< Deuteronomy 22 >

1 Thou schalt not se `thi brotheris oxe, ethir scheep, errynge, and schalt passe, but thou schalt brynge ayen to thi brother.
Sǝn ⱪerindixingning kalisi ya ⱪoyi ezip kǝtkinini kɵrsǝng, qatiⱪing bolmay yürmǝ; ⱪandaⱪla bolmisun, uni ⱪerindixingning ⱪexiƣa yǝtküzüp bǝr.
2 And if thi brother is not nyy, nether thou knowist hym, thou schalt lede tho beestis in to thin hows, and tho schulen be at thee, as long as thi brother sekith tho, and til he resseyue hem.
Əgǝrdǝ ⱪerindixing sanga yeⱪin olturmisa wǝ yaki igisini tonumisang, xu ⱨaywanni ɵz ɵyünggǝ elip kelip, ⱪerindixing uni izdǝp kǝlgüqǝ ɵzüng saⱪlap andin uningƣa tapxurup bǝrgin.
3 In lijk maner thou schalt do of `the asse, and clooth, and of ech thing of thi brother, that was lost; if thou fyndist it, be thou not necgligent as of an alien thing.
Sǝn ohxaxla uning yitkǝn exiki yaki kiyimlirinimu xundaⱪ ⱪil; xundaⱪla ⱪerindixingning ⱨǝrⱪandaⱪ yitkǝn nǝrsisini tepiwalsang, unimu xundaⱪ ⱪilƣin; sǝn ɵzüngni bu ixtin ⱪaqurmiƣin.
4 If thou seest that the asse, ethir oxe of thi brothir felde in the weye, thou schalt not dispise, but thou schalt `reise with hym.
Əgǝr ⱪerindixingning exiki yaki kalisining yolda yiⱪilip qüxkinini kɵrsǝng, sǝn bu ǝⱨwaldin ɵzüngni ⱪaqurmiƣin; ⱪerindixingƣa yardǝmlixip uliƣini tartip turƣuzƣin.
5 A womman schal not be clothid in a mannys clooth, nether a man schal vse a wommannys cloth; for he that doith thes thingis is abhomynable bifor God. If thou goist in the weie,
Ayal kixi bolsa ǝrlǝrning kiyimini kiymisun; xuningƣa ohxaxla ǝr kixi ayal kixining kiyimini kiymisun; qünki kimki xundaⱪ ⱪilsa, Pǝrwǝrdigar Hudayingning aldida yirginqlik bolidu.
6 and fyndist a `nest of a brid in a tree, ethir in the erthe, and fyndist the modir sittynge on the briddis ethir eyrun, thou schalt not holde the modir with `the children, but thou schalt suffre `the modir go,
Əgǝr sǝn yolda ketiwetip, bir dǝrǝhtǝ yaki yǝrdǝ baliliri yaki tuhumliri bolƣan ⱪuxning uwisiƣa uqrisang, anisi tuhum yaki balilirini besip yatⱪan bolsa, ana-balilirini biraⱪla almiƣin;
7 and schalt holde the sones takun, that it be wel to thee, and thou lyue in long tyme. Whanne thou bildist a newe hows,
ⱨeq bolmiƣanda sǝn anisini ⱪoyuwetip, balilirinila alsang bolidu; xundaⱪ ⱪilsang sanga yahxi bolup uzun ɵmür kɵrisǝn.
8 thou schalt make a wal of the roof bi cumpas, lest blood be sched out in thin hows, and thou be gilti, if another man slidith, and falle in to a dich.
Yengi bir ɵy salsang, ɵgzǝnggǝ bir tosma tam yasiƣin; bolmisa birsi uningdin yiⱪilip qüxsǝ, ɵzünggǝ ⱪan tɵkülüx gunaⱨini kǝltürüxüng mumkin.
9 Thou schalt not sowe thi vyner `of another seed, lest bothe the seed which thou hast sowe, and tho thingis that `comen forth of the vyner, ben halewid togidere.
Ɵz üzümzarliⱪingƣa ikki hil uruⱪ qaqmiƣin; bolmisa teriƣiningning ⱨǝmmisi wǝ üzümzarliⱪning mǝⱨsulatliri bulƣanƣan ⱨesablinidu.
10 Thou schalt not ere with an oxe and asse togidere.
Sǝn kala bilǝn exǝkni birgǝ ⱪoxup yǝr ⱨǝydimigin.
