< Acts 7 >

1 And the prynce of prestis seide to Steuene, Whethir these thingis han hem so?
Qeessista halaqay Isxifanose “haysi ne bolla shiqqida yozi tuumee?” gi oychides.
2 Which seide, Britheren and fadris, here ye. God of glorie apperide to oure fadir Abraham, whanne he was in Mesopotamie, bifor that he dwelte in Carram, and seide to hym,
Isxxifanoseykka hizigides “Ta ishaato, ta awwato ta giizaysa siyite nu awa Abramey Kaarane yanappe kasse buro Mesophoxomiyan dishin bonncho Goday izas qonccidi
3 Go out of thi loond, and of thi kynrede, and come in to the loond, which Y schal schewe to thee.
(Ne dereppene ne dabbofe shakeistada ta neena bessizaso ba) gides.
4 Thanne he wente out of the loond of Caldeis, and dwelte in Carram. And fro thens aftir that his fader was deed, he translatide him in to this loond, in which ye dwellen now.
Izikka Kaldawista biittafe kezidi Karane biittan uttides. Iza away hayqqidappe guye inte ha7i dizaso ha dere iza ehidees.
5 And he yaf not to hym eritage in it, nethir a paas of a foot, but he bihiyte to yyue hym it in to possessioun, and to his seed aftir hym, whanne he hadde not a sone.
Haray atoshin issi toy eqiza gadey izas hayssafe immetibeyna. Gido attiin he wode izas issi naykka baynnida dishin izzine izappe guyen iza zerethi biittiyo laatana mala Xoossi izas ccaqqides.
6 And God spak to hym, That his seed schal be comling in an alien lond, and thei schulen make hem suget to seruage, and schulen yuel trete hem, foure hundrid yeris and thritti;
Qassekka Xoossi izas hizigi yotides (ne zerethi alagga biittan bete ass gidana. Oyddu xeettu layth aylletetha qammibara garsan wayistana.
7 and Y schal iuge the folk, to which thei schulen serue, seith the Lord. And after these thingis thei schulen go out, and thei schulen serue to me in this place.
Gido attiin ista aylle mala harza dere ta qaxxayana. Hessafe guye isti he biittafe kezzidi haanno ha soyin tas goynana.)
8 And he yaf to hym the testament of circumcisioun; and so he gendride Ysaac, and circumcidide hym in the eiyt dai. And Isaac gendride Jacob, and Jacob gendride the twelue patriarkis.
Hesafe guye qaxxara woga ccaqo izas immides. Abrameykka Yisaqa yellidi iza osppuntha gallasa qaxxarides. Yisaqayka Yaqobe yellides. Yaqobeykka tamane namm77u qomota yellides.
9 And the patriarkis hadden enuye to Joseph, and selden hym in to Egipt.
He qommota awatti yosefo bolla qanattetidi iza aylletethas duge Gibixe bayzzida. Gido attiin Xoossi izara dees;
10 And God was with hym, and delyuerede hym of alle hise tribulaciouns, and yaf to hym grace and wisdom in the siyt of Farao, king of Egipt. And he ordeynede hym souereyn on Egipt, and on al his hous.
meto wursofe iza ashides. Gibxe kawo Faaronne sinthan bonncho qumma7isides. Faronney iza Gibxe biitaninne ba keeththa asa wurso bolla alafethethan shuumiides.
11 And hungur cam in to al Egipt, and Canaan, and greet tribulacioun; and oure fadris founden not mete.
He wode Kanaaneninne Gibixen daro metto ehida gita koshay dennidides. Nu awataskka miza kaathi dhayides.
12 But whanne Jacob hadde herd, that whete was in Egipt, he sente oure fadris first.
Yaqobey Giibixe deren kaathi dizayssa siyiddi nu aawata koyyro Gibxe yediides.
13 And in the secounde tyme Joseph was knowun of hise britheren, and his kyn was maad knowun to Farao.
Istti nam77antho biza wode Yosefoy izi oonakkone bena ba ishatas qonccisides. Faroneykka Yosefo ishshata erides.
14 And Joseph sente, and clepide Jacob, his fadir, and al his kynrede, seuenti and fyue men.
Hessafe guye Yosefoy kiitidi ba aawa Yaqobenne laappuun tamane ichachu gidiza ba dabota kuummeth ehiisides.
