< Deuteronomy 17 >
1 Thou schalt not offre to thi Lord God an oxe and a scheep in which is a wem, ether ony thing of vice, for it is abhominacioun to thi Lord God.
Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah waa inaydaan allabari ugu bixin dibi ama wan ay ku yaallaan iin ama wax xun oo kale, waayo, taasu waxay Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah u tahay karaahiyo.
2 And whanne a man ether a womman, that doon yuel in the siyte of thi Lord God, ben foundun at thee, with ynne oon of thi yatis whiche thi Lord God schal yyue to thee, and thei breken the couenaunt of God,
Oo magaalooyinkiinna Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu uu idin siinayo haddii laga dhex helo nin ama naag sameeya wax Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah hortiisa shar ku ah isagoo axdigiisa ka gudba,
3 that thei go and serue alien goddis, and worschipe hem, the sunne, and moone, and al the knyythod of heuene, whiche thingis Y comaundide not;
oo intuu taga u adeega ilaahyo kale, oo caabuda iyaga, ha ahaadeen qorraxda, ama dayaxa, amase ciidanka samada midkood, taasoo aanan anigu ku amrin,
4 and this is teld to thee, and thou herist, and `enquerist diligentli, and fyndist that it is soth, and abhomynacioun is doon in Israel;
haddii laydiin soo sheego oo aad maqashaan, markaas waa inaad dadka aad u haybisaan, oo bal eega, haddii ay run tahay iyo wax xaqiiqa ah in reer binu Israa'iil lagu sameeyey wax karaahiyo oo caynkaas ah,
5 thou schalt lede out the man and the womman, that diden a moost cursid thing, to the yatis of thy citee, and thei schulen be oppressid with stoonus.
kolkaas waa inaad irdihiinna keentaan ninkaa ama naagtaa waxan sharka ah sameeyey, oo qofkaasu nin ama naag ha ahaadee waa inaad dhagxisaan si ay u dhintaan.
6 He that schal be slayn, schal perische in the mouth of tweyne, ethir of thre witnessis; no man be slayn, for o man seith witnessyng ayens hym.
Oo kii la dilayo, markii laba ama saddex qof ku markhaati furaan waa in la dilo, laakiinse qof keliya markhaatigiisa waa inaan lagu dilin.
7 The hond of witnessis schal first sle hym, and the last hond of the tothir puple schal be sent, that thou do awei yuel fro the myddis of thee.
Oo markhaatiyaashu waa inay marka hore u gacan qaadaan qofkaas, dabadeedna dadka oo dhammu waa inay u gacan qaadaan. Oo sidaas waa inaad sharka dhexdiinna uga saartaan.
8 If thou perseyuest, that hard and douteful doom is at thee, bitwixe blood and blood, cause and cause, lepre and not lepre, and thou seest that the wordis of iugis with ynne thi yatis ben dyuerse; rise thou, and stie to the place which thi Lord God hath choose;
Oo haddii dhexdiinna ka kaco xaal garsoorid ah oo idinku adag oo ku saabsan dhiig, ama gar, ama dhaawac, oo xaalalkaas irdihiinna gudahooda lagaga murmo, kolkaas waa inaad kacdaan oo tagtaan meesha Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu dooranayo.
9 and thou schalt come to the preestis of the kyn of Leuy, and to the iuge which is in that tyme, and thou schalt axe of hem, whiche schulen schewe to thee the treuthe of doom.
Oo waa inaad u tagtaan wadaaddada reer Laawi iyo xaakinka wakhtigaas joogi doono, oo waa inaad xaalkaas haybisaan oo iyana waxay idiin sheegi doonaan xukunkaas garsooriddiisa.
10 And thou schalt do, what euer thing thei seien, that ben souereyns in the place which the Lord chees, and techen thee bi the lawe of the Lord;
Oo waa inaad u samaysaan sida xukunka garsooriddiisu tahay, taasoo ay idiinka sheegi doonaan meesha Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu uu dooranayo, oo waa inaad dhawrtaan oo wada samaysaan waxa ay idin bari doonaan oo dhan.
11 thou schalt sue the sentence of hem; thou schalt not bowe to the riyt side, ether to the lefte.
