< Acts 13 >

1 And profetis and doctouris weren in the chirche that was at Antioche, in which Barnabas, and Symount, that was clepid Blac, and Lucius Cironense, and Manaen, that was the soukynge fere of Eroude tetrarke, and Saul weren.
apara ncha barNabbAH, shimon yaM nigraM vadanti, kurInIyalUkiyo herodA rAj nA saha kR^itavidyAbhyAso minahem, shaulashchaite ye kiyanto janA bhaviShyadvAdina upadeShTArashchAntiyakhiyAnagarasthamaNDalyAm Asan,
2 And whanne thei mynystriden to the Lord, and fastiden, the Hooli Goost seide to hem, Departe ye to me Saul and Barnabas, in to the werk to which Y haue takun hem.
te yadopavAsaM kR^itveshvaram asevanta tasmin samaye pavitra AtmA kathitavAn ahaM yasmin karmmaNi barNabbAshailau niyuktavAn tatkarmma karttuM tau pR^ithak kuruta|
3 Thanne thei fastiden, and preieden, and leiden hondis on hem, and leten hem go.
tatastairupavAsaprArthanayoH kR^itayoH satoste tayo rgAtrayo rhastArpaNaM kR^itvA tau vyasR^ijan|
4 But thei weren sent of the Hooli Goost, and wenten forth to Seleucia, and fro thennus thei wenten bi boot to Cipre.
tataH paraM tau pavitreNAtmanA preritau santau silUkiyAnagaram upasthAya samudrapathena kupropadvIpam agachChatAM|
5 And whanne thei camen to Salamyne, thei prechiden the word of God in the synagogis of Jewis; and thei hadden also Joon in mynystrie.
tataH sAlAmInagaram upasthAya tatra yihUdIyAnAM bhajanabhavanAni gatveshvarasya kathAM prAchArayatAM; yohanapi tatsahacharo. abhavat|
6 And whanne thei hadden walkid bi al the ile to Pafum, thei founden a man, a witche, a false profete, a Jewe, to whom the name was Bariesu,
itthaM te tasyopadvIpasya sarvvatra bhramantaH pAphanagaram upasthitAH; tatra suvivechakena sarjiyapaulanAmnA taddeshAdhipatinA saha bhaviShyadvAdino veshadhArI baryIshunAmA yo mAyAvI yihUdI AsIt taM sAkShAt prAptavataH|
7 that was with the proconsul Sergius Paule, a prudent man. This clepide Barnabas and Poul, and desiride to here the word of God.
taddeshAdhipa Ishvarasya kathAM shrotuM vA nChan paulabarNabbau nyamantrayat|
8 But Elymas witche withstoode hem; for his name is expowned so; and he souyte to turne awei the proconsul fro bileue.
kintvilumA yaM mAyAvinaM vadanti sa deshAdhipatiM dharmmamArgAd bahirbhUtaM karttum ayatata|
9 But Saul, which is seid also Paul, was fillid with the Hooli Goost, and bihelde in to hym, and seide, A!
tasmAt sholo. arthAt paulaH pavitreNAtmanA paripUrNaH san taM mAyAvinaM pratyananyadR^iShTiM kR^itvAkathayat,
10 thou ful of al gile, and al falsnesse, thou sone of the deuel, thou enemye of al riytwisnesse, thou leeuest not to turne vpsodoun the riytful weies of the Lord.
he narakin dharmmadveShin kauTilyaduShkarmmaparipUrNa, tvaM kiM prabhoH satyapathasya viparyyayakaraNAt kadApi na nivarttiShyase?
11 And now lo! the hoond of the Lord is on thee, and thou schalt be blynde, and not seynge the sunne in to a tyme. And anoon myste and derknesse felden doun on hym; and he yede aboute, and souyte hym that schulde yyue hoond to hym.
adhunA parameshvarastava samuchitaM kariShyati tena katipayadinAni tvam andhaH san sUryyamapi na drakShyasi| tatkShaNAd rAtrivad andhakArastasya dR^iShTim AchChAditavAn; tasmAt tasya hastaM dharttuM sa lokamanvichChan itastato bhramaNaM kR^itavAn|
12 Thanne the proconsul, whanne he hadde seyn the dede, bileuede, wondringe on the techyng of the Lord.
enAM ghaTanAM dR^iShTvA sa deshAdhipatiH prabhUpadeshAd vismitya vishvAsaM kR^itavAn|
13 And whanne fro Pafum Poul hadde go bi a boot, and thei that weren with hym, thei camen to Pergen of Pamfilie; but Joon departide fro hem, and turnede ayen to Jerusalem.
