< 2 Samuel 17 >

1 Therfor Achitofel seide to Absolon, Y schal chese twelue thousynde of men `to me, and Y schal rise, and pursue Dauid in this nyyt.
dixit igitur Ahitofel ad Absalom eligam mihi duodecim milia virorum et consurgens persequar David hac nocte
2 And Y schal falle on hym, for he is wery, and with vnboundun hondis Y schal smyte hym. And whanne al the puple fleeth which is with hym, Y schal smyte the kyng `desolat, ether left aloone.
et inruens super eum quippe qui lassus est et solutis manibus percutiam eum cumque fugerit omnis populus qui cum eo est percutiam regem desolatum
3 And Y schal lede ayen al the puple, as o man is wont to turne ayen; for thou sekist o man, and al the puple schal be in pees.
et reducam universum populum quomodo omnis reverti solet unum enim virum tu quaeris et omnis populus erit in pace
4 And the word of him plesyde Absolon, and alle the grete men in birthe of Israel.
placuitque sermo eius Absalom et cunctis maioribus natu Israhel
5 Forsothe Absolon seide, Clepe ye also Chusy of Arath, and here we what also he seith.
ait autem Absalom vocate et Husai Arachiten et audiamus quid etiam ipse dicat
6 And whanne Chusi hadde come to Absolon, Absolon seide to hym. Achitofel spak siche a word; owen we do, ethir nay? what counsel yyuest thou?
cumque venisset Husai ad Absalom ait Absalom ad eum huiuscemodi sermonem locutus est Ahitofel facere debemus an non quod das consilium
7 And Chusi seide to Absolon, This is not good counsel, which Achitofel yaf in this tyme.
et dixit Husai ad Absalom non bonum consilium quod dedit Ahitofel hac vice
8 And eft Chusi seide, Thou knowist, that thi fadir, and the men that ben with him, ben moost stronge, and in bitter soule, as if a femal bere is fers in the forest, whanne the whelpis ben rauyschid; but also thi fader is a man werriour, and he schal not dwelle with the puple.
et rursum intulit Husai tu nosti patrem tuum et viros qui cum eo sunt esse fortissimos et amaro animo veluti si ursa raptis catulis in saltu saeviat sed et pater tuus vir bellator est nec morabitur cum populo
9 In hap now he is hid in the dichis, ethir in o place, in which he wole; and whanne ony man fallith in the bigynnyng, who euer schal here, he schal here, and schal seie, Wounde is maad in the puple that suede Absolon.
forsitan nunc latitat in foveis aut in uno quo voluerit loco et cum ceciderit unus quilibet in principio audiet quicumque audierit et dicet facta est plaga in populo qui sequebatur Absalom
10 And ech strongeste man, whos herte is as `the herte of a lioun, schal be discoumfortid for drede; for al the puple of Israel knowith, that thi fadir is strong, and that alle men ben stronge, that ben with him.
et fortissimus quoque cuius cor est quasi leonis pavore solvetur scit enim omnis populus Israhel fortem esse patrem tuum et robustos omnes qui cum eo sunt
11 But this semeth to me to be riytful counsel; al Israel be gaderid to thee, fro Dan `til to Bersabee, vnnoumbrable as the soond of the see; and thou schalt be in the myddis of hem.
sed hoc mihi videtur rectum esse consilium congregetur ad te universus Israhel a Dan usque Bersabee quasi harena maris innumerabilis et tu eris in medio eorum
12 And we schulen falle on hym, in what euer place he is foundun, and we schulen hile hym, as dew is wont to falle on the erthe; and we schulen not leeue of the men that ben with hym, `sotheli not oon.
et inruemus super eum in quocumque loco fuerit inventus et operiemus eum sicut cadere solet ros super terram et non relinquemus de viris qui cum eo sunt ne unum quidem
13 `That if he entrith in to ony citee, al Israel schal cumpasse that citee with roopis, and we schulen drawe it in to the stronde, that no thing be foundun, sotheli not a litil stoon therof.
quod si urbem aliquam fuerit ingressus circumdabit omnis Israhel civitati illi funes et trahemus eam in torrentem ut non repperiatur nec calculus quidem ex ea
14 And Absolon seide, and alle the men of Israel, The counsel of Chusi of Arath is betere than the counsel of Achitofel; sotheli the profitable counsel of Achitofel was destried bi Goddis wille, that the Lord schulde brynge in yuel on Absolon.
dixitque Absalom et omnis vir Israhel melius consilium Husai Arachitae consilio Ahitofel Domini autem nutu dissipatum est consilium Ahitofel utile ut induceret Dominus super Absalom malum
15 And Chusi seide to Sadoch and to Abiathar, preestis, Achitofel yaf counsel to Absolon, and to the eldere men of Israel in this and this maner, and Y yaf sich and sich counsel.
et ait Husai Sadoc et Abiathar sacerdotibus hoc et hoc modo consilium dedit Ahitofel Absalom et senibus Israhel et ego tale et tale dedi consilium
16 Now therfor sende ye soone, and telle ye to Dauid, and seie ye, Dwelle thou not this nyyt in the feeldi places of deseert, but passe thou with out delay; lest perauenture the kyng be destried, and al the puple which is with hym.
nunc ergo mittite cito et nuntiate David dicentes ne moremini nocte hac in campestribus deserti sed absque dilatione transgredere ne forte absorbeatur rex et omnis populus qui cum eo est
17 Forsothe Jonathas and Achymaas stoden bisidis the welle of Rogel; an handmaide yede, and telde to hem, and thei yeden forth to telle the message to kyng Dauid; for thei myyten not be seyn, nether entre in to the citee.
