< Colossians 2 >

1 But Y wole that ye wite, what bisynesse Y haue for you, and for hem that ben at Laodice, and whiche euere saien not my face in fleisch,
volo enim vos scire qualem sollicitudinem habeam pro vobis et pro his qui sunt Laodiciae et quicumque non viderunt faciem meam in carne
2 that her hertis ben coumfortid, and thei ben tauyt in charite, in to alle the richessis of the plente of the vndurstondyng, in to the knowyng of mysterie of God, the fadir of Jhesu Crist,
ut consolentur corda ipsorum instructi in caritate et in omnes divitias plenitudinis intellectus in agnitionem mysterii Dei Patris Christi Iesu
3 in whom alle the tresouris of wisdom and of science ben hid.
in quo sunt omnes thesauri sapientiae et scientiae absconditi
4 For this thing Y seie, that no man disseyue you in heiythe of wordis.
hoc autem dico ut nemo vos decipiat in subtilitate sermonum
5 For thouy Y be absent in bodi, bi spirit Y am with you, ioiynge and seynge youre ordre and the sadnesse of youre bileue that is in Crist.
nam et si corpore absens sum sed spiritu vobiscum sum gaudens et videns ordinem vestrum et firmamentum eius quae in Christo est fidei vestrae
6 Therfor as ye han takun Jhesu Crist oure Lord,
sicut ergo accepistis Christum Iesum Dominum in ipso ambulate
7 walke ye in hym, and be ye rootid and bieldid aboue in hym, and confermyd in the bileue, as ye han lerud, aboundinge in hym in doynge of thankyngis.
radicati et superaedificati in ipso et confirmati fide sicut et didicistis abundantes in gratiarum actione
8 Se ye that no man disseyue you bi filosofie and veyn fallace, aftir the tradicioun of men, aftir the elementis of the world, and not aftir Crist.
videte ne quis vos decipiat per philosophiam et inanem fallaciam secundum traditionem hominum secundum elementa mundi et non secundum Christum
9 For in hym dwellith bodilich al the fulnesse of the Godhed.
quia in ipso inhabitat omnis plenitudo divinitatis corporaliter
10 And ye ben fillid in hym, that is heed of al principat and power.
et estis in illo repleti qui est caput omnis principatus et potestatis
11 In whom also ye ben circumcidid in circumcisioun not maad with hoond, in dispoyling of the bodi of fleisch, but in circumcisioun of Crist;
in quo et circumcisi estis circumcisione non manufacta in expoliatione corporis carnis in circumcisione Christi
12 and ye ben biried togidere with hym in baptim, in whom also ye han rise ayen bi feith of the worching of God, that reiside hym fro deth.
consepulti ei in baptismo in quo et resurrexistis per fidem operationis Dei qui suscitavit illum a mortuis
13 And whanne ye weren deed in giltis, and in the prepucie of youre fleisch, he quikenyde togidere you with hym;
et vos cum mortui essetis in delictis et praeputio carnis vestrae convivificavit cum illo donans vobis omnia delicta
14 foryyuynge to you alle giltis, doynge awei that writing of decre that was ayens vs, that was contrarie to vs; and he took awei that fro the myddil, pitchinge it on the cros;
delens quod adversum nos erat chirografum decretis quod erat contrarium nobis et ipsum tulit de medio adfigens illud cruci
15 and he spuylide principatis and poweris, and ledde out tristili, opynli ouercomynge hem in hym silf.
expolians principatus et potestates traduxit palam triumphans illos in semet ipso
16 Therfor no man iuge you in mete, or in drink, or in part of feeste dai, or of neomenye,
nemo ergo vos iudicet in cibo aut in potu aut in parte diei festi aut neomeniae aut sabbatorum
17 or of sabatis, whiche ben schadewe of thingis to comynge; for the bodi is of Crist.
quae sunt umbra futurorum corpus autem Christi
18 No man disseyue you, willynge to teche in mekenesse, and religioun of aungelis, tho thingis whiche he hath not seyn, walkinge veynli, bolnyd with wit of his fleisch,
nemo vos seducat volens in humilitate et religione angelorum quae non vidit ambulans frustra inflatus sensu carnis suae
19 and not holdynge the heed, of which al the bodi, bi boondis and ioynyngis togidere vndur mynystrid and maad, wexith in to encreessing of God.
et non tenens caput ex quo totum corpus per nexus et coniunctiones subministratum et constructum crescit in augmentum Dei
20 For if ye ben deed with Crist fro the elementis of this world, what yit as men lyuynge to the world demen ye?
si mortui estis cum Christo ab elementis mundi quid adhuc tamquam viventes in mundo decernitis
21 That ye touche not, nether taaste,
ne tetigeris neque gustaveris neque contrectaveris
22 nether trete with hoondis tho thingis, whiche alle ben in to deth bi the ilke vss, aftir the comaundementis and the techingis of men;
quae sunt omnia in interitu ipso usu secundum praecepta et doctrinas hominum
23 whiche han a resoun of wisdom in veyn religioun and mekenesse, and not to spare the bodi, not in ony onour to the fulfillyng of the fleisch.
quae sunt rationem quidem habentia sapientiae in superstitione et humilitate et ad non parcendum corpori non in honore aliquo ad saturitatem carnis

< Colossians 2 >