11 Thou schalt not be clothid in a cloth, which is wouun togidir of wolle and `of flex.
Yung wǝ kanaptin ibarǝt ikki hil yiptin toⱪolƣan kiyimni kiymigin.
12 Thou schalt make litle cordis bi foure corneris in the hemmys of thi mentil, `with which thou art hilid.
Sǝn yepinƣan tonungning tɵt burjikigǝ pɵpük ⱪoyƣin.
13 If a man weddith a wijf, and aftirward hatith hir,
Əgǝr biri hotun elip uningƣa yeⱪinqiliⱪ ⱪilƣandin keyin uningƣa ɵq bolup,
14 and sekith occasiouns bi which he `schal forsake hir, and puttith ayens hir `the werste name, and seith, Y haue take this wijf, and Y entride to hir, and Y foond not hir virgyn; the fadir and modir of hir schulen take
Uning yaman gepini ⱪilip, uningƣa bǝtnam qaplap, ǝrz ⱪilip: «Mǝn bu hotunni aldim, lekin uningƣa yeⱪinqiliⱪ ⱪilsam uning ⱪiz ǝmǝslikini bildim» desǝ,
15 hir, and thei schulen bere with hem the signes of her virgynyte to the eldre men of the citee, that ben in the yate;
undaⱪta ⱪizning ata-anisi ⱪizning pakliⱪ ispatini elip xǝⱨǝr dǝrwazisida olturƣan xǝⱨǝrning aⱪsaⱪalliriƣa kǝltürsun,
16 and the fadir schal seie, Y yaf my douytir wijf to this man, and for he hatith hir, he puttith to hir `the werste name,
andin ⱪizning atisi aⱪsaⱪallarƣa sɵz ⱪilip: «Mǝn ⱪizimni bu kixigǝ hotunluⱪⱪa bǝrdim, lekin u uningƣa ɵq bolup ⱪaldi;
17 that he seye, Y foond not thi douytir virgyn; and lo! these ben the signes of virgynyte of my douytir; thei schulen sprede forth a cloth bifor the eldre men of the citee. And the eldere men of that citee schulen
wǝ mana, u uning yaman gepini ⱪilip, bǝtnam qaplap ǝrz ⱪilip: «Ⱪizingning ⱪiz ǝmǝslikini bildim» dǝydu. Biraⱪ mana ⱪizimning pakliⱪ ispati!» dǝp, ispat rǝhtni aⱪsaⱪallarning aldida yeyip ⱪoysun.
18 take the man, and schulen bete hym,
U waⱪitta xǝⱨǝrning aⱪsaⱪalliri erini tutup uningƣa tayaⱪ-tǝrbiyǝ berip,
19 and ferthermore thei schulen condempne hym in an hundrid siclis of siluer, whiche he schal yyue to the `fadir of the damysel, for he diffamide the werste name on a virgyn of Israel; and he schal haue hir wijf, and he schal not mowe forsake hir, in al `the tyme of his lijf.
Israildiki bir pak ⱪizning yaman gepini ⱪilip, uningƣa bǝtnam qapliding dǝp, yüz xǝkǝl kümüx tɵlǝtsun; andin ular pulni ⱪizning atisiƣa bǝrsun dǝp bekitsun. Əmma ⱪiz bolsa xu kixining hotuni bolup turiwerixi kerǝk; ǝr pütün ɵmridǝ uni ⱪoyup bǝrsǝ bolmaydu.
20 That if it is soth, that he puttith ayens hir, and virgynyte is not foundun in the damysel, thei schulen caste hir `out of `the yatis of
Lekin bu sɵz rast qiⱪip, ⱪizning pakliⱪ ispati bolmisa,
21 the hous of hir fadir; and men of that citee schulen oppresse hir with stoonys, and sche schal die, for sche dide vnleueful thing in Israel, that sche dide fornycacioun in `the hows of hir fadir; and thou schalt do awey yuel fro the myddis of thee.
ⱪizni atisining ɵyining dǝrwazisi aldiƣa aparsun wǝ atisining ɵyidǝ buzuⱪluⱪ ⱪilip Israilning iqidǝ xǝrmǝndilik ⱪilƣanliⱪi üqün uning xǝⱨirining adǝmliri xu yǝrdǝ uni qalma-kesǝk ⱪilip ɵltürsun. Xundaⱪ ⱪilƣininglarda silǝr ɵzünglardin rǝzillikni qiⱪiriwetisilǝr.