15 And Jacob cam doun in to Egipt, and was deed, he and oure fadris;
Yaqobey duge Gibxe woodhdh7ides. Izikka nu aawatikka wuri heen hayqqida.
16 and thei weren translatid in to Sichen, and weren leid in the sepulcre, that Abraham bouyte bi prijs of siluer of the sones of Emor, the sone of Sichen.
Ista ahaykka Seekkeme gizaso ehaaththain Abramey Eemore nayytappe ba miishan shammida duhaaththaon moggettides.
17 And whanne the tyme of biheeste cam niy, which God hadde knoulechid to Abraham, the puple waxede, and multipliede in Egipt,
Xoossi Abrames caaqqida qalay polletiza wodey maatishin Gibixen diza nu asa qodday dari dari bides.
18 til another kyng roos in Egipt, which knewe not Joseph.
Hesafe guye Gibixe bitan yoosefo eronta hara kawoy kawotides.
19 This bigilide oure kyn, and turmentide oure fadris, that thei schulden putte awey her yonge children, for thei schulden not lyue.
Izikka nu asa ba geene oothon metoothides. Buuro yelletida guutha naytti hayqqana malane yelliidayta kare kessi wora yeganamala wolliqathides.
20 In the same tyme Moyses was borun, and he was louyd of God; and he was norischid thre monethis in the hous of his fadir.
He wode Musey yeletides. Izikka Xoossa achan dosetida malla loo7o na gidides. Be aawa keeththan hedzdzu aggina all7isson diccides.
21 And whanne he was put out in the flood, the douyter of Farao took hym vp, and nurischide hym in to hir sone.
Izi gede worra yeegettida wode kawwo Farone macca nayya deemada bees ekkadus. Be na mala oothada dichadus.
22 And Moises was lerned in al the wisdom of Egipcians, and he was myyti in his wordis and werkis.
Museykka Gibxista eraatetha wurssi tammarides. Yoon erra, oothonikka miinno gididees.
23 But whanne the tyme of fourti yeer was fillid to hym, it roos vp `in to his herte, that he schulde visite hise britheren, the sones of Israel.
“Muse laaythi ooydu tamu gida wode Musey ba ishata Isira7elle nayta beyanas ba wozinan qoppides.
24 And whanne he say a man suffringe wronge, he vengide hym, and dide veniaunce for hym that suffride the wronge, and he killide the Egipcian.
Izikka isi Giibixe assi Muse baga asappe isi ura bolla qooho gaathishin beyiddi ba bagga adeza madidi he Gibxe adeza wodhidi he qoheetidayssa hallo keesides.
25 For he gesside that his britheren schulden vndurstonde, that God schulde yyue to hem helthe bi the hoond of hym; but thei vndurstoden not.
Muses Xoossi iza kushshen issta wozanayssa iza asay akekkiza millatides. Gido atiin issti hessa yuushi qoppibeyteena.
26 For in the dai suynge he apperide to hem chidinge, and he acordide hem in pees, and seide, Men, ye ben britheren; whi noyen ye ech othere?
Wontetha gallas qasekka Isira7elle naytappe nam7ati ba garssan oyeetishin gakkidi oyetizayta iginthanas koyydi (haytto asato inte inte garssan ishantakko, inte wannidi issay issa qoheetii?) gides.
27 But he that dide the wronge to his neiybore, puttide hym awey, and seide, Who ordeynede thee prince and domesman on vs?
Be lageza bolla qoho gathidaysi Muse suggi yeggidi (Nena nu bolla nuna haarizadene nu bolla piridizade oothi shuumiday oonee? woykko qamma Gibxe adeza wodhoyssatho tannaka wodhana koyaazii?) gides.
28 Whethir thou wolt sle me, as yistirdai thou killidist the Egipcian?
29 And in this word Moises flei, and was maad a comeling in the loond of Madian, where he bigat twei sones.
Musey hessa siyidda mala Midiyame biitta beettidi hen bete ass gidi deyyides. Heenkka nam77u atuma na yeellides.
30 And whanne he hadde fillid fourti yeer, an aungel apperide to hym in fier of flawme of a buysch, in desert of the mount of Syna.
Hessafe oydu tammu laythafe guuye Siina zuma achchan diza bazza biittan qerii worra gidon exxiizza taamma laccon kiitannchay izas bettides.
