< Acts 8 >

1 But Saul was consentynge to his deth. And greet persecucioun was maad that dai in the chirche, that was in Jerusalem. And alle men weren scatered bi the cuntrees of Judee and Samarie, outakun the apostlis.
Sauli ajhele makubaliano gha kifo kya muene. Legono elu ndo ajhandili kubhatesya kinyume kya kanisa lya lyejhele Yerusalemu; na bhoha jha bhiamini bhabhatawanyiki mu majimbo gha Yudea ni Samaria, isipokujha mitume.
2 But good men birieden Steuene, and maden greet mornyng on hym.
Bhanu bhacha mungu bhan'syelili Stefano ni kubhomba maombolez mabhaha juu jha muene.
3 But Saul greetli distruyede the chirche, and entryde bi housis, and drowe men and wymmen, and bitook hem in to prisoun.
Lakini Sauli alilizuru likanisa. Alotili nyumba kwa nyumba nikubhabuniza kwibhala bhadala ni bhagosi, ni kubhasopa mu ligereza.
4 And thei that weren scaterid, passiden forth, prechynge the word of God.
Bhabhikeera ambabho bhatawanyiki bado bhalihubiri lilobhi.
5 And Filip cam doun in to a citee of Samarie, and prechide to hem Crist.
Filipo asalili katika mji bhwa Samaria ni kun'tangasya Kristu okhu.
6 And the puple yaf tent to thes thingis that weren seid of Filip, with o wille herynge and seynge the signes that he dide.
Baada jha makutano kup'eleka ni ishara syaabhombi Filipo; bhakabheka umakini juu jha khela kyaajobhili.
7 For manye of hem that hadden vnclene spirits, crieden with a greet vois, and wenten out.
Kuhomela apu bhanu bhingi bhabhap'eliki pepo bhachafu bhakabhabhoka bhanu khoni bhilela kwa sauti mbaha, ni bhingi bhabhapoozili ni fiwete bhaponyisibhu.
8 And manye sijk in the palsi, and crokid, weren heelid.
Na kwajhele ni furaha mbaha mu mji.
9 Therfor greet ioye was maad in that citee. But there was a man in that citee, whos name was Symount, a witche, that hadde disseyued the folc of Samarie, seiynge, that him silf was sum greet man.
Lakini pajhele ni munu mmonga mu mji bhola lihina lya muene Simoni ambajhe abhombeghe uhabhi; ambabho abhutimili kubhashangasya bhanu bha taifa la Samaria, wakati ijobha kujha muene ndo munu muhimu.
10 Whom alle herkeneden, fro the leest to the moost, and seiden, This is the vertu of God, which is clepid greet.
Bhasamaria bhoha kuhomela bhana hata bhabhaha, bhakamp'elekesya, bhakajobha, “Munu ojho ndo jhela nghofu jha K'yara ambajho ndo mbaha.”
11 And thei leueden hym, for long tyme he hadde maddid hem with his witche craftis.
Bhakamp'elekesya, kwa ndabha abhesyangese mda mrefu kwa uhabhi bhwa muene.
12 But whanne thei hadden bileued to Filip, `that prechide of the kingdom of God, men and wymmen weren baptisid in the name of Jhesu Crist.
Lakini wakati bhakyeriri kujha Filipo ahubiriri juu jha ufalme bhwa K'yara ni juu jhalihina lya Yesu Kristu, bhabatisibhu bhagosi kwa bhadala.
13 And thanne also Symount him silf bileued; and whanne he was baptisid, he drouy to Filip; and he sai also that signes and grete vertues weren don, he was astonyed, and wondride.
Ni Simoni muene akyeriri; baada jha kubatisibhwa ajhendelili kujha ni Filipo; bho abhuene ishara ni miujiza jhaijhele jhibhombekeghe, ashangele.
14 But whanne the apostlis that weren at Jerusalem, hadden herd that Samarie hadde resseyued the word of God, thei senten to hem Petre and Joon.
