< Acts 12 >

1 And in the same tyme Eroude the king sente power, to turmente sum men of the chirche.
tasmin samaye herod‌rājo maṇḍalyāḥ kiyajjanebhyo duḥkhaṁ dātuṁ prārabhat|
2 And he slowe bi swerd James, the brothir of Joon.
viśeṣato yohanaḥ sodaraṁ yākūbaṁ karavālāghāten hatavān|
3 And he siy that it pleside to Jewis, and keste to take also Petre; and the daies of therf looues weren.
tasmād yihūdīyāḥ santuṣṭā abhavan iti vijñāya sa pitaramapi dharttuṁ gatavān|
4 And whanne he hadde cauyte Petre, he sente hym in to prisoun; and bitook to foure quaternyouns of knyytis, to kepe hym, and wolde aftir pask bringe hym forth to the puple.
tadā kiṇvaśūnyapūpotsavasamaya upātiṣṭat; ata utsave gate sati lokānāṁ samakṣaṁ taṁ bahirāneyyāmīti manasi sthirīkṛtya sa taṁ dhārayitvā rakṣṇārtham yeṣām ekaikasaṁghe catvāro janāḥ santi teṣāṁ caturṇāṁ rakṣakasaṁghānāṁ samīpe taṁ samarpya kārāyāṁ sthāpitavān|
5 And Petre was kept in prisoun; but preier was maad of the chirche with out ceessing to God for hym.
kintuṁ pitarasya kārāsthitikāraṇāt maṇḍalyā lokā aviśrāmam īśvarasya samīpe prārthayanta|
6 But whanne Eroude schulde bringe hym forth, in that nyyt Petre was slepinge bitwixe twei knyytis, and was boundun with twei cheynes; and the keperis bifor the dore kepten the prisoun.
anantaraṁ herodi taṁ bahirānāyituṁ udyate sati tasyāṁ rātrau pitaro rakṣakadvayamadhyasthāne śṛṅkhaladvayena baddhvaḥ san nidrita āsīt, dauvārikāśca kārāyāḥ sammukhe tiṣṭhanato dvāram arakṣiṣuḥ|
7 And lo! an aungel of the Lord stoode nyy, and liyt schoon in the prisoun hous. And whanne he hadde smyte the side of Petre, he reiside hym, and seide, Rise thou swiftli. And anoon the cheynes felden doun fro hise hoondis.
etasmin samaye parameśvarasya dūte samupasthite kārā dīptimatī jātā; tataḥ sa dūtaḥ pitarasya kukṣāvāvātaṁ kṛtvā taṁ jāgarayitvā bhāṣitavān tūrṇamuttiṣṭha; tatastasya hastasthaśṛṅkhaladvayaṁ galat patitaṁ|
8 And the aungel seide to hym, Girde thee, and do on thin hoosis. And he dide so. And he seide to hym, Do aboute thee thi clothis, and sue me.
sa dūtastamavadat, baddhakaṭiḥ san pādayoḥ pāduke arpaya; tena tathā kṛte sati dūtastam uktavān gātrīyavastraṁ gātre nidhāya mama paścād ehi|
9 And he yede out, and suede hym; and he wiste not that it was soth, that was don bi the aungel; for he gesside hym silf to haue sey a visioun.
tataḥ pitarastasya paścād vrajana bahiragacchat, kintu dūtena karmmaitat kṛtamiti satyamajñātvā svapnadarśanaṁ jñātavān|
10 And thei passiden the first and the secounde warde, and camen to the iren yate that ledith to the citee, which anoon was opened to hem. And thei yeden out, and camen in to o street, and anoon the aungel passide awei fro hym.
itthaṁ tau prathamāṁ dvitīyāñca kārāṁ laṅghitvā yena lauhanirmmitadvāreṇa nagaraṁ gamyate tatsamīpaṁ prāpnutāṁ; tatastasya kavāṭaṁ svayaṁ muktamabhavat tatastau tatsthānād bahi rbhūtvā mārgaikasya sīmāṁ yāvad gatau; tato'kasmāt sa dūtaḥ pitaraṁ tyaktavān|
11 And Petre turnede ayen to hym silf, and seide, Now Y woot verili, that the Lord sente his aungel, `and delyueride me fro the hoond of Eroude, and fro al the abiding of the puple of Jewis.
tadā sa cetanāṁ prāpya kathitavān nijadūtaṁ prahitya parameśvaro herodo hastād yihūdīyalokānāṁ sarvvāśāyāśca māṁ samuddhṛtavān ityahaṁ niścayaṁ jñātavān|
12 And he bihelde, and cam to the hous of Marie, modir of Joon, that is named Marcus, where many weren gaderid togidre, and preiynge.