tadanantaraM paulastatsa Nginau cha pAphanagarAt protaM chAlayitvA pamphuliyAdeshasya pargInagaram agachChan kintu yohan tayoH samIpAd etya yirUshAlamaM pratyAgachChat|
14 And thei yeden to Pergen, and camen to Antioche of Persidie; and thei entriden in to the synagoge in the dai of sabatis, and saten.
pashchAt tau pargIto yAtrAM kR^itvA pisidiyAdeshasya AntiyakhiyAnagaram upasthAya vishrAmavAre bhajanabhavanaM pravishya samupAvishatAM|
15 And after the redyng of the lawe and of the prophetis, the princis of the synagoge senten to hem, and seiden, Britheren, if ony word of exortacioun to the puple is in you, seie ye.
vyavasthAbhaviShyadvAkyayoH paThitayoH sato rhe bhrAtarau lokAn prati yuvayoH kAchid upadeshakathA yadyasti tarhi tAM vadataM tau prati tasya bhajanabhavanasyAdhipatayaH kathAm etAM kathayitvA praiShayan|
16 And Poul roos, and with hoond baad silence, and seide, Men of Israel, and ye that dreden God, here ye.
ataH paula uttiShThan hastena sa NketaM kurvvan kathitavAn he isrAyelIyamanuShyA IshvaraparAyaNAH sarvve lokA yUyam avadhaddhaM|
17 God of the puple of Israel chees oure fadris, and enhaunside the puple, whanne thei weren comelingis in the loond of Egipt, and in an hiy arme he ledde hem out of it;
eteShAmisrAyellokAnAm Ishvaro. asmAkaM pUrvvaparuShAn manonItAn katvA gR^ihItavAn tato misari deshe pravasanakAle teShAmunnatiM kR^itvA tasmAt svIyabAhubalena tAn bahiH kR^itvA samAnayat|
18 and bi the tyme of fourti yeeris he suffride her maneres in desert.
chatvAriMshadvatsarAn yAvachcha mahAprAntare teShAM bharaNaM kR^itvA
19 And he destriede seuene folkis in the loond of Canaan, and bi sort departide to hem her lond,
kinAndeshAntarvvarttINi saptarAjyAni nAshayitvA guTikApAtena teShu sarvvadesheShu tebhyo. adhikAraM dattavAn|
20 as aftir foure hundrid and fifti yeeris. And aftir these thingis he yaf domesmen, to Samuel, the profete.
pa nchAshadadhikachatuHshateShu vatsareShu gateShu cha shimUyelbhaviShyadvAdiparyyantaM teShAmupari vichArayitR^in niyuktavAn|
21 And fro that tyme thei axiden a kyng, and God yaf to hem Saul, the sone of Cis, a man of the lynage of Beniamyn, bi fourti yeeris.
taishcha rAj ni prArthite, Ishvaro binyAmIno vaMshajAtasya kIshaH putraM shaulaM chatvAriMshadvarShaparyyantaM teShAmupari rAjAnaM kR^itavAn|
22 And whanne he was don awei, he reiside to hem Dauid king, to whom he bar witnessing, and seide, Y haue foundun Dauid, the sone of Jesse, a man aftir myn herte, which schal do alle my willis.
pashchAt taM padachyutaM kR^itvA yo madiShTakriyAH sarvvAH kariShyati tAdR^ishaM mama manobhimatam ekaM janaM yishayaH putraM dAyUdaM prAptavAn idaM pramANaM yasmin dAyUdi sa dattavAn taM dAyUdaM teShAmupari rAjatvaM karttum utpAditavAna|
23 Of whos seed bi the biheest God hath led out to Israel a sauyoure Jhesu,
tasya svapratishrutasya vAkyasyAnusAreNa isrAyellokAnAM nimittaM teShAM manuShyANAM vaMshAd Ishvara ekaM yIshuM (trAtAram) udapAdayat|
24 whanne Joon prechide bifor the face of his comyng the baptym of penaunce to al the puple of Israel.
tasya prakAshanAt pUrvvaM yohan isrAyellokAnAM sannidhau manaHparAvarttanarUpaM majjanaM prAchArayat|
25 But whanne Joon fillide his cours, he seide, Y am not he, whom ye demen me to be; but lo! he cometh aftir me, and Y am not worthi to doon of the schoon of hise feet.
