< Daniel 1 >

1 In the thridde yeer of the rewme of Joachym, king of Juda, Nabugodonosor, the kyng of Babiloyne, cam to Jerusalem, and bisegide it.
A Shekara ta uku ta mulki Yehohiyakim sarkin Yahuda, Nebukadnezzar sarkin Babilon ya zo Urushalima ya kuma yi mata ƙawanya.
2 And the Lord bitook in his hond Joachym, the kyng of Juda, and he took a part of the vessels of the hous of God; and he bar out tho in to the lond of Sennaar, in to the hous of his god, and he took the vessels in to the hous of tresour of his god.
Sai Ubangiji ya bashe Yehohiyakim sarkin Yahuda a hannunsa, tare da waɗansu kayayyakin haikalin Allah. Ya ɗauki waɗannan kayan zuwa cikin haikalin allahnsa a Babilon cikin ma’ajin gidan allahnsa.
3 And the kyng seide to Asphaneth, souereyn of his onest seruauntis and chast, that he schulde brynge yn of the sones of Israel, and of the kyngis seed, and the children of tirauntis, in whiche weren no wem,
Sa’an nan sarkin ya umarci Ashfenaz, shugaban fadarsa yă kawo waɗansu daga cikin Isra’ilawan da suka fito daga gidan sarauta da kuma na fitattun mutane.
4 faire in schap, and lerned in al wisdom, war in kunnyng, and tauyt in chastisyng, and that myyten stonde in the paleis of the kyng, that he schulde teche hem the lettris and langage of Caldeis.
Matasa maza waɗanda ba su da wata naƙasa kuma kyawawa, hazikai ta kowace hanyar koyo, sanannu, masu saurin fahimtar abu, da kuma waɗanda suka cancanci su yi aiki a fadar sarki. Zai koya musu harshen Babiloniyawa da kuma littattafansu.
5 And the king ordeynede to hem lijflode bi ech dai of hise meetis, and of the wyn wherof he drank; that thei nurschid bi thre yeer, schulden stonde aftirward bifor the siyt of the kyng.
Sarki kuma ya sa a ba su abinci da ruwan inabi kowace rana daga cikin abincin sarki. Za a koyar da su har shekaru uku, bayan haka kuma su shiga yin wa sarki hidima.
6 Therfor Danyel, Ananye, Myzael, and Azarie, of the sones of Juda, weren among hem.
Daga cikin waɗannan da aka zaɓa akwai waɗansu daga Yahuda, Daniyel, Hananiya, Mishayel da kuma Azariya.
7 And the souereyn of onest seruauntis and chast puttide to hem names; to Danyel he puttide Balthasar; to Ananye, Sidrach; to Mysael, Misach; and to Azarie, Abdenago.
Sai sarkin fada ya raɗa musu sababbin sunaye, ga Daniyel ya raɗa masa Belteshazar; ga Hananiya ya raɗa masa Shadrak; ga Mishayel ya raɗa masa Meshak; ga Azariya kuma ya raɗa masa Abednego.
8 Forsothe Danyel purposide in his herte, that he schulde not be defoulid of the boord of the kyng, nether of the wyn of his drink; and he preiede the souereyn of onest seruauntis and chast, that he schulde not be defoulid.
Amma Daniyel ya ƙudura a zuciyarsa ba zai ƙazantar da kansa da abinci da ruwan inabin sarki ba, sai ya tambayi sarkin fada don a ba shi izinin kada yă ƙazantar da kansa ta wannan hanya.
9 Forsothe God yaf grace and merci to Daniel, in the siyt of the prince of onest seruauntis and chast.
Sai Allah ya sa sarkin fada ya nuna masa tagomashi ya kuma ƙaunaci Daniyel,
10 And the prince of onest seruauntis and chast seide to Daniel, Y drede my lord the king, that ordeinede to you mete and drynk; and if he seeth youre faces lennere than othere yonge wexynge men, youre eueneeldis, ye schulen condempne myn heed to the kyng.
amma sai sarkin fada ya ce wa Daniyel, “Ina jin tsoron ranka yă daɗe, sarkina wanda ya sa a ba ku abinci da ruwan inabi. Me zai sa yă ga kuna ramewa fiye da sauran samari, tsaranku? Sarki zai sa a fille mini kai saboda ku.”
11 And Danyel seide to Malazar, whom the prince of onest seruauntis and chast hadde ordeynede on Danyel, Ananye, Mysael, and Asarie,
Sai Daniyel ya ce wa mai gadi wanda sarkin fada ya sa yă kula da Daniyel, Hananiya, Mishayel da Azariya,
12 Y biseche, asaie thou vs thi seruauntis bi ten daies, and potagis be youun to vs to ete, and water to drynke; and biholde thou oure cheris,
“Ina roƙonka ka gwada bayinka kwana goma. Kada ka ba mu kome sai kayan lambu mu ci da kuma baƙin ruwa mu sha.
13 and the cheris of children that eten the kyngis mete; and as thou seest, so do thou with thi seruauntis.
Sa’an nan sai ka dubi fuskokinmu da na sauran samarin da suke ci daga abincin sarki; sa’an nan ka yi da bayinka bisa ga abin da ka gani.”
14 And whanne he herde siche a word, he asaiede hem bi ten daies.
Sai ya amince da haka ya kuma gwada su har kwana goma.
15 Forsothe after ten daies the cheris of hem apperiden betere and fattere, than alle the children that eeten the kyngis mete.
A ƙarshen kwana goma sai aka ga fuskokinsu suna sheƙi, sun kuma yi ƙiba fiye da samarin da suke cin abinci irin na sarki.
16 Certis Malazar took the metis, and the wyn of the drynk of hem, and yaf to hem potagis.
Sai mai gadinsu ya janye abinci da ruwan inabi irin na sarki, ya ci gaba da ba su kayan lambu.
17 Forsothe to these children God yaf kunnyng and lernyng in ech book, and in al wisdom; but to Daniel God yaf vndurstondyng of alle visiouns and dremys.
Ga samarin nan guda huɗu Allah ya ba su sani da ganewar dukan irin littattafai da kuma koyarwa. Daniyel kuma ya iya gane wahayi da kowane irin mafarki.
18 Therfor whanne the daies weren fillid, aftir whiche the kyng seide, that thei schulden be brouyt yn, the souereyn of onest seruauntis and chast brouyte in hem, in the siyt of Nabugodonosor.
A ƙarshen lokacin da sarki ya sa da za a kawo su ciki, sai sarkin fada ya gabatar da su ga Nebukadnezzar.
19 And whanne the kyng hadde spoke to hem, siche weren not foundun of alle, as Daniel, Ananye, Misael, and Azarie; and thei stoden in the siyt of the king.
Sarki kuwa ya yi magana da su, sai ya gano cewa babu wani kamar Daniyel, Hananiya, Mishayel da kuma Azariya; don haka sai suka shiga yi wa sarki hidima.
20 And ech word of wisdom and of vndurstondyng, which the king axide of hem, he foond in hem ten fold ouer alle false dyuynouris and astronomyens, that weren in al his rewme.
A dukan al’amuran hikima da na fahimta wanda sarki ya tambaye su, ya tarar sun fi dukan masu sihiri da bokaye waɗanda suke cikin mulkinsa sau goma.
21 Forsothe Danyel was til to the firste yeer of king Cyrus.
Daniyel kuwa ya kasance a nan har shekara ta farko ta mulkin sarki Sairus.

< Daniel 1 >