< Deuteronomy 12 >

1 These ben the heestis and domes, whiche ye owen to do, in the lond which the Lord God of thi fadrys schal yyue to thee, that thou welde it, in alle daies in whiche thou schalt go on erthe.
Haec sunt praecepta atque iudicia, quae facere debetis in Terra, quam Dominus Deus patrum tuorum daturus est tibi, ut possideas eam cunctis diebus, quibus super humum gradieris.
2 Distrie ye alle the places wherynne hethen men whiche ye schulen welde, worschipiden her goddis, on hiy mounteyns, and litle hillis, and vndur ech tre ful of bowis.
Subvertite omnia loca, in quibus coluerunt gentes, quas possessuri estis, deos suos super montes excelsos, et colles, et subter omne lignum frondosum.
3 Distrie ye `the auteris of hem, and `breke ye the ymagis; brenne ye the wodis with fier, and al to breke ye the idolis; destrie ye `the names of hem fro the places.
Dissipate aras earum, et confringite statuas, lucos igne comburite, et idola comminuite: disperdite nomina earum de locis illis.
4 Ye schulen not do so to youre Lord God;
Non facietis ita Domino Deo vestro:
5 but ye schulen come to the place which youre Lord God chees of alle youre lynagis, that he putte his name there, and dwelle therynne;
sed ad locum, quem elegerit Dominus Deus vester de cunctis tribubus vestris, ut ponat nomen suum ibi, et habitet in eo, venietis:
6 and ye schulen come, and schulen offre in that place youre brent sacrifices, and slayn sacrifices, the dymes, and firste fruytis of youre hondis, and avowis and yiftis, the firste gendrid thingis of oxun, and of scheep.
et offeretis in loco illo holocausta et victimas vestras, decimas et primitias manuum vestrarum, et vota atque donaria, primogenita boum et ovium.
7 And ye and youre housis schulen ete there in the siyt of youre Lord God; and ye schulen be glad in alle thingis to whiche ye putten hond, in whiche youre Lord God blesside you.
Et comedetis ibi in conspectu Domini Dei vestri: ac laetabimini in cunctis, ad quae miseritis manum vos et domus vestrae, in quibus benedixerit vobis Dominus Deus vester.
8 Ye schulen not do there tho thingis whiche we don here to dai, ech man that semeth riytful to `hym silf.
Non facietis ibi quae nos hic facimus hodie, singuli quod sibi rectum videtur.
9 For `til in to present tyme ye camen not to reste and possessioun, which the Lord God schal yyue to you.
Neque enim usque in praesens tempus venistis ad requiem, et possessionem, quam Dominus Deus vester daturus est vobis.
10 Ye schulen passe Jordan, and ye schulen dwelle in the lond which youre Lord God schal yyue to you, that ye reste fro alle enemyes `bi cumpas, and dwelle without ony drede.
Transibitis Iordanem, et habitabitis in Terra, quam Dominus Deus vester daturus est vobis, ut requiescatis a cunctis hostibus per circuitum: et absque ullo timore habitetis
11 In the place which youre Lord God chees that his name be therynne. Thidur ye schulen bere alle thingis, whiche Y comaunde, brent sacrifices, and sacrifices, and the dymes, and firste fruytis of youre hondis, and what euere is the beste in yiftis, whiche ye auowiden to the Lord.
in loco, quem elegerit Dominus Deus vester, ut sit nomen eius in eo. illuc omnia, quae praecipio, conferetis, holocausta, et hostias, ac decimas, et primitias manuum vestrarum: et quidquid praecipuum est in muneribus, quae vovistis Domino.
12 Ther ye schulen ete bifor youre Lord God, ye, and youre sones and douytris, youre seruauntis, and seruauntessis, and the dekenes, that dwellen in youre citees; for thei han not other part and possessioun among you.
Ibi epulabimini coram Domino Deo vestro, vos et filii ac filiae vestrae, famuli et famulae atque Levites, qui in urbibus vestris commorantur. neque enim habet aliam partem et possessionem inter vos.
13 Be thou war lest thou offre thi brent sacrifices in ech place which thou seest,
Cave ne offeras holocausta tua in omni loco, quem videris:
14 but in that place which the Lord chees in oon of thi lynagis thou schalt offre sacrifices, and schalt do what euer thingis Y comaunde to thee.
sed in eo, quem elegerit Dominus, in una tribuum tuarum offeres hostias, et facies quaecumque praecipio tibi.
15 Forsothe if thou wolt ete, and the etyng of fleischis delitith thee, sle thou, and ete, bi the blessyng of thi Lord God, which he yaf to thee in thi citees, whether it is vnclene, `that is, spottid ether wemmed and feble, ether clene, `that is, hool in membris and with out wem, which is leueful to be offrid, thou schalt ete as a capret and hert; oneli without etyng of blood,
Si autem comedere volueris, et te esus carnium delectaverit, occide, comede iuxta benedictionem Domini Dei tui, quam dedit tibi in urbibus tuis: sive immundum fuerit, hoc est, maculatum et debile: sive mundum, hoc est, integrum et sine macula, quod offerri licet, sicut capream et cervum, comedes,
16 which thou schalt schede out as watir on the erthe.
absque esu dumtaxat sanguinis, quem super terram quasi aquam effundes.
