< Amos 4 >

1 Ye fatte kien, that ben in the hil of Samarie, here this word; whiche maken fals caleng to nedi men, and breken pore men; which seien to youre lordis, Bringe ye, and we schulen drynke.
audite verbum hoc vaccae pingues quae estis in monte Samariae quae calumniam facitis egenis et confringitis pauperes quae dicitis dominis vestris adferte et bibemus
2 The Lord God swoor in his hooli, for lo! daies schulen come on you; and thei schulen reise you in schaftis, and youre remenauntis in buylynge pottis.
iuravit Dominus Deus in sancto suo quia ecce dies venient super vos et levabunt vos in contis et reliquias vestras in ollis ferventibus
3 And ye schulen go out bi the openyngis, oon ayens another, and ye schulen be cast forth in to Armon, seith the Lord.
et per aperturas exibitis altera contra alteram et proiciemini in Armon dicit Dominus
4 Come ye to Bethel, and do ye wickidli; to Galgala, and multiplie ye trespassyng; and offre ye eerli youre sacrifices, in thre daies youre tithis.
venite ad Bethel et impie agite ad Galgalam et multiplicate praevaricationem et offerte mane victimas vestras tribus diebus decimas vestras
5 And sacrifice ye heriyng of breed maad sour, and clepe ye wilful offryngis, and telle ye; for ye, sones of Israel, wolden so, seith the Lord God.
et sacrificate de fermentato laudem et vocate voluntarias oblationes et adnuntiate sic enim voluistis filii Israhel dicit Dominus Deus
6 Wherfor and Y yaf to you astonying of teeth in alle youre citees, and nedinesse of looues in alle youre places; and ye turneden not ayen to me, seith the Lord.
unde et ego dedi vobis stuporem dentium in cunctis urbibus vestris et indigentiam panum in omnibus locis vestris et non estis reversi ad me dicit Dominus
7 Also Y forbeed reyn fro you, whanne thre monethis weren yit `to comyng, til to ripe corn; and Y reynede on o citee, and on another citee Y reynede not; o part was bireyned, and the part driede vp on which Y reynede not.
ego quoque prohibui a vobis imbrem cum adhuc tres menses superessent usque ad messem et plui super civitatem unam et super civitatem alteram non plui pars una conpluta est et pars super quam non plui aruit
8 And tweyne and thre citees camen to o citee, to drynke watir, and tho weren not fillid; and ye camen not ayen to me, seith the Lord.
et venerunt duae et tres civitates ad civitatem unam ut biberent aquam et non sunt satiatae et non redistis ad me dicit Dominus
9 Y smoot you with brennynge wynd, and with rust, the multitude of youre orcherdis, and of youre vyneris; and a wort worm eet youre olyue places, and youre fige places; and ye camen not ayen to me, seith the Lord.
percussi vos in vento urente et in aurugine multitudinem hortorum vestrorum et vinearum vestrarum oliveta vestra et ficeta vestra comedit eruca et non redistis ad me dicit Dominus
10 Y sente in to you deth in the weie of Egipt, Y smoot with swerd youre yonge men, `til to the caitifte of youre horsis, and Y made the stynk of youre oostis to stie in to youre nose thirlis; and ye camen not ayen to me, seith the Lord.
misi in vos mortem in via Aegypti percussi in gladio iuvenes vestros usque ad captivitatem equorum vestrorum et ascendere feci putredinem castrorum vestrorum in nares vestras et non redistis ad me dicit Dominus
11 Y distriede you, as God distriede Sodom and Gomorre, and ye ben maad as a brond rauyschid of brennyng; and ye turneden not ayen to me, seith the Lord.
subverti vos sicut subvertit Deus Sodomam et Gomorram et facti estis quasi torris raptus de incendio et non redistis ad me dicit Dominus
12 Wherfor, thou Israel, Y schal do these thingis to thee; but aftir that Y schal do to thee these thingis, Israel, be maad redi in to ayen comyng of thi God.
quapropter haec faciam tibi Israhel postquam autem haec fecero tibi praeparare in occursum Dei tui Israhel
13 For lo! he fourmeth hillis, and makith wynd, and tellith to man his speche; and he makith a `morew myist, and goith on hiy thingis of erthe; the Lord God of oostis is the name of hym.
quia ecce formans montes et creans ventum et adnuntians homini eloquium suum faciens matutinam nebulam et gradiens super excelsa terrae Dominus Deus exercituum nomen eius

< Amos 4 >