi youthe so and thin eelde.
Ihe mkpọchi nke ọnụ ụzọ ama gị ga-abụ bronz na igwe, dịka ụbọchị ndụ gị niile si dị, otu a ka ịdị ike gị ga-adị.
26 Noon other god is as the God of the moost riytful, that is, `as the God `of the puple of Israel, gouerned bi moost riytful lawe; the stiere of heuene is thin helpere; cloudis rennen aboute bi the glorie of hym.
“O nweghị onye dịka Chineke Jeshurun, onye na-agba eluigwe dịka ịnyịnya ịbịa inyere gị aka, onye na-agba igwe ojii dịka ịnyịnya nʼịdị ukwuu ya.
27 His dwellynge place is aboue, and armes euerlastynge ben bynethe; he schal caste out fro thi face the enemy, and he schal seie, Be thou al to-brokun.
Chineke ebighị ebi bụ ebe mgbaba gị. Nʼokpuru gị ka aka ebighị ebi ya dị. Ọ ga-esite nʼihu gị chụpụ ndị iro gị, kwuokwa sị, ‘Bibie ha!’
28 Israel schal dwelle trustili and aloone; the iye of Jacob in the lond of whete, and of wyn; and heuenes schulen be derk with dew.
Ya mere Izrel ga-ebi naanị ya nʼudo, isi iyi mmiri Jekọb dị chịm, nʼala ahụ jupụtara na mkpụrụ ubi na mmanya ọhụrụ ebe igirigi nke eluigwe na-ada.
29 Blessed art thou, Israel; thou puple that art saued in the Lord, who is lijk thee? The scheld of thin help and the swerd of thi glorie is thi God; thin enemyes schulen denye thee, and thou schalt trede her neckis.
Onye a gọziri agọzi ka ị bụ, gị Izrel, onye dị ka gị ndị Onyenwe anyị zọpụtara? Ọ bụ ọta gị na onye inyeaka gị, na mma agha gị dị ebube. Ndị iro gị ga-eji egwu daa nʼihu gị, ị ga-azọdakwa ebe ha niile dị elu.”

< Deuteronomy 33 >