31 And Moises siy, and wondride on the siyt. And whanne he neiyede to biholde, the vois of the Lord was maad to hym,
Museykka iza beeydamala mallaleetides. Azakone shaki eranas izzi he izako shiqqishin Goda qalay “tanni ne awannta Xoossa abirame Yisaqane Yaqobe Xoossa gishin siydees. Museykka daro dagammides, xeellanaskka xalibeyna.
32 and seide, Y am God of youre fadris, God of Abraham, God of Ysaac, God of Jacob. Moises was maad tremblynge, and durste not biholde.
33 But God seide to hym, Do of the schoon of thi feet, for the place in which thou stondist is hooli erthe.
Godaykka izas hayssi ne eqqidasoy geeshaso gidiida gish ne toope ccamma shoda. Gibxen diza ta dereta waye ta tuumappe beyadis. Issti wasiza issta waye waso siiyada ista ashshanas woodhdhadis. Ne ha7ikka haya ta nena duge Giibixe zarada kiitana gides.
34 Y seynge say the turmentyng of my puple that is in Egipt, and Y herde the mornyng of hem, and Y cam doun to delyuere hem. And now come thou, and Y schal sende thee in to Egipt.
35 This Moises whom thei denyeden, seiynge, Who ordeynede thee prince and domesman on vs? God sente this prince and ayenbiere, with the hoond of the aungel, that apperide to hym in the busch.
Histtin heyyti (nu bolla neena haarizadenne piridizade histti ooni shuumedee?) giidi asay kaase kadhdhida Musse Xoossi qeeri woora gidon izas beetida kiitancha bagara issta haarizadenne ashizade hisitidi istaako zarri yeedides.
36 This Moises ledde hem out, and dide wondris and signes in the loond of Egipt, and in the reed see, and in desert fourti yeeris.
Izikka ista kallethidi Gibxeppe keesides. Gibxen, zo7o abbanine bazo biittan oyydu taammu laythi daro mallalsiza miishatane gita malatata istas oothides.
37 This is Moises, that seide to the sones of Israel, God schal reise to you a profete of youre bretheren, as me ye schulen here him.
Isrra7elle nayytas ta mala nabe Xoossi inte garsafe dennthana gidaysi hayssa Musekko.
38 This it is, that was in the chirche in wildirnesse, with the aungel that spak to hym in the mount of Syna, and with oure fadris; which took words of lijf to yyue to vs.
Izikka Siina zuma bolla hassa7ida kitancharanne bazo biitan nu awatara dere dullata giidon dees. Deyyo qalakka ha nuus aathanas ekkides.
39 To whom oure fadris wolden not obeie, but puttiden hym awei, and weren turned awei in hertis in to Egipt,
Nu awati gidiko izara eqqetida attiin izas azazistanas koyoonta gish ba wozinara guuye Giibbxe simmida.
40 seiynge to Aaron, Make thou to vs goddis, that schulen go bifore vs; for to this Moyses that ledde vs out of the lond of Egipt, we witen not what is don to hym.
Aarooneskka (Nu sinnthara biiza eeqqa nus gigisa nuna Giibbixefe kaallethi kessida Musey wanidako nu erroko) giida.
41 And thei maden a calf in tho daies, and offriden a sacrifice to the mawmet; and thei weren glad in the werkis of her hondis.
He wode mara miisile meedhdhidi eqqas yarsho shishida. Berkka medhida ba kuushe oothon uhaaththaa7ettidane guppiida.
42 And God turnede, and bitook hem to serue to the knyythod of heuene, as it is writun in the book of profetis, Whether ye, hous of Israel, offriden to me slayn sacrificis, ether sacrificis, fourti yeris in desert?
Gido attiin Xoossi isttas zokko zarides. Isti sallo xollinntistas goynana mala aththi immides. Hesikka nabbista mxxaafan “inteno Isra7elle nayto inte baazo biittan oyddu tamu layth diza wode intefe yarshone muuna tas shishi ereetii?
43 And ye han take the tabernacle of Moloc, and the sterre of youre god Renfam, figuris that ye han maad to worschipe hem; and Y schal translate you in to Babiloyn.
Harappekka inte goynanaso othiida eeqqa Molookke dunkenane inte eqqa Refanne xollinnte misile dhoqu dhoqu hissti oykkidista. Hessa gisha ta intena inte dizasoppe dennthada Babiloonera aatha yeddana.” geetetidi xaahaaththaetides.
44 The tabernacle of witnessing was with oure fadris in desert, as God disposide to hem, and spak to Moyses, that he schulde make it aftir the fourme that he say.
