< Acts 2 >

1 And whanne the daies of Pentecost weren fillid, alle the disciplis weren togidre in the same place.
Kad je napokon došao dan Pedesetnice, svi su bili zajedno na istome mjestu.
2 And sodeynli ther was maad a sown fro heuene, as of a greet wynde comynge, and it fillide al the hous where thei saten.
I eto iznenada šuma s neba, kao kad se digne silan vjetar. Ispuni svu kuću u kojoj su bili.
3 And diuerse tungis as fier apperiden to hem, and it sat on ech of hem.
I pokažu im se kao neki ognjeni razdijeljeni jezici te siđe po jedan na svakoga od njih.
4 And alle weren fillid with the Hooli Goost, and thei bigunnen to speke diuerse langagis, as the Hooli Goost yaf to hem for to speke.
Svi se napuniše Duha Svetoga i počeše govoriti drugim jezicima, kako im već Duh davaše zboriti.
5 And ther weren in Jerusalem dwellinge Jewis, religiouse men, of ech nacioun that is vndur heuene.
A u Jeruzalemu su boravili Židovi, ljudi pobožni iz svakog naroda pod nebom.
6 And whanne this vois was maad, the multitude cam togidere, and thei weren astonyed in thouyt, for ech man herde hem spekinge in his langage.
Pa kad nasta ona huka, strča se mnoštvo i smetÄe jer ih je svatko čuo govoriti svojim jezikom.
7 And alle weren astonyed, and wondriden, and seiden togidere, Whether not alle these that speken ben men of Galyle,
Svi su bili izvan sebe i divili se govoreći: “Gle! Nisu li svi ovi što govore Galilejci?
8 and hou herden we ech man his langage in which we ben borun?
Pa kako to da ih svatko od nas čuje na svojem materinskom jeziku?
9 Parthi, and Medi, and Elamyte, and thei that dwellen at Mesopotami, Judee, and Capodosie, and Ponte,
Parti, Međani, Elamljani, žitelji Mezopotamije, Judeje i Kapadocije, Ponta i Azije,
10 and Asie, Frigie, and Pamfilie, Egipt, and the parties of Libie, that is aboue Sirenen, and `comelingis Romayns, and Jewis,
Frigije i Pamfilije, Egipta i krajeva libijskih oko Cirene, pridošlice Rimljani,
11 and proselitis, men of Crete, and of Arabie, we han herd hem spekynge in oure langagis the grete thingis of God.
Židovi i sljedbenici, Krećani i Arapi - svi ih mi čujemo gdje našim jezicima razglašuju veličanstvena djela Božja.”
12 And alle weren astonyed, and wondriden, `and seiden togidere, What wole this thing be?
Svi su izvan sebe zbunjeno jedan drugog pitali: “Što bi to moglo biti?”
13 And othere scorneden, and seiden, For these men ben ful of must.
Drugi su pak, podrugujući se, govorili: “Slatkog su se vina ponapili!”
14 But Petre stood with the enleuene, and reiside vp his vois, and spak to hem, Ye Jewis, and alle that dwellen at Jerusalem, be this knowun to you, and with eris perseyue ye my wordis.
A Petar zajedno s jedanaestoricom ustade, podiže glas i prozbori: “Židovi i svi što boravite u Jeruzalemu, ovo znajte i riječi mi poslušajte:
15 For not as ye wenen, these ben dronkun, whanne it is the thridde our of the dai;
Nisu ovi pijani, kako vi mislite - ta istom je treća ura dana -
16 but this it is, that was seid bi the prophete Johel,
nego to je ono što je rečeno po proroku Joelu:
17 And it schal be in the laste daies, the Lord seith, Y schal helde out my spirit on ech fleisch; and youre sones and youre douytris schulen prophesie, and youre yonge men schulen se visiouns, and youre eldris schulen dreme sweuenes.
“U posljednje dane, govori Bog: Izlit ću Duha svoga na svako tijelo i proricat će vaši sinovi i kćeri, vaši će mladići gledati viđenja, a starci vaši sne sanjati.
18 And on my seruauntis and myn handmaidens in tho daies Y schal schede out of my spirit, and thei schulen prophecie.
Čak ću i na sluge i sluškinje svoje izliti Duha svojeg u dane one i proricat će.
19 And Y schal yyue grete wondris in heuene aboue, and signes in erthe bynethe, blood, and fier, and heete of smoke.
Pokazat ću čudesa na nebu gore i znamenja na zemlji dolje, krv i oganj i stupove dima.
20 The sunne schal be turned in to derknessis, and the moone in to blood, bifor that the greet and the opyn dai of the Lord come.
Sunce će se prometnut u tminu, a mjesec u krv prije nego svane Dan Gospodnji velik i slavan.
21 And it schal be, ech man which euere schal clepe to help the name of the Lord, schal be saaf.
I tko god prizove ime Gospodnje bit će spašen.”
22 Ye men of Israel, here ye these wordis. Jhesu of Nazareth, a man preued of God bifor you bi vertues, and wondris, and tokenes, which God dide bi hym in the myddil of you,
“Izraelci, čujte ove riječi: Isusa Nazarećanina, čovjeka kojega Bog pred vama potvrdi silnim djelima, čudesima i znamenjima koja, kao što znate, po njemu učini među vama -
23 as ye witen, ye turmentiden, and killiden hym bi the hoondis of wyckid men, bi counseil determyned and bitakun bi the forknouwyng of God.
njega, predana po odlučenu naumu i promislu Božjem, po rukama bezakonika razapeste i pogubiste.
24 Whom God reiside, whanne sorewis of helle weren vnboundun, bi that that it was impossible that he were holdun of it.
Ali Bog ga uskrisi oslobodivši ga grozote smrti jer ne bijaše moguće da ona njime ovlada.
