23 but thou were reisid ayens the Lord of heuene, and the vessels of his hous weren brouyt bifore thee, and thou, and thi beste men, and thi wyues, and thi concubyns, drunken wyn in tho vessels; and thou heriedist goddis of siluer, and of gold, and of bras, and of irun, and of tree, and of stoon, that seen not, nether heren, nether feelen; certis thou glorifiedist not God, that hath thi blast, and alle thi weies in his hond.
Vaan kah Boeipa taengah lat a pacuet uh tih a im kah hnopai te namah taengla hang khuen uh. Namah neh na boei rhoek long khaw, na boei rhoek neh na yuu rhoek long khaw, na yula rhoek long khaw te nen Te misurtui a ok uh. Te phoeiah cak, sui, rhohum, thi, thing neh lungto pathen, aka hmu thai pawh, aka ya thai pawh, aka ming thai pawt te na koeh uh. Pathen amah kut ah na maal om tih na longpuei boeih he amah taengah om dae na hinyah moenih.