17 Thou schalt not mowe ete in thi citees the tithis of thi wheete, wyn, and oile, the firste gendrid thingis of droues, and of scheep, and alle thingis whiche thou hast avowid and wolt offre bi fre wille, and the firste fruytis of thin hondis;
Non poteris comedere in oppidis tuis decimam frumenti, et vini, et olei tui, primogenita armentorum et pecorum, et omnia quae voveris, et sponte offerre volueris, et primitias manuum tuarum:
18 but thou schalt ete tho bifor thi Lord God, in the place which thi Lord God chees, thou, and thi sone, and douyter, seruaunt, and seruauntesse, and the dekene that dwellith in thi citees; and thou schalt be glad, and schalt be fillid bifor thi Lord God in alle thingis to whiche thou holdist forth thin hond.
sed coram Domino Deo tuo comedes ea in loco, quem elegerit Dominus Deus tuus, tu et filius tuus et filia tua, et servus et famula, atque Levites, qui manet in urbibus tuis: et laetaberis et reficieris coram Domino Deo tuo in cunctis, ad quae extenderis manum tuam.
19 Be thou war lest thou forsake the dekene in al tyme, `in which thou lyuest in erthe.
Cave ne derelinquas Levitem in omni tempore quo versaris in terra.
20 Whanne thi Lord God hath alargid thi termes, as he spak to thee, and thou wolt ete fleischis, whiche thi soule desirith,
Quando dilataverit Dominus Deus tuus terminos tuos, sicut locutus est tibi, et volueris vesci carnibus, quas desiderat anima tua:
21 forsothe if the place is fer, which thi Lord God chees, that his name be there, thou schalt sle of thin oxun, and scheep, whiche thou hast, as `the Lord comaundide to thee; and thou schalt ete in thi citees as it plesith thee.
locus autem, quem elegerit Dominus Deus tuus ut sit nomen eius ibi, si procul fuerit, occides de armentis et pecoribus, quae habueris, sicut praecepi tibi, et comedes in oppidis tuis, ut tibi placet.
22 As a capret and hert is etun, so thou schalt ete tho; bothe a cleene man and vncleene schulen ete therof in comyn.
Sicut comeditur caprea et cervus, ita vesceris eis: et mundus et immundus in commune vescentur.
23 Oneli eschewe thou this, that thou ete not blood; for the blood `of tho beestis is for the lijf, and therfor thou owist not ete the lijf with fleischis,
Hoc solum cave, ne sanguinem comedas. sanguis enim eorum pro anima est: et idcirco non debes animam comedere cum carnibus:
24 but thou schalt schede as watir `the blood on the erthe,
sed super terram fundes quasi aquam,
25 that it be wel to thee, and to thi sones after thee, whanne thou hast do that, that plesith in the siyt of the Lord.
ut bene sit tibi et filiis tuis post te, cum feceris quod placet in conspectu Domini.
26 Sotheli thou schalt take that that thou `auowidist, and halewidist to the Lord, and thou schalt come to the place which the Lord chees;
Quae autem sanctificaveris, et voveris Domino, tolles, et venies ad locum, quem elegerit Dominus:
27 and thou schalt offre thin offryngis, fleischis, and blood, on the auter of thi Lord God; thou schalt schede in the auter the blood of sacrifices; forsothe thou schalt ete the fleischis.
et offeres oblationes tuas carnem et sanguinem super altare Domini Dei tui: sanguinem hostiarum fundes in altari: carnibus autem ipse vesceris.
28 Kepe thou and here alle thingis whiche Y comaunde to thee, that it be wel to thee, and to thi sones after thee, with outen ende, whanne thou hast do that, that is good and plesaunt in the siyt of thi Lord God.
Observa et audi omnia quae ego praecipio tibi, ut bene sit tibi et filiis tuis post te in sempiternum, cum feceris quod bonum est et placitum in conspectu Domini Dei tui.
29 Whanne thi Lord God hath distryed bifor thi face folkis, to whiche thou schalt entre to welde, and thou hast weldid tho folkis, and hast dwellid in `the lond of hem,
Quando disperdiderit Dominus Deus tuus ante faciem tuam gentes, ad quas ingredieris possidendas, et possederis eas, atque habitaveris in terra earum:
30 be thou war lest thou sue hem, aftir that thei ben distried, whanne thou entrist, and thou seke `the cerymonyes of hem, and seie, As these folkis worschipyden her goddis, so and Y schal worschipe.
cave ne imiteris eas, postquam te fuerint introeunte subversae, et requiras ceremonias earum, dicens: Sicut coluerunt gentes istae deos suos, ita et ego colam.
31 Thou schalt not do in lijk manere to thi Lord God; for thei diden to her goddis alle abhomynaciouns whiche the Lord wlatith, and offriden her sones and douytris, and brenten with fier.
Non facies similiter Domino Deo tuo. Omnes enim abominationes, quas aversatur Dominus, fecerunt diis suis, offerentes filios et filias, et comburentes igni.
32 Do thou to the Lord this thing oneli which Y comaunde to thee, nethir adde thou ony thing, nether abate.
Quod praecipio tibi, hoc tantum facito Domino: nec addas quidquam, nec minuas.

< Deuteronomy 12 >