< 2 Samuel 15 >

1 Therfor aftir these thingis Absolon made a chaar to hym, and knyytis, and fifti men, that schulden go bifor hym.
Igitur post hæc fecit sibi Absalom currus, et equites, et quinquaginta viros, qui præcederent eum.
2 And Absolon roos eerli, and stood bisidis the entryng of the yate in the weie; and Absolon clepide to hym ech man, that hadde a cause that he schulde come to the doom of the kyng, and Absolon seide, Of what citee art thou? Which answeride, and seide, Of o lynage of Israel Y am, thi seruaunt.
Et mane consurgens Absalom, stabat iuxta introitum portæ, et omnem virum, qui habebat negotium ut veniret ad regis iudicium, vocabat Absalom ad se, et dicebat: De qua civitate es tu? Qui respondens aiebat: Ex una tribu Israel ego sum servus tuus.
3 And Absolon answeride to hym, Thi wordis semen to me good and iust, but noon is ordeyned of the kyng to here thee. And Absolon seide, Who schal ordeyne me iuge on the lond,
Respondebatque ei Absalom: Videntur mihi sermones tui boni et iusti. Sed non est qui te audiat constitutus a rege. Dicebatque Absalom:
4 that alle men that han cause come to me, and Y deme iustly?
Quis me constituat iudicem super terram, ut ad me veniant omnes, qui habent negotium, et iuste iudicem?
5 But whanne a man cam to Absolon to greete hym, he helde forth the hond, and took, and kisside that man;
Sed et cum accederet ad eum homo ut salutaret illum, extendebat manum suam, et apprehendens, osculabatur eum.
6 and Absolon dide this to al Israel, that cam to doom to be herd of the kyng; and Absolon drow awei the hertis of men of Israel.
Faciebatque hoc omni Israel venienti ad iudicium, ut audiretur a rege, et solicitabat corda virorum Israel.
7 Forsothe aftir foure yeer Absolon seide to kyng Dauid, Y schal go, and Y schal yelde my vowis, whiche Y vowide to the Lord in Ebron;
Post quadraginta autem annos, dixit Absalom ad regem David: Vadam, et reddam vota mea quæ vovi Domino in Hebron.
8 for thi seruaunt vowynge vowide, whanne he was in Gessur of Sirie, and seide, If the Lord bryngith ayen me in to Jerusalem, Y schal make sacrifice to the Lord.
Vovens enim vovit servus tuus, cum esset in Gessur Syriæ, dicens: Si reduxerit me Dominus in Ierusalem, sacrificabo Domino.
9 And the kyng seide to hym, Go thou in pees. And Absolon roos, and yede in to Ebron.
Dixitque ei rex David: Vade in pace. Et surrexit, et abiit in Hebron.
10 Forsothe Absolon sente aspieris in to al the lynage of Israel, and seide, Anoon as ye heren the sown of clarioun, seye ye, Absolon schal regne in Ebron.
Misit autem Absalom exploratores in universas tribus Israel, dicens: Statim ut audieritis clangorem buccinæ, dicite: Regnavit Absalom in Hebron.
11 Forsothe twei hundrid men clepid of Jerusalem yeden with Absolon, and yede with symple herte, and outirli thei knewen not the cause.
Porro cum Absalom ierunt ducenti viri de Ierusalem vocati, euntes simplici corde, et causam penitus ignorantes.
12 Also Absolon clepide Achitofel of Gilo, the councelour of Dauid, fro his citee Gilo. And whanne he offride sacrifices a strong swerynge togidere was maad, and the puple rennynge togidere was encreessid with Absolon.
Accersivit quoque Absalom Achitophel Gilonitem consiliarium David, de civitate sua Gilo. Cumque immolaret victimas, facta est coniuratio valida, populusque concurrens augebatur cum Absalom.
13 Therfor a messanger cam to Dauid, and seide, With al herte al Israel sueth Absolon.
Venit igitur nuncius ad David, dicens: Toto corde universus Israel sequitur Absalom.
