< Deuteronomy 29 >

1 These ben the wordis of boond of pees, which the Lord comaundide to Moyses, that he schulde smyte with the sones of Israel in the lond of Moab, outakun that bond of pees, which he couenauntide with hem in Oreb.
Aya ndiwo mashoko esungano akarayirwa Mozisi naJehovha kuti aaite navana veIsraeri munyika yeMoabhu, kupamhidzira pamusoro pesungano yaakaita navo paHorebhi.
2 And Moises clepid al Israel, and seide to hem, Ye sien alle thingis whiche the Lord dide bifor you in the lond of Egipt, to Farao and alle hise seruauntis, and to al his lond;
Mozisi akadana vaIsraeri vose akati kwavari: Meso enyu akaona zvose zvakaitwa naJehovha muIjipiti kuna Faro, namachinda ake ose uye nokunyika yake yose.
3 the greet temptaciouns whiche thin iyen sien, `tho signes, and grete wondris.
Nameso enyu chaiwo makaona miedzo iya mikuru, nezviratidzo nezvishamiso zviya zvikuru.
4 And the Lord yaf not to you an herte vndurstondynge, and iyen seynge, and eeris that moun here, til in to present dai.
Asi kusvikira nanhasi Jehovha haana kukupai pfungwa dzokunzwisisa kana meso okuona kana nzeve dzokunzwa.
5 He ledde you bi fourti yeer thoruy deseert; youre clothis weren not brokun, nether the schoon of youre feet weren waastid bi eldnesse;
Pamakore makumi mana andakakutungamirirai nomurenje, nguo dzenyu hadzina kusakara, kunyange neshangu dzenyu dzamaiva makapfeka.
6 ye eetun not breed, ye drunken not wyn and sidur, that ye schulden wite that he is youre Lord God.
Hamuna kudya chingwa kana kunwa waini kana zvimwe zvinodhaka. Ndakaita izvi kuti muzive kuti ndini Jehovha Mwari wenyu.
7 And ye camen to this place; and Seon, the kyng of Esebon yede out, and Og, the kyng of Basan, and camen to us to batel. And we han smyte hem,
Pamakasvika panzvimbo ino, Sihoni mambo weHeshibhoni naOgi mambo weBhashani vakauya kuzotirwisa, asi takavakunda.
8 and we token awey the lond `of hem, and we yauen `the lond to possessioun, to Ruben, and to Gad, and to the half lynage of Manasses.
Takatora nyika yavo tikaipa kuvaRubheni, navaGadhi nokuhafu yorudzi rwaManase kuti ive nhaka yavo.
9 Therfor kepe ye the wordis of this couenaunt, and fille ye tho, that ye vndirstonde all thingis whiche ye schulen do.
Chenjerai kuti munyatsotevera mashoko esungano iyi kuitira kuti muzobudirira pazvinhu zvose zvamunoita.
10 Alle ye stonden to day bifor youre Lord God, youre princes, and lynagis, and the grettere men in birthe, and techeris, al the puple of Israel,
Imi mose nhasi makamira pamberi paJehovha Mwari wenyu, vatungamiri venyu navarume vose veIsraeri,
11 fre children, and youre wyues, and comelyngis that dwellen with thee in castels, outakun the heweris of stonus, and outakun hem that beren watris;
pamwe chete navana venyu navakadzi venyu, navatorwa vanogara pamisasa yenyu vanokutemerai huni dzenyu uye vanokukuchererai mvura.
12 that thou go in the boond of pees of thi Lord God, and in the ooth which thi Lord God smytith with thee,
Makamira pano kuti muite sungano naJehovha Mwari wenyu, sungano iyo Jehovha ari kuita nemi nhasi achiisimbisa nemhiko,
13 that he reise thee in to a puple to hym silf, and that he be thi Lord God, as he spak to thee, and as he swoor to thi fadris, to Abraham, Ysaac, and Jacob.
kuti akusimbisei nhasi savanhu vake, kuti ave Mwari wenyu sezvaakavimbisa uye sezvaakapika kumadzibaba enyu, Abhurahama, naIsaka, naJakobho.
14 And not to you aloone Y smyte this loond of pees, and conferme these othis,
Ndiri kuita sungano iyi, nemhiko yacho, kwete nemi chete,
15 but to alle men, present and absent.
imi makamira nesu pano nhasi uno pamberi paJehovha Mwari wedu, asi navayawo vasiri pano nhasi.
16 For ye witen hou we dwelliden in the lond of Egipt, and how we passiden bi the myddis of naciouns; whiche ye passiden,
Imi pachenyu munoziva magariro atakaita muIjipiti uye namapfuuriro atakaita nomunyika dzatakafamba nemadziri parwendo kusvikira tasvika pano.
17 and siyen abhomynaciouns and filthis, that is, idols `of hem, tre and stoon, siluer and gold, whiche thei worschipiden.
Makaona pakati padzo zvifananidzo nezviumbwa zvinonyangadza zvamatanda namabwe, zvesirivha negoridhe.