Ionathan autem et Achimaas stabant iuxta fontem Rogel abiit ancilla et nuntiavit eis et illi profecti sunt ut referrent ad regem David nuntium non enim poterant videri aut introire civitatem
18 Forsothe a child siy hem, and he schewide to Absolon; sotheli thei entriden with swift goyng in to the hows of `sum man in Bahurym, that hadde a pit in his place, and thei yeden doun in to that pit.
vidit autem eos quidam puer et indicavit Absalom illi vero concito gradu ingressi sunt domum cuiusdam viri in Baurim qui habebat puteum in vestibulo suo et descenderunt in eum
19 Forsothe a womman took, and spred abrood an hilyng of the mouth of the pit as driynge `barli with the pile takun a wey, and so the thing was hid.
tulit autem mulier et expandit velamen super os putei quasi siccans ptisanas et sic res latuit
20 And whanne the seruauntis of Absolon hadde come in to the hows, thei seiden to the womman, Where is Achymaas and Jonathas? And the womman answeride to hem, Thei passiden hastily, whanne `watir was tastid a litil. And whanne thei that souyten hem hadden not founde, thei turneden ayen in to Jerusalem.
cumque venissent servi Absalom ad mulierem in domum dixerunt ubi est Achimaas et Ionathan et respondit eis mulier transierunt gustata paululum aqua at hii qui quaerebant cum non repperissent reversi sunt Hierusalem
21 And whanne thei `that souyten hadden go, thei stieden fro the pit; and thei yeden, and telden to kyng Dauid, and seiden, Rise ye, passe ye soone the flood, for Achitofel yaf sich counsel ayens you.
cumque abissent ascenderunt illi de puteo et pergentes nuntiaverunt regi David atque dixerunt surgite transite cito fluvium quoniam huiuscemodi dedit consilium contra vos Ahitofel
22 Therfor Dauid roos, and al the puple that was with hym, and thei passiden Jordan, til it was cleer dai, bifor that the word was pupplischid; and sotheli not oon was left, that `passide not the flood.
surrexit ergo David et omnis populus qui erat cum eo et transierunt Iordanem donec dilucesceret et ne unus quidem residuus fuit qui non transisset fluvium
23 Forsothe Achitofel siy, that his counsel was not doon, and he sadlide his asse, and roos, and yede in to his hows, and in to his citee; and whanne his hows was disposid, he perischide bi hangyng, and he was biried in the sepulcre of his fadir.
porro Ahitofel videns quod non fuisset factum consilium suum stravit asinum suum et surrexit et abiit in domum suam et in civitatem suam et disposita domo sua suspendio interiit et sepultus est in sepulchro patris sui
24 Sotheli Dauid cam in to the castels, and Absolon passide Jordan, he and alle the men of Israel with hym.
David autem venit in Castra et Absalom transivit Iordanem ipse et omnis vir Israhel cum eo
25 Forsothe Absolon ordeynede Amasan for Joab on the oost; forsothe Amasan was the sone of a man that was clepid Jethra of Jeyrael, which entride to Abigail, douyter of Naas, the sistir of Saruye, that was the modir of Joab.
Amasam vero constituit Absalom pro Ioab super exercitum Amasa autem erat filius viri qui vocabatur Iethra de Hiesreli qui ingressus est ad Abigail filiam Naas sororem Sarviae quae fuit mater Ioab
26 And Israel settide tentis with Absolon in the lond of Galaad.
et castrametatus est Israhel cum Absalom in terra Galaad
27 And whanne Dauid hadde come in to castels, Sobi, the sone of Naas of Rabath, of the sones of Amon, and Machir, the sone of Amyel, of Lodobar, and Berzellai, of Galaad,
cumque venisset David in Castra Sobi filius Naas de Rabbath filiorum Ammon et Machir filius Ammihel de Lodabar et Berzellai Galaadites de Rogelim
28 of Rogelym, brouyten to hym beddyngis, and tapitis, and erthun vessels, wheete, and barli, and mele, and flour, and benys, and lente, and fried chichis, and hony,
obtulerunt ei stratoria et tappetia et vasa fictilia frumentum et hordeum et farinam pulentam et fabam et lentem frixum cicer
29 and botere, and scheep, and fatte calues. And thei yauen to Dauid, and to the puple that weren with hym, to ete; for thei supposiden the puple to be maad feynt for hungur and thirst in deseert.
et mel et butyrum oves et pingues vitulos dederuntque David et populo qui cum eo erat ad vescendum suspicati enim sunt populum fame et siti fatigari in deserto

< 2 Samuel 17 >