25 For Dauid seith of hym, Y saiy afer the Lord bifore me euermore, for he is on my riythalf, that Y be not mouyd.
David doista za nj kaže: Gospodin mi je svagda pred očima jer mi je zdesna da ne posrnem.
26 For this thing myn herte ioiede, and my tunge made ful out ioye, and more ouere my fleisch schal reste in hope.
Stog mi se raduje srce i kliče jezik, pa i tijelo mi spokojno počiva.
27 For thou schalt not leeue my soule in helle, nethir thou schalt yiue thin hooli to se corrupcioun. (Hadēs g86)
Jer mi nećeš ostaviti dušu u Podzemlju ni dati da pravednik tvoj truleži ugleda. (Hadēs g86)
28 Thou hast maad knowun to me the weies of lijf, thou schalt fille me in myrthe with thi face.
Pokazat ćeš mi stazu života, ispuniti me radošću lica svoga.
29 Britheren, be it leueful boldli to seie to you of the patriark Dauid, for he is deed and biried, and his sepulcre is among vs in to this dai.
Braćo, dopustite da vam otvoreno kažem: praotac je David umro, pokopan je i eno mu među nama groba sve do današnjeg dana.
30 Therfore whanne he was a prophete, and wiste, that with a greet ooth God hadde sworn to hym, that of the fruyt of his leende schulde oon sitte on his seete,
Ali kako je bio prorok i znao da mu se zakletvom zakle Bog plod utrobe njegove posaditi na prijestolje njegovo,
31 he seynge afer spak of the resurreccioun of Crist, for nether he was left in helle, nether his fleisch saiy corrupcioun. (Hadēs g86)
unaprijed je vidio i navijestio uskrsnuće Kristovo: Nije ostavljen u Podzemlju niti mu tijelo truleži ugleda. (Hadēs g86)
32 God reiside this Jhesu, to whom we alle ben witnessis.
Toga Isusa uskrisi Bog! Svi smo mi tomu svjedoci.
33 Therfor he was enhaunsid bi the riythoond of God, and thorouy the biheest of the Hooli Goost that he took of the fadir, he schedde out this spirit, that ye seen and heren.
Desnicom dakle Božjom uzvišen, primio je od Oca Obećanje, Duha Svetoga, i izlio ga kako i sami gledate i slušate.
34 For Dauid stiede not in to heuene; but he seith, The Lord seide to my Lord,
Ta David nije bio uznesen na nebesa, a veli: Reče Gospodin Gospodinu mojemu: 'Sjedi mi zdesna'
35 Sitte thou on my riyt half, til Y putte thin enemyes a stool of thi feet.
dok ne položim neprijatelje tvoje za podnožje nogama tvojim!
36 Therfor moost certeynli wite al the hous of Israel, that God made hym bothe Lord and Crist, this Jhesu, whom ye crucefieden.
Pouzdano dakle neka znade sav dom Izraelov da je toga Isusa kojega vi razapeste Bog učinio i Gospodinom i Kristom.”
37 Whanne thei herden these thingis, thei weren compunct in herte; and thei seiden to Petre and othere apostlis, Britheren, what schulen we do?
Kad su to čuli, duboko potreseni rekoše Petru i drugim apostolima: “Što nam je činiti, braćo?”
38 And Petre seide to hem, Do ye penaunce, and eche of you be baptisid in the name of Jhesu Crist, in to remissioun of youre synnes; and ye schulen take the yifte of the Hooli Goost.
Petar će im: “Obratite se i svatko od vas neka se krsti u ime Isusa Krista da vam se oproste grijesi i primit ćete dar, Duha Svetoga.
39 For the biheest is to you, and to youre sones, and to alle that ben fer, which euer oure Lord God hath clepid.
Ta za vas je ovo obećanje i za djecu vašu i za sve one izdaleka, koje pozove Gospodin Bog naš.”
40 Also with othere wordis ful many he witnesside to hem, and monestide hem, and seide, Be ye sauyd fro this schrewid generacioun.
I mnogim je drugim riječima još svjedočio i hrabrio ih: “Spasite se od naraštaja ovog opakog!”
41 Thanne thei that resseyueden his word weren baptisid, and in that dai soulis weren encreesid, aboute thre thousinde;
I oni prigrliše riječ njegovu i krstiše se te im se u onaj dan pridruži oko tri tisuće duša.
42 and weren lastynge stabli in the teching of the apostlis, and in comynyng of the breking of breed, in preieris.
Bijahu postojani u nauku apostolskom, u zajedništvu, lomljenju kruha i molitvama.
43 And drede was maad to ech man. And many wondris and signes weren don bi the apostlis in Jerusalem, and greet drede was in alle.
Strahopoštovanje obuzimaše svaku dušu: apostoli su činili mnoga čudesa i znamenja.
44 And alle that bileueden weren togidre, and hadden alle thingis comyn.
Svi koji prigrliše vjeru bijahu združeni i sve im bijaše zajedničko.
45 Thei selden possessiouns and catel, and departiden tho thingis to alle men, as it was nede to ech.
Sva bi imanja i dobra prodali porazdijelili svima kako bi tko trebao.
46 And ech dai thei dwelliden stabli with o wille in the temple, and braken breed aboute housis, and token mete with ful out ioye and symplenesse of herte,
Svaki bi dan jednodušno i postojano hrlili u Hram, u kućama bi lomili kruh te u radosti i prostodušnosti srca zajednički uzimali hranu
47 and herieden togidere God, and hadden grace to al the folk. And the Lord encreside hem that weren maad saaf, ech dai in to the same thing.
hvaleći Boga i uživajući naklonost svega naroda. Gospodin je pak danomice zajednici pridruživao spasenike.

< Acts 2 >