Xoossi Muse bessida lemmusoza malane azazzidayssa mala oothetida Xoossi asara gagiza dunkkaneya nu awatara baazzo biittan deyadus.
45 Which also oure fadris token with Jhesu, and brouyten in to the possessioun of hethene men, whiche God puttide awey fro the face of oure fadris, til in to the daies of Dauid,
Nu aawati dunkeneyo ekkidayssappe guye Xoossi Iyaaso kallethin kaase ista gooddida dereta lattida wode dunnkaneyo ekki geellida. Dawite wode gakanas dunkaneyaa he biittan deyadus.
46 that fonde grace anentis God, and axide that he schulde fynde a tabernacle to God of Jacob.
Dawiteykka Xoossa sinthan boncho demidi Yaqoobe Godas aqqoso gigisanas woossides.
47 But Salomon bildide the hous `to hym.
Gido attiin Solmoney izas aqoso kexides.
48 But the hiy God dwellith not in thingis maad bi hoond,
Gido attiin woogga Goday asa kushey keexida keeththan deena. Hesikka nabey (salloy ta zuuppane biittaykka tas tos shemmposo, hiistiin inte tas ay mala keeth kexxeti woykko ta shemmppanasoy awaysse? Hayssa wursi ta kuushshey oothibeynnee? gees Goday) getetti xafetida mala.
49 as he seith bi the profete, Heuene is a seete to me, and the erthe is the stool of my feet; what hous schulen ye bilde to me, seith the Lord, ether what place is of my restyng?
50 Whether myn hoond made not alle these thingis?
51 With hard nol, and vncircumcidid hertis and eris ye withstoden eueremore the Hooli Goost; and as youre fadris, so ye.
Inteno wozana mumeto, haytha tuleto, intekka inte aawata amala wursio wode Xiillo Ayanara eqateista.
52 Whom of the profetis han not youre fadris pursued, and han slayn hem that bifor telden of the comyng of the riytful man, whos traitouris and mansleeris ye weren now?
Nbistappe inte aawati gooddonnta naabey oonee? Xiillozi yanayssa kasseti yottida nabetakka wodhida intekka ha7i izza aathi immidistane wodhidista.
53 Whiche token the lawe in ordynaunce of aungels, and han not kept it.
Kitanncha bagara intes immetida woga ekkidista attiin naggibeykista.” Isxxifanosey Shuchchan Cadeti Hayqidess.
54 And thei herden these thingis, and weren dyuersli turmentid in her hertis, and grenneden with teeth on hym.
Duulatan diza asay hessa siydamala daro hanqitidi, iza bolla ba achche gariccides.
55 But whanne Steuene was ful of the Hooli Goost, he bihelde in to heuene, and say the glorie of God, and Jhesu stondinge on the riythalf of the vertu of God.
Gidinkka Isxxifanosey Xiillo Ayanan kummidine puude salo tish histi xeellishin Xoossa bonchon Yesussay Xoossa oshachan eqqidayssa beydi “Heeko ta saaloy doyeetidayssane asa nay Xoossa ushachan eqqiidayssa beyays” gidees.
56 And he seide, Lo! Y se heuenes openyd, and mannus sone stondynge on the riythalf of the vertu of God.
57 And thei crieden with a greet vois, and stoppiden her eris, and maden with o wille an assauyt in to hym.
Hesa wode asay qaala dhoqu histi waasishe ba haythe tuucci oykidi izako isppe woxxida.
58 And thei brouyten hym out of the citee, and stonyden. And the witnessis diden of her clothis, bisidis the feet of a yong man, that was clepid Saule.
Isxxifanose oykkidi katamappe gede kare hallida. Shuchan cach oykkida. Hesi wuri hannishin marikkatikka ba mayo Sawulle gettetiza pantha achchan wothida.
59 And thei stonyden Steuene, that clepide God to help, seiynge, Lord Jhesu, resseyue my spirit.
Isti shuchara iza cadishin Isxxifanosey “ta Goda Yesussa ta sehmppiyo neeko eekka” gidi woosides.
60 And he knelide, and criede with a greet vois, and seide, Lord, sette not to hem this synne. And whanne he hadde seid this thing, he diede.
Qassekka gulbatidi dhoqa qalan “Godo haytananta nagara qodopa” gidi wassides. Hesa gidappe guye hayqqides

< Acts 7 >