< Acts 23 >

1 And Poul bihelde in to the counsel, and seide, Britheren, Y with al good conscience haue lyued bifore God, `til in to this dai.
Paulo nongʼiyo wach jobuch jo-Sanhedrin tir eka nowachonegi niya, “Owetena, asetimo tich mane Nyasaye omiya mondo atim gi chuny maler maonge ketho nyaka chil kawuono.”
2 And Anany, prince of prestis, comaundide to men that stoden nyy hym, that thei schulden smyte his mouth.
Kane owacho kamano, to Anania jadolo maduongʼ nogolo chik ni joma nochungʼ bute mondo ogo dhoge.
3 Thanne Poul seide to hym, Thou whitid wal, God smyte thee; thou sittist, and demest me bi the lawe, and ayens the law thou comaundist me to be smytun.
Eka Paulo nowachone niya, “Nyasaye biro goyi, in kor ot mobuk matarni! Owinjore ingʼadna bura kaluwore gi Chik, to in iwuon ema iketho chik ka iwacho ni jogi mondo ogoya!”
4 And thei that stoden niy, seiden, Cursist thou the hiyest prest of God?
Joma nochungʼ but Paulo nowachone niya, “Wangʼi tek manade minyalo yanyo jadolo maduongʼ mar Nyasaye?”
5 And Poul seide, Britheren, Y wiste not, that he is prince of preestis; for it is writun, Thou schalt not curse the prince of thi puple.
To Paulo nodwoko niya, “Owetena, ne ok angʼeyo ni en jadolo maduongʼ, nikech ondiki ni, ‘Kik iwuo marach kuom jatend jou.’”
6 But Poul wiste, that o parti was of Saduceis, and the othere of Fariseis; and he criede in the counsel, Britheren, Y am a Farisee, the sone of Farisees; Y am demyd of the hope and of the ayen rising of deed men.
Kaka Paulo nongʼeyo ni moko kuom jogo ne gin jo-Sadukai, to moko jo-Farisai, nokok ne bura mar Sanhedrin kowacho niya, “Owetena, an ja-Farisai kendo an wuod ja-Farisai. Achungʼ kae kawuono mondo oyala nikech geno ma an-go kuom chier mar joma otho!”
7 And whanne he hadde seid this thing, dissencioun was maad bitwixe the Fariseis and the Saduceis, and the multitude was departid.
Bangʼ wacho kamano, pogruok nowuok e kind joburago, ka jo-Farisai kwedore gi jo-Sadukai.
8 For Saduceis seien, that no `rysing ayen of deed men is, nether aungel, nether spirit; but Fariseis knowlechen euer eithir.
(Mano notimore nikech jo-Sadukai wacho ni chier, kata malaike kata Roho onge, to jo-Farisai to oyie gi puonjgi duto.)
9 And a greet cry was maad. And summe of Farisees rosen vp, and fouyten, seiynge, We fynden no thing of yuel in this man; what if a spirit, ether an aungel spak to hym?
Koko maduongʼ nowuok kendo jopuonj Chik moko mane gin jo-Farisai, nochungʼ malo mochako goyo mbaka matek kagiwacho niya, “Ok waneno gima rach ma ngʼatni osetimo. Donge nyalo bet ni roho kata malaika ema wuoyo kode?”
10 And whanne greet discencioun was maad, the tribune dredde, lest Poul schulde be to-drawun of hem; and he comaundide knyytis to go doun, and to take hym fro the myddil of hem, and to lede hym in to castels.
Pogruokno nomedo kelo dhawo gi dwokruok makwiny, mi jaduongʼ jolweny nodoko maluor ni jogo ne nyalo kidho Paulo matindo tindo. Omiyo nogolo chik mondo jolweny ogol Paulo oko githuon e nyim bura, mondo odwoke ei kama jolweny nodakie.