22 If a man slepith with `the wijf of another man, euer eithir schal die, that is, auowter and auowtresse; and thou schalt do awey yuel fro Israel.
Əgǝr birsi eri bar hotun bilǝn zina ⱪilip tutulup ⱪalsa, zina ⱪilixⱪan ǝr-hotun ikkilisi ɵltürülsun. Xundaⱪ ⱪilƣanda Israilning iqidin rǝzillikni qiⱪiriwetisilǝr.
23 If a man spousith a damysel virgyn, and a man fyndith hir in the citee, and doith letcherie with hir,
Əgǝr birsi xǝⱨǝrdǝ biraw bilǝn wǝdilixip ⱪoyƣan bir ⱪizni uqritip, uning bilǝn billǝ bolsa,
24 thou schalt lede euer eithir to the yate of that citee, and thei schulen be oppressid with stoonus; the damysel schal be stonyd, for sche criede not, whanne sche was in the citee; the man schal `be stonyd, for he `made low the wijf of his neiybore; and thou schalt do awei yuel fro the myddis of thee.
ikkilisini xǝⱨǝrning dǝrwazisiƣa elip qiⱪip qalma-kesǝk ⱪilip ɵltürünglar; ⱪiz bolsa xǝⱨǝrdǝ turup warⱪirimiƣini üqün, ǝr bolsa baxⱪisining wǝdilǝxkǝn ⱪizi bilǝn yatⱪini üqün ɵltürülsun. Xundaⱪ ⱪilip, silǝr ɵzünglardin rǝzillikni qiⱪiriwetisilǝr.
25 Forsothe if a man fyndith in the feeld a `damysel, which is spousid, and he takith, and doith letcherie with hir, he aloone schal die;
Əgǝr ǝr kixi baxⱪisi bilǝn wǝdilǝxkǝn ⱪizni dalada uqritip, uni tutuwelip uning bilǝn yatsa, pǝⱪǝt ⱪiz bilǝn yatⱪan ǝr kixi ɵltürülsun.
26 the damysel schal suffre no thing of yuel, nethir is gilti of deeth; for as a theef risith ayens his brothir, and sleeth `his lijf, so and the damysel suffride; sche was aloone in the feeld,
Ⱪizƣa bolsa, ⱨeqnemǝ ⱪilmanglar, qünki ⱪizning ɵzidǝ ɵlümgǝ layiⱪ ⱨeq gunaⱨ yoⱪ. Bu ix bolsa birsi ⱪoxnisiƣa ⱨujum ⱪilip uni ɵltürwǝtkǝngǝ ohxax ixtur.
27 sche criede, and noon was present, that schulde delyuer hir.
Qünki u baxⱪisiƣa wǝdilǝxkǝn ⱪizni dalada tutuwalƣanda, ⱪiz towliƣan bolsimu uni ⱪutⱪuzƣudǝk kixi tepilmiƣan.
28 If a man fyndith a damysel virgyn that hath no spowse, and takith, and doith letcherie with hir, and the thing cometh to the doom,
Əgǝr birsi birǝr ǝr bilǝn wǝdilǝxmigǝn ⱪizni tutuwelip, uning bilǝn yetip ⱨǝr ikkisi tutulsa,
29 he that slepte with hir schal yyue to `the fadir of the damysel fifti siclis of siluer, and he schal haue hir wijf, for he `made hir low; he schal not mow forsake hir, in alle the daies of his lijf.
ⱪiz bilǝn yatⱪan adǝm ⱪizƣa yeⱪinqiliⱪ ⱪilip har ⱪilƣini üqün ⱪizning atisiƣa ǝllik xǝkǝl kümüx berixi kerǝk; andin ⱪizni ɵzigǝ hotun ⱪilip elixi kerǝk; u pütkül ɵmridǝ uni ⱪoyup bǝrsǝ bolmaydu.
30 A man schal not take `the wijf of his fadir, nethir he schal schewe `the hilyng of hir.
Ⱨeqkim atisining hotunini almasliⱪi kerǝk, atisining yotⱪinini aqmasliⱪi kerǝk.

< Deuteronomy 22 >