< 2 Samuel 9 >
1 And Dauid seide, Whether ony man is, that lefte of the hows of Saul, that Y do mercy with hym for Jonathas?
Aa hoe t’i Davide: Mbe aman-tsehanga’e hao ty anjomba’ i Saole hampiboahako fañisohañe Ionatane?
2 Forsothe a seruaunt, Siba bi name, was of the hous of Saul; whom whanne the kyng hadde clepid to hym silf, `the kyng seide to hym, Whethir thou art not Siba? And he answeride, Y am thi seruaunt.
Ie amy zao teo ty boak’ añanjomba’ i Saole, ty mpitoroñe atao Tsibà, le kinanji’ iereo ho mb’amy Davide mb’eo, le hoe i mpanjakay ama’e: Ihe hao o Tsiba zao? le hoe re: Ie o mpitoro’oo.
3 And the kyng seide, Whether ony man lyueth of the hows of Saul, that Y do with hym the mercy of God? And Siba seide to the kyng, A sone of Jonathas lyueth, feble in the feet.
Le hoe i mpanjakay tama’e: Aa vaho tsy nampipoke sehanga’e hao ty anjomba’ i Saole hañasoako am-patarihan’ Añahare? Le hoe t’i Tsibà amy mpanjakay. Toe mbe aman’ anake kepek’ am-pandia’e t’Ionatane.
4 The kyng seide, Where is he? And Siba seide to the kyng, Lo! he is in the hows of Machir, sone of Amyel, in Lodabar.
Le hoe i mpanjakay tama’e: Aia re? Le hoe t’i Tsibà amy mpanjakay, Oniño t’ie añ’anjomba’ i Makire ana’ i Amiele e Lo-debare añe.
5 Therfor `Dauid the kyng sente, and took hym fro the hows of Machir, sone of Amyel, fro Lodobar.
Aa le nampañitrife’ i Davide, mpanjaka boak’ añ’ anjomba’ i Makire e Lo-debare ao.
6 Forsothe whanne Myphibosech, the sone of Jonathas, sone of Saul, hadde come to Dauid, he felde in to his face, and worschipide. And Dauid seide, Myphibosech! Which answeride, Y am present, thi seruaunt.
Niheo mb’amy Davide mb’eo t’i Mefibosete, ana’ Ionatane, ana’ i Saole, nibabok’ an-dahara’e naho nidrakadrakake. Le hoe t’i Davide: O Mefibosete! Hoe ty natoi’e: Intoy o mpitoro’oo!
7 And Dauid seide to hym, Drede thou not, for Y doynge schal do mersi to thee for Jonathas, thi fadir; and Y schal restore to thee alle the feeldis of Saul, thi fadir, and thou schalt ete breed in my boord euere.
Le hoe t’i Davide ama’e: Ko hemban-drehe, fa toe hisoheko ty am’ Ionatane rae’o, naho hene hampoliko ama’o ty tane’ i Saole rae’o vaho hikama am-pandambañako eo nainai’e irehe.
8 Which worschipide him, and seide, Who am Y, thi seruaunt, for thou hast biholde on a deed dogge lijk me?
Niambanea’e le nanao ty hoe: Ino o mpitoro’oo te haoñe’o o amboa mate manahak’ ahio?
9 Therfor the kyng clepide Siba, the child of Saul; and seide to hym, Y haue youe to the sone of thi lord alle thingis, which euer weren of Saul, and al the hows of hym;
Kinanji’ i mpanjakay amy zao t’i Tsibà mpitoro’ i Saole, le nanoa’e ty hoe: Fa hene natoloko amy anan-talè’oy ty fanaña’ i Saole naho i anjomba’ey.
10 therfor worche thou the lond to hym, thou, and thi sones, and thi seruauntis, and thou schalt brynge in meetis to the sone of thi lord, that he be fed; forsothe Myphibosech, sone of thi lord, schal ete euer breed on my bord. Sotheli fiftene sones and twenti seruauntis weren to Siba.
Havae’o naho o ana’o naho mpitoro’oo ho aze i taney vaho hatonto’ areo o voka’eo soa te hanañe mahakama ho kamae’e i anan-talè’oy; fe hikama nainai’e am-pandambañako t’i Mefibosete anan-talè’o. Toe nanañ’ ana-dahy folo-lim’ amby naho mpitoroñe roapolo t’i Tsibà.
11 And Siba seyde to the kyng, As thou, my lord kyng, hast comaundid to thi seruaunt, so thi seruaunt schal do; and Myphibosech, as oon of the sones of the kyng, schal ete on thi boord.
Aa le hoe ty asa’ i Tsibà amy mpanjakay: Hanoe’ o mpitoro’oo i nandilia’ i talèko mpanjakay amo mpitoro’oo; aa le nikama ampandambaña’e eo re manahake te raik’ amo ana-dahi’ i mpanjakaio t’i Mefibosete.
12 Forsothe Myphibosech hadde a litil sone, Mycha bi name; sotheli al the meyne of the hows of Siba seruyde Myphibosech.
Nanañ’ anadahy tora’e ka t’i Mefibosete, Mika ty añara’e. Songa nimpitoro’ i Mefibosete o mpimoneñe añ’ anjomba’ i Tsibào.
13 Forsothe Myphibosech dwellide in Jerusalem; for he eet contynueli of the kingis boord, and was crokid on either foot.
Fe nimoneñe e Ierosalaime ao t’i Mefibosete, amy te mpikama am-pandambaña’ i mpanjakay, ie nikepek’ am-pandia’e roe.