14 And Dauid seide to hise seruauntis that weren with hym in Jerusalem, Rise ye, and flee we; for noon ascaping schal be to us fro the face of Absolon; therfor haste ye to go out, lest he come, and ocupie vs, and fille on vs fallynge, and smyte the citee bi the scharpnesse of swerd.
Et ait David servis suis, qui erant cum eo in Ierusalem: Surgite, fugiamus: neque enim erit nobis effugium a facie Absalom: festinate egredi, ne forte veniens occupet nos, et impellat super nos ruinam, et percutiat civitatem in ore gladii.
15 And the seruauntis of the kyng seiden to hym, We thi seruauntis schulen performe gladli alle thingis, what euer thingis oure lord the kyng schal comaunde.
Dixeruntque servi regis ad eum: omnia quæcumque præceperit dominus noster rex, libenter exequemur servi tui.
16 Therfor the kyng yede out, and al his hous, on her feet; and the king lefte ten wymmen concubyns, `that is, secundarie wyues, to kepe the hous.
Egressus est ergo rex, et universa domus eius pedibus suis: et dereliquit rex decem mulieres concubinas ad custodiendam domum.
17 And the king yede out, and al Israel, on her feet, and the kyng stood fer fro the hous.
Egressusque rex et omnis Israel pedibus suis, stetit procul a domo:
18 And alle hise seruauntis yeden bisidis him, and the legiouns of Cerethi and of Ferethi, and alle men of Geth `strong fiyters, sixe hundrid men, that sueden him fro Geth, yeden on foote bifor the kyng.
et universi servi eius ambulabant iuxta eum, et legiones Cerethi, et Phelethi, et omnes Gethæi, pugnatores validi, sexcenti viri qui secuti eum fuerant de Geth pedites, præcedebant regem.
19 Forsothe the kyng seide to Ethai of Geth, Whi comest thou with vs? Turne thou ayen, and dwelle with the kyng, for thou art a pilgrym, and thou yedist out fro thi place.
Dixit autem rex ad Ethai Gethæum: Cur venis nobiscum? Revertere, et habita cum rege, quia peregrinus es, et egressus es de loco tuo.
20 Thou camest yistirdai, and to dai thou art compellid to go out with vs. Sotheli Y schal go, whidur Y schal go; turne ayen, and lede ayen thi britheren with thee, and the Lord do mercy and treuthe with thee, for thou schewidist grace and feith.
Heri venisti, et hodie compelleris nobiscum egredi? Ego autem vadam quo iturus sum: revertere, et reduc tecum fratres tuos, et Dominus faciet tecum misericordiam, et veritatem, quia ostendisti gratiam et fidem.
21 And Ethai answeride to the kyng, and seide, The Lord lyueth, and my lord the kyng lyueth, for in what euer place thou schalt be, my lord the kyng, ether in deeth ethir in lijf, there thi seruaunt schal be.
Et respondit Ethai regi, dicens: Vivit Dominus, et vivit dominus meus rex: quoniam in quocumque loco fueris domine mi rex, sive in morte, sive in vita, ibi erit servus tuus.
22 And Dauid seide to Ethay, Come thou, and passe. And Ethai of Geth passide, and the kyng, and alle men that weren with hym, and the tother multitude.
Et ait David Ethai: Veni, et transi. Et transivit Ethai Gethæus, et omnes viri, qui cum eo erant, et reliqua multitudo.
23 And alle men wepten with greet vois, and al the puple passide; and the kyng yede ouer the strond of Cedron, and al the puple yede ayens the weie of the olyue tree, that biholdith to deseert.
Omnesque flebant voce magna, et universus populus transibat: rex quoque transgrediebatur Torrentem Cedron, et cunctus populus incedebat contra viam, quæ respicit ad desertum.
24 Forsothe and Sadoch the preest cam, and alle the dekenes with hym, and thei baren the arke of boond of pees of God, and thei diden doun the arke of God; and Abiathar stiede, til al the puple was passid that yede out of the citee.
Venit autem et Sadoc sacerdos, et universi Levitæ cum eo, portantes arcam fœderis Dei, et deposuerunt arcam Dei: et ascendit Abiathar, donec expletus esset omnis populus, qui egressus fuerat de civitate.