Wakati mitume bha Yerusalemu bho bhap'eliki kujha samaria ipokili lilobhi lya K'yara bhakabhautma Petro ni Yohana.
15 And whanne thei camen, thei preieden for hem, that thei schulden resseyue the Hooli Goost;
Wakati bhiselela bhakabhaombela; kujha bhampokelayi Roho mtakatifu.
16 for he cam not yit in to ony of hem, but thei weren baptisid oonli in the name of the Lord Jhesu.
Mpaka mda obhu, Roho mtakatifu ajhele akona kubhaselelela hata mmonga ghwa bhene; bhabatisibhu lu kwa lihina lya Bwana Yesu.
17 Thanne thei leiden hoondis on hem, and thei resseyueden the Hooli Goost.
Ndipo Petro ni Yohana bhakabhabhekela mabhoko ni bhene bhakampokela Roho mtakatifu.
18 And whanne Symount hadde seyn, that the Hooly Goost was youun bi leiyng on of the hoondis of the apostlis, and he proferide to hem money, and seide,
Wakati Simoni abhwena Roho mtakatifu abhosibhu kupetelakubhekibhwa mabhoko ni mitume; alondeghe kubhapela hela,
19 Yyue ye also to me this power, that whom euere Y schal leye on myn hoondis, that he resseyue the Hooli Goost.
Akajobha, “Nipelayi nghofu ejhe, ili kila jha nibetakumbeka mabhoko paokelayi Roho mtakatifu.”
20 But Petir seide to hym, Thi money be with thee into perdicioun, for thou gessidist the yifte of God schulde be had for monei.
Lakini Petro akan'jobhela; hela jha jhobhi pamonga ni bhebhe ijhaghanikilayi patali, kwa ndabha udhanili kujha karama jha K'yara jhipalikana kwa hela.
21 Ther is no part, ne sort to thee, in this word, for thin herte is not riytful bifor God.
Ujhelepi ni sehemu kulijambo e'le, n'nofu lepi mbele sya K'yara.
22 Therfor do thou penaunce for this wickidnesse of thee, and preie God, if perauenture this thouyt of thin herte be foryouun to thee.
Hivyo basi, tubuayi maovu gha jhobhi ni kun'soka K'yara labda wibeta kusamehebhwa fikra sya muoyo ghwa jhobhi.
23 For Y se that thou art in the gall of bitternesse and in the boond of wickidnesse.
Kwa maana nibhona ujhele mu sumu jha bhuchungu ni kifungu kya dhambi.”
24 And Symount answeride, and seide, Preie ye for me to the Lord, that no thing of these thingis that ye han seid, com on me.
Simoni akajibu ni kujobha, “Mun'sokayi Bwana kwa ndabha jha nene kwa kujha mambo ghoha ghamulongelili ghibhwesya kunitokela.
25 And thei witnessiden, and spaken the word of the Lord, and yeden ayen to Jerusalem, and prechiden to many cuntrees of Samaritans.
Wakati Petro ni Yohana bho bhashuhudili ni kuhubiri lilobhi lya Bwana, bhakakerebhuka Yerusalemu kwa njela ejhu; bhahubiri injili mu fijiji fingi fya bhasamaria.
26 And an aungel of the Lord spak to Filip, and seide, Ryse thou, and go ayens the south, to the weie that goith doun fro Jerusalem in to Gasa; this is desert.
Basi malaika bha Bwana anenili ni Filipo ni kujobha, “Jhangasiajhi na ulotayi kusini kwa njela jhajhilota kusika jha Yerusalemu kulotela Gaza.” (Njela ejhe jhijhe mujangwa).
27 And he roos, and wente forth. And lo! a man of Ethiopie, a myyti man seruaunt, a yelding of Candace, the queen of Ethiopiens, which was on alle her richessis, cam to worschipe in Jerusalem.
Akajhangasya ni kulota. Langayi, kwajhele ni munu ghwa Ethiopia, towashi mwenye mamlaka mbaha pasi pa kandese; Malkia ghwa Ethiopia. Jhaabhekibhu panani pa hazina jha muene jhioha; nu muene akalota Yerusalemu kuabudu.