yasya cha karmmaNo bhAraM praptavAn yohan tan niShpAdayan etAM kathAM kathitavAn, yUyaM mAM kaM janaM jAnItha? aham abhiShiktatrAtA nahi, kintu pashyata yasya pAdayoH pAdukayo rbandhane mochayitumapi yogyo na bhavAmi tAdR^isha eko jano mama pashchAd upatiShThati|
26 Britheren, and sones of the kynde of Abraham, and whiche that in you dreden God, to you the word of helthe is sent.
he ibrAhImo vaMshajAtA bhrAtaro he IshvarabhItAH sarvvalokA yuShmAn prati paritrANasya kathaiShA preritA|
27 For thei that dwelliden at Jerusalem, and princis of it, that knewen not this Jhesu, and the voicis of prophetis, that by euery sabat ben red, demyden, and filliden;
yirUshAlamnivAsinasteShAm adhipatayashcha tasya yIshoH parichayaM na prApya prativishrAmavAraM paThyamAnAnAM bhaviShyadvAdikathAnAm abhiprAyam abuddhvA cha tasya vadhena tAH kathAH saphalA akurvvan|
28 and thei founden in hym no cause of deth, and axiden of Pilat, that thei schulden sle hym.
prANahananasya kamapi hetum aprApyApi pIlAtasya nikaTe tasya vadhaM prArthayanta|
29 And whanne thei hadden endid alle thingis that weren writun of hym, thei token hym doun of the tre, and leiden hym in a graue.
tasmin yAH kathA likhitAH santi tadanusAreNa karmma sampAdya taM krushAd avatAryya shmashAne shAyitavantaH|
30 And God reiside hym fro deth in the thridde dai; which was seyn bi mony daies to
kintvIshvaraH shmashAnAt tamudasthApayat,
31 hem that wenten vp togidere with hym fro Galilee in to Jerusalem, which ben til now his witnessis to the puple.
punashcha gAlIlapradeshAd yirUshAlamanagaraM tena sArddhaM ye lokA AgachChan sa bahudinAni tebhyo darshanaM dattavAn, atasta idAnIM lokAn prati tasya sAkShiNaH santi|
32 And we schewen to you the biheest that was maad to oure fadris;
asmAkaM pUrvvapuruShANAM samakSham Ishvaro yasmin pratij nAtavAn yathA, tvaM me putrosi chAdya tvAM samutthApitavAnaham|
33 for God hath fulfillid this to her sones, and ayenreisid Jhesu; as in the secounde salm it is writun, Thou art my sone, to dai Y bigat thee.
idaM yadvachanaM dvitIyagIte likhitamAste tad yIshorutthAnena teShAM santAnA ye vayam asmAkaM sannidhau tena pratyakShI kR^itaM, yuShmAn imaM susaMvAdaM j nApayAmi|
34 And he ayenreiside hym fro deth, that he schulde not turne ayen in to corrupcioun, seide thus, For Y schal yyue to you the hooli trewe thingis of Dauid.
parameshvareNa shmashAnAd utthApitaM tadIyaM sharIraM kadApi na kSheShyate, etasmin sa svayaM kathitavAn yathA dAyUdaM prati pratij nAto yo varastamahaM tubhyaM dAsyAmi|
35 And therfor and on an othere stide he seith, Thou schalt not yyue thin hooli to se corrupcioun.
etadanyasmin gIte. api kathitavAn| svakIyaM puNyavantaM tvaM kShayituM na cha dAsyasi|
36 But Dauid in his generacioun, whanne he hadde mynstrid to the wille of God, diede, and was leid with hise fadris, and say corrupcioun;
dAyUdA IshvarAbhimatasevAyai nijAyuShi vyayite sati sa mahAnidrAM prApya nijaiH pUrvvapuruShaiH saha militaH san akShIyata;
37 but he whom God reiside fro deth, say not corrupcioun.
kintu yamIshvaraH shmashAnAd udasthApayat sa nAkShIyata|
38 Therfor, britheren, be it knowun to you, that bi hym remyssioun of synnes is teld to you, fro alle synnes, of whiche ye myyten not be iustified in the lawe of Moises.
ato he bhrAtaraH, anena janena pApamochanaM bhavatIti yuShmAn prati prachAritam Aste|
39 In this ech man that bileueth, is iustified.
phalato mUsAvyavasthayA yUyaM yebhyo doShebhyo muktA bhavituM na shakShyatha tebhyaH sarvvadoShebhya etasmin jane vishvAsinaH sarvve muktA bhaviShyantIti yuShmAbhi rj nAyatAM|
40 Therfor se ye, that it come not to you, that is biforeseid in the profetis,
apara ncha| avaj nAkAriNo lokAshchakShurunmIlya pashyata| tathaivAsambhavaM j nAtvA syAta yUyaM vilajjitAH| yato yuShmAsu tiShThatsu kariShye karmma tAdR^ishaM| yenaiva tasya vR^ittAnte yuShmabhyaM kathite. api hi| yUyaM na tantu vR^ittAntaM pratyeShyatha kadAchana||
41 Ye dispiseris, se ye, and wondre ye, and be ye scaterid abrood; for Y worche a werk in youre daies, a werk that ye schulen not bileue, if ony man schal telle it to you.