18 Lest perauenture among you be man ether womman, meyne ether lynage, whos herte is turned away to dai fro youre Lord God, that he go, and serue the goddis of tho folkis; and a roote buriounnynge galle and bitternesse be among you;
Muchenjerere kuti parege kuva nomurume kana mukadzi, mhuri kana rudzi pakati penyu nhasi vano mwoyo unotsauka kubva kuna Jehovha Mwari wenyu kuti vaende vachindonamata vamwari vendudzi idzodzo; chenjererai kuti pakati penyu parege kuva nomudzi unobereka muchetura unovava kudaro.
19 and whanne he hath herd the wordis of this ooth, he blesse hym silf in his herte, and seie, Pees schal be to me, and Y schal go in the schrewidnesse of myn herte; and lest the drunkun take the thirsti,
Kana munhu akadaro akanzwa mashoko emhiko iyi, anozviropafadza uye naizvozvo agofunga kuti, “Ndichava norugare, kunyange ndikaramba ndichifamba nenzira yangu.” Izvi zvichauyisa njodzi panyika nyoro uye napanyika yakaoma.
20 and the Lord forgyue not to hym, but thanne ful greetli his strong veniaunce be feers, and the feruour ayens that man, and alle the cursis that ben writun in this book `sitte on hym; and `the Lord do away his name vndur heuene,
Jehovha haazombodi kumukanganwira; hasha dzake neshungu dzake zvichapisa pamusoro pomunhu uyo. Kutukwa kwose kwakanyorwa mubhuku iri kuchawira pamusoro pake, uye Jehovha achadzima zita rake kubva pasi pedenga.
21 and waaste hym in to perdicioun fro alle the lynagis of Israel, bi the cursis that ben conteyned in the book of this lawe and of boond of pees.
Jehovha achamutsaura iye ari oga kubva pamarudzi ose eIsraeri kuti amuise panjodzi, maererano nokutukwa kwose kwakanyorwa mubhuku iri romurayiro.
22 And the generacioun suynge schal seie, and the sones that schulen be borun aftirward, and pilgrimys that schulen come fro fer, seynge the veniauncis of that lond, and the sikenessis bi whiche the Lord turmentide that lond,
Vana venyu, ivo zvizvarwa zvichazokuteverai uye navatorwa vachauya kubva kunyika dziri kure pavachazoona matambudziko achawira nyika uye nezvirwere zvaicharohwa nazvo naJehovha.
23 brennynge `that lond with brymston and heete of the sunne, so that it be no more sowun, nether bringe forth ony grene thing, in to ensaumple of destriyng of Sodom and of Gommorre, of Adama and of Seboym, whiche the Lord destriede in his ire and stronge veniaunce.
Nyika yose inenge ichitsva nokuparadzwa nomunyu nesafuri, pasina zvakadyarwa, pasina zvinomeramo, pasina uswa nemiti zvinokuramo. Zvichaita sokuparadzwa kweSodhomu neGomora kana kuparadzwa kweAdhama neZebhoimi, idzo Jehovha akaparadza mukutsamwa kwake kunotyisa.
24 And alle folkis schulen seie, Whi dide the Lord so to this lond? What is the greet ire of his stronge veniaunce?
Ndudzi dzose dzichabvunza dzichiti, “Ko, sei Jehovha akaita izvi kunyika iyi. Sei akatsamwa zvinotyisa kudai?”
25 and thei schulen answere, For thei forsoken the couenaunt of the Lord, whiche he couenauntide with her fadris, whanne he ledde hem out of the lond of Egipt,
Zvino mhinduro yacho ichava yokuti, “Nemhaka yokuti vanhu vake vakasiya sungano yaJehovha, iye Mwari wamadzibaba avo, sungano yaakaita navo paakavabudisa kubva muIjipiti.
26 and thei serueden alien goddis, and worschipiden hem, whiche thei knewen not, and to whiche thei weren not youun;
Vakabva vakaenda vakandonamata vamwe vamwari uye vakavapfugamira, vamwari vavakanga vasingazivi, vamwari vaakanga asina kuvapa.
27 therfor the strong veniaunce of the Lord was wrooth ayens this lond, that he brouyte yn on it alle the cursis that ben writun in this book;
Naizvozvo kutsamwa kwaJehovha kwakapisa pamusoro penyika iyi, zvokuti akauyisa pamusoro payo kutukwa kwose kwakanyorwa mubhuku iri.
28 and he castide hem out of her lond, in ire and strong veniaunce, and in gretteste indignacioun; and he castide forth in to an alien lond, as it is preued to dai.
Mukutsamwa kunotyisa nehasha huru Jehovha akavadzura kubva munyika yavo akavarasira kune imwe nyika sezvazvakaita iye zvino.”
29 Thingis ben hid of oure Lord God, `that is, in his biforknowing, whiche thingis ben schewid to us, and to oure sones with outen ende, that we do alle the wordis of this lawe.
Zvinhu zvakavanzika ndezvaJehovha Mwari wedu, asi zvinhu zvakaratidzwa ndezvedu isu navana vedu nokusingaperi, kuti tigotevera mashoko ose omurayiro uyu.

< Deuteronomy 29 >