11 And in the niyt suynge the Lord stood niy to hym, and seide, Be thou stidfast; for as thou hast witnessid of me in Jerusalem, so it bihoueth thee to witnesse also at Rome.
Otienono Ruoth Yesu nobiro mochungʼ but Paulo mowachone niya, “Bed mana gi chir! Mana kaka isetimo nenda ei Jerusalem, e kaka nyaka itime e Rumi bende.”
12 And whanne the dai was come, summe of the Jewis gaderiden hem, and maden `avow, and seiden, that thei schulden nether eete, ne drinke, til thei slowen Poul.
Kinyne gokinyi jo-Yahudi nowuoyo e kindgi giwegi ka gikwongʼore ni ok ginichiem kata madho gimoro amora kapok ginego Paulo.
13 And there weren mo than fourti men, that maden this sweryng togider.
Joma notimo kwongʼruokni noloyo ji piero angʼwen.
14 And thei wenten to the princis of prestis, and eldre men, and seiden, With deuocioun we han a vowid, that we schulen not taste ony thing, til we sleen Poul.
Negidhi ir jodolo madongo gi jodongo mi giwachonegi niya, “Wasekwongʼore waduto ni ok wanacham kata madho gimoro kapok wanego Paulo.
15 Now therfor make ye knowun to the tribune, with the counsel, that he bringe hym forth to you, as if ye schulden knowe sum thing more certeynli of hym; and we ben redi to sle hym, bifor that he come.
Kuom mano, un kod jobuch Sanhedrin kwauru jatend jolweny maduongʼ mondo okelnugo e nyimu, ka uwuondoru ni udwaro medo nono wachne maber. Waikore mar nege kapok ochopo ka.”
16 And whanne the sone of Poulis sister hadde herd the aspies, he cam, and entride in to the castels, and telde to Poul.
To ka wuod nyamin Paulo nofwenyo gima jogo ne chano timo, nodhi nyaka kama jolweny odakie monyiso Paulo wachno.
17 And Poul clepide to hym oon of the centuriens, and seide, Lede this yonge man to the tribune, for he hath sum thing to schewe to hym.
Eka Paulo noluongo achiel kuom jotend jolweny, mowachone niya, “Kaw wuowino idhigo nyaka ir jatend jolweny maduongʼ nimar en-gi wach moro monego owachne.”
18 And he took hym, and ledde to the tribune, and seide, Poul, that is boundun, preide me to lede to thee this yonge man, that hath sum thing to speke to thee.
Omiyo notere ir jatend jolweny. Ne owachone niya, “Paulo ma otwecha ne oluonga ire mi okwaya mondo akel wuowini iri nikech, en-gi wach moro modwaro nyisi.”
19 And the tribune took his hoond, and wente with hym asidis half, and axide hym, What thing is it, that thou hast to schewe to me?
Jatend jolweny nokawo wuowino komako bade, mi notere tenge eka openje niya, “En angʼo midwaro nyisa?”
20 And he seide, The Jewis ben acordid to preye thee, that to morewe thou brynge forth Poul in to the counsel, as if thei schulden enquere sum thing more certeynli of hym.
Wuowino nodwoke niya, “Jo-Yahudi osewinjore mondo okwayi kiny iternegi Paulo e nyim jobuch Sanhedrin ka giwuondore ni gidwaro medo nono wachne maber.
21 But bileue thou not to hem; for mo than fourti men of hem aspien hym, which han a vowid, that thei schulen not eete nether drynke, til thei sleen hym; and now thei ben redi, abidinge thi biheest.
Kik iyie gi kwayogino nikech ji moloyo piero angʼwen kuomgi osebutone. Gisekwongʼore ni ok ginicham kata madho gimoro kapok ginege. Kata sani giseikore, girito mana mondo iyie gi kwayogino.”
22 Therfor the tribune lefte the yonge man, and comaundide, that he schulde speke to no man, that he hadde maad these thingis knowun to hym.
Jatend jolweny noweyo wuowino modhi, kosieme niya, “Kik inyis ngʼato ni isenyisa wachni.”