28 And he turnede ayen, sittinge on his chare, and redinge Isaie, the profete.
Wakati ikerebhuka atamili mu ligari lyamuene isoma chuo kya nabii Isaya.
29 And the spirit seide to Filip, Neiye thou, and ioyne thee to this chare.
Roho akajobha ni Filipo, “Hegelelayi karibu ni ligari e'le ukakamulana nalu.
30 And Filip `ran to, and herde hym redynge Ysaie, the prophete. And he seide, Gessist thou, whether thou vndirstondist, what thingis thou redist?
“Efyo Filipo akalota mbio, akampeleka isoma mu chuo kya nabii Isaya; akajobha, umanyili kya wisoma?”
31 And he seide, How may Y, if no man schewe to me? And he preiede Filip, that he schulde come vp, and sitte with hym.
Muethiopia akajobha, “nibebhwesya bhuli munu kama andongwisi lepi?” Akan'sihi Filipo akwela mu ligari ni kutama pamonga ni muene.
32 And the place of the scripture that he redde, was this, As a scheep he was led to sleyng, and as a lomb bifor a man that scherith him is doumb with out vois, so he openyde not his mouth.
Henu lifungu lya maandiku lya asomeghe Muethiopia ndo e'le, Alongosibhu kama likondoo kulota kuchinjibhwa ku machinjioni; ni kama likondoo agudeme kinunu, afunguililepi kinywa kya muene.
33 In mekenesse his dom was takun vp; who schal telle out the generacioun of hym? For his lijf schal be takun awei fro the erthe.
Kwa huzunishibhwa kwa muene hukumu jha muene jhabhosibhu, niani jha ibetakujhelesya kizazi kya muene? maisha muene ghabhosibhu munchi.”
34 And the gelding answeride to Filip, and seide, Y biseche thee, of `what profete seith he this thing? of him silf, ethir of ony othere?
Hivyo towashi akan'kota Filipo, ni kujobha, “nikus'oka, nabii jholeku ilongelibhwa habari sya muene, ni kuhusu muene au sya munu jhongi”?
35 And Filip openyde his mouth, and bigan at this scripture, and prechide to him Jhesu.
Filipo ajhandikulongela, abhwanji kwa andiko e'le lya Isaya kun'hubirira habari sya Yesu.
36 And the while thei wenten bi the weie, thei camen to a water. And the gelding seide, Lo! watir; who forbedith me to be baptisid?
Bhobhajhe munjela, bhakafika pa masi,' towashi akajobha, “Langayi, pajheni masi apa kheleku kizuila nisibatisibhu?”
37 And Filip seide, If thou bileuest of al the herte, it is leueful. And he answeride, and seide, Y bileue that Jhesu Crist is the sone of God.
Malobhi agha, “Hivyo Muethiopia akajibu “Nikiera kujha Yesu Kristu ndo mwana ghwa K'yara,” ghajhelepi mu maandiku gha muandi). Ndipo Muethiopia akaamuru ligari lijhemayi.
38 And he comaundide the chare to stonde stille. And thei wenten doun bothe into the watir, Filip and the gelding, and Filip baptiside hym.
Bhakalota mugati mu masi, pamonga ni Filipo ni towashi, Filipoakambatisya.
39 And whanne thei weren come vp of the watir, the spirit of the Lord rauyschide Filip, and the gelding say hym no more.
Wakati bhofobhwiki mu masi, Roho ghwa Bwana jhampeliki Filipo patali; tawashi ambwene lepi, akalota njela jha muene khoni ishangilila.
40 And Filip was foundun in Azotus; and he passide forth, and prechide to alle citees, til he cam to Cesarie.
Lakini Filipo akahomela Azoto. Apetili mu mkoa bhola ni kuhubiri injili mu miji ghioha mpaka bho afikili Kaisaria.

< Acts 8 >