yeyaM kathA bhaviShyadvAdinAM grantheShu likhitAste sAvadhAnA bhavata sa kathA yathA yuShmAn prati na ghaTate|
42 And whanne thei yeden out, thei preieden, that in the sabat suynge thei schulden speke to hem these wordis.
yihUdIyabhajanabhavanAn nirgatayostayo rbhinnadeshIyai rvakShyamANA prArthanA kR^itA, AgAmini vishrAmavAre. api katheyam asmAn prati prachAritA bhavatviti|
43 And whanne the synagoge was left, manye of Jewis and of comelingis worschypynge God supeden Poul and Barnabas; that spaken, and counseliden hem, that thei schulden dwelle in the grace of God.
sabhAyA bha Nge sati bahavo yihUdIyalokA yihUdIyamatagrAhiNo bhaktalokAshcha barNabbApaulayoH pashchAd AgachChan, tena tau taiH saha nAnAkathAH kathayitveshvarAnugrahAshraye sthAtuM tAn prAvarttayatAM|
44 And in the sabat suynge almest al the citee cam togidir, to here the word of God.
paravishrAmavAre nagarasya prAyeNa sarvve lAkA IshvarIyAM kathAM shrotuM militAH,
45 And Jewis sien the puple, and weren fillid with enuye, and ayenseiden these thingis that weren seyd of Poul, and blasfemyden.
kintu yihUdIyalokA jananivahaM vilokya IrShyayA paripUrNAH santo viparItakathAkathaneneshvaranindayA cha paulenoktAM kathAM khaNDayituM cheShTitavantaH|
46 Thanne Poul and Barnabas stidfastli seiden, To you it bihofte first to speke the word of God; but for ye putten it awei, and han demyd you vnworthi to euerlastinge lijf, lo! we turnen to hethen men. (aiōnios g166)
tataH paulabarNabbAvakShobhau kathitavantau prathamaM yuShmAkaM sannidhAvIshvarIyakathAyAH prachAraNam uchitamAsIt kintuM tadagrAhyatvakaraNena yUyaM svAn anantAyuSho. ayogyAn darshayatha, etatkAraNAd vayam anyadeshIyalokAnAM samIpaM gachChAmaH| (aiōnios g166)
47 For so the Lord comaundide vs, Y haue set thee in to liyt to hethen men, that thou be in to helthe to the vtmest of erthe.
prabhurasmAn ittham AdiShTavAn yathA, yAvachcha jagataH sImAM lokAnAM trANakAraNAt| mayAnyadeshamadhye tvaM sthApito bhUH pradIpavat||
48 And hethen men herden, `and ioieden, and glorifieden the word of the Lord; and bileueden, as manye as weren bifore ordeyned to euerlastinge lijf. (aiōnios g166)
tadA kathAmIdR^ishIM shrutvA bhinnadeshIyA AhlAditAH santaH prabhoH kathAM dhanyAM dhanyAm avadan, yAvanto lokAshcha paramAyuH prAptinimittaM nirUpitA Asan te vyashvasan| (aiōnios g166)
49 And the word of the Lord was sowun bi al the cuntre.
itthaM prabhoH kathA sarvvedeshaM vyApnot|
50 But the Jewis stiriden religiouse wymmen, and onest, and the worthiest men of the citee, and stireden persecucioun ayens Poul and Barnabas, and dryuen hem out of her cuntreis.
kintu yihUdIyA nagarasya pradhAnapuruShAn sammAnyAH kathipayA bhaktA yoShitashcha kupravR^ittiM grAhayitvA paulabarNabbau tADayitvA tasmAt pradeshAd dUrIkR^itavantaH|
51 And thei schoken awei in to hem the duste of her feet, and camen to Yconye.
ataH kAraNAt tau nijapadadhUlIsteShAM prAtikUlyena pAtayitvekaniyaM nagaraM gatau|
52 And the disciplis weren fillid with ioye and the Hooli Goost.
tataH shiShyagaNa Anandena pavitreNAtmanA cha paripUrNobhavat|

< Acts 13 >