23 And he clepide togidre twei centuriens, and he seide to hem, Make ye redi twei hundrid knyytis, that thei go to Cesarie, and horse men seuenti, and spere men twey hundrid, fro the thridde our of the nyyt.
Eka noluongo jotend askeche ariyo momiyogi chik niya, “Ikuru jolweny mia ariyo, gi mamoko piero abiriyo moidho farese kod mia ariyo motingʼo tonge mondo oikre mar dhi Kaisaria kawuono sa adek mar otieno.
24 And make ye redy an hors, for Poul to ride on, to lede hym saaf to Felix, the presydent.
Paulo bende ikneuru farase mondo obi oidhi otere nyaka ir ruoth Feliks, ma ok gimoro otime e yo.”
25 For the tribune dredde, lest the Jewis wolden take hym bi the weie, and sle hym, and aftirward he miyte be chalengid, as he hadde take money.
Bangʼe nondiko baruwa machalo kama:
26 And wroot hym `a pistle, conteynynge these thingis. Claudius Lisias to the beste Felix, president, heelthe.
An Klaudio Lusio, amosi ahinya in ruoth Feliks.
27 This man that was take of the Jewis, and bigan to be slayn, Y cam vpon hem with myn oost, and delyuerede hym fro hem, whanne Y knewe that he was a Romayn.
Daher mar nyisi ni jo-Yahudi nomako ngʼatni kendo negidwaro nege, to ne aoro jolweny mondo okonye, nikech ne ayudo wach ni en ja-Rumi.
28 And Y wolde wite the cause, which thei puttiden ayens hym; and Y ledde hym to the counsel of hem.
Ne adwaro ngʼeyo gimomiyo ne gidonjone, omiyo ne atere e nyim jobuch jodong jo-Sanhedrin.
29 And Y foond, that he was accusid of questiouns of her lawe, but he hadde no cryme worthi the deth, ethir boondis.
Ne ayudo ni ne odonjne kaluwore gi weche moko mag chikegi, to ne ayudo ni onge ketho moro mosetimo manyalo miyo ngʼadne buch tho kata buch twech.
30 And whanne it was teeld me of the aspies, that thei arayden for hym, Y sente hym to thee, and Y warnede also the accuseris, that thei seie at thee. Fare wel.
To kane awinjo ni jo-Yahudi chano mar nege lingʼ-lingʼ, to ne aore iri mapiyo. Bende ne agolo chik mondo joma odonjone obi iri mondo ginyisi gimomiyo gidonjone.
31 And so the knyytis, as thei weren comaundid, token Poul, and ledde hym bi nyyt into Antipatriden.
Jolweny nochopo chik mane omigi. Negikawo Paulo gotieno, mi gidhi kode nyaka Antipatris.
32 And in the dai suynge, whanne the horsmen weren left, that schulden go with hym, thei turneden ayen to the castels.
Kinyne negikete e lwet jolweny moidho farese mondo odhi kode, to gin negidwogo kama jolweny odakie.
33 And whanne thei camen to Cesarie, thei token the pistle to the president, and thei setten also Poul byfore him.
Kane joidh farese ochopo Kaisaria, negimiyo ruoth baruwa mane jatend jolweny maduongʼ ondiko, eka negiketo Paulo e lwete.
34 And whanne he hadde red, and axide, of what prouynce he was, and knewe that he was of Cilicie,
Ruoth nosomo baruwano, eka nopenjo Paulo ni en japiny mane. Bangʼ ngʼeyo ni ne en japiny Kilikia,
35 Y schal here thee, he seide, whanne thin accuseris comen. And he comaundide hym to be kept in the moot halle of Eroude.
nowachone niya, “Kiny nawinj wachni ka joma odonjoni ochopo ka.” Eka nogolo chik mondo okan Paulo maber e od bura mane ni e dala Herode.

< Acts 23 >