sa vivicya mārkanāmrā vikhyātasya yohano mātu rmariyamo yasmin gṛhe bahavaḥ sambhūya prārthayanta tanniveśanaṁ gataḥ|
13 And whanne he knockid at the dore of the yate, a damysel, Rode bi name, cam forth to se.
pitareṇa bahirdvāra āhate sati rodānāmā bālikā draṣṭuṁ gatā|
14 And whanne sche knewe the vois of Petre, for ioye sche openyde not the yate, but ran in, and telde, that Petre stood at the yate.
tataḥ pitarasya svaraṁ śruvā sā harṣayuktā satī dvāraṁ na mocayitvā pitaro dvāre tiṣṭhatīti vārttāṁ vaktum abhyantaraṁ dhāvitvā gatavatī|
15 And thei seiden `to hir, Thou maddist. But sche affermyde, that it was so. And thei seiden, It is his aungel.
te prāvocan tvamunmattā jātāsi kintu sā muhurmuhuruktavatī satyamevaitat|
16 But Petre abood stille, and knockide. And whanne thei hadden opened the dore, thei sayen hym, and wondriden.
tadā te kathitavantastarhi tasya dūto bhavet|
17 And he bekenyde to hem with his hoond to be stille, and telde hou the Lord hadde led hym out of the prisoun. And he seide, Telle ye to James and to the britheren these thingis. And he yede out, and wente in to an othere place.
pitaro dvāramāhatavān etasminnantare dvāraṁ mocayitvā pitaraṁ dṛṣṭvā vismayaṁ prāptāḥ|
18 And whanne the dai was come, ther was not lytil troubling among the knyytis, what was don of Petre.
tataḥ pitaro niḥśabdaṁ sthātuṁ tān prati hastena saṅketaṁ kṛtvā parameśvaro yena prakāreṇa taṁ kārāyā uddhṛtyānītavān tasya vṛttāntaṁ tānajñāpayat, yūyaṁ gatvā yākubaṁ bhrātṛgaṇañca vārttāmetāṁ vadatetyuktā sthānāntaraṁ prasthitavān|
19 And whanne Eroude hadde souyt hym, and foonde not, aftir that he hadde made enqueryng of the keperis, he comaundide hem to be brouyt to hym. And he cam doun fro Judee in to Cesarie, and dwellide there.
prabhāte sati pitaraḥ kva gata ityatra rakṣakāṇāṁ madhye mahān kalaho jātaḥ|
20 And he was wroth to men of Tyre and of Sidon. And thei of oon acord camen to hym, whanne thei hadden counseilid with Bastus, that was the kingis chaumbirleyn, thei axiden pees, for as myche that her cuntrees weren vitailid of hym.
herod bahu mṛgayitvā tasyoddeśe na prāpte sati rakṣakān saṁpṛcchya teṣāṁ prāṇān hantum ādiṣṭavān|
21 And in a dai that was ordeyned, Eroude was clothid with kyngis clothing, and sat for domesman, and spak to hem.
paścāt sa yihūdīyapradeśāt kaisariyānagaraṁ gatvā tatrāvātiṣṭhat|
22 And the puple criede, The voicis of God, and not of man.
sorasīdonadeśayo rlokebhyo herodi yuyutsau sati te sarvva ekamantraṇāḥ santastasya samīpa upasthāya lvāstanāmānaṁ tasya vastragṛhādhīśaṁ sahāyaṁ kṛtvā herodā sārddhaṁ sandhiṁ prārthayanta yatastasya rājño deśena teṣāṁ deśīyānāṁ bharaṇam abhavatṁ
23 And anoon an aungel of the Lord smoot hym, for he hadde not youun onour to God; and he was wastid of wormes, and diede.
ataḥ kutracin nirupitadine herod rājakīyaṁ paricchadaṁ paridhāya siṁhāsane samupaviśya tān prati kathām uktavān|
24 And the word of the Lord waxide, and was multiplied.
tato lokā uccaiḥkāraṁ pratyavadan, eṣa manujaravo na hi, īśvarīyaravaḥ|
25 And Barnabas and Saul turneden ayen fro Jerusalem, whanne the mynystrie was fillid, and token Joon, that was named Marcus.
tadā herod īśvarasya sammānaṁ nākarot; tasmāddhetoḥ parameśvarasya dūto haṭhāt taṁ prāharat tenaiva sa kīṭaiḥ kṣīṇaḥ san prāṇān ajahāt| kintvīśvarasya kathā deśaṁ vyāpya prabalābhavat| tataḥ paraṁ barṇabbāśaulau yasya karmmaṇo bhāraṁ prāpnutāṁ tābhyāṁ tasmin sampādite sati mārkanāmnā vikhyāto yo yohan taṁ saṅginaṁ kṛtvā yirūśālamnagarāt pratyāgatau|

< Acts 12 >