Oo siduu yahay sharciga ay idin bari doonaan, iyo siduu yahay xukunka ay idiin sheegi doonaan waa inaad u samaysaan. Xukunka ay idiin sheegi doonaan waa inaydaan uga leexan xagga midigta ama xagga bidixda toona.
12 Forsothe that man schal die, which is proud, and nyle obeie to the comaundement of the preest, `that mynystrith in that tyme to thi Lord God, and to the sentence of iuge, and thou schalt do awei yuel fro the myddis of Israel;
Oo ninkii kibra oo diidaa inuu maqlo wadaadka Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah hortiisa u taagan inuu u adeego, amase xaakinka, ninkaas waa in la dilaa, oo sharka waa inaad reer binu Israa'iil ka saartaan.
13 and al the puple schal here, and drede, that no man fro thennus forth bolne with pride.
Markaasay dadka oo dhammu maqli doonaan, oo cabsan doonaan, oo kibir dambena ma samayn doonaan.
14 Whanne thou hast entrid in to the lond, which thi Lord God schal yyue to thee, and weldist it, and dwellist therynne, and seist, Y schal ordeyne a kyng on me, as alle naciouns `bi cumpas han;
Oo markaad gashaan dalka Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu uu idin siinayo, oo intaad hantidaan aad dhex degtaan, haddaad istidhaahdaan, Waxaannu doonaynaa inaannu boqor u boqranno sida quruumaha hareerahayaga ku wareegsan oo kale,
15 thou schalt ordeyne hym, whom thi Lord God chesith of the noumbre of thi brethren. Thou schalt not mow make king a man of anothir folk, which man is not thi brother.
si kastaba ha ahaatee waa inaad boqrataan kii Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu doorto. Oo mid aad walaalihiinna kala soo dhex baxdaan waa inaad boqrataan. Waa inaydaan shisheeye aan walaalkiin ahayn boqor ka dhigan.
16 And whanne the king is ordeyned, he schal not multiplie horsis to hym, nethir he schal lede ayen the puple in to Egipt, nethir he schal be reisid bi the noumbre of knyytis, moost sithen the Lord comaundide to you, that ye turne no more ayen bi the same weie.
Laakiinse isagu waa inuusan fardo badsan, oo dadkana uusan Masar dib ugu celin si uu fardo u badsado, maxaa yeelay, Rabbigu wuxuu idinku yidhi, Hadda ka dib jidkaas waa inaydaan dib ugu noqon.
17 The kyng schal not haue ful many wyues, that drawen his soule `to ouer myche fleischlynesse, nether `he schal haue grete burthuns of siluer and of gold.
Oo naagona waa inuusan badsan si aan qalbigiisu Rabbiga uga leexan, oo lacag iyo dahabna waa inuusan aad u badsan.
18 Forsothe after that he hath sete in the trone of his rewme, he schal write to himsilf the deuteronomy of this lawe in a `volym ether book, and he schal take `a saumpler at preestis of `the kyn of Leuy;
Oo markuu carshiga boqortooyadiisa ku fadhiisto waa inuu naqil ah sharcigan kitaab kaga qoro waxa wadaaddada reer Laawi hortooda yaal,
19 and he schal haue it with hym, and he schal rede it in alle the daies of his lijf, that he lerne to drede his Lord God, and to kepe hise wordis and cerymonyes, that ben comaundid in the lawe;
oo naqilkaas waa inuu haystaa, oo waxa ku qoran waa inuu cimrigiisa oo dhan akhristaa inuu barto si uu uga cabsado Rabbiga Ilaahiisa ah inuu wada xajiyo oo yeelo erayada sharcigan iyo qaynuunnadan oo dhan,
20 nether his herte be reisid in to pride on hise brithren, nether bowe he in to the riyt side, ether left side, that he regne long tyme, he and hise sones on Israel.
si uusan qalbigiisu kor ugaga kicin walaalihiis, oo uusan amarka uga leexan xagga midigta ama xagga bidixda toona, in isaga iyo carruurtiisuba ay boqortooyada ku cimridheeraadaan reer binu Israa'iil dhexdooda.