25 And the kyng seide to Sadoch, Bere ayen the arke of God in to the citee; if Y schal fynde grace in the iyen of the Lord, he schal lede me ayen, and he schal schewe to me that arke and his tabernacle.
Et dixit rex ad Sadoc: Reporta arcam Dei in urbem: si invenero gratiam in oculis Domini, reducet me, et ostendet mihi eam, et tabernaculum suum.
26 Sotheli if the Lord seith, Thou plesist not me; Y am redi, do he that, that is good bifor hym silf.
Si autem dixerit mihi: Non places: præsto sum, faciat quod bonum est coram se.
27 And the kyng seide to Sadoch, preest, A! thou seere, `that is, profete, turne ayen in to the citee, with pees; and Achymaas, thi sone, and Jonathas, the sone of Abiathar, youre twei sones, be with you.
Et dixit rex ad Sadoc sacerdotem: O videns revertere in civitatem in pace: et Achimaas filius tuus, et Ionathas filius Abiathar duo filii vestri, sint vobiscum.
28 Lo! Y schal be hid in the feeldi places of deseert, til word come fro you, and schewe to me.
Ecce ego abscondar in campestribus deserti, donec veniat sermo a vobis indicans mihi.
29 Therfor Sadoch and Abiathar baren ayen the arke of God in to Jerusalem, and dwelliden there.
Reportaverunt ergo Sadoc, et Abiathar arcam Dei in Ierusalem: et manserunt ibi.
30 Forsothe Dauid stiede on the hil of olyue trees, stiynge and wepynge, with the heed hilyd, and `goynge with nakid feet; but also al the puple that was with hym, stiede with the heed hilid, and wepte.
Porro David ascendebat clivum Olivarum, scandens et flens, nudis pedibus incedens, et operto capite, sed et omnis populus, qui erat cum eo, operto capite ascendebat plorans.
31 Forsothe it was teld to Dauid, that Achitofel was in the sweryng togidere with Absolon; and Dauid seide, Lord, Y byseche, make thou fonned the counsel of Achitofel.
Nunciatum est autem David quod et Achitophel esset in coniuratione cum Absalom, dixitque David: Infatua, quæso, Domine consilium Achitophel.
32 And whanne Dauid stiede in to the hiyenesse of the hil, in which he schulde worschipe the Lord, lo! Cusi of Arath, with the cloth to-rent, and with the heed ful of erthe, cam to hym.
Cumque ascenderet David summitatem montis, in quo adoraturus erat Dominum, ecce occurrit ei Chusai Arachites, scissa veste, et terra pleno capite.
33 And Dauid seide to hym, If thou comest with me, thou schalt be to me to charge; sotheli if thou turnest ayen in to the citee,
Et dixit ei David: Si veneris mecum, eris mihi oneri:
34 and seist to Absolon, Y am thi seruaunt, kyng, suffre thou me to lyue; as Y was the seruaunt of thi fadir, so Y schal be thi seruaunt; thou schalt distrye the counsel of Achitofel.
si autem in civitatem revertaris, et dixeris Absalom: Servus tuus sum, rex: sicut fui servus patris tui, sic ero servus tuus: dissipabis consilium Achitophel.
35 Forsothe thou hast with thee Sadoch and Abiathar, preestis; and `thou schalt schewe ech word, what euer word thou schalt here in the hows of the kyng, to Sadoch and Abiathar, preestis.
Habes autem tecum Sadoc, et Abiathar sacerdotes: et omne verbum quodcumque audieris de domo regis, indicabis Sadoc, et Abiathar sacerdotibus.
36 Sotheli twei sones `of hem ben with hem, Achymaas, sone of Sadoch, and Jonathan, sone of Abiathar; and ye schulen sende bi hem to me ech word which ye schulen here.
Sunt autem cum eis duo filii eorum Achimaas filius Sadoc, et Ionathas filius Abiathar: et mittetis per eos ad me omne verbum quod audieritis.
37 Therfor whanne Chusi, freend of Dauid, cam in to the citee, also Absolon entryde in to Jerusalem.
Veniente ergo Chusai amico David in civitatem, Absalom quoque ingressus est Ierusalem.

< 2 Samuel 15 >